18 research outputs found

    Die retoriese rol van literĂŞre feeste, met toespitsing US Woordfees en die Amsterdamse Weerwoordfestival

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    Thesis (MA)-- Stellenbosch University, 2012.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The establishment of literary festivals as a type of event that is presented both nationally and internationally has expanded tremendously in recent years, but it has not as yet received the necessary attention to fully understand its impact on and sociocultural function in a host community. This thesis attempts to formulate a working definition for the phenomenon, in order to gain more insight in its sociocultural function and impact in a host community and thus to contribute towards a more substantial discourse on the subject. The hypothesis is firstly that literary festivals come into existence due to specific needs in the host society and secondly that the strategic application of rhetorical strategies have a positive sociocultural impact. It is argumented that literary festivals function according to the principles of Aristotle’s rhetoric, by convincing festival visitors that books, reading, writing, debating and freedom of speech are of great aesthetic, moral and educational value. The eventual aim is to cause festival visitors to show greater appreciation for literary texts, as illustrated by their increased participation in reading, writing and other literary activities. The following theories serve as points of departure: the system theory as expounded by Itamar Even-Zohar, Gerard Hauser’s application of rhetorics to the public sphere, the ritual theories of Victor Turner and Jeremy Boissevain, as well as festival theories by Mikhail Bakhtin, Donald Getz, Henri Schoenmakers, Paul Kaptein, William Sauter, Don Handelman, Temple Hauptfleisch and Michael Kamp. The programmes, festival contents and other relevant texts that form part of two selected literary festivals, i.e. the Stellenbosch University’s (SU) Wordfest (Woordfees) and the Amsterdam Weerwoordfestival, are scrutinised in order to prove that these festivals are strategically constructed to have a persuasive effect on festivalgoers. A festival’s survival and sustainability is determinated by its establishment of a strong own character; good management (also in times of crisis); effective networks; and the persuasion of both target groups and interest groups that supporting the festival is to their own advantage.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die literêre fees, as tipe gebeurtenis wat toenemend nasionaal én internasionaal aangebied word, het tot dusver min aandag van navorsers geniet. Ten einde die sosio-kulturele funksie en krag daarvan in ’n gasheergemeenskap te probeer vasstel en te omskryf, asook om by te dra tot ’n meer omvangryke diskoers oor hierdie fenomeen, word bestaande teorieë oor feeste in die algemeen dus in hierdie studie as vertrekpunt gebruik en aangepas by literêre feeste. Die hipotese is eerstens dat literêre feeste ontstaan in reaksie op behoeftes in die gasheergemeenskap en tweedens dat die aanwending van retoriese strategieë in literêre feeste ’n positiewe sosio-kulturele impak tot gevolg kan hê. Na aanleiding van Aristoteles se uitgangspunte oor die retorika word voorgestel dat die funksie en werking van literêre feeste retories van aard is: Die organiseerders wil feesdeelnemers oorreed dat lees, skryf, debattering en vrye meningswisseling esteties, opvoedkundig en moreel waardevol is, om sodoende ’n groter belangstelling in en deelname aan literêre aktiwiteite te probeer bewerkstellig. Die volgende teoretici se uitgangspunte word veral gebruik: dié van Itamar Even-Zohar oor die sisteemteorie, Gerard Hauser se toepassing van die retorika op ’n openbare sfeer, ritueelteorieë deur Victor Turner en Jeremy Boissevain, sowel as feesteorieë van Mikhail Bakhtin, Donald Getz, Henri Schoenmakers, Paul Kaptein, William Sauter, Don Handelman, Temple Hauptfleisch en Michael Kamp. Deur ’n vergelykende studie van die ruimer konteks, feesprogramme en ander relevante tekste wat deel uitmaak van twee literêre feeste, naamlik die Universiteit Stellenbosch Woordfees en die Amsterdamse Weerwoordfestival, word nagegaan hoe hierdie feeste strategies en oorredend funksioneer deurdat beide literêre én nie-literêre elemente geselekteer (inventio) en gekombineer (dispositio) is om ’n sterker positiewe eventiserende betekenis oor te dra as in die alledaagse lewe. Die gevolgtrekking is dat effektiewe retoriese strategieë sterk afhanklik is van die konteks waarbinne feeste plaasvind. Die voortbestaan en volhoubaarbaarheid van literêre feeste word veral bepaal deur die vestiging van ’n sterk eie identiteit; goeie bestuur (ook in krisisse); doeltreffende netwerke, asook deur die oorreding van beide teikengroepe én belanghebbers dat hulle wen deur die fees te ondersteun

