39 research outputs found

    Vestibular involvement in adults with HIV/AIDS

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    OBJECTIVE : HIV/AIDS is responsible for widespread clinical manifestations involving the head, and neck.The prevalence and nature of vestibular involvement is still largely unknown. This study, aimed to describe and compare the occurrence and nature of vestibular involvement among a group of, adults infected with HIV compared to a control group. It also aimed to compare the vestibular function, of symptomatic and asymptomatic HIV positive adults who receive antiretroviral (ARV) therapies to,subjects not receiving ARV. METHODS : A cross-sectional study was conducted on 53 adults (29 male, 24 female, aged 23–49 years,mean = 38.5, SD = 4.4) infected with HIV, compared to a control group of 38 HIV negative adults (18,male, 20 female, aged 20–49 years, mean = 36.9, SD = 8.2). A structured interview probed the subjective,perception of vestibular symptoms. Medical records were reviewed for CD4+ cell counts and the use of, ARV medication. An otologic assessment and a comprehensive vestibular assessment (bedside,assessments, vestibular evoked myogenic potentials, ocular motor and positional tests and bithermal,caloric irrigation) were conducted. RESULTS : Vestibular involvement occurred in 79.2% of subjects with HIV in all categories of disease,progression, compared to 18.4% in those without HIV. Vestibular involvement increased from 18.9% in CDC category 1 to 30.2% in category 2. Vestibular involvement was 30.1% in category 3. There were,vestibular involvement in 35.9% of symptomatic HIV positive subjects, and 41.5% in asymptomatic, HIV positive subjects. There was no significant difference in the occurrence of vestibular involvement, in subjects receiving ARV therapies compared to those not receiving ARV therapies (p = .914; chi-square,test). The odds ratio indicates that individuals with HIV have a 16.61 times higher risk of developing,vestibular involvement during their lifetime of living with the disease and that it may occur despite,being asymptomatic. CONCLUSION : Vestibular involvement was significantly more common in subjects with HIV. Primary health care providers could screen HIV positive patients to ascertain if there are symptoms of vestibular involvement. If there are any, then they may consider further vestibular assessments and subsequent vestibular rehabilitation therapy.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/anlhb201

    Evaluation of Formant-Like Features for ASR

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    This paper investigates possibilities to automatically find a low-dimensional, formant-related physical representation of the speech signal, which is suitable for automatic speech recognition (ASR). This aim is motivated by the fact that formants have been shown to be discriminant features for ASR. Combinations of automatically extracted formant-like features and `conventional', noise-robust, state-of-the-art features (such as MFCCs including spectral subtraction and cepstral mean subtraction) have previously been shown to be more robust in adverse conditions than state-of-the-art features alone. However, it is not clear how these automatically extracted formant-like features behave in comparison with true formants. The purpose of this paper is to investigate two methods to automatically extract formant-like features, and to compare these features to hand-labeled formant tracks as well as to standard MFCCs in terms of their performance on a vowel classification task

    Auditory and otological manifestations in adults with HIV/AIDS

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    Objectives: This study aimed to describe the prevalence and nature of auditory and otological manifestations in adults with HIV/AIDS through clinical examinations and selfreported symptoms across stages of disease progression. Design: Descriptive, cross-sectional group design. Study Sample: Two hundred HIV positive adult patients attending the Infectious Disease Clinic of a tertiary referral hospital in Pretoria, South Africa were included through convenience sampling. Patients were interviewed, medical files were reviewed and clinical examinations, including otoscopy, tympanometry, pure tone audiometry and distortion product oto-acoustic emissions, were conducted. An age, gender, working-environment and race-matched control group were compiled and hearing loss prevalence were compared. Results: Tinnitus (26%), vertigo (25%) hearing loss (27.5%), otalgia (19%) and ear canal pruritis (38%) were prevalent self-reported symptoms. Abnormalities in otoscopy, tympanometry and otoacoustic emissions were evident in 55, 41 and 44% of patients respectively. Pure tone average (PTA) hearing loss >25 dBHL was evident in 14% of patients and 39% for hearing loss >15 dBHL (PTA). An increase in self reported vertigo, self reported hearing loss, OAE abnormalities and hearing loss (PTA>15dBHL and PTA>25dBHL) was seen with disease progression but was not statistically significant. A significant increase (p<.05) in sensorineural hearing loss was evident with disease progression. Significant differences were found between the average thresholds in the test and control group throughout the frequency spectrum. Conclusions: Auditory and otological symptoms are common in patients with HIV with a general increase of symptoms, especially sensorineural hearing loss, towards advanced stages of disease progression.Partial funding of this project : Centre for the study of AIDS, University of Pretoriahttp://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/14992027.asphb201

    The satisfactory growth and development at 2 years of age of the INTERGROWTH-21st Fetal Growth Standards cohort support its appropriateness for constructing international standards.

