31 research outputs found

    Adolescentes en acogimiento residencial y conducta antisocial: factores asociados y perfiles de riesgo

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    Los adolescentes en acogimiento residencial (AR) presentan un riesgo elevado de desarrollo de conductas problemáticas. Por ello, el presente trabajo plantea como objetivo principal la determinación del perfil característico en adolescentes en AR, así como los factores asociados a la conducta antisocial. Los resultados reflejaron la existencia de un perfil específico en adolescentes en AR que difiere del perfil de población general y se asemeja al perfil de los adolescentes de justicia juvenil. Además, diversos factores de riesgo mostraron asociaciones diferenciales con los distintos tipos de conducta antisocial, favoreciendo la identificación de tres perfiles de riesgo: bajo, moderado y alto


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    En las últimas décadas ha cobrado importancia la evaluación del riesgo de violencia basada en un modelo de juicio clínico estructurado, cuya importancia radica en la utilización de guías e instrumentos empíricamente validados que faciliten la valoración y gestión del riesgo. En la comunidad autónoma de Galicia ha sido desarrollado un protocolo de Valoración del riesgo en adolescentes infractores (VRAI), con el fin de evaluar la probabilidad de ocurrencia de una determinada conducta antisocial a partir de una serie de factores de riesgo. Una vez realizada la valoración, el riesgo podrá ser gestionado con el fin de prevenir consecuencias negativas futuras. El presente trabajo proporciona una visión descriptiva acerca de este instrumento, de los factores que lo componen, así como las implicaciones para una intervención eficaz que de él se derivan

    Longitudinal Relationships Between Reading Abilities, Phonological Awareness, Language Abilities and Executive Functions: Comparison of Low Risk Preterm and Full-Term Children

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    Different investigations have found that very or extremely (high risk) preterm children show global or specific difficulties in phonological awareness (PA) and reading abilities. Do low risk preterm children, however, exhibit this pattern? Phonological awareness has been considered an important predictor of literacy. Certain executive functions (EFs), and language abilities in turn, have been found to predict PA. The aims of this study are (1) to compare reading abilities of low risk preterm children of different gestational age (GA) groups to those of full-term children, (2) to compare the performance of low risk preterm children of different GA groups to that of full-term children in different EFs, language measures and PA, and (3) to perform a path analysis in order to test a longitudinal model of the relationships between EFs, language abilities, PA and reading. The participants were 108 low risk 4- year-old preterm children, classified into 3 groups of different GAs, and 34 full-term children. The children’s EFs (rapid automatized naming task (RAN), working memory, and inhibition) were assessed at 4 and 5 years of age. Vocabulary comprehension, morphosyntactic production and grammar reception were assessed when the children were 5 years of age, as well as phonemic awareness and syllabic awareness. Finally, reading abilities were assessed when the children were 9 years old. No significant difference between gestational age groups was found on any of the measures taken on EFs, language abilities, phonological awareness, or reading abilities. The path analysis model demonstrates the direct effect of working memory, certain linguistic skills governed by rules (grammar, morphology) and phonological awareness on reading abilities at 9 years of age. The model also shows the mediating role that PA has on the relationship between EFs and language abilities with reading abilitiesThis research was funded by the Ministerio Economía Industria y Competitividad of the Spanish Government (Grants PSI2011- 23210 and PSI2015-66697-R to the MP-P). Founds for open access publication fees were received from the Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional -Xunta de Galicia ED431C 2018/02S

    Distinctiveness of reactive and proactive aggression from a variable- and person-based approach in juvenile offenders and community youth

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    The goal of this study was to examine the distinctiveness of reactive aggression (RA) and proactive aggression (PA) from a variable- and person-based approach, their psychosocial correlates and behavioral outcomes, and analyze their replicability across two samples of adolescents. The forensic sample was composed of 231 juvenile offenders and the community sample included 321 youth. At a variable-based level, the results of the factor analysis supported the original two-factor model of aggression, and RA and PA showed differential associations with a set of psychosocial correlates and behavioral outcomes. At a person-based level, three subgroups were identified, namely low aggression, moderate RA, and mixed aggression. The mixed aggression group showed the most severe profile in both samples. These results support the distinctiveness of RA and PA at a variable-based level but lead to consider PA as a severity marker rather than a distinct subgroup at a person-based levelThis research was partially supported by the consolidation and structuring of competitive research units and other promotional actions in the universities of the SUG; GRC, 2018 (Xunta de Galicia). Lorena Maneiro’s contribution to this manuscript was partially supported by the Programa de Axudas á etapa posdoutoral da Xunta de Galicia (Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria). Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer NatureS

    Proposed specifiers for conduct disorder-short version (PSCD-SV): psychometric properties, concurrent correlates and parenting predictors

