2,597 research outputs found

    Rotationally resolved spectroscopy of (20000) Varuna in the near-infrared

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    Models of the escape and retention of volatiles by minor icy objects exclude any presence of volatile ices on the surface of TNOs smaller than ~1000km in diameter at the typical temperature in this region of the solar system, whereas the same models show that water ice is stable on the surface of objects over a wide range of diameters. Collisions and cometary activity have been used to explain the process of surface refreshing of TNOs and Centaurs. These processes can produce surface heterogeneity that can be studied by collecting information at different rotational phases. The aims of this work are to study the surface composition of (20000)Varuna, a TNO with a diameter ~650km and to search for indications of rotational variability. We observed Varuna during two consecutive nights in January 2011 with NICS@TNG obtaining a set of spectra covering the whole rotation period of Varuna. After studying the spectra corresponding to different rotational phases, we did not find any indication of surface variability. In all the spectra, we detect an absorption at 2{\mu}m, suggesting the presence of water ice on the surface. We do not detect any other volatiles on the surface, although the S/N is not high enough to discard their presence. Based on scattering models, we present two possible compositions compatible with our set of data and discuss their implications in the frame of the collisional history of the Kuiper Belt. We find that the most probable composition for the surface of Varuna is a mixture of amorphous silicates, complex organics, and water ice. This composition is compatible with all the materials being primordial. However, our data can also be fitted by models containing up to a 10% of methane ice. For an object with the characteristics of Varuna, this volatile could not be primordial, so an event, such as an energetic impact, would be needed to explain its presence on the surface.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, to be published in A&

    Groundwater recharge distribution due to snow cover in shortage conditions (2019–22) on the Gran Sasso carbonate aquifer (Central Italy)

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    Aquifer recharge by the snowpack is relevant to be assessed to evaluate groundwater availability in mountainous karst regions. The recharge due to snowpack in the Gran Sasso aquifer has previously been estimated through an empirical approach using elevation gradients. To validate and quantify the coverage and persistence of the snowpack over time through an objective method, satellite images have been analysed. The Campo Imperatore plain, the endorheic basin acting as a preferential recharge area of the aquifer, plays an important role, both for the snow cover and also for the infiltration and recharge of springs. The identification of recharge areas has been validated by the stable isotope approach with the assessment of computed isotope recharge elevation based on the values and oscillations of the delta O-18 isotope recorded at the springs. The main findings confirm the high infiltration rate of Campo Imperatore plain and its direct influence on snow contribution to aquifer recharge. The extension of snow coverage out of this plain has a minor influence to recharge, highlighting that the main drivers for infiltration rate are fractured networks and karstic forms more than snow coverage on carbonate outcrops

    The Spectrum of Pluto, 0.40 - 0.93 μ\mum I. Secular and longitudinal distribution of ices and complex organics

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    Context. During the last 30 years the surface of Pluto has been characterized, and its variability has been monitored, through continuous near-infrared spectroscopic observations. But in the visible range only few data are available. Aims. The aim of this work is to define the Pluto's relative reflectance in the visible range to characterize the different components of its surface, and to provide ground based observations in support of the New Horizons mission. Methods. We observed Pluto on six nights between May and July 2014, with the imager/spectrograph ACAM at the William Herschel Telescope (La Palma, Spain). The six spectra obtained cover a whole rotation of Pluto (Prot = 6.4 days). For all the spectra we computed the spectral slope and the depth of the absorption bands of methane ice between 0.62 and 0.90 μ\mum. To search for shifts of the center of the methane bands, associated with dilution of CH4 in N2, we compared the bands with reflectances of pure methane ice. Results. All the new spectra show the methane ice absorption bands between 0.62 and 0.90 μ\mum. The computation of the depth of the band at 0.62 μ\mum in the new spectra of Pluto, and in the spectra of Makemake and Eris from the literature, allowed us to estimate the Lambert coefficient at this wavelength, at a temperature of 30 K and 40 K, never measured before. All the detected bands are blue shifted, with minimum shifts in correspondence with the regions where the abundance of methane is higher. This could be indicative of a dilution of CH4:N2 more saturated in CH4. The longitudinal and secular variations of the parameters measured in the spectra are in accordance with results previously reported in the literature and with the distribution of the dark and bright material that show the Pluto's albedo maps from New Horizons.Comment: This manuscript may change and improve during the reviewing process. The data reduction and calibration is reliable and has been checked independently using different reduction approaches. The data will be made publicily available when the paper is accepted. If you need them before, please, contact the autho

