768 research outputs found

    Changes in entorhinal cortical thickness and volume in young adults following an exercise intervention

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    One of the few areas in the brain that still exhibits experience-dependent neuroplasticity in adulthood is found in the medial temporal lobe (MTL) system. Within the MTL, this plasticity has been observed in the hippocampus in both humans and animal models. Rodent model studies focusing on the effect of aerobic exercise have shown a positive increase of neuroplasticity in the dentate gyrus subregion of the hippocampus. Another area in the MTL, the entorhinal cortex (EC), serves as a primary input to the hippocampus, and studies on environmental enrichment have reported greater EC volume in rodents supplied with toys and running wheels. Previous work in our lab working with healthy young adults showed a positive correlation between right EC volume, and aerobic fitness (VO2 max). In this thesis, I examined two aims, first whether aerobic fitness predicts changes in thickness or volume of the MTL as well as performance in an MTL dependent task in healthy young adults. Additionally, whether the brain morphology measures of the MTL can predict performance on the memory task. The second aim looks at the longitudinal effect a 12-week exercise intervention has on thickness or volume in the MTL and performance on an MTL dependent task in the same population. Results indicate that there is a positive baseline correlation between aerobic fitness and thickness of the EC on the left hemisphere but there are no longitudinal changes in morphology after the exercise intervention. These data extend previous work on the effects aerobic exercise has on MTL structure and offer interesting venues to combat neurodegenerative diseases that affect the MTL memory system like Alzheimer’s disease

    Residential Consumption of Gas and Electricity in the U.S.: The Role of Prices and Income

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    We study residential demand for electricity and gas, working with nationwide household-level data that cover recent years, namely 1997-2007. Our dataset is a mixed panel/multi-year cross-sections of dwellings/households in the 50 largest metropolitan areas in the United States as of 2008. To our knowledge, this is the most comprehensive set of data for examining household residential energy usage at the national level, containing the broadest geographical coverage, and with the longest longitudinal component (up to 6 observations per dwelling). We estimate static and dynamic models of electricity and gas demand. We find strong household response to energy prices, both in the short and long term. From the static models, we get estimates of the own price elasticity of electricity demand in the -0.860 to -0.667 range, while the own price elasticity of gas demand is -0.693 to -0.566. These results are robust to a variety of checks. Contrary to earlier literature (Metcalf and Hassett, 1999; Reiss and White, 2005), we find no evidence of significantly different elasticities across households with electric and gas heat. The price elasticity of electricity demand declines with income, but the magnitude of this effect is small. These results are in sharp contrast to much of the literature on residential energy consumption in the United States, and with the figures used in current government agency practice. Our results suggest that there might be greater potential for policies which affect energy price than may have been previously appreciated.Residential Electricity and Gas Demand, Price Elasticity Of Energy Demand, Static Model, Dynamic Panel Data Model, Partial Adjustment Model

    Residential Consumption of Gas and Electricity in the U.S.: The Role of Prices and Income

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    We study residential demand for electricity and gas, working with nationwide household-level data that cover recent years, namely 1997-2007. Our dataset is a mixed panel/multi-year cross-sections of dwellings/households in the 50 largest metropolitan areas in the United States as of 2008. To our knowledge, this is the most comprehensive set of data for examining household residential energy usage at the national level, containing the broadest geographical coverage, and with the longest longitudinal component (up to 6 observations per dwelling). We estimate static and dynamic models of electricity and gas demand. We find strong household response to energy prices, both in the short and long term. From the static models, we get estimates of the own price elasticity of electricity demand in the -0.860 to -0.667 range, while the own price elasticity of gas demand is -0.693 to -0.566. These results are robust to a variety of checks. Contrary to earlier literature (Metcalf and Hassett, 1999; Reiss and White, 2005), we find no evidence of significantly different elasticities across households with electric and gas heat. The price elasticity of electricity demand declines with income, but the magnitude of this effect is small. These results are in sharp contrast to much of the literature on residential energy consumption in the United States, and with the figures used in current government agency practice. Our results suggest that there might be greater potential for policies which affect energy price than may have been previously appreciated.residential electricity and gas demand, price elasticity of energy demand, static model, dynamic panel data model, partial adjustment model