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    The present study aims to further examine the four-factor model of psychopathy in adolescence with a new alternate model for the assessment of psychopathic traits and conduct disorder (CD): The Proposed Specifiers for Conduct Disorder-Short version (PSCD-SV). Data were collected in a sample of 414 adolescents (49.2% females) aged 12–15 at the first assessment who were then followed-up 2 years later. Results supported the usefulness of the PSCD-SV to assess the broader construct of psychopathy showing good psychometric properties, including adequate reliability and validity, while accounting for all its dimensions. In addition, the study showed close associations between psychopathic traits and adolescent behavioral, emotional and psychosocial maladjustment. Finally, the findings elucidated the PSCD’s connection to parental support and psychological control, and reinforced the potential role of parenting practices as predictors that can act as mechanisms of change in the development of psychopathy. Overall, current findings shed light on conceptual and developmental models of psychopathy that may have implications for assessment, diagnostic classification, prevention, and interventionOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This research was partially funded by Xunta de Galicia under the Programa de Axudas á Etapa Posdoutoral (Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; 2017, 2019 and 2021) and the Consolidation and structuring of competitive research units and other promotional actions in the universities of the SUG; GRC, 2018S

    Efectos longitudinales de las prácticas parentales mediados por los iguales desviados sobre el comportamiento antisocial violento y no violento y el consumo de sustancias en la adolescencia

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    The current work aimed to analyse the prospective effects of parenting practices on adolescent problematic behaviour taking into account the mediation effects of deviant affiliations in normative Spanish adolescents. For this purpose, a sample of 663 adolescents aged 12 to 15 (M = 12.49, SD = 0.68) and gender-balanced (54.3% male) were recruited from 13 state secondary schools in Galicia (NW Spain). Two structural equation models were tested separately on violent behaviour, nonviolent antisocial behaviour, and substance use: the parenting model analysed parental knowledge and parental support through deviant peers, and the sources model analysed adolescent disclosure, parental control, and parental solicitation through deviant peer affiliations. The results of the parenting model indicated that the effects of parental knowledge on all the types of problematic behaviour were significantly mediated by deviant peer affiliations. In addition, the direct effect of parental knowledge was significant on substance use for males. Regarding the sources model, the results indicated that the effects of adolescent disclosure were significantly mediated by deviant peer affiliations on all the types of problematic behaviour only for females. No significant effects of parental support, parental control, and parental solicitation were found. Methodological and practical implications of these findings are discussed.El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo analizar los posibles efectos de las prácticas parentales sobre el comportamiento problemático en adolescentes españoles normativos, teniendo en cuenta los efectos de mediación de la afiliación con iguales desviados. Para ello, se utilizó una muestra de 663 adolescentes de 12 a 15 años (M = 12.49, DT = 0.68) equilibrada por género (54.3% varones) de 13 centros públicos de secundaria de Galicia (NO de España). Se analizaron dos modelos de ecuaciones estructurales por separado para conducta violenta, comportamiento antisocial no violento y consumo de sustancias: el modelo de crianza que analiza el conocimiento parental y el apoyo parental a través de los iguales desviados y el modelo de fuentes que analiza la autorrevelación adolescente, control parental y solicitud parental a través de la afiliación con iguales desviados. Los resultados del modelo de crianza indicaron que los efectos del conocimiento parental sobre todos los tipos de comportamiento problemático estuvieron significativamente mediados por la afiliación con iguales desviados. Además, el efecto directo del conocimiento parental fue significativo sobre el consumo de sustancias para los varones. Con respecto al modelo de fuentes, los resultados indicaron que solo para las mujeres los efectos de la autorrevelación adolescente estuvieron significativamente mediados por la afiliación con iguales desviados sobre todos los tipos de comportamiento problemático. No se encontraron efectos significativos del apoyo, el control y la solicitud parentales. Se discuten las implicaciones metodológicas y prácticas de estos hallazgosThis study was supported by the Programa de Axudas á etapa predoutoral da Xunta de Galicia (Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria)S

    Los efectos de las practicas parentales a través de compañeros desviados en los comportamientos antisociales no violentos y violentos en la adolescencia media y tardía

