739 research outputs found

    On the local and global comparison of generalized Bajraktarevi\'c means

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    Given two continuous functions f,g:IRf,g:I\to\mathbb{R} such that gg is positive and f/gf/g is strictly monotone, a measurable space (T,A)(T,A), a measurable family of dd-variable means m:Id×TIm: I^d\times T\to I, and a probability measure μ\mu on the measurable sets AA, the dd-variable mean Mf,g,m;μ:IdIM_{f,g,m;\mu}:I^d\to I is defined by Mf,g,m;μ(x):=(fg)1(Tf(m(x1,,xd,t))dμ(t)Tg(m(x1,,xd,t))dμ(t))(x=(x1,,xd)Id). M_{f,g,m;\mu}(\pmb{x}) :=\left(\frac{f}{g}\right)^{-1}\left( \frac{\int_T f\big(m(x_1,\dots,x_d,t)\big) d\mu(t)} {\int_T g\big(m(x_1,\dots,x_d,t)\big) d\mu(t)}\right) \qquad(\pmb{x}=(x_1,\dots,x_d)\in I^d). The aim of this paper is to study the local and global comparison problem of these means, i.e., to find conditions for the generating functions (f,g)(f,g) and (h,k)(h,k), for the families of means mm and nn, and for the measures μ,ν\mu,\nu such that the comparison inequality Mf,g,m;μ(x)Mh,k,n;ν(x)(xId) M_{f,g,m;\mu}(\pmb{x})\leq M_{h,k,n;\nu}(\pmb{x}) \qquad(\pmb{x}\in I^d) be satisfied

    Measures by means, means by measures

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    We construct measure which determines an ordinary mean in a very natural way. Using that measure we can extend the mean to infinite sets as well. E.g. we can calculate the geometric mean of any set with positive Lebesgue measure. We also study the properties and behavior of such generalized means that are obtained by a measure

    On zeros of reciprocal polynomials of odd degree

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    Inequalities for integral mean values

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    Production functions having the CES property

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    To what measure does the CES (constant elasticity of substitution) property determine production functions? We show that it is not possible to find explicitely all two variable production functions f(x; y) having the CES property. This slightly generalizes the result of R. Sato [16]. We show that if a production function is a quasi-sum then the CES property determines only the functional forms of the inner functions, the outer functions being arbitrary (satisfying some regularity properties). If in addition to CES property homogeneity (of some degree) is required then the (twovariable) production function is either CD or ACMS production function. This generalizes the result of [4] and also makes their proof more transparent (in the special case of degree 1 homogeneity)

    Hyperkantianism and hermeneutics

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