54 research outputs found

    Clinicopathological evaluation of abnormal uterine bleeding in perimenopausal women

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    Background: Abnormal uterine bleeding is considered as one of the most common and challenging problem presenting to the gynecologist. It is responsible for as many as one third of all outpatient gynaecological visits. This study was carried out in the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Assam Medical College and Hospital, Dibrugarh to evaluate clinically gynaecological causes and the endometrial pattern of abnormal uterine bleeding in perimenopausal women.Methods: This is a retrospective study of 148 perimenopausal women with complain of abnormal uterine bleeding in the age group ranging from 40-50 years for a period of one year from 01 November 2014 to 30 November 2015. The age, parity, menstrual complaints were noted and clinical diagnosis with ultrasound report and histopathological reports (of endometrial tissue) were analyzed. Finally the histopathological report of the hysterectomy specimen was correlated.Results: Menorrhagia was the commonest complaint. AUB was seen more in multiparous women (64.8%). Fibroid uterus was the commonest cause which is 52.7% followed by DUB 41.2%, adenomyosis 4.7%, and uterine malignancy 1.3%.Conclusions: Clinicopathological evaluation of AUB showed that fibroid uterus followed by DUB is the most common cause in perimenopausal women. Occurrences of endometrial hyperplasia increases in perimenopause which is of great value as it is a forerunner of carcinoma

    Intraoperative surgical difficulties encountered during repeat caesarean section in a tertiary care centre in Northeast India

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    Background: Caesarean section is the commonest obstetric operative procedure worldwide. The potential perioperative problems in repeat caesarean section include adhesions, increased blood loss, prolonged operative time, injuries to adjacent structures, hysterectomy etc. These increase with increase in caesarean section number.Methods: Hospital based observational study, conducted at Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Assam Medical College, from July 2019 to June 2020 with the aim to study intraoperative difficulties encountered during repeat caesarean section. Cases were grouped into two main groups based on number of prior caesarean sections. A detailed history, clinical and intraoperative findings of all pregnant women undergoing repeat caesarean section were noted. Results were tabulated and analysed.Results: Out of 400 women with prior caesarean section who underwent repeat caesarean. 321 had 1 prior caesarean and rest had 2. Among the cases cephalopelvic disproportion was the commonest (43.25%) indication and obstructed labour was the least common (0.25%). Common complications were adhesions (38.25%), thinned lower uterine segment (27%), advance bladder (19.50%), uterine dehiscence (14.75%), excess blood loss (12.75%), extension of uterine incision (8.25%), uterine rupture (1%), placenta accrete (0.75%), and bladder injury (0.5%). Intraoperative complications like adhesions, uterine dehiscence, delivery and operating time were significantly higher in women with 2 prior caesarean section compared to 1 prior caesarean section (p<0.001).Conclusions: Women with caesarean scar are at high risk in subsequent pregnancies particularly in a country like India where antenatal care is often neglected. Best technique to reduce multiple potential complications of repeat caesarean section is to reduce the rates of primary and repeat caesarean sections whenever possible

    An assessment of the perception of secondary school students towards Vocational Education and Training in Arumeru district in Tanzania.

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    The study's main objective was to assess the perception of secondary school students towards vocational education and training in Arumeru District in Tanzania. In addition, the study was guided by the following specific objectives; to determine the perception of secondary school students towards vocational education and training in Arumeru district, to identify the channels through which secondary school students access information about vocational education and training in Arumeru district and to determine the challenges facing students to join VET after secondary school education in the Arumeru district. A descriptive research design was adopted. The researcher adopted simple random sampling techniques. The sample size was 120 respondents, which included; 21 respondents from Bishop Danning Secondary, 2 from Ilboru PC Centre, 25 from Mshikamano PC centre, 23 from Sinoni PC Centre, 21 respondents from Enaboishu secondary school, 5 Secondary Schools Heads and 4 VET Colleges Principals. Research questionnaires were used as the primary data collection instruments. Data collected were analyzed using SPSS version 20. The findings indicate that most of the respondents strongly agreed that they received information about vocational education from; their churches, newspapers, friends, and social media. The study concluded that there is a need for more career information to be provided to the VET learners as attitude change takes quite some time. The study recommended that there is a need for the government and the relevant stakeholders to come up with a policy framework that clearly shows how a student can transition from the path of VET to further education. Keywords: Secondary School Students, Education, Perception, Vocational Education and Training

    Hepatitis B Vaccine Administration Prior to Discharge

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    Child health care - changed roles and needs of digital development