    Die retoriese rol van literĂŞre feeste, met toespitsing US Woordfees en die Amsterdamse Weerwoordfestival

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    Thesis (MA)-- Stellenbosch University, 2012.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The establishment of literary festivals as a type of event that is presented both nationally and internationally has expanded tremendously in recent years, but it has not as yet received the necessary attention to fully understand its impact on and sociocultural function in a host community. This thesis attempts to formulate a working definition for the phenomenon, in order to gain more insight in its sociocultural function and impact in a host community and thus to contribute towards a more substantial discourse on the subject. The hypothesis is firstly that literary festivals come into existence due to specific needs in the host society and secondly that the strategic application of rhetorical strategies have a positive sociocultural impact. It is argumented that literary festivals function according to the principles of Aristotle’s rhetoric, by convincing festival visitors that books, reading, writing, debating and freedom of speech are of great aesthetic, moral and educational value. The eventual aim is to cause festival visitors to show greater appreciation for literary texts, as illustrated by their increased participation in reading, writing and other literary activities. The following theories serve as points of departure: the system theory as expounded by Itamar Even-Zohar, Gerard Hauser’s application of rhetorics to the public sphere, the ritual theories of Victor Turner and Jeremy Boissevain, as well as festival theories by Mikhail Bakhtin, Donald Getz, Henri Schoenmakers, Paul Kaptein, William Sauter, Don Handelman, Temple Hauptfleisch and Michael Kamp. The programmes, festival contents and other relevant texts that form part of two selected literary festivals, i.e. the Stellenbosch University’s (SU) Wordfest (Woordfees) and the Amsterdam Weerwoordfestival, are scrutinised in order to prove that these festivals are strategically constructed to have a persuasive effect on festivalgoers. A festival’s survival and sustainability is determinated by its establishment of a strong own character; good management (also in times of crisis); effective networks; and the persuasion of both target groups and interest groups that supporting the festival is to their own advantage.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die literêre fees, as tipe gebeurtenis wat toenemend nasionaal én internasionaal aangebied word, het tot dusver min aandag van navorsers geniet. Ten einde die sosio-kulturele funksie en krag daarvan in ’n gasheergemeenskap te probeer vasstel en te omskryf, asook om by te dra tot ’n meer omvangryke diskoers oor hierdie fenomeen, word bestaande teorieë oor feeste in die algemeen dus in hierdie studie as vertrekpunt gebruik en aangepas by literêre feeste. Die hipotese is eerstens dat literêre feeste ontstaan in reaksie op behoeftes in die gasheergemeenskap en tweedens dat die aanwending van retoriese strategieë in literêre feeste ’n positiewe sosio-kulturele impak tot gevolg kan hê. Na aanleiding van Aristoteles se uitgangspunte oor die retorika word voorgestel dat die funksie en werking van literêre feeste retories van aard is: Die organiseerders wil feesdeelnemers oorreed dat lees, skryf, debattering en vrye meningswisseling esteties, opvoedkundig en moreel waardevol is, om sodoende ’n groter belangstelling in en deelname aan literêre aktiwiteite te probeer bewerkstellig. Die volgende teoretici se uitgangspunte word veral gebruik: dié van Itamar Even-Zohar oor die sisteemteorie, Gerard Hauser se toepassing van die retorika op ’n openbare sfeer, ritueelteorieë deur Victor Turner en Jeremy Boissevain, sowel as feesteorieë van Mikhail Bakhtin, Donald Getz, Henri Schoenmakers, Paul Kaptein, William Sauter, Don Handelman, Temple Hauptfleisch en Michael Kamp. Deur ’n vergelykende studie van die ruimer konteks, feesprogramme en ander relevante tekste wat deel uitmaak van twee literêre feeste, naamlik die Universiteit Stellenbosch Woordfees en die Amsterdamse Weerwoordfestival, word nagegaan hoe hierdie feeste strategies en oorredend funksioneer deurdat beide literêre én nie-literêre elemente geselekteer (inventio) en gekombineer (dispositio) is om ’n sterker positiewe eventiserende betekenis oor te dra as in die alledaagse lewe. Die gevolgtrekking is dat effektiewe retoriese strategieë sterk afhanklik is van die konteks waarbinne feeste plaasvind. Die voortbestaan en volhoubaarbaarheid van literêre feeste word veral bepaal deur die vestiging van ’n sterk eie identiteit; goeie bestuur (ook in krisisse); doeltreffende netwerke, asook deur die oorreding van beide teikengroepe én belanghebbers dat hulle wen deur die fees te ondersteun

