5 research outputs found

    High temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells control for combined heat and power applications

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    Over the last few years, the research of new energy sources as a substitute for the current de-pletable ones has been increasing. One of these possible sources is hydrogen, one of the mostcommon elements in the planet. By using what’s called as a fuel cell, it can be used to efficientlygenerate clean electrical and thermal energy, as the only output is water.This project has been developed in the framework of the DPI2015-69286-C3-2-R MICAPEM (Pa-rameter estimation, diagnosis and control for the improvement of efficiency and durability ofPEM fuel cells) project, which aims to create an architecture and control of a system that will beable to supply electrical and thermal power to a typically-sized house using a Proton ExchangeMembrane Fuel Cell working at high-temperature (HT-PEMFC).To do so, a Model Predictive Control (MPC) will be used, capable of controlling the amountof hydrogen being consumed based on the prediction of the house’s electrical and thermal de-mand.The numerical computation system Matlab will be used for the creation of the MPC and itsSimulink tool, to model the PEMFC system. Then a series of simulations will be run, which willboth test the controller in several scenarios as well as to understand its behaviou

    Desenvolupament d'aplicacions interactives de Realitat Augmentada

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    Actualment tant la Realitat Augmentada (RA) com la Realitat Virtual (RV) són camps que es troben en auge, sent aquests cada cop més utilitzats en una gran quantitat de sectors diferents. Aquest treball anomenat “Desenvolupament d’aplicacions interactives de Realitat Augmentada” té com a objectiu servir com a base perquè altres persones interessades en aquest tema puguin aprofundir-hi de forma més ràpida i eficaç. Per tant, aquest projecte consistirà en la investigació sobre què és exactament la RA i en veure el potencial que aquesta presenta. Però entrar en el món de la RA pot ser extremadament complex, per aquest motiu es farà ús de Unity, un motor de videojocs molt versàtil e intuïtiu juntament amb Vuforia, una de les plataformes més grans de la realitat augmentada. La utilització d’aquests dos softwares permeten entrar en el món de la realitat augmentada a una gran quantitat de persones les quals no tenen perquè tenir un gran coneixement de com funciona aquesta. Aquest projecte es divideix principalment en dues parts. La primera part consisteix en aprendre el funcionament de la realitat augmentada mitjançant la creació de petites aplicacions, cadascuna amb la finalitat d’entendre una part específica de com funciona aquesta. Havent après el funcionament de la realitat augmentada, la segona part és la creació d’una aplicació més complexa on es pugui visualitzar el potencial que té la realitat augmentada, alhora que, com aplicació, aquesta tingui una utilitat. Degut al període d’aquest projecte, d’uns 4 mesos, cal remarcar que la intenció de l’aplicació final no és crear-la de forma que sigui extremadament complexa amb una funcionalitat perfecte i preparada per ser comercialitzada ja que es impossible. En comptes, aquesta podrà fer-se servir com a base per possibles millores però serà suficient amb que sigui funcional. Per últim cal dir que aquest projecte s’ha realitzat amb la col·laboració del Centre de Realitat Virtual (CRV) de la facultat de Matemàtiques, el qual es coordina amb altres entitats per crear diverses aplicacions basades en la realitat virtual, sobretot en els camps de la medicina, muntatge i arquitectura; i del ViRVIG, el centre de recerca del CRV. Un cop finalitzat el projecte, es pot veure que softwares com Unity o Vuforia permeten entrar en la creació d’aplicacions basades en realitat augmentada de forma bastant ràpida i que amb el suficient temps, es poden crear aplicacions d’una complexitat molt elevada. És per aquest motiu que aquests dos camps es troben cada vegada més implementats en la tecnologia

    Combined heat and power using high-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells for housing facilities

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    © 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Recently, new alternatives to conventional energy sources such as fossil fuels are arising due to global problems related to climate change effect and energy shortage. In this context, fuel cells and combined heat and power technologies appear as a possible solution due to their ability to provide both electrical and thermal energy more efficiently compared to traditional methods. Related to this, high-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells offer the possibility of implementing combined heat and power systems, and they are also considered an efficient technology that emits less greenhouse gases. In this article a model predictive control based energy management system for a specific house is presented. Simulation and control models of the system are presented, together with dimensions and energy profiles used. Finally, control objectives and the proposed control algorithm are detailed, and the results when trying to match residential heat and power demands are discussed.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::7 - Energia Assequible i No ContaminantPostprint (author's final draft

    High temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells control for combined heat and power applications

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    Over the last few years, the research of new energy sources as a substitute for the current de-pletable ones has been increasing. One of these possible sources is hydrogen, one of the mostcommon elements in the planet. By using what’s called as a fuel cell, it can be used to efficientlygenerate clean electrical and thermal energy, as the only output is water.This project has been developed in the framework of the DPI2015-69286-C3-2-R MICAPEM (Pa-rameter estimation, diagnosis and control for the improvement of efficiency and durability ofPEM fuel cells) project, which aims to create an architecture and control of a system that will beable to supply electrical and thermal power to a typically-sized house using a Proton ExchangeMembrane Fuel Cell working at high-temperature (HT-PEMFC).To do so, a Model Predictive Control (MPC) will be used, capable of controlling the amountof hydrogen being consumed based on the prediction of the house’s electrical and thermal de-mand.The numerical computation system Matlab will be used for the creation of the MPC and itsSimulink tool, to model the PEMFC system. Then a series of simulations will be run, which willboth test the controller in several scenarios as well as to understand its behaviou

    High temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells control for combined heat and power applications

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    Over the last few years, the research of new energy sources as a substitute for the current de-pletable ones has been increasing. One of these possible sources is hydrogen, one of the mostcommon elements in the planet. By using what’s called as a fuel cell, it can be used to efficientlygenerate clean electrical and thermal energy, as the only output is water.This project has been developed in the framework of the DPI2015-69286-C3-2-R MICAPEM (Pa-rameter estimation, diagnosis and control for the improvement of efficiency and durability ofPEM fuel cells) project, which aims to create an architecture and control of a system that will beable to supply electrical and thermal power to a typically-sized house using a Proton ExchangeMembrane Fuel Cell working at high-temperature (HT-PEMFC).To do so, a Model Predictive Control (MPC) will be used, capable of controlling the amountof hydrogen being consumed based on the prediction of the house’s electrical and thermal de-mand.The numerical computation system Matlab will be used for the creation of the MPC and itsSimulink tool, to model the PEMFC system. Then a series of simulations will be run, which willboth test the controller in several scenarios as well as to understand its behaviou