350 research outputs found

    Integrating testing techniques through process programming

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    Integration of multiple testing techniques is required to demonstrate high quality of software. Technique integration has three basic goals: incremental testing capabilities, extensive error detection, and cost-effective application. We are experimenting with the use of process programming as a mechanism of integrating testing techniques. Having set out to integrate DATA FLOW testing and RELAY, we proposed synergistic use of these techniques to achieve all three goals. We developed a testing process program much as we would develop a software product from requirements through design to implementation and evaluation. We found process programming to be effective for explicitly integrating the techniques and achieving the desired synergism. Used in this way, process programming also mitigates many of the other problems that plague testing in the software development process

    Improving the Accuracy of Petri Net-based Analysis of Concurrent Programs

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    Spurious results are an inherent problem of most static analysis methods. These methods, in an effort to produce conservative results, overestimate the executable behavior of a program. Infeasible paths and imprecise alias resolution are the two causes of such inaccuracies. In this paper we present an approach for improving the accuracy of Petri net-based analysis of concurrent programs by including additional program state information in the Petri net. We present empirical results that demonstrate the improvements in accuracy and, in some cases, the reduction in the search space that result from applying this approach to concurrent Ada programs

    Making Networks Robust to Component Failures

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    In this thesis, we consider instances of component failure in the Internet and in networked cyber-physical systems, such as the communication network used by the modern electric power grid (termed the smart grid). We design algorithms that make these networks more robust to various component failures, including failed routers, failures of links connecting routers, and failed sensors. This thesis divides into three parts: recovery from malicious or misconfigured nodes injecting false information into a distributed system (e.g., the Internet), placing smart grid sensors to provide measurement error detection, and fast recovery from link failures in a smart grid communication network. First, we consider the problem of malicious or misconfigured nodes that inject and spread incorrect state throughout a distributed system. Such false state can degrade the performance of a distributed system or render it unusable. For example, in the case of network routing algorithms, false state corresponding to a node incorrectly declaring a cost of 0 to all destinations (maliciously or due to misconfiguration) can quickly spread through the network. This causes other nodes to (incorrectly) route via the misconfigured node, resulting in suboptimal routing and network congestion. We propose three algorithms for efficient recovery in such scenarios and evaluate their efficacy. The last two parts of this thesis consider robustness in the context of the electric power grid. We study the use and placement of a sensor, called a Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU), currently being deployed in electric power grids worldwide. PMUs provide voltage and current measurements at a sampling rate orders of magnitude higher than the status quo. As a result, PMUs can both drastically improve existing power grid operations and enable an entirely new set of applications, such as the reliable integration of renewable energy resources. However, PMU applications require correct (addressed in thesis part 2) and timely(covered in thesis part 3) PMU data. Without these guarantees, smart grid operators and applications may make incorrect decisions and take corresponding (incorrect) actions. The second part of this thesis addresses PMU measurement errors, which have been observed in practice. We formulate a set of PMU placement problems that aim to satisfy two constraints: place PMUs near each other to allow for measurement error detection and use the minimal number of PMUs to infer the state of the maximum number of system buses and transmission lines. For each PMU placement problem, we prove it is NP-Complete, propose a simple greedy approximation algorithm, and evaluate our greedy solutions. In the last part of this thesis, we design algorithms for fast recovery from link failures in a smart grid communication network. We propose, design, and evaluate solutions to all three aspects of link failure recovery: (a) link failure detection, (b) algorithms for pre-computing backup multicast trees, and (c) fast backup tree installation. To address (a), we design link-failure detection and reporting mechanisms that use OpenFlow to detect link failures when and where they occur inside the network. OpenFlow is an open source framework that cleanly separates the control and data planes for use in network management and control. For part (b), we formulate a new problem, Multicast Recycling, that pre-computes backup multicast trees that aim to minimize control plane signaling overhead. We prove Multicast Recycling is at least NP-hard and present a corresponding approximation algorithm. Lastly, two control plane algorithms are proposed that signal data plane switches to install pre-computed backup trees. An optimized version of each installation algorithm is designed that finds a near minimum set of forwarding rules by sharing forwarding rules across multicast groups. This optimization reduces backup tree install time and associated control state. We implement these algorithms using the POX open-source OpenFlow controller and evaluate them using the Mininet emulator, quantifying control plane signaling and installation time

