12 research outputs found

    Rødsporer (Entoloma), underslekt Cyanula i Norge, med fokus på habitat og utbredelse

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    This is the third paper with results from the Norwegian Entoloma project 2015-2017. An overview is given of the species of Entoloma subgenus Cyanula in Norway. Cyanula includes, among other elements, many grassland fungi. This paper is part of a larger study concerning the European species of the subgenus Cyanula, including a multigene phylogeny that will be published in due course. Furthermore, a monograph with updated tax- onomic revision is recently issued. This paper focuses mainly on the species recorded from Norway with help of ITS DNA barcoding, with reference to recent collections also from Northern Sweden, with extensive notes of their habitat requirements and distribution. Altogether 53 Cyanula species are presented here, with an updated circumscription and naming. More than half of these are reported new to Norway since the start of the Norwegian Entoloma project. Of these, 18 have been described as new during the last three years, largely based on Norwegian material. Four of these are known exclusively from Scandinavia. barcoding, morphology, taxonomy, calcareous grasslands, calcareous forestsRødsporer (Entoloma), underslekt Cyanula i Norge, med fokus på habitat og utbredelseDette er den tredje artikkelen med resultater fra det norske Entoloma-prosjektet 2015-2017. Her gir vi en oversikt over rødsporer i underslekt Cyanula i Norge. Cyanula utgjør en av de største gruppene av våre beitemarksopper. Dette er del av en større studie over de europeiske artene i underslekt Cyanula, som inkluderer en omfattende fylogenetisk undersøkelseundersøkelse som snart vil bli publisert, samt en nylig publisert bok med en oppdatert taksonomisk revisjon av gruppa. Det foreliggende arbeidet fokuserer på arter registrert i Norge ved hjelp av ITS strekkoding. Også en del nylige, sekvenserte innsamlinger gjort i nordsvenske fjellområder er inkludert her. Artene presenteres seksjonsvis, med vekt på data om habitat-preferanser og utbredelse. Til sammen 53 Cyanula-arter er presentert her, med oppdatert artsavgrensning og navnsetting. Mer enn halvparten av disse artene er rapportert nye for Norge siden starten av det norske Entoloma-prosjektet. Av disse er 18 beskrevet som nye for vitenskapen de siste tre årene, i stor grad basert på norsk materiale. To av disse er kun kjent fra Norge, og ytterligere to kun fra Skandinavia.publishedVersio

    Contributions to the revision of the genus Entoloma (Basidiomycota, Agaricales) in Europe : six new species from subgenus Cyanula and typification of E. incarnatofuscescens

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    In anticipation of a phylogenetically revised monograph of Entoloma in Europe, six new species of subgenus Cyanula are described here. Entoloma cistocruentatum is associated with Cistus in Spain, E. dislocatum occurs in montane regions in Catalonia (Spain) and Tuscany (Italy), E. indikon is known from Denmark and three species are mainly distributed in the Nordic countries in Europe: E. calceus , E. perchalybeum and E. praecipuum. Entoloma incarnatofuscescens, from the /Rusticoides clade is neotypified. A fully amended description is given based on molecular evidence, which includes the recently described E. violaceoparkensis and E. klofacianum which became later synonyms.publishedVersio

    Molecular and morphological diversity in the /Rhombisporum clade of the genus Entoloma with a note on E. cocles

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    A combined morphological and molecular genetic study of the European species within the /Rhombisporum clade of the genus Entoloma reveals a high species diversity. This group comprises typical grassland species with pronounced and welldifferentiated cheilocystidia, and a wide range of spore shapes varying from rhomboid to five-angled. To fix the concept of the classical species E. rhombisporum, a neotype is designated. Nine species are described as new to science based on the result of nrDNA ITS phylogeny with additional gap coding, and morphological characterization: E. caulocystidiatum, E. lunare, E. pararhombisporum, E. pentagonale, E. perrhombisporum, E. rhombiibericum, E. rhombisporoides, E. sororpratulense, and E. subcuboideum. The ITS sequences of the holotypes of previously described species belonging to the /Rhombisporum clade, viz., E. laurisilvae and E. pratulense have also been generated and are published here for the first time. Since many of the above-mentioned species have been misidentified as E. cocles, it seemed opportune to also study this species and to designate a neotype to fix its current concept. A key including European species is presented. As most of the species are potentially important indicators for threatened grassland communities, the 130 ITS barcodes newly generated for this study may be useful as a reference in conservation and metabarcoding projects. Agaricales . Conservation . Endangered grassland communities . Entolomataceae semi-cryptic diversity . Taxonomy . TricholomatinaepublishedVersio

