183 research outputs found

    Esthetic and function rehabilitation of severely worn dentition with prosthetic-restorative approach and VDO increase. Case report

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    The aim of this study is to report a case of restorative treatment of severely worn dentition. In this case report, the erosive/abrasive worn dentition have been reconstructed with metal ceramic crown on the posterior teeth and with ceramic veneers on the anterior teeth 1.3 - 2.3 and 3.4 - 4.3. A prosthetic treatment was proposed to a male patient of 58 years old having a clinically significant tooth wear. After clinical exam, impressions of maxillary and mandible arches were taken with alginate to obtain preliminary casts for diagnostic waxing to all maxillary and mandibular teeth and fabrication of all provisional crowns in acrylic resin for posterior teeth, and from the diagnostic wax-up were fabricated a silicone guide masks for anterior teeth. An increase in VDO should be determined on the basis of a need to accomplish satisfactory and aesthetically pleasing restorations; it was proposed to increase the incisal lenght of the maxillary anterior incisors, together with alteration of the VDO 3 mm anteriorly. The posterior teeth 1.6 - 1.5 - 1.4 - 2.4 - 2.6 - 3.5 - 3.6 - 3.7 - 4.4 - 4.7, where the amount of tissue lost was greater, were recontructed with metal ceramic crowns. Two implants (Nobel replace 4.3x10) was placed. The implant were located in the area 4.5 - 4.6. The anterior teeth were restored with veneers. The prosthetic challenge with restoring severely worn dentitions is to preserve as much of the already diminished tooth structure as possible for retention while also providing enough interocclusal space for the restorative material

    Neural network modelling for the analysis of forcings/temperatures relationships at different scales in the climate system

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    Abstract A fully non-linear analysis of forcing influences on temperatures is performed in the climate system by means of neural network modelling. Two case studies are investigated, in order to establish the main factors that drove the temperature behaviour at both global and regional scales in the last 140 years. In particular, our neural network model shows the ability to catch non-linear relationships among these variables and to reconstruct temperature records with a high degree of accuracy. In this framework, we clearly show the need of including anthropogenic inputs for explaining the temperature behaviour at global scale and recognise the role of El Nino southern oscillation for catching the inter-annual variability of temperature data. Furthermore, we analyse the relative influence of global forcing and a regional circulation pattern in determining the winter temperatures in Central England, showing that the North Atlantic oscillation represents the driven element in this case study. Our modelling activity and results can be very useful for simple assessments of relationships in the complex climate system and for identifying the fundamental elements leading to a successful downscaling of atmosphere–ocean general circulation models

    The Unesco Intangible Heritage as Input for the Development of Rural Areas: A Theoretical Model for the Valorization of the Mediterranean Diet

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    AbstractThe study aims to identify guidelines for defining a model of cultural planning, oriented to the development of the city of Reggio Calabria as a metropolitan centre. It will focus specifically on the rural areas, to provide an integrated plan for the advancement of cultural identity. This study develops a theoretical operating model for the valorization of the Mediterranean diet. The methodology consists of a preliminary fact-finding investigation. The second step involves the selection of municipalities able to apply best practices in the area in order to promote the Mediterranean Diet


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    UniverCityappeal is a web platform and a software application that is designed to help students in the choice of the university in which to continue their studies. Service: a database of certified parameters regarding academic departments (quality, employment rate postgraduate, university fees) and the host cities (cost of living, quality of services and mobility). The idea of business by innovative, at the base of the web platform and application software is the elaboration of an algorithm for comparing more data that leads to an index of alternatives for each user. DOI: http://dx.medra.org/10.19254/LaborEst.11.0

    Date Marks, Valuation, and Food Waste: Three In-Store ‘Eggsperiments’

