156 research outputs found

    Las matemáticas básicas: una experiencia en la universidad autónoma de Tamaulipas

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    En México, a mediados de los 70´s, la formación docente para el nivel superior inducía una concepción de la enseñanza como una subprofesión. Lo anterior motivó el estudio entre un grupo importante de profesores sobre la manera científica de tratar los problemas de la enseñanza de diversas áreas, entre ellas las matemáticas. Por otro lado, los altos niveles competitivos que imponen las tendencias globalizadotas en la actualidad, que requieren profesionales con una preparación de buena calidad en todos los ámbitos, incluidas las matemáticas, hace imprescindible contar con elementos didácticos, tecnológicos y metodológicos que le permitan al maestro hacer uso de estos de tal forma que faciliten su práctica docente y que el alumno pueda lograr la habilidad de razonamiento y dominio de las matemáticas. En el año 2000, la Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas (UAT) define en el Plan de Desarrollo Institucional encaminado a la actualización de los programas de estudio, con el propósito de que sean acordes con el perfil del egresado del cual se pretende responda a las necesidades que requiere una sociedad cambiante. En este punto la creación de las Academias es una de las prioridades. El presente documento ofrece un panorama del trabajo desarrollado por la Academia Universitaria de Matemáticas (AUM) de nuestra Universidad desde su inicio, la cual se formó con el fin de apoyar la labor docente en la búsqueda constante de modelos que permitan mejorar el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje en esta área en base a varias estrategias propuestas. El trabajo se ha desarrollado principalmente con docentes (134) que imparten materias afines a las matemáticas y con los alumnos de nuevo ingreso de cada generación. Por parte de la AUM, se han realizado diversos seminarios y cursos para la actualización y formación de profesores, se ha creado e implementado la asignatura de Matemáticas Básicas, ubicada como prerrequisito en primer semestre en toda la UAT, se editó el libro “Matemáticas Básicas: Aplicaciones” que ya está impreso en su segunda edición, el cual cuenta con un libro de ejercicios resueltos, con un video y un software interactivo como auxiliares del mismo y se elaboran reactivos que se utilizan en un examen tipo departamental para evaluar la asignatura. Actualmente, la UAT y la AUM están en una segunda etapa de reestructuración pedagógico curricular denominada Milenium III

    Hábitos de estudio en estudiantes de secundaria de la institución educativa pública “Felipe Santiago Estenos” de Chaclacayo

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo fundamental identificar en los estudiantes los hábitos adecuados e inadecuados al momento de estudiar, específicamente en los estudiantes de 4to de secundaria del colegio “Felipe Santiago Estenos”. El estudio realizado presenta un enfoque cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo con un diseño no experimental. La muestra estuvo conformada por 68 estudiantes (entre hombres y mujeres). Y para el acopio de información se utilizó como instrumento el “Inventario de Hábitos de Estudio Casm-85” del autor Luis Alberto Vicuña Peri (1985)The main objective of this research is to identify in students the appropriate and inadequate habits at the time of study, specifically in the 4th grade students of the "Felipe Santiago Estenos" school. The study carried out presents a quantitative approach of a descriptive type with a non-experimental design. The population was 320 students, the sample was made up of 68 students (between men and women). And for the collection of information, the "Inventory of Study Habits Casm-85" by the author Luis Alberto Vicuña Peri (1985

    Probabilistic assessment of risk from the exposure to mercury in artisanal gold mining communities in Colombia

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    Colombia is one the largest per capita mercury polluters as a consequence of its artisanal gold mining operations, which are steadily increasing following the rising price of this metal. Compared to gravimetric separation methods and cyanidation, the concentration of gold using Hg amalgams presents several advantages: the process is less time-consuming and minimizes gold losses, and Hg is easily transported and inexpensive relative to the selling price of gold. Very often, mercury amalgamation is carried out on site by unprotected workers. During this operation large amounts of mercury are discharged to the environment and eventually reach the fresh water bodies in the vicinity where it is subjected to methylation. Additionally, as gold is released from the amalgam by heating on open charcoal furnaces in small workshops, mercury vapors are emitted and inhaled by the artisanal smelters and the general populatio

