849 research outputs found

    Relational type-checking for MELL proof-structures. Part 1: Multiplicatives

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    Relational semantics for linear logic is a form of non-idempotent intersection type system, from which several informations on the execution of a proof-structure can be recovered. An element of the relational interpretation of a proof-structure R with conclusion Γ\Gamma acts thus as a type (refining Γ\Gamma) having R as an inhabitant. We are interested in the following type-checking question: given a proof-structure R, a list of formulae Γ\Gamma, and a point x in the relational interpretation of Γ\Gamma, is x in the interpretation of R? This question is decidable. We present here an algorithm that decides it in time linear in the size of R, if R is a proof-structure in the multiplicative fragment of linear logic. This algorithm can be extended to larger fragments of multiplicative-exponential linear logic containing λ\lambda-calculus

    Glueability of Resource Proof-Structures: Inverting the Taylor Expansion

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    A Multiplicative-Exponential Linear Logic (MELL) proof-structure can be expanded into a set of resource proof-structures: its Taylor expansion. We introduce a new criterion characterizing those sets of resource proof-structures that are part of the Taylor expansion of some MELL proof-structure, through a rewriting system acting both on resource and MELL proof-structures

    Directed unions of local quadratic transforms of regular local rings and pullbacks

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    Let {Rn,mn}n≥0\{ R_n, {\mathfrak m}_n \}_{n \ge 0} be an infinite sequence of regular local rings with Rn+1R_{n+1} birationally dominating RnR_n and mnRn+1{\mathfrak m}_nR_{n+1} a principal ideal of Rn+1R_{n+1} for each nn. We examine properties of the integrally closed local domain S=⋃n≥0RnS = \bigcup_{n \ge 0}R_n.Comment: 23 pages; comments welcom

    Mapping resolutions of length three I

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    We produce some interesting families of resolutions of length three by describing certain open subsets of the spectrum of the generic ring for such resolutions constructed in a recent paper by Weyman.Comment: 23 page

    Asymptotic invariants of ideals with Noetherian symbolic Rees algebra and applications to cover ideals

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    Let II be an ideal whose symbolic Rees algebra is Noetherian. For m≥1m \geq 1, the mm-th symbolic defect, sdefect(I,m)(I,m), of II is defined to be the minimal number of generators of the module I(m)Im\frac{I^{(m)}}{I^m}. We prove that sdefect(I,m)(I,m) is eventually quasi-polynomial as a function in mm. We compute the symbolic defect explicitly for certain monomial ideals arising from graphs, termed cover ideals. We go on to give a formula for the Waldschmidt constant, an asymptotic invariant measuring the growth of the degrees of generators of symbolic powers, for ideals whose symbolic Rees algebra is Noetherian.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    Mapping free resolutions of length three II -- Module formats

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    Let MM be a perfect module of projective dimension 3 in a Gorenstein, local or graded ring RR. We denote by \FF the minimal free resolution of MM. Using the generic ring associated to the format of \FF we define higher structure maps, according to the theory developed by Weyman in "Generic free resolutions and root systems" (Annales de l'Institut Fourier} 68.3 (2018), pp. 1241--1296). We introduce a generalization of classical linkage for RR-module using the Buchsbaum--Rim complex, and study the behaviour of structure maps under this Buchsbaum--Rim linkage. In particular, for certain formats we obtain criteria for these RR-modules to lie in the Buchsbaum--Rim linkage class of a Buchsbaum--Rim complex of length 3.Comment: 30 page

    On the integral domains characterized by a Bezout Property on intersections of principal ideals

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    In this article we study two classes of integral domains. The first is characterized by having a finite intersection of principal ideals being finitely generated only when it is principal. The second class consists of the integral domains in which a finite intersection of principal ideals is always non-finitely generated except in the case of containment of one of the principal ideals in all the others. We relate these classes to many well-studied classes of integral domains, to star operations and to classical and new ring constructions.Comment: 22 page
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