261 research outputs found

    Імітація монаршної поведінки в “дивних” вчинках Богдана Хмельницького на початку 1649 р.

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    Увага до постаті Богдана Хмельницького як на фаховому, так і на дилетантському рівні не вщухає вже, навіть попри періодичні офіційні чи неофіційні заборони, протягом трьох з половиною століть. Політичні та ідеологічні чинники, як можна спостерігати останні півтора десятиліття в Україні та, частково, у Польщі, регулярно посилюють інтерес до біографії гетьмана, його вчинків, наслідків діяльності, супроводжуючись, як нерідко трапляється в аналогічних ситуаціях, створенням зі складної, протирічливой, трагічної постаті Б.Хмельницького національного ідола, усі дії якого набувають містичного, пророчого, апріорно історично-виправданого характреру. Концептуальні трагічні помилки, прорахунки, прояви некомпетентності, невиправданої навіть за поняттями тієї епохи жорстокості переважно «делікатно» замовчуються, у кращому разі – обмежуються легкими докорами, а здебільше - пояснюються «злочинною змовою» сучасників-поляків, які свідомо з метою дискредитації сфальсифікували вчинки гетьмана, перебільшивши закономірні для усіх війн трагічні складові україно-польської війни. Як не парадоксально, до сьогодні залишаються, на жаль, поодинокими спроби дати добре аргументоване, позбавлене соціологічних та психологічних штампів, пояснення тих чи інших вчинків Б.Хмельницького та його соратників (як, власне, і представників польського, татарського, російського та турецького таборів), яке б базувалося не на упередженому заздалегідь виправдальному чи звинувачувальному ставленні до подій середини XVII ст., а на підгрунті максимально повного врахування ментальних, поведінкових стереотипів доби. Ми маємо на увазі вишукано-резонансну рецензію Н.Яковенко на серію публікацій перш за все В.Смолія та В.Степанкова [17; див. також: 19], а також деяких інших авторів, зокрема О.Толочка [11] та автора цих рядків [2], присвячених політичній та духовній ситуації в Україні напередодні Хмельничини, українській національній революції та постаті Хмельницького. Для наших подальших роздумів немає особливої потреби здійснювати розлогий джерелознавчий та історіографічний аналіз, оскільки він, з одного боку, вимагає спеціальної концептуальної зосередженості, а з іншого - надалі ми будемо оперувати у необхідних випадках виключно загальновідомими, хрестоматійними аргументами, коли можна дозволити собі уникнути розлогих екскурсів щодо розгляду джерел та літератури. Зазначимо лише, що безпосередньо біографії Б.Хмельницького присвячена досить велика кількість робіт з різних наукових та ідеологічних таборів, серед яких в першу чергу слід назвати імена М.Грушевського, М.Кордуби, В.Липинського, І. Крип’якевича, В.Замлинського, Я.Дашкевича, В.Смолія, В.Степанкова, П.Гоя, Я.Федорука, В.Горобця, Т.Чухліба, В.Сергійчука, В.Серчика та багатьох інших. Події кінця 1648 – початку 1648 рр. з огляду на їх особливу роль в контексті подій українських визвольних змагань і які будуть нас цікавити в першу чергу

    Systematic Review of Complications of Prostate Biopsy

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    AbstractContextProstate biopsy is commonly performed for cancer detection and management. The benefits and risks of prostate biopsy are germane to ongoing debates about prostate cancer screening and treatment.ObjectiveTo perform a systematic review of complications from prostate biopsy.Evidence acquisitionA literature search was performed using PubMed and Embase, supplemented with additional references. Articles were reviewed for data on the following complications: hematuria, rectal bleeding, hematospermia, infection, pain, lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), urinary retention, erectile dysfunction, and mortality.Evidence synthesisAfter biopsy, hematuria and hematospermia are common but typically mild and self-limiting. Severe rectal bleeding is uncommon. Despite antimicrobial prophylaxis, infectious complications are increasing over time and are the most common reason for hospitalization after biopsy. Pain may occur at several stages of prostate biopsy and can be mitigated by anesthetic agents and anxiety-reduction techniques. Up to 25% of men have transient LUTS after biopsy, and <2% have frank urinary retention, with slightly higher rates reported after transperineal template biopsy. Biopsy-related mortality is rare.ConclusionsPreparation for biopsy should include antimicrobial prophylaxis and pain management. Prostate biopsy is frequently associated with minor bleeding and urinary symptoms that usually do not require intervention. Infectious complications can be serious, requiring prompt management and continued work into preventative strategies

    Shed urinary ALCAM is an independent prognostic biomarker of three-year overall survival after cystectomy in patients with bladder cancer.

