384 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study was to establish differences in morphological characteristics among female students of the Faculty of Kinesiology, Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Teacher Education. The sample consisted of 255 female students, 78 students of Kinesiology, 84 students of Teacher Education and 93 students of Medicine. The sample of variables was comprised of eleven morphological characteristics. Central and dispersion parameters were calculated for all the variables and for each group. The normal distribution of variables was tested by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The significance of differences between the groups was determined with the univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the discriminant analysis. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test showed a normal distribution of all variables. The ANOVA and discriminate analyses showed statistically significant differences in morphological characteristics between the groups of examinees. The variable for assessing the risk of obesity and the variables for estimating body fat contributed the most to the formation of global differences and the defining of the latent content of discriminant functions. Kinesiology students who engage in systematic daily physical activities have significantly lower body fat and more muscle mass while the Teacher Education and Medical students have higher levels of body fat because of their inclination to a sedentary lifestyle. It was concluded that there are statistically significant differences in morphological characteristics between female students from the Faculty of Kinesiology, Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Teacher Education.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike u morfološkim obilježjima studentica Kineziološkog, Medicinskog i Učiteljskog fakulteta. Uzorak ispitanika sastojao se od 255 studentica, od čega 78 studentica Kineziološkog, 84 studentice Učiteljskog i 93 studentice Medicinskog fakulteta. Uzorak varijabli činilo je jedanaest morfoloških obilježja. Za sve varijable izračunati su centralni i disperzivni parametri svake skupine. Normalnost distribucije varijabli testirana je Kolmogorov-Smirnovljevim testom. Značajnost razlika izmeðu skupina utvrðena je univarijatnom analizom varijance (ANOVA) i diskriminacijskom analizom. Kolmogorov-Smirnovljev test pokazao je normalnu distribuciju svih varijabli. ANOV-om i diskriminacijskom analizom utvrðene su statistički značajne razlike izmeðu skupina ispitanica u morfološkim obilježjima. Varijabla za procjenu rizičnosti tipa pretilosti i varijable za procjenu potkožnog masnog tkiva najviše su pridonijele nastajanju globalnih razlika i definiranju latentnog sadržaja diskriminacijskih funkcija.Studentice Kineziološkog fakulteta, koje provode svakodnevne sustavne tjelesne aktivnosti imaju značajno manje potkožnog masnog tkiva te više mišićne mase dok studentice Učiteljskog i Medicinskog fakulteta imaju veću razinu potkožnog masnog tkiva zbog sedentarnog načina života. Zakljuèuje se da postoje statistički značajne razlike u morfološkim obilježjima izmeðu studentica Kineziološkog, Učiteljskog i Medicinskog fakulteta

    Partial fractions expansion of rational function in C programming language.

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    Zadatak završnog rada bio je izraditi program koji će za proizvoljnu racionalnu funkciju izračunati i ispisati njen rastav na manje jednostavnije razlomke koji se nazivaju parcijalni razlomci. Program je napisan u programskom jeziku C. Pri izradi ovog rada bilo je nužno bolje proučiti racionalne funkcije te njihov rastav na parcijalne razlomke kao i jezik u kojem je pisan ovaj rad odnosno programski jezik C. Racionalne funkcije i parcijalni razlomci detaljno su proučeni u prvom poglavlju rada uz dodatne zadatke koji bi pospješili shvaćanje istih. Potom je opisan uvod u programske jezike iz kojih se pozornost prebacuje na programski jezik C. Opisane su karakteristike samog programa, njegov napredak kroz vrijeme te sintaksa. Uz to, napisani su i zadaci izrađeni u programskom jeziku C koji bi pobliže objasnili kako izgleda programirati u navedenom jeziku. Na samom kraju, na osnovi stečenog znanja uspješno je napisan program koji razlaže racionalnu funkciju na parcijalne razlomke.The task of final work was to create a program that will calculate and print its composition on arbitrary rational function in less simple parts called partial fractions. The program was written in programming language C. During this work, it was necessary to better study rational functions and their separation into partial discussions as well as the language in which this work was written or the programming language C. The rational functions and the partial divisions were detailed in the first chapters work with additional tasks that would stimulate their understanding. Then, an introduction to the programming languages is described, from which attention is shifted to programming language C. The characteristics of the program itself, its progress through the syntax, are described. In addition, the tasks in the programming language C are also written, which would explain how it looks programmed in the given language. At the very end, based on acquired knowledge, he has successfully written a program that delineates rational function on partial fractions

