2,018 research outputs found

    Sedimentary phosphorus dynamics in epicontinental systems: A literature review

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    Sedimentary phosphorus dynamics being a very complex process involving a large number of different mechanisms, literature data present a wide range of variations both from the quantitative and from the qualitative point of view. Three main aspects are considered in this paper: the range of sedimentary phosphorus observed in lakes worldwide and relationships with other lake characteristics such as trophic status, depth, sedimentary iron and organic matter; phosphorus release rates and factors controlling them, and forms in which phosphorus is bound in sediments and their ecological significance. Because of the complexity of the mechanisms involved, no general concJusions valid for any kind of lakes may be drawn on the basis of the information now available

    De mayor quiero ser traductor II: estudio de la visión del alumnado sobre el perfil socio-profesional del traductor actual

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    Exploring the knowledge that students progessively build up in the course of their studies enables us, on the one hand, to evaluate the effectiveness of our teaching, and on the other hand, to identify the issues that require additional attention from a didactic point of view. This is a continuation study of an investigation that analysed the preconceptions of students beginning their degree in Translation and Interpreting. This paper presents the results of a follow-up study, based on a survey of students after having completed the first year of their degree, with the aim of (a) analysing how the students’ increasing knowledge and experience affects their conception of some key issues, and (b) identifying those aspects of the socio-professional profile of the translator that have yet to be fully understood by undergraduate students of Translation and Interpreting at this stageLa exploración de las ideas que los alumnos van progresivamente forjándose durante la realización de sus estudios nos permite, por una parte, evaluar la efectividad de nuestra labor docente; y, por otra parte, identificar las cuestiones que desde el punto de vista didáctico habría que reforzar. Este trabajo da continuidad a la investigación en la que analizábamos las preconcepciones con las que los alumnos se acercan a las aulas de Traducción e Interpretación. Transcurrido el primer curso de su formación, presentamos en esta contribución los resultados obtenidos en una encuesta de seguimiento con el doble propósito de poner de manifiesto la distancia existente entre las preconcepciones y los conocimientos y, en segundo término, identificar los aspectos que quedan aún pendientes en la concienciación del alumnado del Grado de Traducción e Interpretación acerca del papel socio-profesional del traductor en la sociedad actua

    The Misery and Splendour of Translation: a Classic in Translation Studies

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    In 1937, José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955) wrote The Misery and Splendour of Translation, an essay that contains his views about translation. A cursory review of translation literature is enough to appreciate the wide-spread personal mark that Ortega –who is considered ‘the most influential figure in Spanish Thought’- seems to have imprinted on comtemporary Translation Studies. Nevertheless, the influence of his essay on translation studies is an issue that has not been investigated thoroughly yet. This work is a succint summary of the research carried out for my PhD thesis. In this article, I intend to provide a global integrative vision of Ortega’s concept of translation as well as an objective and dynamic evaluation of his contribution to contemporary translation studies, through an in-depth intertextual analysis of the essay and a study of its disemination and influence on contemporary translation scholars. Furthermore, this work is aimed to contribute to the reconstruction of one of the most emblemetic stages in the history of our disciplin

    Integration in Specialisation. The GENTT Research Group: Genre as an Integrative Concept in Translation Studies

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    The interdisciplinary and complexity of translation have led to a diversity of co-existing approaches in Translation Studies. Translation can be studied from a range of perspectives, and every approach tends to focus on a limited number of aspects. In the area of specialised translation, the integrative nature of translation is frequently neglected, which may lead to overly narrow analyses. In this paper, it is shown how the concept of ‘genre’ incorporates a wider range of the defining aspects of translation. The use of genre as a core element makes it possible to combine linguistic, textual, communicative and cognitive aspects as part of a more comprehensive study of specialised translation. In practical terms, this integrative approach is reflected in the GENTT knowledge management system (covering linguistic, textual and communicative aspects) and in the cognitive mapping within three fields of specialism (legal, medical and technical) that the research group is developing

    La traducción entre la miseria y el esplendor: estudio de la recepción de la concepción orteguiana de la traducción en el contexto traductológico del español

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    In 1937 Ortega y Gasset published his essay The Misery and Splendour of Translation, in which he reflects on translation from a philosophical perspective. Since then, that essay has practically become an obligatory reference in the Translation Studies literature, especially within the Spanish-speaking world. The fact that there are several studies aimed at the analysis of that essay confirms the impact that Ortega’s work has had. In this article such studies are analysed in order to, on the one hand, provide an in-depth evaluation of the essay’s reception and the validity of Ortega’s thoughts about translation; and, on the other, to assess to what extent Ortega’s ideas about translation have been examined from a comprehensive perspective, which, given the intertextuality of his work, is indispensable in order to provide a complete picture of his vision of translation

    Lafarga, Francisco y Luis Pegenaute (eds.) (2015). Creación y traducción en la España del siglo XIX (Relaciones literarias en el ámbito hispánico: traducción, literatura y cultura). Bern: Peter Lang, 488 pp.

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    Este artículo es reseña de: Creación y traducción en la España del siglo XIX. Francisco Lafarga, Luis Pegenaute. Berna : Peter Lang Francisco Lafarga y Luis Pegenaute, pioneros en la investigación en historia de la traducción en el ámbito hispánico, nos presentan en este volumen una colección de estudios en los que se profundiza en la estrecha relación entre creación y traducción en el contexto literario de la España del siglo XIX. La obra se concibe como complemento a otra de temática similar, Autores/traductores en la España del siglo XIX (2015).This article presents a review of Creación y traducción en la España del siglo XIX by Francisco Lafarga and Luis Pegenaute. Bern: Peter Lang. Francisco Lafarga and Luis Pegenaute, pioneers in the field of Hispanic Translation History, include in this volume a collection of studies where the close relation between creation and translation in the Spanish, 19 th century literary context is highlighted. The publication is intended to complement another work covering a similar topic, Autores/traductores en la España del siglo XIX (2015)

    La estructura narrativa del amor romántico

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    En este capítulo, defiendo que el proceso de identificación presente en relaciones de amor romántico tiene una estructura narrativa en tres niveles: social, intersubjetivo y personal
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