22 research outputs found

    Bluetongue in the north of Europe

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    Bluetongue is a non-contagious viral disease transmitted by the hematophagous midge Culicoides. Bluetongue causes a generalised and serious infection affecting mainly sheep. Since its reemergence in Europe in 1998, 5 out the 24 serotypes (1, 2, 4, 9 and 16) were isolated in numerous Mediterranean countries. In France, only Corsica has suffered four epizootics involving serotypes 2, 4 and 16. In 2006, the bluetongue virus serotype 8 emerged unexpectedly in Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, France, and Luxemburg. This bluetongue epizootic was atypical, as it affected cattle as well, a species only very rarely affected by the bluetongue virus, with varying degrees of severity. The characteristics of this epizooty, the diagnostic methods, and the prophylactic measures are described in this article.La fièvre catarrhale ovine, aussi appelée « bluetongue », est une arbovirose transmise par un moucheron hématophage du genre Culicoïdes. Elle se manifeste cliniquement principalement chez les moutons et se traduit par une infection généralisée et grave. Depuis sa réapparition en Europe en 1998, cinq sérotypes (1, 2, 4, 9 et 16) sur les 24 existants ont été recensés dans de nombreux pays du pourtour méditerranéen. En France, seulement la région Corse a subi quatre épizooties impliquant les sérotypes 2, 4 et 16. En 2006, de façon inattendue, la bluetongue (sérotype 8) a émergé en Belgique, Allemagne, Pays bas, France et au Luxembourg. La symptomatologie associée à cette épizootie a de quoi surprendre, puisque les bovins présentent des signes cliniques de gravité variable, alors que classiquement, le virus de la bluetongue ne provoque que très rarement des manifestations cliniques dans cette espèce. Les caractéristiques de cette épizootie, les méthodes de diagnostic et les moyens prophylactiques seront présentés dans cet article

    Bluetongue in Belgium, 2006

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    Bluetongue has emerged recently in Belgium. A bluetongue virus strain was isolated and characterized as serotype 8. Two new real-time reverse transcription–quantitative PCRs (RT-qPCRs) that amplified 2 different segments of bluetongue virus detected this exotic strain. These 2 RT-qPCRs detected infection earlier than a competitive ELISA for antibody detection

    Développement d'une PCR en temps réel pour la détection des Brucella et relations avec le genre Ochrobactrum

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    Le genre Brucella inclut 10 espèces infectant les animaux et accidentellement l homme. Dans le but d améliorer le diagnostic des brucelloses animales, les performances des techniques de PCR conventionne et PCR en temps réel (PCR-TR) ont été comparées en ciblant les gènes bcsp31, per et IS711 (séquence répétée du génome). La PCR-TR se révèle plus rapide et plus sensible, et la cible IS711 offre une meilleure sensibilité. La PCR-TR évaluée sur des prélèvements biologiques d animaux montre une sensibilité diagnostique supérieure en faveur de l IS711. Afin de confirmer la proximité génétique des genres Brucella et Ochrobactrum, nous avons mis en évidence la présence de la séquence BRU-RS (site préférentiel d insertion d IS711) chez Ochrobactrum, cependant la séquence IS711 en est absente. De même les gènes de Brucella codant des protéines membranaires et une protéine périplasmique ont été révélés chez Ochrobactrum, avec toutefois une variabilité antigénique entre les espèces. En conclusion, la présence de la séquence d insertion IS711 est bien spécifique du genre Brucella et représente une cible de choix pour l identification de ces bactéries.The genus Brucella consists of 10 recognized species that infects animals and occasionally humans. In order to improve the direct diagnosis of animal brucellosis, the performances of real-time PCR (PCR-TR) assays using TaqMan® probes and conventional PCR assays were compared by targeting the 3 following specific genes: (i) bcsp31, (ii) per and (iii) the IS711 (repeated sequence of the genome). The PCR-TR is faster and more sensitive, and the IS711 target offers the highest sensitivity. IS711 offers the highest diagnostic sensitivity as evaluated using PCR-TR on biological samples from animals. In order to confirm the genetic proximity between Brucella and Ochrobactrum, we showed the presence of BRU-RS (insertion site of IS711) in Ochrobactrum, however the IS711 sequence was not found. Moreove Brucella genes encoding outer membrane proteins and one periplasmic protein were present in both genus, but displayed antigenic variability among species. In conclusion, the specificity of insertion sequence IS711 in Brucella is confirmed, and the insertion sequence IS711 is therefore a good target for the identification of this genus.LE MANS-BU Sciences (721812109) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Selective inhibition of PfA-M1, over PfA-M17, by an amino-benzosuberone derivative blocks malaria parasites development in vitro and in vivo

