12 research outputs found

    Peak oxygen uptake and left ventricular ejection fraction, but not depressive symptoms, are associated with cognitive impairment in patients with chronic heart failure

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of the present study was to assess cognitive impairment in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) and its associations with depressive symptoms and somatic indicators of illness severity, which is a matter of controversy. METHODS AND RESULTS: Fifty-five patients with CHF (mean age 55.3 ± 7.8 years; 80% male; New York Heart Association functional class I-III) underwent assessment with an expanded neuropsychological test battery (eg, memory, complex attention, mental flexibility, psychomotor speed) to evaluate objective and subjective cognitive impairment. Depressive symptoms were assessed using the Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (SCID) and a self-report inventory (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale [HADS]). A comprehensive clinical dataset, including left ventricular ejection fraction, peak oxygen uptake, and a 6-minute walk test, was obtained for all patients. Neuropsychological functioning revealed impairment in 56% of patients in at least one measure of our neuropsychological test battery. However, the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) could only detect cognitive impairment in 1.8% of all patients, 24% had HADS scores indicating depressive symptoms, and 11.1% met SCID criteria for a depressive disorder. No significant association was found between depressive symptoms and cognitive impairment. Left ventricular ejection fraction was related to subjective cognitive impairment, and peak oxygen uptake was related to objective cognitive impairment. CONCLUSION: Cognitive functioning was substantially reduced in patients with CHF and should therefore be diagnosed and treated in routine clinical practice. Caution is advised when the MMSE is used to identify cognitive impairment in patients with CHF

    Physician and Patient Predictors of Evidence-Based Prescribing in Heart Failure: A Multilevel Study

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    BACKGROUND: The management of patients with heart failure (HF) needs to account for changeable and complex individual clinical characteristics. The use of renin angiotensin system inhibitors (RAAS-I) to target doses is recommended by guidelines. But physicians seemingly do not sufficiently follow this recommendation, while little is known about the physician and patient predictors of adherence. METHODS: To examine the coherence of primary care (PC) physicians' knowledge and self-perceived competencies regarding RAAS-I with their respective prescribing behavior being related to patient-associated barriers. Cross-sectional follow-up study after a randomized medical educational intervention trial with a seven month observation period. PC physicians (n = 37) and patients with systolic HF (n = 168) from practices in Baden-Wuerttemberg. Measurements were knowledge (blueprint-based multiple choice test), self-perceived competencies (questionnaire on global confidence in the therapy and on frequency of use of RAAS-I), and patient variables (age, gender, NYHA functional status, blood pressure, potassium level, renal function). Prescribing was collected from the trials' documentation. The target variable consisted of ≥50% of recommended RAAS-I dosage being investigated by two-level logistic regression models. RESULTS: Patients (69% male, mean age 68.8 years) showed symptomatic and objectified left ventricular (NYHA II vs. III/IV: 51% vs. 49% and mean LVEF 33.3%) and renal (GFR<50%: 22%) impairment. Mean percentage of RAAS-I target dose was 47%, 59% of patients receiving ≥50%. Determinants of improved prescribing of RAAS-I were patient age (OR 0.95, CI 0.92-0.99, p = 0.01), physician's global self-confidence at follow-up (OR 1.09, CI 1.02-1.05, p = 0.01) and NYHA class (II vs. III/IV) (OR 0.63, CI 0.38-1.05, p = 0.08). CONCLUSIONS: A change in physician's confidence as a predictor of RAAS-I dose increase is a new finding that might reflect an intervention effect of improved physicians' intention and that might foster novel strategies to improve safe evidence-based prescribing. These should include targeting knowledge, attitudes and skills

    Barrieren der Leitlinienumsetzung und Fortbildungsbedarf von Hausärzten zur Herzinsuffizienz: eine qualitative Studie [Barriers to guideline implementation and educational needs of general practitioners regarding heart failure: a qualitative study]

