38 research outputs found

    Nursing activities in the prevention and control of nosocomial infection in the emergency sector

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    Objective: To evaluate the performance of the nursing staff in the prevention and control of nosocomial infection in the emergency sector. Method: This is a field study, the exploratory kind with quantitative and qualitative approach and was conducted through a questionnaire and a check list of invasive procedures. The study population consisted of 77 professionals of nursing staff, 15 nurses, 59 practical nurses and 03 nursing assistants. Results: The results showed that the professionals of the nursing staff know the importance of the prevention and control of hospital infection, but only a few knew conceptualize this issue correctly and completely. Conclusion: The safe and effective care can be reality from the acknowledgment of health professionals about the standard precautions to be taken while handling a hospitalized patient

    Incidence of complications of hypertension in patients in tertiary hospital

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    Objective: To assess the incidence of complications of arterial hypertension in patients admitted to a tertiary hospital. The type of study is retrospective and quantitative. Method: The study was conducted in a tertiary hospital, SUSrelated, reference North-Northeast in Cardiopulmonary Diseases.The sample was composed of medical records of patients with hypertension who developed complications of hypertension. Results: In this study, 300(94,33%) had cardiovascular, cerebrovascular complications in 14 (4,40%) and renal disease with 11 (3,45%), finally, peripheral vessels ( 0,62% ). Conclusion: The study allowed us to observe that despite the great efforts early detection of Hypertension as well as treatment adherence and improved quality of life, it is still necessary to assign more incentives to Primary Health Care in order to prevent even the early hypertension and the possible consequences of this complication

    Knowledge, attitude and practices of biomedicine students on the papanicolaou exam

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    Cervical cancer is the second type of cancer that most affects women, considered a serious public health problem, however it can be detected and treated early through the Pap smear. This research aimed to analyze the knowledge, attitude and practices of biomedicine students on the Pap smear. A cross-sectional study on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP), applied with 108 students, was carried out at a Higher Education Institution in Teresina, Piauí, Brazil. The data were collected through the months of February and March of 2018 with the application of a questionnaire. Statistical analysis was descriptive in terms of absolute and relative frequencies. Knowledge 72 (66.6%) and attitude 76 (70.3%) presented adequate levels regarding the examination. As for the practice, the percentage of suitability was of 37 academics (34.2%) relatively not adequate. It was concluded that the students had adequate knowledge and attitude, but an inadequate practice, and the Papanicolaou test is required for the early screening and prevention of cervical cancer

    A influência da síndrome de ovários policísticos e síndrome metabólica na escolha do tipo de parto: revisão de literatura

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    Introduction: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and Metabolic Syndrome (MS) are interconnected through various physiological pathways, and their coexistence may have significant implications, especially during pregnancy and the childbirth process. During pregnancy, women with PCOS and MS may face an increased risk of obstetric complications. Regarding the impact on childbirth, PCOS and MS can influence the choice of the type of delivery. Methodology: This work constitutes a literature review, following the systematization with the five pillars described below. 1) Problem statement: "What is the influence of PCOS and MS on the choice of the type of delivery?". 2) Relevant studies were identified using the PUBMED platform with the descriptors "Metabolic Syndrome, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Parturition, Pregnancy," PUBMED all in accordance with MESH. 3) Initially, 11 studies were selected; 4 were discarded after a thorough reading as they did not contribute to the problem statement. 4) Data extraction was performed using a text editing program. 5) Experts were consulted. Results: The studies revealed that PCOS and MS are associated with a clinically significant increase in the risk of complications during pregnancy compared to control groups. Additionally, there is a 3 to 4 times higher likelihood of developing pregnancy-induced hypertension and preeclampsia, a threefold increase in the risk of gestational diabetes, and a twofold likelihood of premature birth. The elevated obstetric risk for women with PCOS is reflected in a higher rate of spontaneous abortion. Moreover, it was observed that, compared to the general population, PCOS and MS are more associated with cesarean delivery. Conclusion: Cesarean delivery is predominant in patients with PCOS and MS. Furthermore, there is a higher risk of developing pregnancy-induced hypertension, preeclampsia, and premature birth.Introdução: A síndrome dos ovários policísticos (SOP) e a síndrome metabólica (SM) estão interligadas por várias vias físicas, e sua coexistência pode ter implicações significativas, especialmente durante a gravidez e no processo de parto. Durante a gravidez, as mulheres SOP e SM podem enfrentar um risco aumentado de complicações obstétricas. Quanto ao impacto no parto, a SOP e a SM podem influenciar a escolha do tipo de parto Metodologia: Este trabalho trata-se de uma revisão de literatura, de acordo com a sistematização com os 5 pilares descritos a seguir. 1) Questão problema: “Qual a influência da SOP e SM na escolha do tipo de parto?”. 2) Estudos relevantes foram identificados utilizando na plataforma PUBMED os descritores “Metabolic Syndrome, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Parturition, Pregnancy”, na PUBMED, todos de acordo com MESH. 3) 11 estudos foram selecionados inicialmente, 4 foram descartados mediante leitura completa por não contribuir com a questão problema. 4) A extração de dados foi realizada em um programa de edição de texto. 5) Especialistas foram consultados.  Resultado: Os estudos revelaram que a SOP e SM estão associadas a um aumento clinicamente significativo no risco de complicações durante a gravidez, em comparação com os grupos de controle. Além disso, há uma probabilidade de 3 a 4 vezes maior de desenvolver hipertensão causada pela gravidez e pré-eclâmpsia, um aumento de 3 vezes sem risco de diabetes gestacional e uma probabilidade duas vezes maior de parto prematuro. O risco obstétrico elevado para mulheres com SOP se reflete em uma maior taxa de aborto espontâneo. Diante disso, observou-se que em relação a população em geral, SOP e SM associam-se mais com o parto cesariano. Conclusão: O parto cesariano é predominante em pacientes com SOP e SM. Além disso, há maior risco de desenvolver hipertensão causada pela gravidez, pré-eclâmpsia e parto prematuro