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    Abstract Background Plasmodium falciparum M1 family aminopeptidase is currently considered as a promising target for anti-malarial chemotherapy. Several series of inhibitors developed by various research groups display IC50/Ki values down to nM range on native PfA-M1 or recombinant forms and block the parasite development in culture at µM to sub-µM concentrations. A handful of these inhibitors has been tested on murine models of malaria and has shown anti plasmodial in vivo activity. However, most of these inhibitors do also target the other neutral malarial aminopeptidase, PfA-M17, often with lower Ki values, which questions the relative involvement and importance of each enzyme in the parasite biology. Results An amino-benzosuberone derivative from a previously published collection of chemicals targeting specifically the M1-aminopeptidases has been identified; it is highly potent on PfA-M1 (Ki = 50 nM) and devoid of inhibitory activity on PfA-M17 (no inhibition up to 100 µM). This amino-benzosuberone derivative (T5) inhibits, in the µM range, the in vitro growth of two P. falciparum strains, 3D7 and FcB1, respectively chloroquino-sensitive and resistant. Evaluated in vivo, on the murine non-lethal model of malaria Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi, this amino-benzosuberone derivative was able to reduce the parasite burden by 44 and 40% in a typical 4-day Peters assay at a daily dose of 12 and 24 mg/kg by intraperitoneal route of administration. Conclusions The evaluation of a highly selective inhibitor of PfA-M1, over PfA-M17, active on Plasmodium parasites in vitro and in vivo, highlights the relevance of PfA-M1 in the biological development of the parasite as well as in the list of promising anti-malarial targets to be considered in combination with current or future anti-malarial drugs

    MOESM1 of Selective inhibition of PfA-M1, over PfA-M17, by an amino-benzosuberone derivative blocks malaria parasites development in vitro and in vivo

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    Additional file 1. In vitro and in vivo profile of compound T5. Description of data: The data, detailed in this additional file, comprises a summary table for T5 pharmacokinetic properties, followed by descriptions of the various corresponding assays

    Access to New Endoperoxide Derivatives by Electrochemical Oxidation of Substituted 3-Azabicyclo[4.1.0]hept-4-enes.

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    International audienceA series of substituted 3-azabicyclo[4.1.0]hept-4-ene derivatives were prepared and analysed by cyclic voltammetry. Preparative aerobic electrochemical oxidation reactions were then carried out. Three original endoperoxides were isolated, characterised and subjected to antimalarial and cytotoxicity activity assays

    Aqueous extracts of marine invertebrates from Cuba coastline display neutral aminopeptidase inhibitory activities and effects on cancer cells and <i>Plasmodium falciparum</i> parasites

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    107-119Neutral aminopeptidases are enzymes distributed in all living organisms. By hydrolyzing biologically active peptides in tissues and biological fluids, they are involved in the control of many physiological processes. They became established targets for new therapeutic agents in cancer, but also in parasitic diseases like malaria. Marine organisms are promising sources for biomolecules but few examples of neutral aminopeptidase inhibitors are described. The goal of this work was to search in Cuban marine invertebrates, for inhibitory activities of neutral aminopeptidases of biomedical relevance, belonging to the M1 and M17 metallopeptidase families. The screening of inhibitory activities was performed using aqueous crude extracts and their 2.5 % TCA treatments. The treatments with 2.5 % TCA increased the recovery of inhibitory activities versus all enzymes tested and from all of marine species. These inhibitory activities were dose-dependent in all cases, with certain selectivity for PfA-M17 regarding hLAP, and good inhibition of hAPN. Interestingly, some TCA treated extracts displayed promising effect on either Plasmodium parasite growth as well as on PC3 and 3LL cells. This contribution is the first report identifying inhibitory activities from marine invertebrates, directed against human and malarial neutral aminopeptidases, suggesting a potential for biomedical applications for the corresponding marine species

    Aqueous extracts of marine invertebrates from Cuba coastline display neutral aminopeptidase inhibitory activities and effects on cancer cells and Plasmodium falciparum parasites

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    Neutral aminopeptidases are enzymes distributed in all living organisms. By hydrolyzing biologically active peptides in tissues and biological fluids, they are involved in the control of many physiological processes. They became established targets for new therapeutic agents in cancer, but also in parasitic diseases like malaria. Marine organisms are promising sources for biomolecules but few examples of neutral aminopeptidase inhibitors are described. The goal of this work was to search in Cuban marine invertebrates, for inhibitory activities of neutral aminopeptidases of biomedical relevance, belonging to the M1 and M17 metallopeptidase families. The screening of inhibitory activities was performed using aqueous crude extracts and their 2.5 % TCA treatments. The treatments with 2.5 % TCA increased the recovery of inhibitory activities versus all enzymes tested and from all of marine species. These inhibitory activities were dose-dependent in all cases, with certain selectivity for PfA-M17 regarding hLAP, and good inhibition of hAPN. Interestingly, some TCA treated extracts displayed promising effect on either Plasmodium parasite growth as well as on PC3 and 3LL cells. This contribution is the first report identifying inhibitory activities from marine invertebrates, directed against human and malarial neutral aminopeptidases, suggesting a potential for biomedical applications for the corresponding marine species