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    We provide causal evidence on how date marking policies influence consumers' valuation of perishable food products through three consecutive research steps. In a preparatory in-store survey (n = 100), we identify perishable food items that can be experimentally manipulated to overcome core challenges for causal identification. A modified in-store multiple price list (MPL) experiment (n = 200) then tests consumers' valuation of perishable food of varying shelf-life (expiry date) in a two-by-two design that varies date mark type(use-by versus best-before) and information status while preventing free disposal censoring. We find that expiry dates affect consumer valuation, but not differences in date mark type. Educating consumers about date mark meaning turns out to be conducive to discarding potentially unsafe food, but not to preventing food waste. An attentiveness experiment (n = 160) tests whether these treatment effects plausibly result from the nature of consumers' knowledge and finds that the existing asymmetry in consumers' understanding of current date marks can explain the evidence from the modified MPL experiment

    Il dilemma educativo di un reazionario: La Théorie de l’éducation sociale di Louis de Bonald

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    The article intends to present one of the lesser known works of the reactionary thinker Louis de Bonald, the Théorie de l’éducation sociale. What emerges is an educational concept that isn't always coherent, but interesting as it's paradigmatic of a troubled era in European history.L'articolo intende presentare una delle opere meno note del pensatore reazionario Louis de Bonald, la Théorie de l’éducation sociale. Ne emerge una concezione educativa non sempre coerente, ma interessante poiché paradigmatica di un'epoca tormentata della storia europea

    La riflessione di Guardini sul valore formativo degli studi accademici: i Tre scritti sull’università

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    The article analyzes the cues for thought about the educational and trainingaims of the university offered by Guardini’s Tre scritti sull’università. It containsthe theme, dear to the author, of the difficult relationship between anauthentically human and technical dimension, carried out according to a perspectivethat places the university institution at the center, called to indicatethe path that leads to the eternal truth on which form of knowledge is based:God.L’articolo analizza gli spunti di riflessione sulle finalità educative e formativedell’università offerti dall’opera di Guardini Tre scritti sull’università. In essasi ritrova il tema, caro all’Autore, del difficile rapporto tra dimensione autenticamenteumana e tecnica, svolto secondo una prospettiva che pone al centrol’istituzione universitaria, chiamata ad indicare la via che conduce allaverità eterna su cui si fonda ogni forma di conoscenza: Dio

    Dampening Host Sensing and Avoiding Recognition in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pneumonia

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen and causes a wide range of acute and chronic infections. P. aeruginosa infections are kept in check by an effective immune surveillance in the healthy host, while any imbalance or defect in the normal immune response can manifest in disease. Invasive acute infection in the immunocompromised patients is mediated by potent extracellular and cell bound bacterial virulence factors. Life-threatening chronic infection in cystic fibrosis patients is maintained by pathogenic variants that contribute to evade detection and clearance by the immune system. Here, we reviewed the molecular basis of receptor-mediated recognition of P. aeruginosa and their role in initiating inflammation and the colonization. In addition, the consequence of the P. aeruginosa genetic adaptation for the antibacterial defence and the maintaining of chronic infection are discussed

    WS11.4 Host response to Pseudomonas aeruginosa adaptation during airway chronic infection

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    Motta San Niceto and its castle represent an important resource asheritage for the neighbouring territories; therefore, the Castle of San Niceto, in the course of the centuries, was an important fortress for the defence of the people and collection point of resources. The historical interaction between the territories and the castle, as demonstrated by the various historical sources, has allowed us to develop a hypothesis for the development of the resources of the Ionic calabrese area; historically this area has been part of the so-called barony of San Niceto that included the areas of Motta San Giovanni, Montebello Ionico, Saline, Bocale, Pellaro, Valanidi. This paper directs the attention toward the local products, which represent the historical identity and source of wealth for the territories. After an analysis on best practices and on the characteristic area concerned, the project defines the objectives and actions (tangible and intangible) of the hypothesis of intervention; this idea finds its realization in the creation of a pole in which promote cultural activities for the knowledge of local products and the history of the territories. After the definition of the characteristics of the project, that is developed in two different scenarios, it becomes necessary to check the sustainability of the initiative through the feasibility study