    Expected spectral characteristics of (101955) Bennu and (162173) Ryugu, targets of the OSIRIS-REx and Hayabusa2 missions

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    NASA's OSIRIS-REx and JAXA's Hayabusa2 sample-return missions are currently on their way to encounter primitive near-Earth asteroids (101955) Bennu and (162173) Ryugu, respectively. Spectral and dynamical evidence indicates that these near-Earth asteroids originated in the inner part of the main belt. There are several primitive collisional families in this region, and both these asteroids are most likely to have originated in the Polana-Eulalia family complex. We present the expected spectral characteristics of both targets based on our studies of our primitive collisional families in the inner belt: Polana-Eulalia, Erigone, Sulamitis, and Clarissa. Observations were obtained in the framework of our PRIMitive Asteroids Spectroscopic Survey (PRIMASS). Our results are especially relevant to the planning and interpretation of in-situ images and spectra to be obtained by the two spacecraft during the encounters with their targets.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in Icarus on May 11, 201

    The Integrated Impact of Diet On Human Immune Response, the Gut Microbiota, and Nutritional Status During Adaptation to a Spaceflight Analog

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    Spaceflight impacts human physiology, including well documented immune system dysregulation. Diet, immune function, and the microbiome are interlinked, but diet is the only one of these factors that we have the ability to easily, and significantly, alter on Earth or during flight. As we understand dietary impacts on physiology more thoroughly, we may then improve the spaceflight diet to improve crew health and potentially reduce flight-associated physiological alterations. It is expected that increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables and bioactive compounds (e.g.,omega-3 fatty acids, lycopene, flavonoids) and therefore enhancing overall nutritional intake from the nominal shelf-stable, fully-processed space food system could serve as a countermeasure to improve human immunological profiles, the taxonomic profile of the gut microbiota, and nutritional status, especially where currently dysregulated during spaceflight. This interdisciplinary study will determine the effect of the current shelf-stable spaceflight diet compared to an "enhanced" shelf-stable spaceflight diet (25% more foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, lycopene, flavonoids, fruits, and vegetables). The NASA Human Exploration Research Analog (HERA) 2017 missions, consisting of closed chamber confinement, realistic mission simulation, in a high-fidelity mock space vehicle, will serve as a platform to replicate mission stressors and the dysregulated physiology observed in astronauts. Biosampling of crew members will occur at selected intervals, with complete dietary tracking. Outcome measures will include immune markers (e.g., peripheral leukocyte distribution, inflammatory cytokine profiles, T cell function), the taxonomic and metatranscriptomic profile of the gut microbiome, and nutritional status biomarkers and metabolites. Data collection will also include complete dietary tracking. Statistical evaluations will determine physiological and biochemical shifts in relation to nutrient in take and study phase. Beneficial improvements will provide evidence of the impact of diet on crew health and adaptation to this spaceflight analog, and will aid in the design and development of more-efficient targeted dietary interventions

    Solitonic-exchange mechanism of surface~diffusion

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    We study surface diffusion in the framework of a generalized Frenkel-Kontorova model with a nonconvex transverse degree of freedom. The model describes a lattice of atoms with a given concentration interacting by Morse-type forces, the lattice being subjected to a two-dimensional substrate potential which is periodic in one direction and nonconvex (Morse) in the transverse direction. The results are used to describe the complicated exchange-mediated diffusion mechanism recently observed in MD simulations [J.E. Black and Zeng-Ju Tian, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 71}, 2445-2448(1993)].Comment: 22 Revtex pages, 9 figures to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Adjoint bi-continuous semigroups and semigroups on the space of measures

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    For a given bi-continuous semigroup T on a Banach space X we define its adjoint on an appropriate closed subspace X^o of the norm dual X'. Under some abstract conditions this adjoint semigroup is again bi-continuous with respect to the weak topology (X^o,X). An application is the following: For K a Polish space we consider operator semigroups on the space C(K) of bounded, continuous functions (endowed with the compact-open topology) and on the space M(K) of bounded Baire measures (endowed with the weak*-topology). We show that bi-continuous semigroups on M(K) are precisely those that are adjoints of a bi-continuous semigroups on C(K). We also prove that the class of bi-continuous semigroups on C(K) with respect to the compact-open topology coincides with the class of equicontinuous semigroups with respect to the strict topology. In general, if K is not Polish space this is not the case
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