    Hegel\u27s concept of beginning

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    Osnovna je intencija rada analiza Hegelove kratke uvodne rasprave – S čime se mora učiniti početak znanosti? koja se nalazi u njegovu djelu Znanost logike. Prije će provođenja same analize biti pojašnjena dva pojma: pojam logike (Logik) i pojam početka (Anfang). Nakon provedenih pojašnjenja pristupit će se samoj analizi. Hegelovo će započinjanje logike biti razmotreno u svjetlu razlikovanja: neposrednosti i posredovanja. Pri provedbi analize bit će razmotreno određenje početka kao onoga posredovanog i neposrednog. U prvom će se slučaju razmotriti mogućnost određenja početka kao posredovanog apsolutnim znanjem ili kao posredovanog apsolutnom idejom. U drugom će se slučaju razmotriti mogućnost određenja početka kao onoga neposrednog koje je omogućeno \u27\u27samovoljnom odlukom\u27\u27 da se promatra mišljenje kao takvo. Ono neposredno time se određuje kao čisti bitak. Nakon što se pruži značenje koje leži u podlozi \u27\u27samovoljne odluke\u27\u27 razmotrit će se implikacije započinjanja putem čistoga bitka što će ujedno biti i odgovor na pitanje što znači započeti s čistim bitkom. Odgovoru će prethoditi pojašnjenje zamisli da filozofija mora započeti ne pretpostavljajući ništa. Na kraju ću rada argumentirati da se započinjanje može ponajbolje razumjeti u svjetlu imanentnoga logičkog napredovanja te uzimajući u obzir da su pojmovi neposrednosti i posredovanja kod Hegela nerazdvojeni i nerazdvojni, dat ću odgovor na pitanje zašto se ipak takvo razdvajanje na samome početku zahtijeva.The main aim of this paper is to give an analysis of the short introductory essay With What Must the Science Begin?, which is in Hegel’s work Science of Logic. Before the analysis I will discuss two concepts: logic (Logik) and beginning (Anfang). After clarifying these concepts, the analysis will take place. The beginning of Hegel’s logic will be discussed through the distinction between immediacy and mediation. In the analysis the beginning will be considered both as mediated and as immediate. In the first case, the beginning of the logic is mediated, i) because it presupposes the standpoint of absolute knowing which Hegel developed in the Phenomenology of Spirit, or ii) it is mediated because it presupposes the standpoint of the absolute idea which is the result of Science of Logic. In the second case, we will discuss the possibility of beginning immediately, through an “arbitrary resolve”, to observe thought itself. This immediacy will be defined as pure being. Subsequently, I will discuss the implications of beginning with pure being, and answer the question what it means to begin with pure being. I will try to explain that philosophy must begin by presupposing nothing. Finally, I will argue that the beginning is perhaps best understood in the light of the immanent development of the logic and consider that the concepts of mediate and immediate are, for Hegel, inseparable and unseparated, and try to answer why this separation is necessary at the beginning