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    BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization recommends that human growth should be monitored with the use of international standards. However, in obstetric practice, we continue to monitor fetal growth using numerous local charts or equations that are based on different populations for each body structure. Consistent with World Health Organization recommendations, the INTERGROWTH-21st Project has produced the first set of international standards to date pregnancies; to monitor fetal growth, estimated fetal weight, Doppler measures, and brain structures; to measure uterine growth, maternal nutrition, newborn infant size, and body composition; and to assess the postnatal growth of preterm babies. All these standards are based on the same healthy pregnancy cohort. Recognizing the importance of demonstrating that, postnatally, this cohort still adhered to the World Health Organization prescriptive approach, we followed their growth and development to the key milestone of 2 years of age. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine whether the babies in the INTERGROWTH-21st Project maintained optimal growth and development in childhood. STUDY DESIGN: In the Infant Follow-up Study of the INTERGROWTH-21st Project, we evaluated postnatal growth, nutrition, morbidity, and motor development up to 2 years of age in the children who contributed data to the construction of the international fetal growth, newborn infant size and body composition at birth, and preterm postnatal growth standards. Clinical care, feeding practices, anthropometric measures, and assessment of morbidity were standardized across study sites and documented at 1 and 2 years of age. Weight, length, and head circumference age- and sex-specific z-scores and percentiles and motor development milestones were estimated with the use of the World Health Organization Child Growth Standards and World Health Organization milestone distributions, respectively. For the preterm infants, corrected age was used. Variance components analysis was used to estimate the percentage variability among individuals within a study site compared with that among study sites. RESULTS: There were 3711 eligible singleton live births; 3042 children (82%) were evaluated at 2 years of age. There were no substantive differences between the included group and the lost-to-follow up group. Infant mortality rate was 3 per 1000; neonatal mortality rate was 1.6 per 1000. At the 2-year visit, the children included in the INTERGROWTH-21st Fetal Growth Standards were at the 49th percentile for length, 50th percentile for head circumference, and 58th percentile for weight of the World Health Organization Child Growth Standards. Similar results were seen for the preterm subgroup that was included in the INTERGROWTH-21st Preterm Postnatal Growth Standards. The cohort overlapped between the 3rd and 97th percentiles of the World Health Organization motor development milestones. We estimated that the variance among study sites explains only 5.5% of the total variability in the length of the children between birth and 2 years of age, although the variance among individuals within a study site explains 42.9% (ie, 8 times the amount explained by the variation among sites). An increase of 8.9 cm in adult height over mean parental height is estimated to occur in the cohort from low-middle income countries, provided that children continue to have adequate health, environmental, and nutritional conditions. CONCLUSION: The cohort enrolled in the INTERGROWTH-21st standards remained healthy with adequate growth and motor development up to 2 years of age, which supports its appropriateness for the construction of international fetal and preterm postnatal growth standards

    Performance of an axial flow helium compressor under high through-flow conditions

