9 research outputs found

    Influence of summertime mesoscale convective systems on the heat balance and surface mixed layer dynamics of a large Amazonian hydroelectric reservoir

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    We evaluated the impacts of summertime mesoscale convective systems (MCS) on the heat balance and diel surface mixed layer (SML) dynamics of the Brazilian Amazon's Tucuruí Hydroelectric Reservoir (THR). We used a synergistic approach that combines in situ data, remote sensing data, and three-dimensional (3-D) modeling to investigate the typical behavior of the components of the heat balance and the SML dynamics. During the study period (the austral summer of 2012–2013), 22 days with MCS activity were identified. These events occurred approximately every 4 days, and they were most frequent during January (50% of the observations). An analysis of local meteorological data showed that when MCS occur, the environmental conditions at THR change significantly (p-value < 0.01). The net longwave flux, which was the heat balance component most strongly impacted by MCS, increased more than 32% on days with MCS activity. The daily integrated heat balance became negative (−54 W m−2) on MCS days, while the balance was positive (19 W m−2) on non-MCS days. In response to the changes in the heat balance, the SML dynamics changed when a MCS was over the THR. The SML depth was typically 28% higher on the days with MCS (∼1.6 m) compared with the days without MCS (∼1.3 m). The results indicate that MCS are one of the main meteorological disturbances driving the heat balance and the mixing dynamics of Amazonian hydroelectric reservoirs during the summer. These events may have implications for the water quality and greenhouse gas emissions of Amazonian reservoirs

    Using airborne hyperspectral scanner to monitoring the oceanic thermal plume produced by the surface discharge of the cooling water from Angra dos Reis nuclear power plant

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    This paper describes the first results obtained using a hyperspectral scanner system (HSS) and field measurements of the sea surface temperature to map a heated liquid effluent jet (plume) produced by the surface discharge of the cooling water from two nuclear power plants into a rather closed bay in southeastern Brazil. The adopted methodology is based on the flight and imaging of study area using the HSS sensor, collecting temperature data from the sea surface and acquiring the imagery at the same time and finally, the statistical analysis of data collected in the field and those ones from the imageries. At this phase, beyond the identification of the best suited IVT channel for the characterization of temperature variations of the thermal plume, coefficients were also generated to create an image of this channel with corrected temperature values for the effects caused by atmosphere acting in data collected by the sensor. Results obtained show that this sensor and the used metodology of data acquisition and processing are well suitable for the study and the monitoring of local thermal plumes. The absolute temperature values from the sea surface obtained from the images after the use of coefficients obtained from statistical analysis agree in average with the measured values from the field with an uncertainty of 0,8oC

    A satellite view of riverine turbidity plumes on the NE-E Brazilian coastal zone

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    Turbidity plumes of São Francisco, Caravelas, Doce, and Paraiba do Sul river systems, located along the NE/E Brazilian coast, are analyzed for their dispersal patterns of Total Suspended Solids (TSS) concentration using Landsat images and a logarithmic algorithm proposed by Tassan (1987) to convert satellite reflectance values to TSS. The TSS results obtained were compared to in situ collected TSS data. The analysis of the satellite image data set revealed that each river system exhibits a distinct turbidity plume dispersal pattern. The behavior, dimension and degree of turbidity of the São Francisco River plume have been greatly altered by the construction of a cascade of hydroelectric dam reservoirs in its hydrological basin. The plume has lost its typical unimodal seasonal pattern of material dispersion and its turbidity has decreased due to the regulation of river flow by the dams and TSS retainance by the reservoirs. In contrast, the Doce and Paraíba do Sul river plumes are still subject to seasonal pulsations and show more turbid conditions than the SF plume, as dams are less numerous, set in the middle river sections and the natural river flow has been maintained. The Caravelas Coastal System river plume is restricted to near shore shallow waters dominated by resuspension processes. During austral spring and summer when NE-E winds prevail, all plumes generally disperse southward. Short-term northward reversals may occur in winter with the passage of atmospheric cold fronts. The São Francisco and Doce river plumes tend to disperse obliquely to the coast and transport materials further offshore, while the Caravelas and Paraíba do Sul plumes tend to disperse mainly parallel to the coast, enhancing TSS retention nearshore.<br>O presente estudo analisa as plumas de turbidez dos sistemas dos rios São Francisco, Caravelas, Doce, e Paraiba do Sul localizados na costa NE/E do Brasil utilizando imagens Landsat e o algoritmo logarítmico para Total de Sólidos em Suspensão (TSS) proposto por Tassan (1987). Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com Total de Sólidos em Suspensão medidos in situ. A pluma de turbidez de cada sistema mostra padrões de dispersão distintos. O comportamento, a dimensão e o grau de turbidez da pluma do Rio São Francisco têm sido drasticamente alterados devido à cascata de barragens e seus reservatórios presentes em sua bacia de drenagem. Já as plumas dos rios Doce e Paraíba do Sul apresentam pulsações sazonais e maior turbidez, uma vez que as barragens nesses rios localizam-se no setor médio e mantiveram a pulsação sazonal da vazão. A pluma do sistema costeiro de caravelas permanece restrita às águas rasas dominadas por processos de ressuspensão. Durante a primavera e verão, quando os ventos de NE-E prevalecem, as plumas dos quatro sistemas se dispersam na direção sul. Durante o inverno, inversões do padrão de dispersão podem ocorrer com a passagem de frentes frias. As plumas dos sistemas São Francisco e Doce tendem a se dispersar obliquamente à costa, favorecendo o transporte de material para regiões oceânicas, enquanto que as plumas dos sistemas Caravelas e Paraíba do Sul se dispersam paralelamente à costa, favorecendo a retenção de TSS