    Ganga: Etymology of the Polyphonic Singing in Dalmatian Zagora

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    Ganga je karakteristična ponajviše za središnji dio dinarske zone i obično se opisuje kao “grubo, primitivno, nestandardno, netemperirano” petoglasje pomaknutog takta. Slavenske paralele, kada tražimo podrijetlo riječi ganga, nisu uvjerljive iako ćemo naći niz formalno-semantičkih po du darnosti (npr. glagol ganati u značenju: pjesma, govor, priča, šala, proricanje, za gonetka itd.). Ova se “zagonetka” pokušala odgonetnuti preko njem. Gesang, pa i od lat. glagolskog oblika canto. U posljednje je vrijeme prilično rašireno miš ljenje da je riječ ganga stigla preko albanskoga jezika, odnosno ilirskog prežitka, a ako za to nema uvjerljivih dokaza, poseže se za nekim supstratom. Za zagovornike indoiranske teorije pitanje “izkona naše gange” očito je nerje ši vo u balkansko-slavenskom okružju. U uzmorskim vernakularima ganga je najčešće “veselica, grupna zabava, provod, bančenje, lumperaj i sl.”, naj vje rojatnije preuzeta iz tršćanskoga (tal. ganga < engl. gang, u žargonu ghega, ghenga, što je zapravo brigata, compagnia). Zagorski dvostih teško se može povezati s tim etimonom koji je potekao iz lučkog miljea. Predlažemo stoga da je taj folklorni idiom onomatopejskog postanja, da je u gangi inkorporiran zvuk imitiranja gusala, da je riječ motivirana popratnim slogom gan ili njegovim varijantama s izmijenjenim vokalom.Ganga is most typical of the central part of the Dinara region and is commonly described as “crude, primitive, non-standard, untempered” polyphonic singing of closely-knit intervals. Relevant literature offers a number of theories concerning the etymology of the word. Attempts to derive ganga from the Slav lexical pool carry little conviction despite a series of formal and semantic analogies (e.g. verb ganati in the meaning: song, speech, story, joke, fortune telling, riddle etc.). Some authors argue that it derives from the German word Gesang, or even from the Latin verb form canto. According to the recent widely accepted assumption, the word ganga came from the Albanian language as an Illyrian residue. In the coastal vernaculars ganga is most often described as “celebration, party, entertainment, bacchanals, revels etc.”, most likely borrowed from the Trieste idiom (It. ganga < Eng. gang, or jargon forms ghega, ghenga). The distich from the Dalmatian Zagora can hardly be correlated with an etymon of the harbour provenance. The author concludes that this folklore idiom is of onomatopoeic origin and incorporates the sound imitating the gusle, and that the word is motivated by the accompanying syllable \u27gan\u27 or its variants with alternating vowel