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    Bakgrund: Den svenska barnhĂ€lsovĂ„rden Ă€r frivillig och kostnadsfri, och de flesta svenska familjer följer programmet. Den Ă€r dock inte jĂ€mlikt fördelad över landet och kan dĂ€rför behöva utvecklas med fler digitala element och bli mer familjefokuserad. MĂ„nga, sĂ€rskilt kvinnor, beskrivs behöva mycket stöd under övergĂ„ngen till förĂ€ldraskap och uppskattar professionell hjĂ€lp för att hantera kĂ€nslomĂ€ssig och psykosocial stress. Familjefokuserad omvĂ„rdnad ligger till grund för omvĂ„rdnadspraktiker inom barnhĂ€lsovĂ„rden, vilket innebĂ€r att specialistsjuksköterskan skapar vĂ„rd tillsammans med familjen och tar vara pĂ„ alla kompetenser pĂ„ bĂ€sta sĂ€tt. Att involvera förĂ€ldrarna i utvecklingen av barnhĂ€lsovĂ„rden Ă€r dĂ€rmed av yttersta vikt. Syfte: Det övergripande syftet var att utröna hur förĂ€ldrar och BarnavĂ„rdscentralensspecialistsjuksköterskor (BVC-sjuksköterskor) uppfattar och anvĂ€nder Internet som en kĂ€lla för hĂ€lsokompetens, samt att utvĂ€rdera effekten av en digital pilotinterventionutvecklad i samarbete med förĂ€ldrar med mĂ„let att minska förĂ€ldrastress, öka hĂ€lsolitteracitet och tillfredsstĂ€llelse med barnavĂ„rdscentralen (BVC). Metoder: Kvalitativa (I, III), mixade (II) och kvantitativa (IV) metoder baserade pĂ„ intervjudata, gruppdiskussioner och frĂ„geformulĂ€r anvĂ€ndes i de fyra studierna som syftade till att; I) beskriva BVC-sjuksköterskors erfarenheter och Ă„sikter om förĂ€ldrars internetanvĂ€ndning, II) beskriva hĂ€lso- och barnutvecklingsrelaterade sökmönster pĂ„ internet hos förĂ€ldrar till friska barn och hur informationen anvĂ€ndes i kontakter med barnhĂ€lsovĂ„rden (BHV), III) beskriva förĂ€ldrars behov och förvĂ€ntningar pĂ„ digitalt stöd i samband med barnhĂ€lsovĂ„rd, och slutligen IV) utvĂ€rdera effekten av en digital pilotintervention riktad till förĂ€ldrar, avseende förĂ€ldrars stress och eHĂ€lsolitteracitet. Kvalitativa data analyserades med hjĂ€lp av kvalitativ innehĂ„llsanalys och kvantitativa data med beskrivande och jĂ€mförande statistiska metoder. Resultat: Studie I visade att förĂ€ldrars internetanvĂ€ndning pĂ„verkade BVC-sjuksköterskors arbete pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt. Internet ansĂ„gs underlĂ€tta vĂ„rd, tillgĂ„ng och tillhandahĂ„llande men kunde ocksĂ„ komplicera den professionella rollen och prestationen, vilket innebar att de upplevde ett imperativ för en förĂ€ndrad roll som BVC-sjuksköterskor. I studie II framkom att förĂ€ldrar i mycket hög grad sökte pĂ„ Internet efter hĂ€lsorelaterade Ă€mnen, och resultaten belyser ocksĂ„ frĂ„gan om svĂ„righeterna att bedöma kĂ€llornas pĂ„litlighet. Studien visade ocksĂ„ att Internet kunde stĂ€rka förĂ€ldrarna med ny kunskap och stödja deras förmĂ„ga till egenvĂ„rd, men att denna kunskap Ă„ andra sidan ocksĂ„ oroade dem och gjorde dem osĂ€kra i sin förĂ€ldraroll. Studie III, som rapporterade om förĂ€ldrars behov av och förvĂ€ntningar pĂ„ digitalt stöd, visade att de ville bli mer sjĂ€lvstĂ€ndiga i sitt förĂ€ldraskap men fortfarande behövde stöd och meningsfulla relationer. Viktiga aspekter, förutom förbĂ€ttrad tillgĂ€nglighet som efterfrĂ„gades var ökad tillit lĂ„ngsiktiga relationer och stĂ€rkt oberoende. Studie IV visade att den digitalasupport-intervention inte gav de effekter pĂ„ förĂ€ldrastress och e-hĂ€lsolitteracitet som förvĂ€ntades, Ă€ven om tendenser kunde identifieras. Detta ansĂ„gs frĂ€mst bero pĂ„ en alltför kort genomförandeperiod med alltför fĂ„ deltagare, dĂ„ det visades att endast en femtedel av familjerna i interventionsgruppen anvĂ€nde supporten, resten tycktes intebehöva den eller hade kanske Ă€nnu inte upptĂ€ckt nyttan av den. Slutsats: Den digitala eran utmanar bĂ„de förĂ€ldrar och BVC-sjuksköterskor. Digitalt stöd som utvecklas tillsammans, dvs dĂ€r BVC-sjuksköterskor och förĂ€ldrar i samarbete kommer överens om hur, nĂ€r och om vilka Ă€mnen denna typ av stöd och kommunikation ska omfatta, kan dock upplevas som meningsfullt. Ett genomförande i större omfattningskulle öka tillgĂ€ngligheten, samtidigt stĂ€rka förĂ€ldrarnas egenmakt och leda till mer lĂ„ngsiktiga relationer med andra förĂ€ldrar. Implementerat klokt bland fler deltagare och över lĂ€ngre perioder Ă€r det möjligt att den digitala supporten ocksĂ„ kan ha mer positiva effekter pĂ„ tillfredsstĂ€llelse med BHV samt pĂ„ minskad förĂ€ldrastress och ökad eHĂ€lsolitteracitet.Background: Swedish child health care is voluntary and cost-free, and 99% of Swedish families follow the program. However, it is not equally distributed across the country and therefore needs to be developed to include more digital elements and become more