2,693 research outputs found

    Die vryheidsbegrip van Pierre Teilhard de chardin in the phenomenon of man*

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    Ek hou vol dat die wêreld op vryheid gebaseer is” , sê Teilhard de Chardin en verduidelik voorts dat idles wat vry is, selfs by die mens, gereduseer kan word tot ’n gegewe aantal gedetermineerdhede (De Chardin, 1966:122). Vir horn is die vryheid wat voortspruit uit die wetmatige ontplooiing van die natuur, ’n triomfantelike manifestasie van die vindingrykheid van die lewe1). ’n Voorbeeld van hierdie vryheid binne die teleologiese ontwikkelingsgang van die natuur is die manier waarop nuwe vorme van lewe tot stand kom deur ’n proses van rondtasting2). Elke mutasie is toevallig en vry, onverskillig teenoor beide toekoms en eenheid, maar tog, deur ’n proses van natuurlike seleksie, leef net dié voort wat die verdere ontwikkeling en voortbestaan van die spesie bevoordeel. Dit is ook Teilhard se verklaring van die verskeidenheid vorme op elke trap van die evolusionêre leer, en sy verklaring van hoe daar van een trap na die ander oorgeskakel word

    A solar-wind-driven empirical model of Pc3 wave activity at a mid-latitude location

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    In this paper we describe the development of two empirical models of Pc3 wave activity observed at a ground station. The models are tasked to predict pulsation intensity at Tihany, Hungary, from the OMNI solar wind data set at 5 min time resolution. One model is based on artificial neural networks and the other on multiple linear regression. Input parameters to the models are iteratively selected from a larger set of candidate inputs. The optimal set of inputs are solar wind speed, interplanetary magnetic field orientation (via cone angle), proton density and solar zenith angle (representing local time). Solar wind measurements are shifted in time with respect to Pc3 data to account for the propagation time of ULF perturbations from upstream of the bow shock. Both models achieve correlation of about 70 % between measured and predicted Pc3 wave intensity. The timescales at which the most important solar wind parameters influence pulsation intensity are calculated for the first time. We show that solar wind speed influences pulsation intensity at much longer timescales (about 2 days) than cone angle (about 1 h)

    Empirically modelled Pc3 activity based on solar wind parameters

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    It is known that under certain solar wind (SW)/interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) conditions (e.g. high SW speed, low cone angle) the occurrence of ground-level Pc3–4 pulsations is more likely. In this paper we demonstrate that in the event of anomalously low SW particle density, Pc3 activity is extremely low regardless of otherwise favourable SW speed and cone angle. We re-investigate the SW control of Pc3 pulsation activity through a statistical analysis and two empirical models with emphasis on the influence of SW density on Pc3 activity. We utilise SW and IMF measurements from the OMNI project and ground-based magnetometer measurements from the MM100 array to relate SW and IMF measurements to the occurrence of Pc3 activity. Multiple linear regression and artificial neural network models are used in iterative processes in order to identify sets of SW-based input parameters, which optimally reproduce a set of Pc3 activity data. The inclusion of SW density in the parameter set significantly improves the models. Not only the density itself, but other density related parameters, such as the dynamic pressure of the SW, or the standoff distance of the magnetopause work equally well in the model. The disappearance of Pc3s during low-density events can have at least four reasons according to the existing upstream wave theory: 1. Pausing the ion-cyclotron resonance that generates the upstream ultra low frequency waves in the absence of protons, 2. Weakening of the bow shock that implies less efficient reflection, 3. The SW becomes sub-Alfvénic and hence it is not able to sweep back the waves propagating upstream with the Alfvén-speed, and 4. The increase of the standoff distance of the magnetopause (and of the bow shock). Although the models cannot account for the lack of Pc3s during intervals when the SW density is extremely low, the resulting sets of optimal model inputs support the generation of mid latitude Pc3 activity predominantly through upstream waves