    Subtyping with Generics: A Unified Approach

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    Reusable software increases programmers\u27 productivity and reduces repetitive code and software bugs. Variance is a key programming language mechanism for writing reusable software. Variance is concerned with the interplay of parametric polymorphism (i.e., templates, generics) and subtype (inclusion) polymorphism. Parametric polymorphism enables programmers to write abstract types and is known to enhance the readability, maintainability, and reliability of programs. Subtyping promotes software reuse by allowing code to be applied to a larger set of terms. Integrating parametric and subtype polymorphism while maintaining type safety is a difficult problem. Existing variance mechanisms enable greater subtyping between parametric types, but they suffer from severe deficiencies. They are unable to express several common type abstractions. They can cause a proliferation of types and redundant code. They are difficult for programmers to use due to its inherent complexity. This dissertation aims to improve variance mechanisms in programming languages supporting parametric polymorphism. To address the shortcomings of current mechanisms, I will combine two popular approaches, definition-site variance and use-site variance, in a single programming language. I have developed formal languages or calculi for reasoning about variance. The calculi are example languages supporting both notions of definition-site and use-site variance. They enable stating precise properties that can be proved rigorously. The VarLang calculus demonstrates fundamental issues in variance from a language neutral perspective. The VarJ calculus illustrates realistic complications by modeling a mainstream programming language, Java. VarJ not only supports both notions of use-site and definition-site variance but also language features with complex interactions with variance such as F-bounded polymorphism and wildcard capture. A mapping from Java to VarLang was implemented in software that infers definition-site variance for Java. Large, standard Java libraries (e.g. Oracle\u27s JDK 1.6) were analyzed using the software to compute metrics measuring the benefits of adding definition-site variance to Java, which only supports use-site variance. Applying this technique to six Java generic libraries shows that 21-47% (depending on the library) of generic definitions are inferred to have single-variance; 7-29% of method signatures can be relaxed through this inference, and up to 100% of existing wildcard annotations are unnecessary and can be elided. Although the VarJ calculus proposes how to extend Java with definition-site variance, no mainstream language currently supports both definition-site and use-site variance. To assist programmers with utilizing both notions with existing technology, I developed a refactoring tool that refactors Java code by inferring definition-site variance and adding wildcard annotations. This tool is practical and immediately applicable: It assumes no changes to the Java type system, while taking into account all its intricacies. This system allows users to select declarations (variables, method parameters, return types, etc.) to generalize and considers declarations not declared in available source code. I evaluated our technique on six Java generic libraries. I found that 34% of available declarations of variant type signatures can be generalized-i.e., relaxed with more general wildcard types. On average, 146 other declarations need to be updated when a declaration is generalized, showing that this refactoring would be too tedious and error-prone to perform manually. The result of applying this refactoring is a more general interface that supports greater software reuse

    Next generation software environments : principles, problems, and research directions

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    The past decade has seen a burgeoning of research and development in software environments. Conferences have been devoted to the topic of practical environments, journal papers produced, and commercial systems sold. Given all the activity, one might expect a great deal of consensus on issues, approaches, and techniques. This is not the case, however. Indeed, the term "environment" is still used in a variety of conflicting ways. Nevertheless substantial progress has been made and we are at least nearing consensus on many critical issues.The purpose of this paper is to characterize environments, describe several important principles that have emerged in the last decade or so, note current open problems, and describe some approaches to these problems, with particular emphasis on the activities of one large-scale research program, the Arcadia project. Consideration is also given to two related topics: empirical evaluation and technology transition. That is, how can environments and their constituents be evaluated, and how can new developments be moved effectively into the production sector
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