    Development of Multiple Input Single Output DC-DC Converter

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    This senior project report details the testing and validation of the designed DC-DC Multiple Input Single Output converter. The MISO uses four-switch buck-boost topology to output a single 48V from multiple nominal 24V inputs. The previous iteration of the MISO was plagued with an overheating mosfet that would drastically reduce the lifespan of the boards and reduce efficiency. This newest iteration includes more ground panes to combat the issues. In addition, the 200W MISO board was redesigned to utilize an edge connector for secure installment, removal, and replacement in the actual DC House system panel. The slots also have a locking mechanism for the MISOs to ensure a secure connection. Also, an LED was added to the board to indicate when the board is in operation. Results of hardware measurements on the 200W and 400W MISO converters show that the efficiency of full load is above 97.8%, line regulation of 2.5% to 5.65%, load regulation of 0.62% to 4.09% and output voltage ripple of 1.29% to 2.82%

    “Desarrollo de un aplicativo móvil offline para las rutas turísticas de Malqui Machay”

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    The project objective is to develop an offline mobile application oriented to Android devices for the tourist routes of Malqui Machay, which allows the user to know the different access routes to reach the ceremonial center. This application is developed by working on the Mobile-D Methodology, which resulted in excellent performance and facilitated the selection of the tools used, which are the Android Studio IDE for carrying out the development of the program, XML for the design of the application, the Java programming language, a database of SQLite embedded data for entering route and establishment data, and Mapbox, as this is an open source library that allows Android application developers to create custom maps, among others that will help to develop the application. As a result, it obtained a user-friendly offline navigation mobile application, which will only use the internet at the time of download and for its respective updates, and has a web system where you can modify, update, enter, and delete the information within the application. Finally, as for functionality terms, the application favors its use in the areas surrounding Malqui Machay since they are sectors that do not have an internet connection.El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un aplicativo móvil offline orientado a los dispositivos Android para las rutas turísticas de Malqui Machay, la cual permite al usuario conocer las diferentes rutas de acceso para llegar al centro ceremonial, esta aplicación se la desarrollo empleando la metodología Mobile-D, que permitió un óptimo desempeño y facilito la selección de las herramientas utilizadas que son el IDE de desarrollo Android Studio para la realización del programa, XML para el diseño de la aplicación, el lenguaje de programación Java, una base de datos embebida SQLite para el ingreso de los datos de las rutas y establecimientos y Mapbox ya que este es una biblioteca de código abierto que permite a los desarrolladores de aplicaciones Android crear mapas personalizados, entre otros que ayudaron a la realización de la aplicación. Obteniendo como resultado un aplicativo móvil offline de navegación amigable con el usuario, que solo utilizara internet al momento de la descarga y para sus respectivas actualizaciones, y cuenta con un sistema web donde se puede modificar, actualizar, ingresar y eliminar la información que se presenta dentro del aplicativo. Finalmente, en cuanto a funcionalidad la aplicación favorece su uso en las zonas aledañas a Malqui Machay, ya que son sectores que no cuentan con una conexión a internet

    Formulación de una propuesta operativa que articule instrumentos de la gerencia social para la gestión de redes y alianzas del Albergue Infantil Mamá Yolanda –AIMYP

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    Las organizaciones no gubernamentales – ONG-, juegan un rol muy importante en la generación de procesos que aportan al desarrollo social desde sus diversas áreas de actuación sean estas con comunidades, familias, trabajando por los derechos humanos, desarrollando procesos de inclusión social, trabajando por el medio ambiente, etc. Para el año 2004, se calculó que en el país existían más de 79.000 ONG registradas ante las cámaras de comercio, aunque muchas de ellas existieran solo en el papel, la cifra da cuenta de la fuerza que han venido tomando con el transcurrir del tiempo y de los cambios sociales y económicos que se han dado a nivel global y nacional (El tiempo, 2004). A pesar de lo anterior, las ONG ven peligrar su sostenibilidad dada la escasa gestión organizacional que se dan en su interior, causada en parte por la carencia de herramientas técnicas que les permitan llevar a cabo procesos de planeación, de gestión de recursos y de alianzas estratégicas que aporten a garantizar su sostenibilidad. Sumado a lo anterior, los cambios en las dinámicas sociales y económicas llevan a las ONG a pensar en nuevas formas de gestionar recursos, puesto que actualmente, en un mundo cada vez más globalizado, se les exige llevar a cabo procesos conjuntos con otras organizaciones a partir de la gestión de alianzas estratégicas. Esta exigencia actual, obliga a las organizaciones a hacer replanteamientos internos en las formas en las que han venido desarrollando sus procesos, puesto que, de no ser así, pueden desaparecer de la esfera social. La situación anterior, también es la apuesta de la Fundación Albergue Infantil Mamá Yolanda desde el año 2012, puesto que la institución actualmente se encuentra en un proceso de transformación y de planeación estratégica, buscando un aporte para superar la crisis y de esta manera a garantizar su sostenibilidad