    Universitätsbibliothek der Medizinischen Universität Wien - größte Medizinbibliothek Österreichs : Hybridbibliothek als Zukunftskonzept

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    The today's Medical University Library was established as Faculty Library of the Vienna University Library in 1986 and serves till now as the largest Medical Library in Austria. The Main Library is located in the Vienna General Hospital (University hospitals). During 1994 and 2003 it became the Austrian Central Library for Medicine. Since 2004 University Library of the newly founded Medical University of Vienna supplies literature and information for 8500 Students, 1800 scientists and 1600 doctors. The article describes the Library's participation on projects of the Austrian Library Consortium and the Austrian Cooperation for E-media. It specifies the offers and use of the digital library (professional databases, electronic journals, document delivery, e-books) but also the website and the "Van Swieten"-Blog which are the information and communication platforms of the University Library. The next part shows the supply of traditional library which consists of the Clinical Library, the Textbook Collection and the Students Reading Room. We report also on the Library for the History of Medicine, their precious medical historical holdings and their current activities connected with the digitalization of the card index. The library's activities to the "Medizin Curriculum Wien", trainings and tours are told in the chapter about the Teaching Library but also the Information Retrieval Service and the activities due to training, placement and projects of librarians. Another part speaks about the special activities in international projects like "subito", "E-books on demand" and a gateway for PDAs. The Medical University Library was the first Austrian library who used the LinkOut function of PubMed. The library works on a project of "Wiedergutmachung" (NS-Provenienzforschung) and a very ambitious Weblog for the remembrance of the displaced professors at the medical faculty of the University of Vienna in 1938. The last chapter presents a development plan of the prospective activities of the University Library. To complete the essay the characteristic factors, addresses and an extensive bibliography about the development of the library is added

    Learning outcomes physiotherapy in neurology – a structured consensus finding of the Austrian University Network Physiotherapy in Neurology (ÖHPN) / Learning Outcomes Physiotherapie in der Neurologie – eine strukturierte Konsensfindung des österreichischen Hochschulnetzwerkes Physiotherapie in der Neurologie (ÖHPN)

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    European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in tertiary education at Universities of Applied Sciences recommend a high level of competence orientation. This can be achieved and evaluated by the definition of Learning Outcomes. Furthermore, these Outcomes can assure a comparison of the level of education after graduation. Efforts should be made to achieve this form of Quality Assurance for the professional education of physiotherapists

