135 research outputs found

    Cage Matching: Head to Head Competition Experiments of an Invasive Plant Species from Different Regions as a Means to Test for Differentiation

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    Many hypotheses are prevalent in the literature predicting why some plant species can become invasive. However, in some respects, we lack a standard approach to compare the breadth of various studies and differentiate between alternative explanations. Furthermore, most of these hypotheses rely on ‘changes in density’ of an introduced species to infer invasiveness. Here, we propose a simple method to screen invasive plant species for potential differences in density effects between novel regions. Studies of plant competition using density series are a fundamental tool applied to virtually every aspect of plant population ecology to better understand evolution. Hence, we use a simple density series with substitution contrasting the performance of Centaurea solstitialis in monoculture (from one region) to mixtures (seeds from two regions). All else being equal, if there is no difference between the introduced species in the two novel regions compared, Argentina and California, then there should be no competitive differences between intra and inter-regional competition series. Using a replicated regression design, seeds of each species were sown in the greenhouse at 5 densities in monoculture and mixed and grown till onset of flowering. Centaurea seeds from California had higher germination while seedlings had significantly greater survival than Argentina. There was no evidence for density dependence in any measure for the California region but negative density dependence was detected in the germination of seeds from Argentina. The relative differences in competition also differed between regions with no evidence of differential competitive effects of seeds from Argentina in mixture versus monoculture while seeds from California expressed a relative cost in germination and relative growth rate in mixtures with Argentina. In the former instance, lack of difference does not mean ‘no ecological differences’ but does suggest that local adaptation in competitive abilities has not occurred. Importantly, this method successfully detected differences in the response of an invasive species to changes in density between novel regions which suggests that it is a useful preliminary means to explore invasiveness

    Genetic variation for sensitivity to a thyme monoterpene in associated plant species

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    Recent studies have shown that plant allelochemicals can have profound effects on the performance of associated species, such that plants with a history of co-existence with “chemical neighbour” plants perform better in their presence compared to naïve plants. This has cast new light on the complexity of plant–plant interactions and plant communities and has led to debates on whether plant communities are more co-evolved than traditionally thought. In order to determine whether plants may indeed evolve in response to other plants’ allelochemicals it is crucial to determine the presence of genetic variation for performance under the influence of specific allelochemicals and show that natural selection indeed operates on this variation. We studied the effect of the monoterpene carvacrol—a dominant compound in the essential oil of Thymus pulegioides—on three associated plant species originating from sites where thyme is either present or absent. We found the presence of genetic variation in both naïve and experienced populations for performance under the influence of the allelochemical but the response varied among naïve and experienced plant. Plants from experienced populations performed better than naïve plants on carvacrol soil and contained significantly more seed families with an adaptive response to carvacrol than naïve populations. This suggests that the presence of T. pulegioides can act as a selective agent on associated species, by favouring genotypes which perform best in the presence of its allelochemicals. The response to the thyme allelochemical varied from negative to neutral to positive among the species. The different responses within a species suggest that plant–plant interactions can evolve; this has implications for community dynamics and stability

    The spatial scale of density-dependent growth and implications for dispersal from nests in juvenile Atlantic salmon

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    By dispersing from localized aggregations of recruits, individuals may obtain energetic benefits due to reduced experienced density. However, this will depend on the spatial scale over which individuals compete. Here, we quantify this scale for juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) following emergence and dispersal from nests. A single nest was placed in each of ten replicate streams during winter, and information on the individual positions (±1 m) and the body sizes of the resulting young-of-the-year (YOY) juveniles was obtained by sampling during the summer. In six of the ten streams, model comparisons suggested that individual body size was most closely related to the density within a mean distance of 11 m (range 2–26 m). A link between body size and density on such a restricted spatial scale suggests that dispersal from nests confers energetic benefits that can counterbalance any survival costs. For the four remaining streams, which had a high abundance of trout and older salmon cohorts, no single spatial scale could best describe the relation between YOY density and body size. Energetic benefits of dispersal associated with reduced local density therefore appear to depend on the abundance of competing cohorts or species, which have spatial distributions that are less predictable in terms of distance from nests. Thus, given a trade-off between costs and benefits associated with dispersal, and variation in benefits among environments, we predict an evolving and/or phenotypically plastic growth rate threshold which determines when an individual decides to disperse from areas of high local density