family focused. Many, particularly women, need much support during the transition to parenthood and appreciate professional help to manage emotional and psychosocial stress. Family-focused care is the assumption underlying nursing practice within child health care, which means to co-create care with the family, making the most of all competencies. Involving parents in child health care development is therefore of utmost importance. Aim: The general aim was to examine how parents and child health nurses apprehend and use the Internet as a source for improved health competence, further, to evaluate the effects of a digital pilot intervention developed together with parents to reduce parental stress, improve eHealth literacy and satisfaction with child health care. Methods: Qualitative (I, III), mixed (II), and quantitative (IV) methods based on interview data, group discussions and questionnaires were used in the four studies that aimed to; I) describe child health nurses’ experiences and opinions of parent Internet use, II) describe health and child development related Internet search patterns of parents of healthy children and, how the information was used in contacts with child health care, III) describe parents’ needs and expectations of digital support in the context of child health care, and lastly IV) evaluate the effects of a digital pilot intervention directed to parents, concerning parental stress and eHealth literacy. Qualitative data were analyzedusing qualitative content analysis and quantitative data with descriptive and comparative statistical methods. Results: Study I showed that parents’ Internet use influenced child health nurses’ work in various ways. Internet was seen as facilitating care, access, and provision but also complicated their professional role and performance, which implied that they experienced an imperative for a changing role as child health nurses. In study II, it was shown that parents, to a very high degree, searched the Internet for health-related topics, and the results also highlighted the problem of determining the trustworthiness of sources. The study also indicated that the Internet could strengthen parents with new knowledge and support their self-care capacity. However, on the other hand, this knowledge also worried them, making them insecure in their parental role. Study III, reporting on parents' needs and expectations of digital support, showed that they wished to become empowered in parenthood but still needed support and meaningful relationships. Important aspects, besides improved accessibility that were requested were improved parental confidence, longer-term relationships and strengthened independence. Study IV, which evaluated the effects of a pilot intervention,demonstrated limited effects on parental stress and e-Health literacy, even if tendencies were identified. This was mainly seen as related to a short intervention periodwith too few participants since only a fifth of the families in the intervention group used the intervention. The others did not need it or maybe had not discovered its benefits yet. Conclusion: The digital era challenges both parents and child health nurses. However, digital support developed together, where child health nurses and parents in collaboration agree on how, when and regarding which topics this kind of support and communication should embrace could be experienced as meaningful. It would probably increase accessibility and parental empowerment and lead to longer-term relationships with other parents. Implemented wisely in larger samples and over more extended periods will probably also in a higher degree improve satisfaction with child health care, eHealth literacy and parental stress


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    The objective of the study was to discuss the preventive and treatment of cancer from flavonoids nutraceuticals from our daily dietary source. There has been increasing interest in the research of flavonoids from dietary sources, due to growing evidence of the versatile health benefits of flavonoids through epidemiological studies. Numerous biological activities have been reported. Some clinical trials or meta-analyses have suggested positive associations between flavonoid intake and human health, Several findings have proven that dietary flavonoids to have anticancer properties. Flavonoids due to their nontoxicity in nature and vast, broad aspect of its benefits in biological activities have been intensively studied for their health benefits also added to its abundant availability in our daily diets, for example, green leaves, fruits, red wine, and tea vegetables