    Empirically modelled Pc3 activity based on solar wind parameters

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    It is known that under certain solar wind (SW)/interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) conditions (e.g. high SW speed, low cone angle) the occurrence of ground-level Pc3–4 pulsations is more likely. In this paper we demonstrate that in the event of anomalously low SW particle density, Pc3 activity is extremely low regardless of otherwise favourable SW speed and cone angle. We re-investigate the SW control of Pc3 pulsation activity through a statistical analysis and two empirical models with emphasis on the influence of SW density on Pc3 activity. We utilise SW and IMF measurements from the OMNI project and ground-based magnetometer measurements from the MM100 array to relate SW and IMF measurements to the occurrence of Pc3 activity. Multiple linear regression and artificial neural network models are used in iterative processes in order to identify sets of SW-based input parameters, which optimally reproduce a set of Pc3 activity data. The inclusion of SW density in the parameter set significantly improves the models. Not only the density itself, but other density related parameters, such as the dynamic pressure of the SW, or the standoff distance of the magnetopause work equally well in the model. The disappearance of Pc3s during low-density events can have at least four reasons according to the existing upstream wave theory: 1. Pausing the ion-cyclotron resonance that generates the upstream ultra low frequency waves in the absence of protons, 2. Weakening of the bow shock that implies less efficient reflection, 3. The SW becomes sub-Alfvénic and hence it is not able to sweep back the waves propagating upstream with the Alfvén-speed, and 4. The increase of the standoff distance of the magnetopause (and of the bow shock). Although the models cannot account for the lack of Pc3s during intervals when the SW density is extremely low, the resulting sets of optimal model inputs support the generation of mid latitude Pc3 activity predominantly through upstream waves

    The Specific Globular Cluster Frequencies of Dwarf Elliptical Galaxies from the Hubble Space Telescope

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    The specific globular cluster frequencies (S_N) for 24 dwarf elliptical (dE) galaxies in the Virgo and Fornax Clusters and the Leo Group imaged with the Hubble Space Telescope are presented. Combining all available data, we find that for nucleated dEs --- which are spatially distributed like giant ellipticals in galaxy clusters --- S_N(dE,N)=6.5 +- 1.2 and S_N increases with M_V, while for non-nucleated dEs --- which are distributed like late-type galaxies --- S_N(dE,noN)=3.1 +- 0.5 and there is little or no trend with M_V. The S_N values for dE galaxies are thus on average significantly higher than those for late-type galaxies, which have S_N < 1. This suggests that dE galaxies are more akin to giant Es than to late-type galaxies. If there are dormant or stripped irregulars hiding among the dE population, they are likely to be among the non-nucleated dEs. Furthermore, the similarities in the properties of the globular clusters and in the spatial distributions of dE,Ns and giant Es suggest that neither galaxy mass or galaxy metallicity is responsible for high values of S_N. Instead, most metal-poor GCs may have formed in dwarf-sized fragments that merged into larger galaxies.Comment: 12 pages (uses aaspp4.sty), 2 figures, 1 table, to appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    New Image Statistics for Detecting Disturbed Galaxy Morphologies at High Redshift

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    Testing theories of hierarchical structure formation requires estimating the distribution of galaxy morphologies and its change with redshift. One aspect of this investigation involves identifying galaxies with disturbed morphologies (e.g., merging galaxies). This is often done by summarizing galaxy images using, e.g., the CAS and Gini-M20 statistics of Conselice (2003) and Lotz et al. (2004), respectively, and associating particular statistic values with disturbance. We introduce three statistics that enhance detection of disturbed morphologies at high-redshift (z ~ 2): the multi-mode (M), intensity (I), and deviation (D) statistics. We show their effectiveness by training a machine-learning classifier, random forest, using 1,639 galaxies observed in the H band by the Hubble Space Telescope WFC3, galaxies that had been previously classified by eye by the CANDELS collaboration (Grogin et al. 2011, Koekemoer et al. 2011). We find that the MID statistics (and the A statistic of Conselice 2003) are the most useful for identifying disturbed morphologies. We also explore whether human annotators are useful for identifying disturbed morphologies. We demonstrate that they show limited ability to detect disturbance at high redshift, and that increasing their number beyond approximately 10 does not provably yield better classification performance. We propose a simulation-based model-fitting algorithm that mitigates these issues by bypassing annotation.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
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