16,140 research outputs found

    Strongly misaligned triple system in SR 24 revealed by ALMA

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    We report the detection of the 1.3 mm continuum and the molecular emission of the disks of the young triple system SR24 by analyzing ALMA (The Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimter Array) subarcsecond archival observations. We estimate the mass of the disks (0.025 M ⊙ and 4 × 10‑5 M ⊕ for SR24S and SR24N, respectively) and the dynamical mass of the protostars (1.5 M ⊙ and 1.1 M ⊙). A kinematic model of the SR24S disk to fit its C18O (2-1) emission allows us to develop an observational method to determine the tilt of a rotating and accreting disk. We derive the size, inclination, position angle, and sense of rotation of each disk, finding that they are strongly misaligned (108^circ ) and possibly rotate in opposite directions as seen from Earth, in projection. We compare the ALMA observations with 12CO SMA archival observations, which are more sensitive to extended structures. We find three extended structures and estimate their masses: a molecular bridge joining the disks of the system, a molecular gas reservoir associated with SR24N, and a gas streamer associated with SR24S. Finally, we discuss the possible origin of the misaligned SR24 system, concluding that a closer inspection of the northern gas reservoir is needed to better understand it. Fil: Fernandez Lopez, Manuel. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Zapata, L. A.. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Gabbasov, R.. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo; Méxic

    Diferenciación geográfica de poblaciones españolas silvestres de castaño en caracteres adaptativos (Castanea sativa Miller)

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    Flushing, spring frost damages and height were recorded in a provenance test including nineteen populations covering most Spanish chestnut distribution and were analysed to study the differentiation among wild populations. There was remarkable differentiation among populations in flushing time and height growth and Qst was higher for flushing and frost damage, and lower for height. The coefficients of quantitative differentiation among populations were similar to the values obtained for other autochthonous species. Spanish chestnut wild populations were classified in three groups: early flushing xeric populations from the Mediterranean, late flushing populations from northern mountains and intermediate flushing populations from Galician coast and Canary Islands. The observation of variability patterns indicated the importance of natural selection and a restricted gene flow as factors shaping the structure of wild populations in Spain. The use of local sources in plantations was recommended.Se analizaron datos de brotación, daños por heladas y crecimiento en altura de un ensayo de procedencias, con 19 poblaciones de gran parte del área de distribución española de Castanea sativa, con la finalidad de estudiar la diferenciación entre poblaciones. Se encontró una diferenciación importante en fechas de brotación y crecimiento. Los coeficientes de diferenciación cuantitativa entre poblaciones fueron similares a los valores obtenidos en otras especies autóctonas. Las poblaciones españolas de castaño silvestre se clasificaron en tres grupos: poblaciones xéricas mediterráneas de brotación temprana, poblaciones de brotación tardía de las montañas del Norte, poblaciones de carácter oceánico de brotación intermedia de la costa gallega e islas Canarias. Las pautas de variación geográfica encontradas indican que la selección natural junto con un flujo genético muy restringido fueron los factores determinantes de la estructura de las poblaciones. Se recomienda el uso de semillas de poblaciones locales en las plantaciones

    Status report of the baseline collimation system of CLIC. Part II

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    Important efforts have recently been dedicated to the characterisation and improvement of the design of the post-linac collimation system of the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC). This system consists of two sections: one dedicated to the collimation of off-energy particles and another one for betatron collimation. The energy collimation system is further conceived as protection system against damage by errant beams. In this respect, special attention is paid to the optimisation of the energy collimator design. The material and the physical parameters of the energy collimators are selected to withstand the impact of an entire bunch train. Concerning the betatron collimation section, different aspects of the design have been optimised: the transverse collimation depths have been recalculated in order to reduce the collimator wakefield effects while maintaining a good efficiency in cleaning the undesired beam halo; the geometric design of the spoilers has been reviewed to minimise wakefields; in addition, the optics design has been optimised to improve the collimation efficiency. This report presents the current status of the the post-linac collimation system of CLIC. Part II is mainly dedicated to the study of the betatron collimation system and collimator wakefield effects.Comment: 25 pages, 13 figure

    Crystal structure of cobalt hydroxide carbonate Co2CO3(OH)(2): density functional theory and X-ray diffraction investigation