    Literature review of identification and management of shoulder dystocia

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    Uvod: Distocija ramen je ogrožajoče urgentno stanje v porodništvu, ki ima lahko resne posledice za žensko in otroka. Za optimalen zaključek poroda je zato potreben hiter in organiziran odziv vseh zdravstvenih delavcev. Zastoj ramen nastane takrat, ko se anteriorna rama ploda uklešči za simfizo matere in tako pride do zastoja spontanega poroda. Nekateri avtorji distocijo ramen definirajo glede na čas od poroda glavice do poroda ramen. Dejavniki tveganja so pri tem porodnem zapletu težko opredeljivi. Literatura navaja, da določeni dejavniki tveganja s strani matere ali ploda prispevajo k pojavu distocije ramen. Na začetku poroda se redko opazijo težave in znaki, s katerimi bi lahko napovedali distocijo ramen. Pri reševanju si v Sloveniji najprej pomagamo z mnemoniko HELPERR, ki nas vodi skozi korake, ki so potrebni, da se porod uspešno konča. Namen: Namen diplomske naloge je pregledati literaturo o distociji ramen. Želimo predstaviti, kako distocijo ramen prepoznati na podlagi znakov in simptomov ter bolj podrobno spoznati manevre za reševanje distocije ramen. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu smo uporablili opisno metodo dela, s pregledom znanstvene in strokovne litreture. Za iskanje literature smo uporabili tako domače kot tuje podatkovne baze: DiKul, COBISS, Google Books, Google Učenjak, PubMed, Cochrane Library, Medline. Izbira člankov je bila odvisna od: starosti članka, dostopa do celotnega besedila, vsebinske ustreznosti in jezika članka. Rezultati: S področja babištva in porodništva smo našli veliko literature o distociji ramen. Vsebina je predvsem odvisna od tega, kakšne izkušnje imajo avtorji z njo. Pojavlja se veliko nasprotujočih mnenj glede primarnih manevrov za reševanje tega zapleta. Nestrinjanja so prisotna prav tako glede dejavnikov tveganja. Razprava in zaključek: Znanje o distociji ramen je pomembno za vse zdravstvene delavce, ki sodelujejo pri porodu. Preden se pričnejo izvajati invazivni manevri za reševanje distocije ramen, se najprej izvede neinvazivne posege. Veliko je dejavnikov tveganja, ki lahko vodijo do distocije ramen. Tudi posegi s strani zdravstvenih delavcev lahko vodijo do pojava tega zapleta. Nekateri znaki distocije ramen so specifični in jih z dobrim znanjem prepoznamo, nekateri pa so bolj splošni in jih zato težje prepoznamo.Introduction: Shoulder dystocia is a life threatening emergency in obstetrics, which can have serious concequnces fot the woman and the child. For a optimum completion of the delivery, a quick and oragnized response from all health professionalis is needed. Shoulder dystocia occurs when the childs anterior shoulder is trapped behind the mothers symphysis pubis and thus spontaneous delivery is halted. Some authors define shoulder dystocia according to the time from the birth of the head to the birth of the shoulders. Risk factors are hard to define with this birth complication. Literature lists that specific risk factors of the mother or the child can contribute to the occurance of shoulder dystocia. At the beginning of the delivery problems or signs that could predict shoulder dystocia are very hard to recognize. In Slovenia for solving shoulder dystocia, we use HELPERR mnemonic for help, which takes us through all the steps that are needed to successfully complete the birth. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma is to better understand shoulder dystocia by literature review. With this work we wish to define how shoulder dystocia can be recognized based on signs and in more detail learn about the maneuvers for solving it. Methods: A descriptive working method was used in the diploma, with an overview of the scientific and professional literature. For collecting data, both domestic and foreign databases where used: DiKul, COBISS, Google Books, Google Scholar, PubMed, Cochrane Library, Medline. The articles were chosen based on the age of the article, access to the whole text, adequacy of the content and the language of the text. Results: A great deal of literature on shoulder dystocia is in the field of midwifery and obstetrics. The content depends mainly on what experiences the authors have with shoulder dystocia. There are many controversial opinions about primary maneuvers to deal with this complication. Opposing thoughts can also be found with risk factors and predictors. Discussion and conclusion: Knowledge of shoulder dystocia is important for all health prefessionals who are involved in childbirth. Non-invasive interventions are conducted before invasive maneuvers are tried for resolving shoulder dystocia. There are many risk factors that can lead to shoulder dystocia. Interventions done by health professionals can also lead to shoulder dystocia. Some symptoms and signs are very specific and are easy to recognize, on the other hand some are generic and are very hard too identify

    Cerebral palsy and care of children at home

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    A review of Enterprise Service Bus technologies and draft of the ESB solution implementation within a business organization for linking ERP, CRM, HRM and report system

