6 research outputs found

    Aplicación multimedia para trabajar las emociones con alumnado con síndrome de Asperger

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    El trabajo que a continuación se presenta, se concreta en un programa de intervención, basado en la elaboración una App, con la finalidad de trabajar las emociones en niños con Síndrome de Asperger al que consideramos un trastorno neurológico que afecta la capacidad de comunicarse y relacionarse con los demás.Esta App tiene como soporte una aplicación multimedia a la que denominamos “EXPRÉSATE”, basada en el modelo ASSURE. Un sistema de diseño instruccional, parte de las características concretas del sujeto, de sus estilos de aprendizaje, y del fomento a la participación activa y comprometida del mismo. El principal aporte del trabajo que se presenta,, es mostrar una herramienta de trabajo, de fácil manejo, debidamente justificada, seleccionada y desarrollada con el objetivo de facilitar los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en niños de Educación Infantil con Síndrome de Asperger, y de esta manera mejorar esta dimensión clave para su inclusión en la sociedad. Se trata, en definitiva, de un material de trabajo y apoyo, especialmente útil, para alumnado con Síndrome de Asperger, que facilita conocer, reconocer o comprender los diferentes estados de ánimo

    Effect of vitamin E administered to men in infertile couples on sperm and assisted reproduction outcomes: a double-blind randomized study

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    Objective: To evaluate the influence on sperm parameters and invitro fertilization (IVF) outcomes of the administration of 400 mg/day of vitamin E for 3 months to men from infertile couples who are undergoing IVF. Design: Double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study. Setting: Human reproduction unit of a university hospital. Patients: A total of 101 couples, 50 in the vitamin E group and 51 in the placebo group, undergoing IVF, among whom 64.4% of cases had an abnormal spermiogram according to World Health Organization (WHO) criteria. Interventions: Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol), 400 mg daily by mouth for 3 months, with sperm analysis performed immediately before starting the treatment and 3 months later on the day of IVF. Main Outcome Measures: WHO sperm parameters and IVF outcomes. Results: Although there was a statistically significant increase in progressive motility in the vitamin E group compared with before-treatment values, a similar increase occurred in the placebo group. Normal morphology was even better in the placebo group. Regarding IVF outcomes, better fertilization rates were observed in the placebo group, but the live-birth rate per transfer was statistically significantly higher in the vitamin E group: 17 (41.46%) of 41 versus 9 (20.46%) of 44 in the placebo group. Although the clinical pregnancy rates (both per transfer and per cycle started) and the implantation rate were somewhat higher in the vitamin E group (43.9% and 25%; 36.0% and 22.0%; and 24.7% and 14.1%, respectively), the increase was not statistically significant. Conclusions: The effect of vitamin E on classic sperm parameters was not an improvement over placebo. Nonetheless, vitamin E administration was associated with a statistically significantly higher live-birth rate, and there was a trend toward better results in other IVF parameters

    Aplicación multimedia para trabajar las emociones con alumnado con síndrome de Asperger

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    The work presented below, translates into an intervention program based on developing an app, in order to work on emotions in children with Asperger's Syndrome who consider a neurological disorder that affects the ability to communicate and relate with the rest. This App is supported on a multimedia application which we call "Expresate," based on the ASSURE model. Instructional design system, part of the specific characteristics of the subject, learning styles, and the promotion of active and committed participation of the same. The main contribution of the work presented is to show, a working tool, easy to use duly substantiated selected and developed in order to facilitate the teaching-learning in kindergarten children with Asperger's Syndrome, and thus improve this key dimension for inclusion in society. It is, in short, work and material support especially useful to students with Asperger Syndrome, which facilitates know, recognize or understand the different moods.El trabajo que a continuación se presenta, se concreta en un programa de intervención, basado en la elaboración una App, con la finalidad de trabajar las emociones en niños con Síndrome de Asperger al que consideramos un trastorno neurológico que afecta la capacidad de comunicarse y relacionarse con los demás. Esta App tiene como soporte una aplicación multimedia a la que denominamos “EXPRÉSATE”, basada en el modelo ASSURE. Un sistema de diseño instruccional, parte de las características concretas del sujeto, de sus estilos de aprendizaje, y del fomento a la participación activa y comprometida del mismo. El principal aporte del trabajo que se presenta,, es mostrar una herramienta de trabajo, de fácil manejo, debidamente justificada, seleccionada y desarrollada con el objetivo de facilitar los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en niños de Educación Infantil con Síndrome de Asperger, y de esta manera mejorar esta dimensión clave para su inclusión en la sociedad. Se trata, en definitiva, de un material de trabajo y apoyo, especialmente útil, para alumnado con Síndrome de Asperger, que facilita conocer, reconocer o comprender los diferentes estados de ánimo

    Decline in Human Fertility Rates with Male Age: A Consequence of a Decrease in Male Fecundity with Aging?

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    7 páginas.[Background]: The objective of this study is to investigate the influence of male age on human fertility, defined as the birth rate for a given population. [Methods]: Data from the Spanish National Statistics Institute (INE) for the year 2004 from a total of 454,753 newborn infants and sorted by male and female age groups were evaluated. In order to correct the influence of female age-related fertility, a different analysis was performed considering only women under 30 years of age. [Results]: From a demographic point of view, male fertility started to decline at 35–39 years of age. This decline is constant and follows an exponential pattern (slope –0.11 to –0.12). The trend persisted when the data were adjusted for every 1,000 men in the age group, as well as when only women under the age of 30 were considered. Male fertility showed a 21–23% annual decrease starting at the age of 39. [Conclusion]: An exponential decrease in human fertility which is independent of the woman’s age was observed with male aging. This decay is probably due to a downfall in male fecundity, closely related to a decline in sperm quality. However, social or behavioral causes for this trend cannot be excluded.Peer reviewe