8 research outputs found

    Coupled climate response to Atlantic Multidecadal Variability in a multi-model multi-resolution ensemble

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    North Atlantic sea surface temperatures (SSTs) underwent pronounced multidecadal variability during the twentieth and early twenty-first century. We examine the impacts of this Atlantic Multidecadal Variability (AMV), also referred to as the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), on climate in an ensemble of five coupled climate models at both low and high spatial resolution. We use a SST nudging scheme specified by the Coupled Model Intercomparision Project’s Decadal Climate Prediction Project Component C (CMIP6 DCPP-C) to impose a persistent positive/negative phase of the AMV in the North Atlantic in coupled model simulations; SSTs are free to evolve outside this region. The large-scale seasonal mean response to the positive AMV involves widespread warming over Eurasia and the Americas, with a pattern of cooling over the Pacific Ocean similar to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), together with a northward displacement of the inter-tropical convergence zone (ITCZ). The accompanying changes in global atmospheric circulation lead to widespread changes in precipitation. We use Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to demonstrate that this large-scale climate response is accompanied by significant differences between models in how they respond to the common AMV forcing, particularly in the tropics. These differences may arise from variations in North Atlantic air-sea heat fluxes between models despite a common North Atlantic SST forcing pattern. We cannot detect a widespread effect of increased model horizontal resolution in this climate response, with the exception of the ITCZ, which shifts further northwards in the positive phase of the AMV in the higher resolution configuratio

    International conference ICAWA 2017 and 2018 : extended book of abstract : the AWA project : ecosystem approach to the management of fisheries and the marine environment in West African waters

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    Many questions remain open concerning the effect of environmental variability on abundance and distribution dynamics of round sardinella (Sardinella aurita) over the Canary upwelling system. This issue is of special relevance due to the great role that sardinella plays in northwest African fisheries and marine ecosystems. Here, the possible climate drivers of sardinella population migration along the northwest Africa are addressed. To this aim, we have used data provided by the coupled model compounded by the Regional Oceanic Modelling System ROMS, configured for the northwest African upwelling system, and by the biogeochemical model PISCES, which simulates plankton productivity and carbon biomass based upon the main nutrients. This coupled model has been run over the period 1980-2009 using an atmospheric reanalysis and consistent oceanic boundary conditions. Finally, an evolutionary individual-based Lagrangian model has been used to simulate the spatio-temporal behaviour of sardinella according to the environmental constraints obtained from ROMS-PISCES. Strikingly, a robust anomalous increase (decrease) of sardinella biomass has been identified from early to late winter off Cape Blanc (Saharan coast) in response to the Pacific El Niño conditions. This dipolar pattern reflects an alteration of the normal migration of sardinella between the Saharan and the Mauritanian waters and seems to be primarily mediated by the effect that El Niño-related anomalous winds has on the meridional currents along the northwest African coast. This sardinella response to El Niño is reinforced in late winter through an anomalous warming of the Mauritanian waters due to an anomalous weakening of coastal upwelling also forced by the aforementioned El Niño-related anomalous winds. According to our results this anomalous response of sardinella biomass might be predicted, for El Niño years, few months in advance from the El Niño-related SST patterns. This fact opens the possibility to the development of predictive tools, which should be necessarily assessed in further works

    A promising effect of El Niño on sardinella distribution along the northwest African coast : a potential source of seasonal predictability ? [résumé]

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    ICAWA : International Conference AWA, Lanzarote, ESP, 17-/04/2018 - 20/04/2018Many questions remain open concerning the effect of environmental variability on abundance and distribution dynamics of round sardinella (Sardinella aurita) over the Canary upwelling system. This issue is of special relevance due to the great role that sardinella plays in northwest African fisheries and marine ecosystems. Here, the possible climate drivers of sardinella population migration along the northwest Africa are addressed. To this aim, we have used data provided by the coupled model compounded by the Regional Oceanic Modelling System ROMS, configured for the northwest African upwelling system, and by the biogeochemical model PISCES, which simulates plankton productivity and carbon biomass based upon the main nutrients. This coupled model has been run over the period 1980-2009 using an atmospheric reanalysis and consistent oceanic boundary conditions. Finally, an evolutionary individual-based Lagrangian model has been used to simulate the spatio-temporal behaviour of sardinella according to the environmental constraints obtained from ROMS-PISCES. Strikingly, a robust anomalous increase (decrease) of sardinella biomass has been identified from early to late winter off Cape Blanc (Saharan coast) in response to the Pacific El Niño conditions. This dipolar pattern reflects an alteration of the normal migration of sardinella between the Saharan and the Mauritanian waters and seems to be primarily mediated by the effect that El Niño-related anomalous winds has on the meridional currents along the northwest African coast. This sardinella response to El Niño is reinforced in late winter through an anomalous warming of the Mauritanian waters due to an anomalous weakening of coastal upwelling also forced by the aforementioned El Niño-related anomalous winds. According to our results this anomalous response of sardinella biomass might be predicted, for El Niño years, few months in advance from the El Niño-related SST patterns. This fact opens the possibility to the development of predictive tools, which should be necessarily assessed in further works