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    Moderno ekonomsko društvo definiraju veliki brojevi poslovnih sustava koji su specijalizirani za pojedine poslovne funkcije. To su HR (Human Resource Management), CRM (Customer Relationship Management) i ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning). U radu je prikazan detaljan opis svakog od imenovanih sustava, te napravljen pregled njihovih prednosti i mana. Svaki od ovih sustava ima aplikacije prilagođene svom radu, no danas se pojavljuje trend pomaka ka Service Oriented Architecturi ili skraćeno SOA-i. Izazov koji je stavljen pred SOA-u je integracija raznih dijelova poslovanja kako bi se postigla bolja povezanost sustava, a samim time i bolja funkcionalnost. Sve aplikacije unutar sustava poslovanja imaju potrebu za suradnjom odvojenih sustava na operativnoj razini. Kao rješenje tog problema uvodi se sustav koji omogućava komunikaciju svih dijelova poduzeća, a naziva se Enterprise Service Bus ili skraćeno ESB. Implementacijom ESB rješenja se osigurava centralno mjesto za definiranje poslovnih pravila razmjene podataka između pojedinih dijelova poduzeća, omogućava se nesmetana izmjena/nadogradnja pojedinih aplikacija te osigurava ujednačeno i proširivo sučelje za postojeće i nove aplikacije unutar organizacije. Konačno, prikazan je rad izabranog open-source ESB rješenja: Apache ServiceMix-a 7.0.1.Modern economic society is defined by large numbers of business systems that specialize in particular business functions. These are HR (Human Resource Management), CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning). This graduate thesis presents a detailed description of each of the named systems and provides an overview of their advantages and disadvantages. Each of these systems has applications tailored to their work, but today there is a trend toward a Service Oriented Architecture, or abbreviated SOA. The challenge facing SOA is to integrate various parts of the business to achieve better system connectivity and therefore better functionality. All applications within a business system need the collaboration of separate systems at the operational level. A solution to this problem is the introduction of a system that enables communication of all parts of the enterprise, called the Enterprise Service Bus or abbreviated ESB. The implementation of the ESB solution provides a central place for defining business rules for the exchange of data between individual parts of the enterprise, enables the smooth change / upgrade of individual applications and provides a uniform and extensible interface for existing and new applications within the organization. Finally, the work of the selected open-source ESB solution is presented: Apache ServiceMix 7.0.1

    Lazy, Stupid, Temperamental? The Use of Stereotypes about the Dalmatian Mentality

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    U posljednje se vrijeme najrazličitiji događaji u Dalmaciji objašnjavaju “dalmatinskim mentalitetom”. U radu se pokušava odgovoriti na pitanja o tomu što bi imao biti pojam mentaliteta, ima li ikakvu analitičku vrijednost ili pripada zastarjelom modelu promatranja društva te jesu li navodne karakteristike “dalmatinskog mentaliteta” tek predrasude i stereotipovi, a ako jesu, čemu služe – i to ponajprije čemu služe u dnevnoj politici? Također, spada li diskurs o dalmatinskom mentalitetu u tipičan (polu)orijentalistički ili čak u posebnu vrstu postkolonijalnog diskursa? Nastoji se pokazati da su razlozi oživljavanja pojma mentaliteta uglavnom izvanznanstveni, a nalaze se u suvremenom društvu, politici, ekonomiji i vladajućoj ideologiji te s namjerom njihova okamenjivanja.Lately, all sorts of events taking place in Dalmatia are being explained by an alleged "Dalmatian mentality". This paper is an attempt to answer the questions of what the notion of a mentality should be, whether it has any analytical value or whether it belongs to the obsolete and (justifiably) rejected model of the society, and whether the alleged characteristics of the "Dalmatian mentality" are just prejudices and stereotypes, or autostereotypes, and if they are, what their purpose is – primarily their purpose in daily politics. The paper presents a discussion of whether the Dalmatian mentality discourse belongs to the typical orientalistic/semi-orientalistic, or even a special sort of postcolonial discourse. An attempt is made to show that the reasons of revitalizing the notion of mentality are completely external to science, present in the modern society, modern politics, modern economics and in the modern dominant ideology, aimed at their petrification. Contrary to this, there are numerous reasons which support opening a discussion about our internal, miniature, local orientalism-Balcanism, the one towards Dalmatia and in Dalmatia. In doing this, references will be made to Gramsci and Todorova, rather than Said, so as to clearly establish both the discourse and the realia; that is, what it means, who and what it serves when what Gramsci noticed as the dominant presentation of the Italian South almost a hundred years ago is repeated of Dalmatia today


