116 research outputs found

    A dynamical systems model for the measurement of cellular senescence

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    Senescent cells provide a good in vitro model to study ageing. However, cultures of 'senescent' cells consist of a mix of cell subtypes (proliferative, senescent, growth-arrested and apoptotic). Determining the proportion of senescent cells is crucial for studying ageing and developing new anti-degenerative therapies. Commonly used markers such as doubling population, senescence-associated β-galactosidase, Ki-67, γH2AX and TUNEL assays capture diverse and overlapping cellular populations and are not purely specific to senescence. A newly developed dynamical systems model follows the transition of an initial culture to senescence tracking population doubling, and the proportion of cells in proliferating, growth-arrested, apoptotic and senescent states. Our model provides a parsimonious description of transitions between these states accruing towards a predominantly senescent population. Using a genetic algorithm, these model parameters are well constrained by an in vitro human primary fibroblast dataset recording five markers at 16 time points. The computational model accurately fits to the data and translates these joint markers into the first complete description of the proportion of cells in different states over the lifetime. The high temporal resolution of the dataset demonstrates the efficacy of strategies for reconstructing the trajectory towards replicative senescence with a minimal number of experimental recordings.published version, accepted versionThis work was generously supported by the Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Award (grant no. 204909/Z/16/Z). J.R. acknowledges the financial support of the EPSRC Centre for Predictive Modelling in Healthcare (grant no. EP/N014391/1) and from an EPSRC New Investigator Award (grant no. EP/R03124X/1). E.L. acknowledges the financial support of the Dunhill Medical Trust (grant no. R386/114).This article is freely available via Open Access. Click on the Publisher URL to access it via the publisher's site

    A dynamical systems model for the measurement of cellular senescence

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    Senescent cells provide a good in vitro model to study ageing. However, cultures of 'senescent' cells consist of a mix of cell subtypes (proliferative, senescent, growth-arrested and apoptotic). Determining the proportion of senescent cells is crucial for studying ageing and developing new anti-degenerative therapies. Commonly used markers such as doubling population, senescence-associated β-galactosidase, Ki-67, γH2AX and TUNEL assays capture diverse and overlapping cellular populations and are not purely specific to senescence. A newly developed dynamical systems model follows the transition of an initial culture to senescence tracking population doubling, and the proportion of cells in proliferating, growth-arrested, apoptotic and senescent states. Our model provides a parsimonious description of transitions between these states accruing towards a predominantly senescent population. Using a genetic algorithm, these model parameters are well constrained by an in vitro human primary fibroblast dataset recording five markers at 16 time points. The computational model accurately fits to the data and translates these joint markers into the first complete description of the proportion of cells in different states over the lifetime. The high temporal resolution of the dataset demonstrates the efficacy of strategies for reconstructing the trajectory towards replicative senescence with a minimal number of experimental recordings.This article is freely available via Open Access. Click on the Publisher URL to access it via the publisher's site.This work was generously supported by the Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Award (grant no. 204909/Z/16/Z). J.R. acknowledges the financial support of the EPSRC Centre for Predictive Modelling in Healthcare (grant no. EP/N014391/1) and from an EPSRC New Investigator Award (grant no. EP/R03124X/1). E.L. acknowledges the financial support of the Dunhill Medical Trust (grant no. R386/114).published version, accepted versio

    Alternative splicing in serotonergic system: Implications in neuropsychiatric disorders

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    Background: The serotonergic system is a key component of physiological brain function and is essential for proper neurological activity. Numerous neuropsychiatric disorders are associated with deregulation of the serotonergic system. Accordingly, many pharmacological treatments are focused on modulation of this system. While providing a promising line of therapeutic moderation, these approaches may be complicated due to the presence of alternative splicing events for key genes in this pathway. Alternative splicing is a co-transcriptional process by which different mRNA transcripts can be produced from the same gene. These different isoforms may have diverse activities and functions, and their relative balance is often critical for the maintenance of homeostasis. Alternative splicing greatly increases the production of proteins, augmenting cell plasticity, and provides an important control point for regulation of gene expression. Aim: The objective of this narrative review is to discuss the potential impact of alternative splicing of different components of the serotonergic system and speculate on their involvement in several neuropsychiatric disorders. Conclusions: The specific role of each isoform in disease and their relative activities in the signalling pathways involved are yet to be determined. We need to gain a better understanding of the basis of alternative isoforms of the serotonergic system in order to fully understand their impact and be able to develop new effective pharmacological isoform-specific targets