    A promising effect of El Niño on sardinella distribution along the northwest African coast : a potential source of seasonal predictability ? [résumé]

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    ICAWA : International Conference AWA, Lanzarote, ESP, 17-/04/2018 - 20/04/2018Many questions remain open concerning the effect of environmental variability on abundance and distribution dynamics of round sardinella (Sardinella aurita) over the Canary upwelling system. This issue is of special relevance due to the great role that sardinella plays in northwest African fisheries and marine ecosystems. Here, the possible climate drivers of sardinella population migration along the northwest Africa are addressed. To this aim, we have used data provided by the coupled model compounded by the Regional Oceanic Modelling System ROMS, configured for the northwest African upwelling system, and by the biogeochemical model PISCES, which simulates plankton productivity and carbon biomass based upon the main nutrients. This coupled model has been run over the period 1980-2009 using an atmospheric reanalysis and consistent oceanic boundary conditions. Finally, an evolutionary individual-based Lagrangian model has been used to simulate the spatio-temporal behaviour of sardinella according to the environmental constraints obtained from ROMS-PISCES. Strikingly, a robust anomalous increase (decrease) of sardinella biomass has been identified from early to late winter off Cape Blanc (Saharan coast) in response to the Pacific El Niño conditions. This dipolar pattern reflects an alteration of the normal migration of sardinella between the Saharan and the Mauritanian waters and seems to be primarily mediated by the effect that El Niño-related anomalous winds has on the meridional currents along the northwest African coast. This sardinella response to El Niño is reinforced in late winter through an anomalous warming of the Mauritanian waters due to an anomalous weakening of coastal upwelling also forced by the aforementioned El Niño-related anomalous winds. According to our results this anomalous response of sardinella biomass might be predicted, for El Niño years, few months in advance from the El Niño-related SST patterns. This fact opens the possibility to the development of predictive tools, which should be necessarily assessed in further works

    El Nino as a predictor of round sardinella distribution along the northwest African coast

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    The El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) produces global marine environment conditions that can cause changes in abundance and distribution of distant fish populations worldwide. Understanding mechanisms acting locally on fish population dynamics is crucial to develop forecast skill useful for fisheries management. The present work addresses the role played by ENSO on the round sardinella population biomass and distribution in the central-southern portion of the Canary Current Upwelling System (CCUS). A combined physical-biogeochemical framework is used to understand the climate influence on the hydrodynamical conditions in the study area. Then, an evolutionary individual-based model is used to simulate the round sardinella spatio-temporal biomass variability. According to model experiments, anomalous oceanographic conditions forced by El Nino along the African coast cause anomalies in the latitudinal migration pattern of the species. A robust anomalous increase and decrease of the simulated round sardinella biomass is identified in winter off the Cape Blanc and the Saharan coast region, respectively, in response to El Nino variations. The resultant anomalous pattern is an alteration of the normal migration between the Saharan and the Mauritanian waters. It is primarily explained by the modulating role that El Nino exerts on the currents off Cape Blanc, modifying therefore the normal migration of round sardinella in the search of acceptable temperature conditions. This climate signature can be potentially predicted up to six months in advance based on El Nino conditions in the Pacific

    International conference ICAWA 2017 and 2018 : extended book of abstract : the AWA project : ecosystem approach to the management of fisheries and the marine environment in West African waters

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    The project 'Enhancing Prediction of Tropical Atlantic Climate and its Impacts – PREFACE' (www.preface-project.eu) is a 4.5 year research project funded by the European Union under FP7- Environment. The project gathers 28 partners from 18 countries across Africa and Europe, with expertise in oceanography, climate modelling and prediction, and fisheries science, targeting climate prediction and marine-ecosystem changes in the eastern boundary and equatorial upwelling regions of the tropical Atlantic. Since 2013 and in a spirit of strong international cooperation, PREFACE has made important contributions towards improving the Atlantic observational network and climate prediction models – whilst enhancing local capacity and harvesting the synergy from inter-projects collaboration – such that we can now usefully forecast climate from a season to a decade in advance over large regions of the tropical Atlantic Ocean, and over parts of continental South America and Africa. A particular example is the skill in predictions of ocean surface temperature and Sahel rainfall a season to several years ahead. There is also a potential to predict stock biomass from a season to years in advance. We showed that the upwelling intensity in North West Africa and consequent marine productivity are redistributed due to warming trends, and we report a northern spatial shift of round sardinella. In the southeast Atlantic, a similar shift is reported on the same species. Such potentially predictable changes impact food security management and demand adequate policy measures. However, more work is required to make the most use of these predictions. Climate model errors and modelling of biophysical relations continue to be a major challenge. These introduce uncertainties in future projections of climate change and its impacts in this region. They also limit shorter-term climate prediction. Thus much more work is needed to improve models. Collaborative climate research on the Atlantic remains a key priority