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    [english] Objectives: A clinical practice guideline (CPG) contains specifically developed recommendations that can serve physicians as a decision aid in evidence-based practice. The implementation of heart failure (HF) CPGs represents a challenge in general practice. As part of the development of a tailored curriculum, aim of this study was to identify barriers of guideline adherence and needs for medical education (CME) in HF care.Methods: We conducted a modified focus group with elements of a workshop of three hours duration. Thirteen GPs collected and discussed together and parallel in smaller groups barriers of guideline implementation. Afterwards they performed a needs assessment for a tailored CME curriculum for chronic HF. The content of the discussions was analysed qualitatively according to Mayring and categorised thematically.Results: Barriers of guideline adherence were found in the following areas: doctor: procedural knowledge (knowledge gaps), communicative and organisational skills (e.g. time management) and attitude (dissatisfaction with time-money-relation). Patients: individual case-related problems (multimorbidity, psychiatric comorbidity, expectations and beliefs). Doctor and patient: Adherence and barriers of communication. Main measures for improvement of care concerned the areas of the identified barriers of guideline adherence with the focus on application-oriented training of the abovementioned procedural knowledge and skills, but also the supply of tools (like patient information leaflets) and patient education. Conclusion: For a CME-curriculum for HF tailored to the needs of GPs, a comprehensive educational approach seems necessary. It should be broad-based and include elements of knowledge and skills to be addressed and trained case-related. Additional elements should include support in the implementation of organisational processes in the practice and patient education.<br>[german] Zielsetzung: Leitlinien zur Herzinsuffizienz (HI) enthalten systematisch entwickelte Empfehlungen, deren Umsetzung speziell in der hausärztlichen Praxis eine bekannte Herausforderung darstellt. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es, Barrieren bei der Umsetzung der Leitlinienempfehlungen zu identifizieren, Vorschläge zu Verbesserungsmaßnahmen der hausärztlichen Versorgung und für die Entwicklung einer bedarfsgerechten Fortbildung zu gewinnen.Methodik: Es wurde eine modifizierte Fokusgruppe mit Workshopcharakter durchgeführt. In drei parallelen Kleingruppen erarbeiteten 13 Hausärzte Barrieren bei der Leitlinienumsetzung zur HI. Darauf aufbauend wurde eine Bedarfsanalyse bzgl. der Lernziele und der spezifischen Verbesserungsmaßnahmen für eine hausärztliche Fortbildung zur HI durchgeführt. Die protokollierten Aussagen der Ärzte wurden mittels Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring ausgewertet und anschließend thematisch kategorisiert.Ergebnisse: Als Barrieren der Umsetzung vorhandener Leitlinien nannten die teilnehmenden Ärzte arztseitige Defizite und Unterstützungsbedarf in den Dimensionen Wissen, kommunikativen und organisatorischen Fähigkeiten (z. B. Zeitmangel/-management) und der Haltung gegenüber Leitlinien (z.B. Faulheit). Den Patienten wurden individuelle, patientenbezogene Probleme (z.B. Komplexität des Einzelfalles bei Multimorbidität, psychische Komorbidität) sowie ablehnende Einstellungen (z.B. gegenüber „Schulmedizin“) zugeschrieben. Im Bereich der Arzt-Patient-Interaktion wurden u.a. mangelnde medikamentöse Adhärenz und Kommunikationsprobleme als Barrieren genannt. Vorschläge zu Verbesserungs- bzw. Schulungsmaßnahmen umfassten breit angelegte Schulungskonzepte (z.B. in interdisziplinären Qualitätszirkeln mit Fall-Audit), die neben der Vermittlung von Wissensaspekten aus einer (idealerweise einheitlichen) Leitlinie auch praktische Fertigkeiten hinsichtlich Arzt-Patienten-Kommunikation und Praxis-Organisation einschlossen. Die Bereitstellung praktikabler Arbeitsmaterialien und Patientenschulungen sollten aus Sicht der Teilnehmer die Arztschulungen ergänzen.Schlussfolgerung: Ein Fortbildungs-Curriculum für Hausärzte zur HI scheint einer umfassenden Leitlinienschulung zu bedürfen, in welchen insbesondere Handlungskompetenz und kommunikative Fertigkeiten anwendungsorientiert geübt werden sollten. Weitere Bestandteile sollten Hilfestellungen zur Implementierung von Organisationsabläufen und Patientenschulungen sein

    Trial design.

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    <p>(in chronological order:) Patient enrolment by primary care physicians and baseline clinical documentation (patient assessment), randomisation of physicians (with patients in clusters), physician self-assessment of competencies before (first) medical education intervention (either TTT or Standard), second physician self-assessment before unheralded knowledge test, follow-up patient assessment.</p

    Improving medical care and prevention in adults with congenital heart disease—reflections on a global problem—part I: Development of congenital cardiology, epidemiology, clinical aspects, heart failure, cardiac arrhythmia

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    © Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy. All rights reserved.Today most patients with congenital heart defects (CHD) survive into adulthood. Unfortunately, despite relevant residua and sequels, follow-up care of adults with congenital heart disease (ACHD) is not performed in specialized and/or certified physicians or centres. Major problems in the long-term course encompass heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias, heart valve disorders, pulmonary vascular disease, infective endocarditis, aortopathy and non-cardiac comorbidities. Many of them manifest themselves differently from acquired heart disease and therapy regimens from general cardiology cannot be transferred directly to CHD. It should be noted that even simple, postoperative heart defects that were until recently considered to be harmless can lead to problems with age, a fact that had not been expected so far. The treatment of ACHD has many special features and requires special expertise. Thereby, it is important that treatment regimens from acquired heart disease are not necessarily transmitted to CHD. While primary care physicians have the important and responsible task to set the course for adequate diagnosis and treatment early and to refer patients to appropriate care in specialized ACHD-facilities, they should actively encourage ACHD to pursue follow-up care in specialized facilities who can provide responsible and advanced advice. This medical update emphasizes the current data on epidemiology, heart failure and cardiac arrhythmia in ACHD