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    Proteins involved in tumor cell migration can potentially serve as markers of invasive disease. Activated Leukocyte Cell Adhesion Molecule (ALCAM) promotes adhesion, while shedding of its extracellular domain is associated with migration. We hypothesized that shed ALCAM in biofluids could be predictive of progressive disease. ALCAM expression in tumor (n = 198) and shedding in biofluids (n = 120) were measured in two separate VUMC bladder cancer cystectomy cohorts by immunofluorescence and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, respectively. The primary outcome measure was accuracy of predicting 3-year overall survival (OS) with shed ALCAM compared to standard clinical indicators alone, assessed by multivariable Cox regression and concordance-indices. Validation was performed by internal bootstrap, a cohort from a second institution (n = 64), and treatment of missing data with multiple-imputation. While ALCAM mRNA expression was unchanged, histological detection of ALCAM decreased with increasing stage (P = 0.004). Importantly, urine ALCAM was elevated 17.0-fold (P &lt; 0.0001) above non-cancer controls, correlated positively with tumor stage (P = 0.018), was an independent predictor of OS after adjusting for age, tumor stage, lymph-node status, and hematuria (HR, 1.46; 95% CI, 1.03-2.06; P = 0.002), and improved prediction of OS by 3.3% (concordance-index, 78.5% vs. 75.2%). Urine ALCAM remained an independent predictor of OS after accounting for treatment with Bacillus Calmette-Guerin, carcinoma in situ, lymph-node dissection, lymphovascular invasion, urine creatinine, and adjuvant chemotherapy (HR, 1.10; 95% CI, 1.02-1.19; P = 0.011). In conclusion, shed ALCAM may be a novel prognostic biomarker in bladder cancer, although prospective validation studies are warranted. These findings demonstrate that markers reporting on cell motility can act as prognostic indicators

    Radical nephroureterectomy for pathologic T4 upper tract urothelial cancer: can oncologic outcomes be improved with multimodality therapy?

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    Purpose To report the outcomes of patients with pathologic T4 UTUC and investigate the potential impact of peri-operative chemotherapy combined with radical nephroureterectomy (RNU) and regional lymph node dissection (LND) on oncologic outcomes. Materials and Methods Patients with pathologic T4 UTUC were identified from the cohort of 1464 patients treated with RNU at 13 academic centers between 1987 and 2007. Oncologic outcomes were stratified according to utilization of perioperative systemic chemotherapy and regional LND as an adjunct to RNU. Results The study included 69 patients, 42 males (61%) with median age 73 (range 43-98). Median follow-up was 17 months (range: 6-88). Lymphovascular invasion was found in 47 (68%) and regional lymph node metastases were found in 31 (45%). Peri-operative chemotherapy was utilized in 29 (42%) patients. Patients treated with peri-operative chemotherapy and RNU with LND demonstrated superior oncologic outcomes compared to those not treated by chemotherapy and/or LND during RNU (3Y-DFS: 35% vs. 10%; P = 0.02 and 3Y-CSS: 28% vs. 14%; P = 0.08). In multivariate Cox regression analysis, administration of peri-operative chemotherapy and utilization of LND during RNU was associated with lower probability of recurrence (HR: 0.4, P = 0.01), and cancer specific mortality (HR: 0.5, P = 0.06). Conclusions Pathological T4 UTUC is associated with poor prognosis. Peri-operative chemotherapy combined with aggressive surgery, including lymph node dissection, may improve oncological outcomes. Our findings support the use of aggressive multimodal treatment in patients with advanced UTUC

    Bladder Cancer Tissue-Based Biomarkers

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    This review aims to provide a practical update regarding the current role of tissue-based biomarkers in bladder cancer. Their prognostic and predictive role both in non-muscle-invasive (NMIBC) and in muscle-invasive disease (MIBC) has been reviewed with particular focus to their use in clinical practice. In summary, the literature on the prediction of disease recurrence in NMIBC is inconclusive, and there is little information on prediction of response to intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG). Concerning disease progression, external prospective validation studies suggest that FGFR3 mutation status and gene signatures may improve models that are based only on clinicopathologic information. In MIBC, tissue-based biomarkers are increasingly important, since they may predict the response to systemic chemotherapy and immunotherapy. In particular, the advent of molecular characterization promises to revolutionize the paradigm of decision-making in the treatment of MIBC. Molecular subtyping has been shown to improve the prediction of pathological stage at RC and to predict the response to systemic chemotherapy and immunotherapy. However, external and prospective validations are warranted to confirm these preliminary findings. Several different tissue-based biomarkers such as PD-1/PD-L1 expression, tumor mutational burden, and the analysis of tumor microenvironment, may in future play a role in selecting patients for systemic immunotherapy. However, to date, no pretreatment recommendations can be definitively made on the basis of any molecular predictors. In conclusion, despite the potential of tissue-based biomarkers, their use in bladder cancer should be limited to experimental settings

    Intravesical rAd-IFNα/Syn3 for Patients With High-Grade, Bacillus Calmette-Guerin-Refractory or Relapsed Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer: A Phase II Randomized Study.