    Responses of Haloarchaea to Simulated Microgravity

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    Various effects of microgravity on prokaryotes have been recognized in recent years, with the focus on studies of pathogenic bacteria. No archaea have been investigated yet with respect to their responses to microgravity. For exposure experiments on spacecrafts or on the International Space Station, halophilic archaea (haloarchaea) are usually embedded in halite, where they accumulate in fluid inclusions. In a liquid environment, these cells will experience microgravity in space, which might influence their viability and survival. Two haloarchaeal strains, Haloferax mediterranei and Halococcus dombrowskii, were grown in simulated microgravity (SMG) with the rotary cell culture system (RCCS, Synthecon). Initially, salt precipitation and detachment of the porous aeration membranes in the RCCS were observed, but they were avoided in the remainder of the experiment by using disposable instead of reusable vessels. Several effects were detected, which were ascribed to growth in SMG: Hfx. mediterranei's resistance to the antibiotics bacitracin, erythromycin, and rifampicin increased markedly; differences in pigmentation and whole cell protein composition (proteome) of both strains were noted; cell aggregation of Hcc. dombrowskii was notably reduced. The results suggest profound effects of SMG on haloarchaeal physiology and cellular processes, some of which were easily observable and measurable. This is the first report of archaeal responses to SMG. The molecular mechanisms of the effects induced by SMG on prokaryotes are largely unknown; haloarchaea could be used as nonpathogenic model systems for their elucidation and in addition could provide information about survival during lithopanspermia (interplanetary transport of microbes inside meteorites). Key Words: Haloferax mediterranei—Halococcus dombrowskii—Simulated microgravity—Rotary cell culture system—Antibiotic resistance—Lithopanspermia. Astrobiology 11, 199–205

    Pysiotherapy education in Austria - current state-of-the art in the field of neurology

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    BACKGROUND: Recently, the Austrian professional association of physiotherapists has published a position statement on entry-level competencies assigned to various roles of physiotherapists. The role of a “physiotherapy expert” is mainly characterised by competencies concerning the clinical reasoning process around individual patients. Our network (Öesterreichisches Hochschulnetzwerk Physiotherapie in der Neurologie ÖHPN) specified these competencies for neurological physiotherapy education. However, specific learning content to achieve these competencies, e.g. regarding particular medical diagnoses has not been developed yet. Furthermore, although crucial for enhancing the competency of establishing diagnoses and evaluating therapy effects, particular standardised assessments already taught on a regular basis remain so far unknown. Therefore, the aim of this project is to present the current situation of neurological physiotherapy education in Austria. METHODS: Based on current curricula, lecturers of participating universities of applied sciences will assign medical diagnoses as defined by the Tenth Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), to be applied to physiotherapy classes, according to the categories “mandatory”, “possible” or “not taught”. Additionally, adapting a method used by Potter and colleagues in 2014, taught standardised assessments will be classified as either “students are exposed to” or “students know how to administer”. Based on the results, consensus will be sought among lecturers on future content in neurological physiotherapy education. RESULTS: Results from the classification process performed by experts from all Austrian undergraduate physiotherapy programmes will be presented and implications will be discussed at the conference. DISCUSSION: A consensus on current content in physiotherapy education will be sought among experts throughout Austria. It is acknowledged, however, that such a consensus only reflects expert opinions. Therefore, prior to establishing a nationwide standard, further activities will be required to enhance scientific rigour and facilitate the translation of findings into practice. Following a systematic screening of the scientific literature including clinical practice guidelines, any necessary adjustments to the consensus statement will be made. The perspectives of students and clinical educators also have to be considered.Gesundhei

    Publisher Correction: A global database of Holocene paleotemperature records

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    In an earlier version of this Data Descriptor the figure images 4, 5 and 6 were swapped. Both the HTML and PDF versions have been updated to reflect this change

    Publisher Correction: A global database of Holocene paleotemperature records

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    In an earlier version of this Data Descriptor the figure images 4, 5 and 6 were swapped. Both the HTML and PDF versions have been updated to reflect this change