29 research outputs found

    Mothers, Babies, Perception

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/98208/1/j.1547-5069.1979.tb01433.x.pd

    Potencial da extração de óleo essencial assistida por enzimas a partir do Jambu (Spilanthes Oleracea L.)

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    O jambu é também como agrião-do-para, agrião- do-norte, agrião-do-brasil que é uma planta autóctone (flor nativa da região) encontrada por toda América do Sul onde pode ser encontrada cultivada ou de forme subespontânea, como a folha e os talos são utilizados na culinária, principalmente na região norte, tem um ciclo em cerca de 40 a 75 dias, exige pouca tecnologia para seu manuseio e é muito cultivado por pequenos agricultores. Sua germinação ocorre entre 5 a 7 dias aproximadamente, a colheita na região norte é realizada entre 35 a 50 dias após o plantio. São encontrados óleos essenciais na composição dessa matéria-prima, que são substâncias naturais, ou seja, substâncias sintetizadas, armazenadas e liberadas pelas plantas que podem ser extraídos das folhas, flores, raízes, sementes, frutos e outras partes das plantas. Esses óleos podem ser utilizados como método de controle eficaz, com a redução dos custos, preservação do ambiente e dos alimentos da contaminação química, tornando-se prática adequada à agricultura sustentável. A utilização de enzimas específicas tem função no processo de romper a parede celular do vegetal, facilitando o processo de extração do óleo contido nas “bolsas”, por conta disso, espera-se um aumento no rendimento do óleo essencial. O produto final da extração de óleos essenciais resulta em um produto constituído de material resinoso volátil contendo o princípio ativo característico de cada óleo essencial. Existem vários meios de obter-se o óleo essencial de uma planta em especifica, via destilação a vapor, prensagem a frio, extração por solvente, enfleurage, extração por fluidos supercríticos, e hidrodestilação, onde são formas de extração dependendo do tipo de material que irá utilizar, mas que possuem o mesmo objetivo. O potencial dessa matéria-prima para a bioeconomia é de extrema relevância, e os testes com o uso de enzimas para aumentar o rendimento da extração pode impulsionar os resultados encontrados na literatura

    Recruitment strategies for predominantly low-income, multi-racial/ethnic children and parents to 3-year community-based intervention trials: Childhood Obesity Prevention and Treatment Research (COPTR) Consortium

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    Background: The recruitment of participants into community-based randomized controlled trials studying childhood obesity is often challenging, especially from low-income racial/ethnical minorities and when long-term participant commitments are required. This paper describes strategies used to recruit and enroll predominately low-income racial/ethnic minority parents and children into the Childhood Obesity Prevention and Treatment Research (COPTR) consortium. Methods: The COPTR consortium has run four independent 3-year, multi-level (individual, family, school, clinic, and community) community-based randomized controlled trials. Two were prevention trials in preschool children and the other two were treatment trials in pre-adolescents and adolescent youth. All trials reported monthly participant recruitment numbers using a standardized method over the projected 18-24 months of recruitment. After randomization of participants was completed, recruitment staff and investigators from each trial retrospectively completed a survey of recruitment strategies and their perceived top three recruitment strategies and barriers. Results: Recruitment was completed in 15-21 months across trials, enrolling a total of 1745 parent-child dyads- out of 6314 screened. The number of children screened per randomized child was 4.6 and 3.5 in the two prevention trials, and 3.1 and 2.5 in the two treatment trials. Recruitment strategies reported included: (1) careful planning, (2) working with trusting community partners, (3) hiring recruitment staff who were culturally sensitive, personality appropriate, and willing to work flexible hours, (4) contacting potential participants actively and repeatedly, (5) recruiting at times and locations convenient for participants, (6) providing incentives to participants to complete baseline measures, (7) using a tracking database, (8) evaluating whether participants understand the activities and expectations of the study, and (9) assessing participants' motivation for participating. Working with community partners, hiring culturally sensitive staff, and contacting potential participants repeatedly were cited by two trials among their top three strategies. The requirement of a 3-year commitment to the trial was cited by two trials to be among the top three recruitment barriers. Conclusions: Comprehensive strategies that include community partnership support, culturally sensitive recruitment staff, and repeated contacts with potential participants can result in successful recruitment of low-income racial/ethnic minority families into obesity prevention and treatment trials

    Developmental Patterns in Preterm Infants and Their Relationship to Infant Temperament and Parent-Infant Interaction.

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    Parents of preterm infants often identify concerns about their babies' development and /or behavior which are not associated with marked global developmental delays or obvious neurological deficits. A conceptual model was proposed suggesting that selected neonatal complications (severity of respiratory disease, occurrence and severity of intraventricular hemorrhage and gestational age) may be associated with alterations in development, parents' perception of infant temperament and parent-infant interactive activity levels. This study has examined the relationships proposed in the conceptual model. A sample of 44 infants (born between 28-32 weeks gestational age) was obtained from two tertiary care NICU's. Of this sample, 29 infants were assessed at 4 months conceptual age using the Bayley Scales of Infant Development, the Carey Infant Temperament Scale and the Attachment Indicator During Stress Scale. The remaining 15 infants were assessed at 6 months conceptual age. A second sample of Bayley Scales assessments of 306 infants was used in the development of seven subscales of the Bayley Scales. These subscales were the basis for the examination of developmental patterns. The study findings support the relationship between the severity of respiratory complications and intraventricular hemorrhage and developmental achievement. Differential achievement was noted across the seven subscales. Incidence and severity of intracranial bleeds were not found to be significantly associated with placement on the Carey Infant Temperament Scale, although the relationship between severe ICH and placement in the "difficult" category on the Carey did approach significance. In addition, mothers of babies identified as "difficult" on the Carey were found to demonstrate significantly higher levels of interactive activity than did mothers of infants identified as "easy."Ph.D.NursingUniversity of Michiganhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/161565/1/8720306.pd

    Reverberating Words and ‘Becoming Other than the Other’ in Adult Literacy: Bakhtinian Reflections on a Powerful Literacy-Influenced GED Academic Writing Framework

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2018While adult literacy programs have historically been marginalized within the US educational system, there is growing interest in making these programs more academically effective. Because of this, the General Education Development (GED) exam was recently revised to be more rigorous, especially in its assessment of writing. Although these changes provide the adult literacy field with new opportunities, they also now require the field to engage with the inherent complexity of teaching academic writing. This dissertation is my attempt to help the field engage with this complexity by 1) articulating a design for a multi-theoretical GED academic writing curriculum framework influenced by Gee (1996) and Lankshear’s (1997) concept of powerful literacy, and 2) using a Bakhtinian lens – a lens that centralizes the complexity of language and celebrates conflicting perspectives – to study the framework’s curricular implementation within an adult literacy GED course. Specifically, data analyses focused on the curricular implementation’s pedagogical tensions, as well as on how these tensions affected the teaching and learning of academic writing. Both qualitative and quantitative findings suggest that the two most salient (and related) tensions were between dialogic and monologic discourses and between centrifugal and centripetal forces. These tensions seemed to affect students by both promoting and constraining ideological becoming, as well as by inhibiting and improving academic writing skills. In addition, qualitative findings from a case study of a student who experienced the lessons revealed that lessons 1) encouraged multivoicedness, leading to productive revising, 2) fostered internally persuasive discourse, fostering ideological becoming, and 3) reified authoritative discourse, complicating critical literacy

    Still Noisy After All These Years

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