A review of Enterprise Service Bus technologies and draft of the ESB solution implementation within a business organization for linking ERP, CRM, HRM and report system


Moderno ekonomsko društvo definiraju veliki brojevi poslovnih sustava koji su specijalizirani za pojedine poslovne funkcije. To su HR (Human Resource Management), CRM (Customer Relationship Management) i ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning). U radu je prikazan detaljan opis svakog od imenovanih sustava, te napravljen pregled njihovih prednosti i mana. Svaki od ovih sustava ima aplikacije prilagođene svom radu, no danas se pojavljuje trend pomaka ka Service Oriented Architecturi ili skraćeno SOA-i. Izazov koji je stavljen pred SOA-u je integracija raznih dijelova poslovanja kako bi se postigla bolja povezanost sustava, a samim time i bolja funkcionalnost. Sve aplikacije unutar sustava poslovanja imaju potrebu za suradnjom odvojenih sustava na operativnoj razini. Kao rješenje tog problema uvodi se sustav koji omogućava komunikaciju svih dijelova poduzeća, a naziva se Enterprise Service Bus ili skraćeno ESB. Implementacijom ESB rješenja se osigurava centralno mjesto za definiranje poslovnih pravila razmjene podataka između pojedinih dijelova poduzeća, omogućava se nesmetana izmjena/nadogradnja pojedinih aplikacija te osigurava ujednačeno i proširivo sučelje za postojeće i nove aplikacije unutar organizacije. Konačno, prikazan je rad izabranog open-source ESB rješenja: Apache ServiceMix-a 7.0.1.Modern economic society is defined by large numbers of business systems that specialize in particular business functions. These are HR (Human Resource Management), CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning). This graduate thesis presents a detailed description of each of the named systems and provides an overview of their advantages and disadvantages. Each of these systems has applications tailored to their work, but today there is a trend toward a Service Oriented Architecture, or abbreviated SOA. The challenge facing SOA is to integrate various parts of the business to achieve better system connectivity and therefore better functionality. All applications within a business system need the collaboration of separate systems at the operational level. A solution to this problem is the introduction of a system that enables communication of all parts of the enterprise, called the Enterprise Service Bus or abbreviated ESB. The implementation of the ESB solution provides a central place for defining business rules for the exchange of data between individual parts of the enterprise, enables the smooth change / upgrade of individual applications and provides a uniform and extensible interface for existing and new applications within the organization. Finally, the work of the selected open-source ESB solution is presented: Apache ServiceMix 7.0.1

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