    Oxidative Metabolism Genes Are Not Responsive to Oxidative Stress in Rodent Beta Cell Lines

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    Altered expression of oxidative metabolism genes has been described in the skeletal muscle of individuals with type 2 diabetes. Pancreatic beta cells contain low levels of antioxidant enzymes and are particularly susceptible to oxidative stress. In this study, we explored the effect of hyperglycemia-induced oxidative stress on a panel of oxidative metabolism genes in a rodent beta cell line. We exposed INS-1 rodent beta cells to low (5.6 mmol/L), ambient (11 mmol/L), and high (28 mmol/L) glucose conditions for 48 hours. Increases in oxidative stress were measured using the fluorescent probe dihydrorhodamine 123. We then measured the expression levels of a panel of 90 oxidative metabolism genes by real-time PCR. Elevated reactive oxygen species (ROS) production was evident in INS-1 cells after 48 hours (P < 0.05). TLDA analysis revealed a significant (P < 0.05) upregulation of 16 of the 90 genes under hyperglycemic conditions, although these expression differences did not reflect differences in ROS. We conclude that although altered glycemia may influence the expression of some oxidative metabolism genes, this effect is probably not mediated by increased ROS production. The alterations to the expression of oxidative metabolism genes previously observed in human diabetic skeletal muscle do not appear to be mirrored in rodent pancreatic beta cells

    circRNAs expressed in human peripheral blood are associated with human aging phenotypes, cellular senescence and mouse lifespan.

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    Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are an emerging class of non-coding RNA molecules that are thought to regulate gene expression and human disease. Despite the observation that circRNAs are known to accumulate in older organisms and have been reported in cellular senescence, their role in aging remains relatively unexplored. Here, we have assessed circRNA expression in aging human blood and followed up age-associated circRNA in relation to human aging phenotypes, mammalian longevity as measured by mouse median strain lifespan and cellular senescence in four different primary human cell types. We found that circRNAs circDEF6, circEP300, circFOXO3 and circFNDC3B demonstrate associations with parental longevity or hand grip strength in 306 subjects from the InCHIANTI study of aging, and furthermore, circFOXO3 and circEP300 also demonstrate differential expression in one or more human senescent cell types. Finally, four circRNAs tested showed evidence of conservation in mouse. Expression levels of one of these, circPlekhm1, was nominally associated with lifespan. These data suggest that circRNA may represent a novel class of regulatory RNA involved in the determination of aging phenotypes, which may show future promise as both biomarkers and future therapeutic targets for age-related disease

    Altered cellular redox homeostasis and redox responses under standard oxygen cell culture conditions versus physioxia.

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    In vivo, mammalian cells reside in an environment of 0.5-10% O2 (depending on the tissue location within the body), whilst standard in vitro cell culture is carried out under room air. Little is known about the effects of this hyperoxic environment on treatment-induced oxidative stress, relative to a physiological oxygen environment. In the present study we investigated the effects of long-term culture under hyperoxia (air) on photodynamic treatment. Upon photodynamic irradiation, cells which had been cultured long-term under hyperoxia generated higher concentrations of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species, compared with cells in a physioxic (2% O2) environment. However, there was no significant difference in viability between hyperoxic and physioxic cells. The expression of genes encoding key redox homeostasis proteins and the activity of key antioxidant enzymes was significantly higher after the long-term culture of hyperoxic cells compared with physioxic cells. The induction of antioxidant genes and increased antioxidant enzyme activity appear to contribute to the development of a phenotype that is resistant to oxidative stress-induced cellular damage and death when using standard cell culture conditions. The results from experiments using selective inhibitors suggested that the thioredoxin antioxidant system contributes to this phenotype. To avoid artefactual results, in vitro cellular responses should be studied in mammalian cells that have been cultured under physioxia. This investigation provides new insights into the effects of physioxic cell culture on a model of a clinically relevant photodynamic treatment and the associated cellular pathways

    Transcription-associated breaks in Xeroderma Pigmentosum group D cells from patients with combined features of Xeroderma Pigmentosum and Cockayne Syndrome