    Generalidades sobre o quadro clínico da Rinossinusite: uma revisão narrativa de literatura: Generalities about the clinical picture of Rhinosinusitis: a narrative literature reviewv

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    A rinossinusite é um processo inflamatório da mucosa dos seios paranasais e da cavidade nasal. O sistema nasossinusal é responsável pelo balanço adequado entre a fabricação e o clearence de muco nas cavidades paranasais. A fisiologia deste é de vital importância para a proteção das vias aéreas superiores. No advém, determinados fatores podem acarretar um desbalanço nesse complexo, consequentemente um processo inflamatório. Qualquer fator que altere a drenagem, seja por obstrução, maior produção ou espessamento do muco, como processo infecciosos ou alérgicos, haverá uma impactação de secreções e a facilitação de colonização bacteriana, dando início ao processo infeccioso. A identificação da inflamação do nariz e seios paranasais é basicamente clínica. A suspeição desta ocorre através da manifestação de dois ou mais sintomatologias. As quais são o bloqueio ou obstrução nasal, a descarga nasal, pressão ou dor facial e redução ou perda do olfato. De modo geral, é essencial à prevenção básica das rinossinusites agudas é barrar a infecção viral. O suporte inclui medidas gerais de higiene, alimentação e hidratação, imunização para o combate de vírus respiratórios , administração de fármacos para turbinar o sistema imune se necessário

    Innovation of Textiles through Natural By-Products and Wastes

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    Nowadays, the competitiveness of the textile industry and the consumers’ interest have been increasing the demand for innovative and functional textiles. Allied to this, sustainable developments are playing an increasingly important role in the textile industry. Such concerns led to a new development strategy based on the valorization of bio-based wastes and by-products of different industries, inserting this in the circular economy paradigm. These bio-based wastes and by-products come from several industries, as the agri-food industry. These resources present an enormous potential for valorization in the textile finish due to their intrinsic properties (antimicrobial, prebiotic, antioxidant activity, among others). This chapter will review the latest innovation and textile product development through different by-products and wastes, their main properties and characteristics and the advantages that they offer to the textile industry

    Dietary Euterpe oleracea Essential Oil, the Amazon Açaí, as Feed Additive to Amazonian Ornamental Fish, during Post-Larvae Growing Stage: A Preliminary Study

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    The present study aimed to evaluate the growth performance, batch uniformity, and survival rate of the Amazonian ornamental fish Heros severus and Pterophyllum scalare during the post-larvae growing stage, fed with diets containing levels of Euterpe oleraceae essential oil (EOO) during 30 days. In the first experiment, 160 H. severus post-larvae were distributed in 16 aquariums (1 L), and in the second, 200 P. scalare post-larvae were randomly distributed in 20 aquariums (1 L). The experiments were carried out in a completely randomized design, with four treatments for H. severus (0.0%, 0.50%, 1.00%, and 2.00% of dietary EOO) and five treatments for P. scalare (0.0%, 0.5%, 1.0%, 2.0%, and 4.0% of dietary EOO), both with four replications and dietary EOO being included in replacing soybean oil. A quadratic effect (p < 0.01) was observed for the final length, length gain, specific growth rate for length, final weight, weight gain, specific growth rate for weight, and batch uniformity for weight for both fish species. As for ornamental fish larviculture, survival rate and batch uniformity are the most important parameters to be considered. For P. scalare and H. severus post-larvae, the inclusion of dietary EOO was beneficial in up to 2.48% and 0.88%, respectively