    Garantías laborales para los trabajadores de las notarías del cantón Chone, provincia de Manabí

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    The objective of this article is to analyze the access to labor guarantees of workers under a dependency relationship of notaries in the Chone canton, according to the methodology, it is a descriptive legal investigation. In its development, the development of labor law in the constitutional sphere is briefly reviewed from the beginning of the republican stage until the constitution in force, the principles of labor law and their relationship in the public and private spheres are analyzed; the norms of the Organic Code of the Judicial Function and the Notary Law to determine the regime under which Notaries are subject to having public power and providing a public service. Based on the results of the study, a discussion is carried out for the construction of the theoretical foundation on the constitutional guarantees related to labor law in the field of notaries; It is concluded that in the notaries of the Chone canton the rights of the workers are violated as a consequence of the non-application of the labor guarantees provided for in the constitutional normEste artículo tiene como objetivo analizar el acceso a las garantías laborales de los trabajadores bajo relación de dependencia de los notarios en el cantón Chone, de acuerdo a la metodología es una investigación jurídico descriptiva. En su desarrollo se revisa brevemente el desarrollo del derecho del trabajo en el ámbito constitucional desde inicios de la etapa republicana hasta la constitución en vigencia, se analizan los principios de derecho laboral y su relación en el ámbito público y privado; las normas del Código Orgánico de la Función Judicial y la Ley Notarial para determinar el régimen bajo el cual se encuentran sujetos las Notarías al tener potestad pública y brindar un servicio público. A partir de los resultados del estudio se realiza una discusión para la construcción de la fundamentación teórica sobre las garantías constitucionales relativas al derecho del trabajo en el ámbito de las notarías; se concluye que en las notarías del cantón Chone se vulneran los derechos de los trabajadores como consecuencia de la inaplicación de las garantías laborales previstas en la norma constitucional

    La Imagen y la Narrativa como Herramientas para el Abordaje Psicosocial en Escenarios de Violencia. Departamento de Boyacá

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    En el desarrollo de las actividades propias del Diplomado de “Profundización Acompañamiento Psicosocial en Escenarios de Violencia” ofertado por el programa de Psicología de la Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD, se desarrollan actividades relacionadas con el propósito de brindar herramientas teóricas y metodológicas para el acompañamiento psicosocial en contextos de violencia en Colombia que nos permite realizar un abordaje desde el área académica de un relato que denotan las realidades de muchas comunidades afectadas por los flagelos del conflicto armado en nuestro país. En el contenido del presente documento se encontraran acciones relacionadas con el análisis y reconocimiento del relato de una persona oriunda del municipio de Quibdó, quien a su corta edad tuvo que pasar por una serie de dificultades a causa de la presencia de grupos armados que derivaron en diferentes afectaciones a su integridad permitiendo colocar en práctica el uso de herramientas y habilidades del abordaje psicosocial, como también la Aplicación de la Imagen y la Narrativa como instrumentos de la Acción Psicosocial, que nos conlleve a determinar la importancia que tiene la interpretación de ilustraciones en la identificación como profesionales en formación de afectaciones psicosociales que trascienden en los ámbitos individual y colectivo, en el entendido de las situaciones de las particularidades de calamidad sanitaria en la cual nos encontramos actualmente, se realizó una reorganización de los contextos elegidos que permiten igualmente denotar circunstancias que puede afectar de manera significativa el normal funcionamiento de las relaciones interpersonales.In the development of the activities of the Diploma in "Deepening Psychosocial Accompaniment in Scenarios of Violence" offered by the Psychology program of the National Open University and Distance UNAD, activities related to the purpose of providing theoretical and methodological tools for accompaniment are carried out psychosocial in contexts of violence in Colombia that allows us to make an approach from the academic area of a story that denotes the realities of many communities affected by the scourges of the armed conflict in our country. In the content of this document you will find actions related to the analysis and recognition of the story of a person from the municipality of Quibdó, who at his young age had to go through a series of difficulties due to the presence of armed groups that led to the different effects on its integrity are located in practice using tools and skills of the psychosocial approach, as well as the Application of Image and Narrative as instruments of Psychosocial Action, which imply us to determine the importance of the interpretation of the illustrations in the identification as professionals in training of psychosocial affectations that transcend the individual and collective indicators, in the understanding of the situations of the particularities of health calamity in which we are currently, a reorganization of the eligible contexts that directly affected What can affect significantly the normal functioning of interpersonal relationships