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    The aim of the current study was to analyse in two age cohorts the presence of mediation effects of par-enting practices (i.e., parental knowledge, parental support, parent-adolescent conflict) through deviantpeers on youth antisocial behaviour (i.e., nonviolent antisocial behaviour, violent behaviour). The finalsample was subdivided in a younger group (n = 377), aged 14 to 16 (M = 15.27, SD = 0.72), 45.9% males,and an older group (n = 206), aged 17 to 19 (M = 17.30, SD = 0.54), 48.5% males. The structural equationmodelling results indicated significant mediation effects for both age cohorts. Family factors presentedmore influence for younger adolescents, whereas deviant peers showed more influence for olderadolescents. The findings also indicated the reciprocal influence of selection and socialisation processessuggesting the need of early interventions for preventing the development of antisocial behaviourEl objetivo de este estudio ha sido analizar en dos grupos de edad la presencia de los efectos de mediación de las prácticas parentales (es decir, el conocimiento y el apoyo parentales y el conflicto padres-adolescente) por medio de compañeros desviados en el comportamiento antisocial de los jóvenes (es decir, comportamiento antisocial no violento y el comportamiento violento). La muestra final se dividió en un grupo más joven (n = 377), con edades entre 14 y 16 años (M = 15.27, DT = 0.72), el 45.9% de los cuales eran varones, y un grupo más mayor (n = 206), de edades comprendidas entre 17 y 19 años (M = 17.30, DT = 0.54), el 48.5% varones. Los resultados del modelado de ecuaciones estructurales indicaban que había efectos mediadores para ambos grupos de edad. Los factores familiares influían más en los adolescentes más jóvenes mientras que los compañeros desviados influían más en los adolescentes mayores. Los resultados también pusieron de manifiesto la influencia recíproca de los procesos de selección y socialización, lo que indicaba la necesidad de intervenciones tempranas con el fin de evitar que se desarrollara el comportamiento antisocialThis study was supported by the Subdirección General de Proyectos de Investigación (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Gobierno de España) under Grants PSI2011-29704-C03-01 and PSI2015-65766-R and the Programa de Axudas á etapa predoutoral da Xunta de Galicia (Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria)S

    The role of deviant siblings in delinquency: a meta-analysis of longitudinal studies

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    Deviant siblings have been considered as role models for future delinquent behavior; however, previous studies have led to inconsistent results in this regard. The goal of the current meta-analysis was to analyze the effect of deviant non-twin siblings on future delinquency. The potential moderation effects of birth order, sex dyad, age of siblings, publication year, study length, and sample size were analyzed. Six databases were searched for studies: PsycInfo, MEDLINE, Criminal Justice Abstracts, Web of Science, SCOPUS, and Google Scholar. To analyze the prospective interdependence of delinquent siblings, only longitudinal studies were considered for inclusion in the meta-analysis. Two authors independently went through all the retrieved studies and coded those eligible for inclusion, with good interrater agreement. A total of 18 studies were included, which provided 24 independent effect sizes. The meta-analysis showed a significant prospective association between deviant siblings and delinquency. A moderate effect size was found from older sibling to younger sibling and vice versa, as well as between siblings when birth order was not specified. Likewise, significant associations were found in brother pairs, sister pairs, and mixed-sex sibling pairs. No moderation effects were found for age of siblings, publication year, study length, or sample size. The results highlight the role of siblings as a risk factor for future delinquencyS

    Longitudinal associations between parental support and parental knowledge on behavioral and emotional problems in adolescents.

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    When testing longitudinal effects of parenting practices on adolescent adjustment, an integrated consideration of externalizing and internalizing behaviors is a gap in research. This study analyzed how parental support and parental knowledge directly and indirectly influence both antisocial behavior and emotional problems. The sample had 642 adolescents aged 12-15 (mean age = 12.49; 45.4% females) from Spain, who participated in a three-year long study. The results showed longitudinal bidirectional associations between parental support and parental knowledge. Only parental knowledge, however, directly predicted antisocial behavior and emotional problems. Parental support had an indirect effect on outcomes through the mediating effect of parental knowledge. This study has practical implications by indicating that increasing parental knowledge should be the target of educational-prevention programsS

    Psychopathic traits in childhood: insights from parental warmth and fearless temperament via conscience development

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    The role of psychopathic traits in predicting more serious and persistent patterns of child conduct problems has been well documented. The jointly presence of interpersonal (grandiose– deceitful), affective (e.g., callous–unemotional), and behavioral psychopathic traits (impulsive–need of stimulation) identifies a group of children at increased risk of psychosocial maladjustment. The present study aims to disentangle the underlying mechanisms by examining how early parenting (i.e., warmth) and child temperament (i.e., fearlessness) predict later psychopathic traits, via conscience development (CD). Data were collected in a large sample of children (n = 2.266; 48.5% girls), aged 3 to 6 at the onset of the study (Mage = 4.25; SD = 0.91), who were followed up one and two years later. The results showed direct effects from fearlessness to interpersonal and behavioral psychopathic traits. Parental warmth, fearless temperament, and their interaction, predicted CD, which, in turn, showed a negative effect on psychopathic traits. The indirect effects indicated significant negative mediation effects of warmth through CD on psychopathic traits, which seem to be stronger when children present lower levels of fearlessness. Overall, these results contribute to better understand the development of child psychopathic traits and provide additional insight on effective strategies that will help to restrain the potential development of a high-risk profile in early childhoodThis research was funded by FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades - Agencia Estatal de Investigación/Grants (PSI2015-65766-R and 2019-PN103), and by Xunta de Galicia, under the Programa de Axudas á Etapa Posdoutoral da Xunta de Galicia 2017, 2019, and 2021, and Axudas para a Consolidación e Estruturación de Unidades de Investigación Competitivas e outras Accións de Fomento nas Universidades; GRC, 2018 (Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria)S