    Measuring Entanglement in a Photonic Embedding Quantum Simulator

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    Measuring entanglement is a demanding task that usually requires full tomography of a quantum system, involving a number of observables that grows exponentially with the number of parties. Recently, it was suggested that adding a single ancillary qubit would allow for the efficient measurement of concurrence, and indeed any entanglement monotone associated to antilinear operations. Here, we report on the experimental implementation of such a device---an embedding quantum simulator---in photonics, encoding the entangling dynamics of a bipartite system into a tripartite one. We show that bipartite concurrence can be efficiently extracted from the measurement of merely two observables, instead of fifteen, without full tomographic information.Comment: Updated versio

    Turismo de Base Comunitária na Vila Céu do Mapiá/AM: prospecções para uma gestão comunitária participativa

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    Vila Céu do Mapiá is an intentional community founded in 1983, located in the heart of the Puruse National Forest, the headquarters of Santo Daime. The Vila, influenced by the phenomena of globalization, receives since its foundation a large flow of visitors. Currently, it has been suffering strong economic, environmental and social pressure. How to deal with these phenomena? Interactions related to tourism and visitation with religious motivation are a means of strengthening the community reality and, as this phenomenon happens, several positive and negative impacts are generated. This work considers the possibility of Community Based Tourism to influence this process and seeks to point out in what ways this can happen for the better benefit of the community. It seeks to deepen the phenomena that happen in this community, bringing the focus to the current reality of visitation, the diagnosis of the activity and the possibilities that are already explored or may be in the future. From the local peculiarities, several possibilities arise in the theoretical and practical field. How to mediate this process by strengthening community ties, preserving traditional knowledge and conserving the forest are some of the questions that this research intends to answer. This dissertation carries out a survey that aims to contribute so that the Vila Céu do Mapiá community can idealize practices for the participatory community management of local tourism, a traditional community activity since the community was founded by Sebastião Mota de Melo and his followers.A Vila Céu do Mapiá é uma comunidade intencional fundada em 1983, localizada no coração da Floresta Nacional do Puruse matriz do Santo Daime. A Vila, influenciada pelos fenômenos da globalização, recebe desde a sua fundação um grande fluxo de visitantes. Atualmente,vem sofrendo forte pressão econômica, ambiental e social. Como lidar com estes fenômenos? As interações relacionadas ao turismo e à visitação com motivação religiosa são um meio de fortalecer a realidade comunitária e, na medida em que este fenômeno acontece, diversos impactos positivos e negativos são gerados. Este trabalho considera apossibilidade de o Turismo de Base Comunitária influenciar este processo e procura apontar de que formas isso pode acontecer para melhor proveito da comunidade. Busca-se aprofundar que fenômenos acontecem nesta comunidade, trazendo o foco para a realidade atual da visitação, o diagnósticoda atividade e as possibilidades que já são exploradas ou podem ser no futuro. A partir das peculiaridades locais, diversas possibilidades surgem no campo teórico e prático. Como mediatizar este processo fortalecendo os laços comunitários, preservando o conhecimento tradicional e conservando a floresta são algumas das questões que esta pesquisa pretende responder. A presentedissertação realiza um levantamento que pretende contribuir para que a comunidade Vila Céu do Mapiápossa idealizar práticas para a gestão comunitária participativa do turismo local, atividade comunitária tradicional desde a fundação da comunidade por Sebastião Mota de Melo e seus seguidores

    Physical Models of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flows: Some Developments and Recent Applications