    Sosialt liv blant fiskere i Nordland 1930-1960

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    Artikkelen handler om sosiale aspekter ved fiske med særlig vekt på sosialisering, arbeid, verbal kommunikasjon, humor og konkurranse knyttet til Lofotfisket. Intervjumaterialet består for det meste av fiskere fra Helgeland, som var yrkesutøvende i perioden 1930 -1960. De aktive fiskerne møttes årvisst under Lofotfisket og organiserte seg i form av båtlag. Laget var hierarkisk strukturert, med høvedsmann (skipper) øverst og skårungen nederst. Mellom dem stod heilkar og halvkar, alt etter hvor vant fiskeren var. Skårungen var nykomling og måtte som regel koke mat for de andre. Fiskerne forvaltet en rik verbal kultur. Å ha et rikt og variert ordforråd ga grunnlag for anerkjennelse, både i rorbua og under selve fisket. Kunne en ikke svare for seg, virket det degraderende. Ære og maskulinitet var viktige verdier som la grunnlaget for kommunikasjon fiskerne imellom. På havet var kampen om ressursene konfliktfylt og fremmet både individualisme og samhold i møte med andre båtlag og i kamp mot elementene.This article is largely based on interviews with fishermen from Helgeland, who worked in the period 1930-1960, and deals with social aspects of fishing in Nordland County. The active fishermen met annually during Lofoten fishing and organized themselves in the form of boat teams. The team was hierarchically structured, with the captain (skipper) at the top og the hierarchy and the scrawny boy at the bottom. Between them stood “half men” and “full men”, depending on the fisherman’s capability. The scrawny boy was a newcomer and usually he had to cook for the others. The fishermen managed a rich verbal culture. Having a rich and varied vocabulary provided the basis for recognition, both in the tiller and during fishing. Not being able to answer for yourself, however, was degrading. Honor and masculinity were important values providing a basis for communication between the fishermen. At sea, the battle for resources was fraught with conflict and the competition between the fishermen promoted both individualism and collaboration in meeting other boat teams and in the struggle against the elements

    Entoloma species of the rhodopolioid clade (subgenus Entoloma; Tricholomatinae, Basidiomycota) in Norway

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    Gruppa omkring lutrødspore (Rhodopoliagruppa) i slekta rødspore (Entoloma) i Norge presenteres. Gruppa består av musserongaktige og flathattaktige, sjelden traktsoppaktige, mykorrhiza(sopprot)-dannende arter. I alt 24 arter innenfor Rhodopolia-gruppa er samlet og verifisert med DNA-sekvensering. Av disse er 10 nye for Norge og inkluderer også tre ubeskrevne arter. Fire forskjellige økogeografiske elementer kan skilles ut: (i) det sørlige (boreonemorale) lind-eik-hasselelementet, (ii) det boreal-arktisk-alpine seljevier- or-bjørk-elementet, (iii) det arktiskalpine dvergvier(-reinrose)-elementet, og (iv) det boreale bjørk(-gran)-elementet. Alle 24 artene kommenteres i den taksonomiske delen, ordnet etter de fem slektskapsgruppene (klader) som framkommer i den fylogenetiske analysen.publishedVersio

    Entoloma aurorae-borealis sp. nov. and three rare Entoloma species in the Sinuatum clade (subg. Entoloma) from northern Europe

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    Entoloma aurorae-borealis is described as new to science and three rare or little known Entoloma species (E. borgenii, E. eminens, and E. serpens) from Norway are treated based on morphological and molecular evidences. In the ITS phylogeny presented here, all species belong to the Sinuatum clade, one of five well-supported lineages of subgenus Entoloma (= Rhodopolia & Nolanidea). Entoloma aurorae-borealis is only known from northern Norway, whereas E. eminens and E. serpens, apart from the here reported new records in Norway are known only from a few localities in Finland, and E. serpens also in NW Russia. Entoloma borgenii is a wide-spread, though rarely recorded species from alpine sites in north Norway as well as the arctic (Greenland, Svalbard) and a few places in northern and eastern Finland. The two arctic-alpine species (E. aurorae-borealis and E. borgenii) are associated with Salix herbacea, E. serpens grows with Salix spp. and probably also with Betula and Populus in borealboreonemoral (-alpine) areas, and E. eminens in Norway is associated with Tilia and Corylus in a boreonemoral area. In Finland it is apparently associated with boreal deciduous trees. Full descriptions are given, as well as notes on the variability, ecology and geographic distribution of each species.publishedVersionPaid Open Acces

    Entoloma aurorae-borealis sp. nov. and three rare Entoloma species in the Sinuatum clade (subg. Entoloma) from northern Europe

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    Entoloma aurorae-borealis is described as new to science and three rare or little known Entoloma species (E. borgenii, E. eminens, and E. serpens) from Norway are treated based on morphological and molecular evidences. In the ITS phylogeny presented here, all species belong to the Sinuatum clade, one of five well-supported lineages of subgenus Entoloma (= Rhodopolia & Nolanidea). Entoloma aurorae-borealis is only known from northern Norway, whereas E. eminens and E. serpens, apart from the here reported new records in Norway are known only from a few localities in Finland, and E. serpens also in NW Russia. Entoloma borgenii is a wide-spread, though rarely recorded species from alpine sites in north Norway as well as the arctic (Greenland, Svalbard) and a few places in northern and eastern Finland. The two arctic-alpine species (E. aurorae-borealis and E. borgenii) are associated with Salix herbacea, E. serpens grows with Salix spp. and probably also with Betula and Populus in borealboreonemoral (-alpine) areas, and E. eminens in Norway is associated with Tilia and Corylus in a boreonemoral area. In Finland it is apparently associated with boreal deciduous trees. Full descriptions are given, as well as notes on the variability, ecology and geographic distribution of each species

    Contributions to the revision of the genus Entoloma (Basidiomycota, Agaricales) in Europe: six new species from subgenus Cyanula and typification of E. incarnatofuscescens

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    In anticipation of a phylogenetically revised monograph of Entoloma in Europe, six new species of subgenus Cyanula are described here. Entoloma cistocruentatum is associated with Cistus in Spain, E. dislocatum occurs in montane regions in Catalonia (Spain) and Tuscany (Italy), E. indikon is known from Denmark and three species are mainly distributed in the Nordic countries in Europe: E. calceus , E. perchalybeum and E. praecipuum. Entoloma incarnatofuscescens, from the /Rusticoides clade is neotypified. A fully amended description is given based on molecular evidence, which includes the recently described E. violaceoparkensis and E. klofacianum which became later synonyms.publishedVersio