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    The cobalt carbonate hydroxide Co2CO3(OH)2 is a technologically important solid which is used as a precursor for the synthesis of cobalt oxides in a wide range of applications. It also has relevance as a potential immobilizer of the toxic element cobalt in the natural environment, but its detailed crystal structure is so far unknown. The structure of Co2CO3(OH)2 has now been investigated using density functional theory (DFT) simulations and powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) measurements on samples synthesized via deposition from aqueous solution. Two possible monoclinic phases are considered, with closely related but symmetrically different crystal structures, based on those of the minerals malachite [Cu2CO3(OH)2] and rosasite [Cu1.5Zn0.5CO3(OH)2], as well as an orthorhombic phase that can be seen as a common parent structure for the two monoclinic phases, and a triclinic phase with the structure of the mineral kolwezite [Cu1.34Co0.66CO3(OH)2]. The DFT simulations predict that the rosasite-like and malachite-like phases are two different local minima of the potential energy landscape for Co2CO3(OH)2 and are practically degenerate in energy, while the orthorhombic and triclinic structures are unstable and experience barrierless transformations to the malachite phase upon relaxation. The best fit to the PXRD data is obtained using a rosasite model [monoclinic with space group P1121/n and cell parameters a = 3.1408 (4) Å, b = 12.2914 (17) Å, c = 9.3311 (16) Å and γ = 82.299 (16)°]. However, some features of the PXRD pattern are still not well accounted for by this refinement and the residual parameters are relatively poor. The relationship between the rosasite and malachite phases of Co2CO3(OH)2 is discussed and it is shown that they can be seen as polytypes. Based on the similar calculated stabilities of these two polytypes, it is speculated that some level of stacking disorder could account for the poor fit of the PXRD data. The possibility that Co2CO3(OH)2 could crystallize, under different growth conditions, as either rosasite or malachite, or even as a stacking-disordered phase intermediate between the two, requires further investigation


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    A revision of the Bajocian Lissoceratinae is presented. The study of a huge quantity of lissoceratins from different sites of the Western Tethys (Northwest European, Sub-Mediterranean and Mediterranean bioprovinces) within the Tethys-Panthalassa Realm provided data useful to implement the systematics of these almost neglected, never deeply analysed ammonites. Two genera, Lissoceras Bayle and Semilissoceras n. gen., are described with 16 species, among which 8 (four dimorphic, three macroconchiate and one microconchiate) new species: L. submediterraneum, L. maizetense, L. ovale, L. sturanii, L. maerteni, S. ellipticum, S. turgidulum and S. costellatum. The neotype of L. oolithicum is established. The microconchiate genus Microlissoceras is regarded as the junior synonym of the macroconchiate Lissoceras. Taxa are discussed according to four groups that gather taxa sharing common morpho-structural features. They roughly relate to successive biochronostratigraphical intervals within the Bajocian Stage and are headed by species largely known in literature: S. semicostulatum (Buckman) with suboval to compressed whorl section and rectiradiate ribs on the outer half flank; L. oolithicum (d’Orbigny) with subtriangular to ovate whorl section, large and depressed ventral saddle, large suspensive lobe; L. haugi Sturani with ovate to globular whorl section, narrow lobe E and suspensive lobe; and L. psilodiscus (Schloenbach) with highly compressed whorl section, high ventral saddle and narrow lobe E. The phyletic relation of Lissoceras and Semilissoceras to the Aalenian-Bajocian Bradfordia-group is discussed, regarding Semilissoceras as the known stem-taxon on which the subfamily Lissoceratinae bases

    Experimental evaluation of IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee for multi-patient ECG monitoring

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    IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are a promising alternative to cabled systems for patient monitoring in hospitals. Some areas where monitoring systems based on WSNs can be successfuly used are ambulatory, waiting and triage rooms, post-op, and emergency rooms. The low power and small size ZigBee devices have the ability to form self-configuring networks that can extend themselves through a hospital wing or floor. Using spatially distributed networks, it is possible to cover an extended area and serve several patients. However, the low data rate protocols provided by IEEE 802.15.4 poses several challenges, mainly because its protocols were primarily designed to operate in low traffic load scenarios but some vital signs sensors generate a large volume of data. This work presents an experimental evaluation of the performance of multi-hop ZigBee networks comprised of several nodes that carry the traffic of wearable electrocardiogram (ECG) sensors. The results indicate that star networks can relay 100% of the traffic generated by at least 12 ECG nodes. In tree topologies, the increase of the network traffic load reduces the performance but even these networks can reliably relay the traffic of a considerable number of ECG nodes.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)Grupo AMI – Assistência Médica Integral (Casa de Saúde Guimarães, SA
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