803 research outputs found

    Dengue viruses binding proteins from Aedes aegypti and Aedes polynesiensis salivary glands

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    Dengue virus (DENV), the etiological agent of dengue fever, is transmitted to the human host during blood uptake by an infective mosquito. Infection of vector salivary glands and further injection of infectious saliva into the human host are key events of the DENV transmission cycle. However, the molecular mechanisms of DENV entry into the mosquito salivary glands have not been clearly identified. Otherwise, although it was demonstrated for other vector-transmitted pathogens that insect salivary components may interact with host immune agents and impact the establishment of infection, the role of mosquito saliva on DENV infection in human has been only poorly documented. To identify salivary gland molecules which might interact with DENV at these key steps of transmission cycle, we investigated the presence of proteins able to bind DENV in salivary gland extracts (SGE) from two mosquito species. Using virus overlay protein binding assay, we detected several proteins able to bind DENV in SGE from Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes polynesiensis (Marks). The present findings pave the way for the identification of proteins mediating DENV attachment or entry into mosquito salivary glands, and of saliva-secreted proteins those might be bound to the virus at the earliest step of human infection. The present findings might contribute to the identification of new targets for anti-dengue strategies

    Contribution à l'étude de Cavia porcellus (Linné, 1758) : atlas radiographique et ostéologie

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    Cet ouvrage dĂ©diĂ© au cobaye a pour objectif de faciliter, lors de la pratique courante de la mĂ©decine vĂ©tĂ©rinaire, l'obtention de clichĂ©s radiographiques de qualitĂ© ; ainsi que leur interprĂ©tation. AprĂšs une partie consacrĂ©e Ă  la prĂ©sentation du cobaye, on dĂ©taille les techniques spĂ©cifiques Ă  mettre en Ɠuvre : contention et positionnement du sujet, rĂ©glages de l'appareil de radiologie. Les radiographies sont prĂ©sentĂ©es en deux exemplaires – le seconde Ă©tant lĂ©gendĂ© – et sont accompagnĂ©es – pour les tissus durs – des photographies lĂ©gendĂ©es de la structure osseuse en question

    Identification of a novel a-L-arabinofuranosidase gene associated with mealiness in apple.

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    In order to investigate the genetic bases of the physiological syndrome mealiness that causes abnormal fruit softening and juice loss in apples, an integrative approach was devised, consisting of sensory, instrumental, biochemical, genetic, and genomic methods. High levels of activity of a-L-arabinofuranosidase (a-AFase), a hydrolase acting on the pectic component of the cell walls, were found in individuals exhibiting the mealiness phenotype in a segregating population. The expression levels of the previously uncharacterized apple AF gene MdAF3 are higher in fruits from plants consistently showing mealiness symptons and high a-AFase activity. The transcription of MdAF3 is differentially regulated in distinct genomic contexts and appears to be independent of ethylene. Thus, it is likely to be controlled by endogenous developmental mechanisms associated with fruit ripening. The use of integrative approaches has allowed the identification of a novel contributor to the mealiness phenotype in apple and it has been possible to overcome the problems posed by the unavailability of near-isogenic lines to dissect the genetic bases of a complex physiological trait in woody perennial species

    Long-term persistence of monotypic dengue transmission in small size isolated populations, French Polynesia, 1978-2014.

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    Understanding the transition of epidemic to endemic dengue transmission remains a challenge in regions where serotypes co-circulate and there is extensive human mobility. French Polynesia, an isolated group of 117 islands of which 72 are inhabited, distributed among five geographically separated subdivisions, has recorded mono-serotype epidemics since 1944, with long inter-epidemic periods of circulation. Laboratory confirmed cases have been recorded since 1978, enabling exploration of dengue epidemiology under monotypic conditions in an isolated, spatially structured geographical location. A database was constructed of confirmed dengue cases, geolocated to island for a 35-year period. Statistical analyses of viral establishment, persistence and fade-out as well as synchrony among subdivisions were performed. Seven monotypic and one heterotypic dengue epidemic occurred, followed by low-level viral circulation with a recrudescent epidemic occurring on one occasion. Incidence was asynchronous among the subdivisions. Complete viral die-out occurred on several occasions with invasion of a new serotype. Competitive serotype replacement has been observed previously and seems to be characteristic of the South Pacific. Island population size had a strong impact on the establishment, persistence and fade-out of dengue cases and endemicity was estimated achievable only at a population size in excess of 175 000. Despite island remoteness and low population size, dengue cases were observed somewhere in French Polynesia almost constantly, in part due to the spatial structuration generating asynchrony among subdivisions. Long-term persistence of dengue virus in this group of island populations may be enabled by island hopping, although could equally be explained by a reservoir of sub-clinical infections on the most populated island, Tahiti

    Identification of a novel α-L-arabinofuranosidase gene associated with mealiness in apple

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    In order to investigate the genetic bases of the physiological syndrome mealiness that causes abnormal fruit softening and juice loss in apples, an integrative approach was devised, consisting of sensory, instrumental, biochemical, genetic, and genomic methods. High levels of activity of α-L-arabinofuranosidase (α-AFase), a hydrolase acting on the pectic component of the cell walls, were found in individuals exhibiting the mealiness phenotype in a segregating population. The expression levels of the previously uncharacterized apple AF gene MdAF3 are higher in fruits from plants consistently showing mealiness symptons and high α-AFase activity. The transcription of MdAF3 is differentially regulated in distinct genomic contexts and appears to be independent of ethylene. Thus, it is likely to be controlled by endogenous developmental mechanisms associated with fruit ripening. The use of integrative approaches has allowed the identification of a novel contributor to the mealiness phenotype in apple and it has been possible to overcome the problems posed by the unavailability of near-isogenic lines to dissect the genetic bases of a complex physiological trait in woody perennial species

    Ross River virus antibody prevalence in the Fiji Islands, 2013-2015

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    A unique outbreak of Ross River virus (RRV) infection was reported in Fiji in 1979. In 2013, 29 RRV seroprevalence among residents was 46.5%. Of those born after 1982, 37.4% had anti-RRV 30 antibodies. Between 2013-2015, 10.9% of residents had seroconverted to RRV suggesting 31 ongoing endemic circulation of RRV in Fiji

    Ross River virus antibody prevalence in the Fiji Islands, 2013-2015

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    A unique outbreak of Ross River virus (RRV) infection was reported in Fiji in 1979. In 2013, 29 RRV seroprevalence among residents was 46.5%. Of those born after 1982, 37.4% had anti-RRV 30 antibodies. Between 2013-2015, 10.9% of residents had seroconverted to RRV suggesting 31 ongoing endemic circulation of RRV in Fiji