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    Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this investigation is to determine the performance of an axial ow compressor operating in a closed loop helium cycle under high through- ow conditions. The GTHTR300 four-stage helium test compressor was chosen for this investigation. Limited information on the helium test compressor's blade pro les are available, therefore a mathematical model was developed to calculate the blade geometries based on the theory of Lieblein and Aungier. A locally available three-stage compressor was used to con rm whether the mathematical model calculated the blade pro le geometries correctly. The Stellenbosch University Compressor Code (SUCC), an axisymmetric inviscid through- ow code, was used to compare the performance of the calculated three-stage compressor blade geometries with available experimental data. Excellent correlation was obtained, thus it was concluded that the mathematical model as well as the SUCC could be used to predict the performance of an axial ow compressor. The blade geometries of the helium test compressor were calculated and the pressure ratio and e ciency predictions of the SUCC correlated well with the experimental data. The helium test compressor was simulated to verify the calculated blade geometries further using the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) package NUMECA FINE /Turbo. The FINE /Turbo pressure ratio and e ciency predictions compared adequately with the SUCC and available experimental data, especially in the design region. At high mass ow rates the stator blade row experiences negative incidence stall which results in a large recirculation zone in the stator blade wake.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie ondersoek is om vas te stel wat die werkverrigting is van 'n aksiale kompressor in 'n geslote lus helium siklus onderhewig aan hoë deurvloei kondisies. Die GTHTR300 vier-stadium helium toets kompressor is gekies vir die ondersoek. Daar is egter beperkte inligting oor die helium kompressor se lem geometrie, dus is 'n wiskundige model ontwikkel om dit te bereken gebaseer op die werk van Lieblein en Aungier. Om te bevestig dat die lem geometrie akkuraat was, was die lem geometrie van die 'n plaaslike beskikbare drie-stadium kompressor bereken. Die Stellenbosch University Compressor Code (SUCC), 'n aksisimmetriese nie-viskeuse deurvloei kode, is gebruik om die prestasie van die berekende lem geometrie met beskikbare eksperimentele data te vergelyk. Uitstekende korrelasie is verkry vir die drukverhouding en benuttingsgraad resultate, dus is die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat die wiskundige model sowel as die SUCC gebruik kon word om die lem geometrie en werkverrigting van aksiale kompressors te bereken en voorspel. Die helium toets kompressor is gesimuleer met behulp van die numeriese vloei-dinamika pakket NUMECA FINE /Turbo om die berkende lem geometrie verder te veri eer. Die FINE /Turbo drukverhouding en benuttingsgraad resultate het goed gekorreleer met beide die SUCC resultate en eksperimentele data, veral in die ontwerpsgebied. Teen hoë massa vloei tempo's vind daar groot wegbreking teen negatiewe invalshoek plaas in die stator lemry en dit veroorsaak 'n hersirkulasie sone in die naloop van die stator lem

    The short and long term effects of retrenchment announcements on South African share prices

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    The body of literature relating to staff retrenchment announcements is both extensive and broad and covers the impact of staff layoffs from an employee, company and wider society perspective. This paper takes the form of an event study and sets out to investigate whether investors on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE), are able to make abnormal returns, 35 days prior to a staff retrenchment announcement, and over a 180 day window, after an announcement has been made. The stock exchange news service (SENS) database was used as a source for all of the retrenchment announcements made over the period 2001 to 2014. All announcements containing confounding events were removed, before a final population of 60 announcements was selected. After stratifying the list of companies by market capitalisation and frequency of announcements, statistical tests were run on the five datasets to test for abnormal returns. The study observed significant abnormal returns on the first day after an announcement (Day 1) in three of the five datasets. Companies with small market capitalisations produced significant abnormal returns 25 to 35 days prior to the announcement, whilst the short-term effects of the announcement were less pronounced in the group of companies that made multiple announcements.Mini Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2015.sn2016Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS)MBAUnrestricte