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    U ovom su radu prikazani fitonimi zabilježeni na teritoriju nekadašnje Poljičke knežije odnosno Poljičke republike. Građa za rječnik fitonima ekscerpirana je iz golemoga dijakronijskoga korpusa (prikupio i analizirao Lorger), a potom upotpunjena sinkronijskim podacima prikupljenima preliminarnim terenskim istraživanjem provedenim u Naklicama u rujnu 2015. godine (snimila i analizirala Ćurković). Obrada fitonimije u danome rječniku ima za cilj prikazati metode izrade Poljičkoga rječnika i učiniti javno dostupnim dio pomno prikupljene leksičke građe. Osim toga, cilj je ovoga rada dati osnovne podatke o mjesnim govorima Poljica i dosadašnjim dijalektološkim istraživanjima toga područja.This paper presents the fitonyms noted in the teritory of the historical Poljica Republic. The data for the presented dictionary was excerpted from a massive diachronical corpus (collected and analyzed by Lorger), and then expanded with synchronical data collected by preliminary field research conducted in Naklice in September of 2015 (recorded and analyzed by Ćurković). The analysis of fitonymy of the given dictionary has a goal to demonstrate the methods o construction of Poljički rječnik (Dictionary of Poljica)and to bring a part of the collected lexical data to the public. Apart from that, one of the goals of this paper is to bring basic information about the existing dialectological descriptions of the area

    Orijentacijsko trčanje u funkciji interdisciplinarnosti u nastavi: stanje i perspektive

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    Orienteering as a sporting and competitive as well as recreational and educational activity is increasingly being carried out by various sports associations, hikers and other amateur sportspeople. Its implementation involves class and subject teachers in schools, especially those involved in the GLOBE programme. The aim of this paper is to examine the presence of orienteering or some of its elements in the school and subject plans and programmes of both lower and higher grades of primary, as well as secondary schools in the Republic of Croatia, and a possible role of orienteering in promoting cross-curricular teaching. Because of the desire to supplement the teaching methods and forms of work with more work outside the classroom, the purpose of this paper is to contribute to forming a justified demand for incorporating orienteering in the primary school curriculum in Croatia. Since orienteering is particularly significant from the point of view of Geography and Physical Education teaching, the existing curricula of the two subjects have been analysed to identify possible cross-curricular links. This paper presents the results of the research conducted in 2017 and 2018 on a sample of 146 Geography and Physical Education teachers from Croatia. The results indicate that teachers are familiar with these activities. Although they recognize the potential in terms of the wish to integrate some contents into teaching plans and programmes, as well as contribute to cross-curricular teaching, the content of orienteering is implemented very rarely or not at all in primary, and even less, in secondary schools. The results of this research also point to the lack of class and subject teacher competences and their poor knowledge of this area.Orijentaciju kao sportsko-natjecateljsku, rekreacijsku ili edukacijsku aktivnost sve učestalije provode različite sportske udruge, planinari i drugi rekreativci. U njezinu provođenju sudjeluju i učitelji i nastavnici u školama, naročito u onima koje su uključene u GLOBE program. Cilj rada bio je ispitati uključenost orijentacijskog trčanja ili nekih njegovih sadržaja u programe rada škola i predmeta u višim razredima osnovne škole i u srednjim školama u Republici Hrvatskoj, kao i moguću ulogu orijentacijskog trčanja u poticanju interdisciplinarnosti u nastavi. Zbog želje za upotpunjavanjem nastavnih metoda i oblika rada većom količinom rada izvan učionice, svrha rada jest pridonijeti oblikovanju argumentiranog zahtjeva za ugrađivanjem orijentacijskog trčanja u kurikul osnovne škole u Hrvatskoj. Budući da je orijentacijsko trčanje naročito značajno s gledišta nastave Geografije i Tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture, radi identificiranja njihovih korelacijskih veza analizirani su postojeći nastavni programi dvaju predmeta. U radu se iznose i rezultati istraživanja provedenog 2017. i 2018. godine na uzorku od 146 učitelja i nastavnika Geografije i Tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture iz Hrvatske. Rezultati ukazuju na to da su učitelji upoznati s tom aktivnošću pa iako prepoznaju njezin potencijal u smislu želje za njezinom ugradnjom u planove i programe rada, kao i doprinos međupredmetnoj korelaciji, sadržaji orijentacijskog trčanja vrlo se rijetko ili uopće ne provode u osnovnim, a još manje u srednjim školama. Rezultati ovog istraživanja također su ukazali na nedostatak kompetencija učitelja i nastavnika i njihovo nesnalaženje u tom području