    Business angel exits: A theory of planned behaviour perspective

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    Although there are a handful of studies on business angel investment returns, the business angel literature has given little or no attention to exits and the exit strategy. This is surprising given that a primary objective of investing is to achieve a capital gain through some form of liquidity event. Using the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) as an interpretative heuristic, we examine how exits happen: specifically, what are the motivations to seek an exit and to what extent are they planned or opportunistic? Based on multiple case studies in which business angels were invited to tell the story of their most recent exit(s), the evidence suggests that the majority of liquidity events are the outcome of planned behaviour. We propose a typology of angel-backed investment exits as the basis for identifying future directions for research and developing practical advice to angels on effective business practices

    The Alpine Cushion Plant Silene acaulis as Foundation Species: A Bug’s-Eye View to Facilitation and Microclimate

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    Alpine ecosystems are important globally with high levels of endemic and rare species. Given that they will be highly impacted by climate change, understanding biotic factors that maintain diversity is critical. Silene acaulis is a common alpine nurse plant shown to positively influence the diversity and abundance of organisms–predominantly other plant species. The hypothesis that cushion or nurse plants in general are important to multiple trophic levels has been proposed but rarely tested. Alpine arthropod diversity is also largely understudied worldwide, and the plant-arthropod interactions reported are mostly negative, that is,. herbivory. Plant and arthropod diversity and abundance were sampled on S. acaulis and at paired adjacent microsites with other non-cushion forming vegetation present on Whistler Mountain, B.C., Canada to examine the relative trophic effects of cushion plants. Plant species richness and abundance but not Simpson’s diversity index was higher on cushion microsites relative to other vegetation. Arthropod richness, abundance, and diversity were all higher on cushion microsites relative to other vegetated sites. On a microclimatic scale, S. acaulis ameliorated stressful conditions for plants and invertebrates living inside it, but the highest levels of arthropod diversity were observed on cushions with tall plant growth. Hence, alpine cushion plants can be foundation species not only for other plant species but other trophic levels, and these impacts are expressed through both direct and indirect effects associated with altered environmental conditions and localized productivity. Whilst this case study tests a limited subset of the membership of alpine animal communities, it clearly demonstrates that cushion-forming plant species are an important consideration in understanding resilience to global changes for many organisms in addition to other plants

    Phylogenetic Relatedness Influences Plant Interspecific Interactions Across Stress Levels in Coastal Ecosystems: a Meta-Analysis

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    Positive and negative interactions can occur simultaneously between plant species. According to the stress gradient hypothesis (SGH), species interactions shift towards more facilitative interactions or reductions in competition with increasing stress, whereas debate continues over whether evolutionary history influences the strength of species interactions. However, few studies have investigated the effects of phylogenetic relatedness (i.e., the sum of branch lengths separating species on a phylogeny) on the outcomes of interspecific interactions across stress levels. Therefore, we conducted a Bayesian meta-analysis on data collected from publications on plant interactions within coastal ecosystems in order to investigate the effects of phylogenetic relatedness on interspecific interactions across different stress levels. These analyses showed the effect sizes of species interactions on survival and growth to increase with stress increment, supporting the SGH in coastal ecosystems. However, phylogenetic relatedness did not lead to these differences of interspecific interactions between low and high stress. We found that species interactions affecting plant survival were not significantly influenced by phylogenetic relatedness; however, when evolutionary relationships of target and neighbor species were more phylogenetically distant, their interactions were more likely to facilitate growth of target species. Furthermore, the effect of the interaction between phylogenetic distance and stress on species interactions was negative. This suggests the observed net effects of phylogenetically distant neighbor species on target species were not due to true facilitation but reductions in competition when moving from low stress to high stress environments. According to these results, phylogenetic relatedness should be considered in choosing species for restoration of coastal ecosystem plant communities. Specifically, increasing the phylogenetic breadth of the assemblage is more likely to include species that have evolved to reduce stress on surrounding species through modification of the environment

    Priorities for synthesis research in ecology and environmental science

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    Synthesis research in ecology and environmental science improves understanding, advances theory, identifies research priorities, and supports management strategies by linking data, ideas, and tools. Accelerating environmental challenges increases the need to focus synthesis science on the most pressing questions. To leverage input from the broader research community, we convened a virtual workshop with participants from many countries and disciplines to examine how and where synthesis can address key questions and themes in ecology and environmental science in the coming decade. Seven priority research topics emerged: (1) diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ), (2) human and natural systems, (3) actionable and use-inspired science, (4) scale, (5) generality, (6) complexity and resilience, and (7) predictability. Additionally, two issues regarding the general practice of synthesis emerged: the need for increased participant diversity and inclusive research practices; and increased and improved data flow, access, and skill-building. These topics and practices provide a strategic vision for future synthesis in ecology and environmental science