    Performance investigation of a turbocharger compressor

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    Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2011.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Stellenbosch University participated in a project to re-design the compressor section of a diesel locomotive turbocharger. Tests conducted on the prototype compressor showed possible rotating stall in the diffuser section before the designed higher pressure ratio could be achieved. When approaching the higher pressure ratio, the compressor inlet trunk started to rhythmically collapse (due to suction), the engine shook and bellows of black smoke were exhausted by the engine. It was decided to simulate the prototype compressor's operation by using the 1-D theory of Aungier (2000) and to perform a 3-D CFD analysis of the compressor using FINE/Turbo of NUMECA International. A veri cation process was followed to show the accuracy of the 1-D and 3-D modelling methods using two well-known centrifugal compressor test cases found in the literature, namely the O-Rotor by Eckardt (1975, 1976, 1980) and the "Radiver" open CFD test case by Ziegler et al. (2003c). Results from the models were compared to available experimental results and the accuracy was found to be su cient to investigate the prototype compressor's impeller and diffuser. Both prediction methods con rmed separation in the vaned di user across the entire operating ow range of the prototype compressor at the design impeller speed. The 3-D method identi ed supersonic ow at the vaned diffuser inlet at the operating point and also predicted a smaller operating range than originally anticipated. Both the 1-D and 3-D methods also predicted impeller blade stall over the entire operating ow range at the design impeller speed. A recommendation was made to redesign the impeller and diffuser of the prototype compressor.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Universiteit van Stellenbosch het deel geneem aan 'n projek om die kompressor gedeelte van 'n diesel lokomotief se turbo-aanjaer te herontwerp. Toetse uitgevoer op die prototipe kompressor het moontlike roterende wegbreking in die diffuser seksie uitgewys voordat die ontwerpte hoër drukverhouding bereik kon word. Toe die hoër drukverhouding genader is, het die kompressor inlaatpyp begin ritmies inmekaar vou (as gevolg van die suig aksie), die enjin het geskud en wolke swart rook is deur die enjin uitgeblaas. Die besluit is geneem om die prototipe kompressor se werking te simuleer met behulp van die 1-D teorie van Aungier (2000) en om ook 'n 3-D berekenings vloeimeganika (BVM) analise op die kompressor uit te voer met behulp van FINE/Turbo van NUMECA Internasionaal. 'n Veri kasieproses is gevolg om die akkuraatheid van die 1-D en 3-D modelle te illustreer met behulp van twee welbekende sentrifugaal kompressor toetsgevalle beskikbaar in die literatuur, naamlik die O-Rotor deur Eckardt (1975, 1976, 1980) en die "Radiver" oop BVM toetsgeval deur Ziegler et al. (2003c). Resultate van die modelle is vergelyk met beskikbare eksperimentele resultate en die bevinding is gemaak dat die akkuraatheid genoegsaam is om die prototipe kompressor se rotor en diffuser te ondersoek. Beide voorspellingsmetodes het wegbreking bevestig in die gelemde diffuser oor die hele werksbestek van die prototipe kompressor teen die ontwerp rotorspoed. Die 3-D metode het supersoniese vloei by die gelemde diffuser se inlaat by die bedryfspunt geïdenti seer en het ook 'n kleiner werksbestek voorspel as wat vroeër verwag is. Beide die 1-D en 3-D metodes het ook wegbreking in die rotor oor die hele werksbestek teen die ontwerp rotorspoed voorspel. 'n Voorstel is gemaak om die rotor en diffuser van die prototipe kompressor te herontwerp

    The occurrence and bioaccumulation of selected metals and radionuclides in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems on the Witwatersrand.

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    Ph.D.The investigations reported here conducted during 1990-1994 had the following objectives: Selection of representative localities in impoundments and rivers in wetlands affected by radionuclide- and metal-containing effluents and seepage water from mines and metal-processing industries. To determine the occurrence and concentration of radionuclides and selected metals in mine- and industry-polluted waters and sediments in catchments of the Blesbokspruit, the Klip River and the Crocodile River systems. To establish radionuclide and metal concentrations in some semi-aquatic and aquatic weeds in these mine- and industry-polluted waters with observations on the ability of some plants to accumulate certain metals in their roots and/or shoots. To evaluate some benthic macro-invertebrate organisms as possible indicators of radionuclide and metal pollution in the affected streams. To determine the radionuclide and metal concentrations in selected vegetable crops irrigated with mine- and industry-polluted water. The localities where the investigation took place were mainly in wetland regions on the East and West Rand. Water of polluted streams traverse expansive wetlands containing floating, emergent and submerged aquatic vegetation. These plants play an important role in the recovery from pollution of the affected waters. Pollutants are also available to and accumulated by other aquatic organisms such as crabs, fish and birds. In addition, the same water is often used for the irrigation of vegetable crops, thereby creating potential pathways through which these pollutants may be consumed by humans. All the above objectives have largely been met in as such that potential sources of pollution were identified and pollutants detected in the abiotic (water and sediments) environment. These pollutants were also found in wetland biota as well as agricultural crops irrigated with contaminated water. Potential pathways for the transfer of these pollutants were identified and dose assessment modelling was conducted

    Acoustic Pre-Processing For Optimal Effectivity Of Missing Feature Theory

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    In this paper we investigate acoustic backing-off as an operationalization of Missing Feature Theory with the aim to increase recognition robustness. Acoustic backing-off effectively diminishes the detrimental influence of outlier values by using a new model of the probability density function of the feature values. The technique avoids the need for explicit outlier detection. Situations that are handled best by Missing Feature Theory are those where only part of the coefficients are disturbed and the rest of the vector is unaffected. Consequently, one may predict that acoustic feature representations that smear local spectrotemporal distortions over all feature vector elements are inherently less suitable for automatic speech recognition. Our experiments seem to confirm this prediction. Using additive band limited noise as a distortion and comparing four different types of feature representations, we found that the best recognition performance is obtained with recognizers that use acoustic backingoff and that operate on feature types that minimally smear the distortion