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    Purpose Many patients with high-risk non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) are either refractory to bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) treatment or may experience disease relapse. We assessed the efficacy and safety of recombinant adenovirus interferon alfa with Syn3 (rAd-IFNα/Syn3), a replication-deficient recombinant adenovirus gene transfer vector, for patients with high-grade (HG) BCG-refractory or relapsed NMIBC. Methods In this open-label, multicenter (n = 13), parallel-arm, phase II study ( ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT01687244), 43 patients with HG BCG-refractory or relapsed NMIBC received intravesical rAd-IFNα/Syn3 (randomly assigned 1:1 to 1 × 10(11) viral particles (vp)/mL or 3 × 10(11) vp/mL). Patients who responded at months 3, 6, and 9 were retreated at months 4, 7, and 10. The primary end point was 12-month HG recurrence-free survival (RFS). All patients who received at least one dose were included in efficacy and safety analyses. Results Forty patients received rAd-IFNα/Syn3 (1 × 10(11) vp/mL, n = 21; 3 × 10(11) vp/mL, n = 19) between November 5, 2012, and April 8, 2015. Fourteen patients (35.0%; 90% CI, 22.6% to 49.2%) remained free of HG recurrence 12 months after initial treatment. Comparable 12-month HG RFS was noted for both doses. Of these 14 patients, two experienced recurrence at 21 and 28 months, respectively, after treatment initiation, and one died as a result of an upper tract tumor at 17 months without a recurrence. rAd-IFNα/Syn3 was well tolerated; no grade four or five adverse events (AEs) occurred, and no patient discontinued treatment because of an adverse event. The most frequently reported drug-related AEs were micturition urgency (n = 16; 40%), dysuria (n = 16; 40%), fatigue (n = 13; 32.5%), pollakiuria (n = 11; 28%), and hematuria and nocturia (n = 10 each; 25%). Conclusion rAd-IFNα/Syn3 was well tolerated. It demonstrated promising efficacy for patients with HG NMIBC after BCG therapy who were unable or unwilling to undergo radical cystectomy

    Tissue Effects in a Randomized Controlled Trial of Short-term Finasteride in Early Prostate Cancer.

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    BackgroundIn the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial, finasteride selectively suppressed low-grade prostate cancer and significantly reduced the incidence of prostate cancer in men treated with finasteride compared with placebo. However, an apparent increase in high-grade disease was also observed among men randomized to finasteride. We aimed to determine why and hypothesized that there is a grade-dependent response to finasteride.MethodsFrom 2007 to 2012, we randomized dynamically by intranet-accessible software 183 men with localized prostate cancer to receive 5mg finasteride or placebo daily in a double-blind study during the 4-6weeks preceding prostatectomy. As the primary end point, the expression of a predefined molecular signature (ERβ, UBE2C, SRD5A2, and VEGF) differentiating high- and low-grade tumors in Gleason grade (GG) 3 areas of finasteride-exposed tumors from those in GG3 areas of placebo-exposed tumors, adjusted for Gleason score (GS) at prostatectomy, was compared. We also determined androgen receptor (AR) levels, Ki-67, and cleaved caspase 3 to evaluate the effects of finasteride on the expression of its downstream target, cell proliferation, and apoptosis, respectively. The expression of these markers was also compared across grades between and within treatment groups. Logistic regression was used to assess the expression of markers.FindingsWe found that the predetermined molecular signature did not distinguish GG3 from GG4 areas in the placebo group. However, AR expression was significantly lower in the GG4 areas of the finasteride group than in those of the placebo group. Within the finasteride group, AR expression was also lower in GG4 than in GG3 areas, but not significantly. Expression of cleaved caspase 3 was significantly increased in both GG3 and GG4 areas in the finasteride group compared to the placebo group, although it was lower in GG4 than in GG3 areas in both groups.InterpretationWe showed that finasteride's effect on apoptosis and AR expression is tumor grade dependent after short-term intervention. This may explain finasteride's selective suppression of low-grade tumors observed in the PCPT