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    Experimental studies on wind engineering require the use of different types of physical models of boundary layer flows. Small-scale models obtained in a wind tunnel, for example, attempt to reproduce real atmosphere phenomena like wind loads on structures and pollutant dispersion by the mean flow and turbulent mixing. The quality of the scale model depends on the similarity between the laboratory-generated flow and the atmospheric flow. Different types of neutral atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) including full-depth and part-depth simulations are experimentally evaluated. The Prof. Jacek Gorecki wind tunnel of the UNNE, Argentina, and the Prof. Joaquim Blessmann closed-return wind tunnel of the UFRGS, Brazil, were used to obtain the experimental data. Finally, some recent wind engineering applications of this type of physical wind models are shown

    Validity evidence of the multidimensional emotional disorders inventory among non-clinical spanish university students

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    The current diagnostic systems for mental health disorders are categorical, which, it has been argued, poorly reflect the reality of mental health problems. This is especially relevant in emotional disorders (EDs), especially due to the existing comorbidity between supposedly different disorders. To address this, Brown and Barlow developed a hybrid dimensional−categorical approach to EDs that can be evaluated with the Multidimensional Emotional Disorder Inventory (MEDI), a transdiagnostic self-report questionnaire. This study aims to adapt and explore the sources of validity evidence of the MEDI in a non-clinical sample of Spanish university students (n = 455). Two confirmatory analyses were performed: one with a four-dimensional structure obtained with an exploratory analysis and another with the original nine-dimensional structure of the MEDI. The latter obtained a better fit. The descriptive data, including percentiles, T-scores, and sex differences in total scores are also provided, together with sources of validity evidence. These revealed significant moderate interrelations between factors and with related measures (e.g., personality, depression, and anxiety). This study adapted the MEDI for use in Spanish, provides further support about its factor structure, and offers novel data about its validity sources. The MEDI makes the evaluation of dimensional and transdiagnostic models easier, which might be fundamental in present and future research and clinical practice

    Is the coexistence of Catalan and Spanish possible in Catalonia?

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    We study the stability of Catalan and Spanish coexistence in Catalonia, a key political and economic European region. Recent, abundant empirical data of language use is analyzed within an analytic model of population dynamics. This model contemplates the possibilities of both long-term language coexistence and decline. The data needs to be interpreted under different circumstances. The most likely scenario, we find, is a sustained coexistence. Extreme cases still lead to the decline of one of the tongues–we delimit when this can happen. Asymptotic behavior is often an unreliable predictor in complex social systems; we make an attempt at forecasting fractions of speakers towards 2030. These also suggest sustained coexistence, but some counterintuitive dynamics are unveiled. Model parameters estimated from the data convey relevant information about the prestige and interlinguistic similarity of both tongues. We quantify these parameters rigorously for these languages for the first time. Remarkably, Spanish is found to have a larger prestige in areas which historically had larger Catalan monolingual communities. With limited, spatially-segregated data we examine more fine grained dynamics, thus better addressing the likely outcomes. Differences in model parameters across regions reveal how the two languages are perceived in more urban or rural environmentsThis work was partially funded by the Galician Royal Academy (Real Academia Galega)S

    Spanish adaptation of the overall anxiety and depression severity and impairment scales in university students

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    The lifetime prevalence of emotional disorders in Spain is 4.1% for anxiety and 5.2% for depression, increasing among university students. Considering the scarcity of screenings with adequate psychometric properties, this study aims to explore the validity evidence of the Overall Anxiety/Depression Severity and Impairment Scales (OASIS and ODSIS). A total of 382 university students from the general population were assessed on anxiety and depressive symptoms, as well as quality of life. The one-dimensional structure of both the OASIS and ODSIS explained 87.53% and 90.60% of variance, with excellent internal consistency (alpha = 0.94 and 0.95, respectively) and optimal cut-offs of 4 and 5, respectively. Both scales show a significant moderate association with other measures of anxiety, depression and quality of life. The OASIS and ODSIS have shown good reliability and sound validity evidence that recommend their use for the assessment and early detection of anxiety and depressive symptoms, and associated quality of life impairment in Spanish youth