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    Defects in the XPD gene can result in several clinical phenotypes, including xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), trichothiodystrophy, and, less frequently, the combined phenotype of XP and Cockayne syndrome (XP-D/CS). We previously showed that in cells from two XP-D/CS patients, breaks were introduced into cellular DNA on exposure to UV damage, but these breaks were not at the sites of the damage. In the present work, we show that three further XP-D/CS patients show the same peculiar breakage phenomenon. We show that these breaks can be visualized inside the cells by immunofluorescence using antibodies to either gamma-H2AX or poly-ADP-ribose and that they can be generated by the introduction of plasmids harboring methylation or oxidative damage as well as by UV photoproducts. Inhibition of RNA polymerase II transcription by four different inhibitors dramatically reduced the number of UV-induced breaks. Furthermore, the breaks were dependent on the nucleotide excision repair (NER) machinery. These data are consistent with our hypothesis that the NER machinery introduces the breaks at sites of transcription initiation. During transcription in UV-irradiated XP-D/CS cells, phosphorylation of the carboxy-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II occurred normally, but the elongating form of the polymerase remained blocked at lesions and was eventually degraded

    The DDX6-4E-T interaction mediates translational repression and P-body assembly.

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    4E-Transporter binds eIF4E via its consensus sequence YXXXXLΦ, shared with eIF4G, and is a nucleocytoplasmic shuttling protein found enriched in P-(rocessing) bodies. 4E-T inhibits general protein synthesis by reducing available eIF4E levels. Recently, we showed that 4E-T bound to mRNA however represses its translation in an eIF4E-independent manner, and contributes to silencing of mRNAs targeted by miRNAs. Here, we address further the mechanism of translational repression by 4E-T by first identifying and delineating the interacting sites of its major partners by mass spectrometry and western blotting, including DDX6, UNR, unrip, PAT1B, LSM14A and CNOT4. Furthermore, we document novel binding between 4E-T partners including UNR-CNOT4 and unrip-LSM14A, altogether suggesting 4E-T nucleates a complex network of RNA-binding protein interactions. In functional assays, we demonstrate that joint deletion of two short conserved motifs that bind UNR and DDX6 relieves repression of 4E-T-bound mRNA, in part reliant on the 4E-T-DDX6-CNOT1 axis. We also show that the DDX6-4E-T interaction mediates miRNA-dependent translational repression and de novo P-body assembly, implying that translational repression and formation of new P-bodies are coupled processes. Altogether these findings considerably extend our understanding of the role of 4E-T in gene regulation, important in development and neurogenesis.BBSRC [BB/J00779X/1 to N.S.]; CNRS PICS (to D.W.); Agence Nationale pour la Recherche [ANR-14-CE09-0013-01ANR to D.W.]; Gates Cambridge Foundation (to A.K.); Fondation Wiener – Anspach of the Université Libre de Bruxelles and the Cambridge Newton Trust (C.V.). Funding for open access charge: BBSRC

    Total carotenoid content, α-carotene and β-carotene, of landrace pumpkins (Cucurbita moschata Duch): A preliminary study

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    AbstractLandrace pumpkins occur in nature and their potential as source of pro-vitamin A may be investigated in order to be used in conventional plant breeding or biofortification programs, aiming to increase the total carotenoids and β-carotene contents. The objective of the study was to determine the total carotenoid, α-carotene, β-carotene and its isomers and contents in two landrace samples (A and B) of raw pumpkins (Cucurbita moschata) to verify its seed production potential. High Performance Liquid Chromatography and UV/Visible spectrophotometry were used to determine α-carotene, β-carotene and its isomers, and total carotenoid contents, respectively. All analyses were carried out in triplicate. The results showed mean total carotenoid contents of 404.98 in sample A, and 234.21μg/g in sample B. The α-carotene contents varied from 67.06 to 72.99μg/g in samples A and B, respectively. All E-β-carotene was the most abundant isomer found varying from 244.22 to 141.95μg/g in samples A and B, respectively. The 9 and 13-Z-β-carotene isomers were still found in low concentrations in both analyzed landrace samples. The content of β-carotene in raw sample A showed to be promising for the production of seeds for cultivation and consumption
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