2,471 research outputs found

    The Acute Effects of Aerobic Exercise Durations on Arterial Compliance in Recreationally Active Males

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    PURPOSE: The purposes of this study were to 1) examine the acute effects of different aerobic exercise durations on large (LAC) and small (SAC) arterial compliance, 2) examine the acute effects of different aerobic exercise durations on central pulse wave velocity (cPWV), peripheral pulse wave velocity (pPWV), Aortic Index (AIx), and 3) to examine the acute effects of aerobic exercise durations on hemodynamics. METHODS: Eighteen male subjects (age= 23.4±2.0) performed a maximal aerobic stress test (Bruce protocol) in order to estimate VO2max. Participants were required to meet in the lab fasted for at least 8 hours for three sessions. While in the supine position LAC, SAC, and AIx were then assessed. The velocity of pressure waveforms between the carotid and femoral arteries, and the femoral and pedal arteries were measured to assess cPWV and pPWV, respectively. Participants then performed aerobic exercise on a treadmill at 65% of their respective VO2max for 30 min, 45 min, or 60 min in a randomly assigned ordered. Assessments of arterial compliance were then performed immediately post, 10 min, 20 min, and 40 min post exercise. RESULTS: No significant difference was seen between conditions in compliance of large arteries. A condition main effect was seen suggesting an increase SAC (p CONCLUSION: Different durations of moderate intensity aerobic exercise did not provoke changes in large arterial elasticity. Longer durations of aerobic exercise may be necessary to modify vascular tone and vessel diameter resulting in reduced small arterial stiffness. The response may be dissimilar for populations with different activity levels. More research is required to examine the effects of different intensities in combination with different durations of aerobic exercise on arterial compliance


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    India is a country with more than 1.2 billion people accounting for more than 17% of world’s population. It is the seventh largest country in the world with total land area of 3,287,263 sq. kilometres. India measures 3214 km from north to south and 2993km from east to west. It has a land frontier of 15,200 km and coastline of 7,517 km. India has 29 states and 7 union territories. It faces a formidable challenge in providing adequate energy supplies to users at a reasonable cost India is facing energy issues for that prime minister and government of India have taken initiative to promote make India Energy from Non-conventional source. They have planning for moving megawatt to gigawatt, to overcome energy crunch. India is coming with grid connected power generating capacity with help of government. Even Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given to private player for Grid Connection and solar Farming. Non-conventional Energy sector is now poised to make a quantum jump from megawatt to gigawatt capacity. India as a country suffers from significant energy poverty and pervasive electricity deficits. In recent years, India’s energy consumption has been increasing at a relatively fast rate due to population growth and economic development, even though the base rate may be somewhat low. With an economy projected to grow at 8-9% per annum, rapid urbanization and improving standards of living for millions of Indian households, the demand is likely to grow significantly. This paper explains about current energy scenario of India with illustration and with some charts and graphical representation up-to till date 2015.Â

    Acute Effects of Static Upper and Lower Body Vibration Exercise on Arterial Compliance in Male Subjects

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    PURPOSE: To examine the responses in arterial compliance (AC) of the small and large arteries, and systemic vascular resistance to static whole body vibration (WBV) exercise with blood flow restriction (BFR). METHODS: Eight male participants (age= 22.6±2.2) randomly performed two sessions of static upper body and two sessions of static lower body exercise on a vibration platform with and without applied BFR. Prior to testing, subjects laid in a supine position while resting large arterial compliance (LAC), small arterial compliance (SAC), and systemic vascular resistance (SVR) were assessed using pulse wave analysis. During BFR trials, BFR cuffs were placed at the most proximal area of the thighs and arms. The BFR cuffs were then inflated to a target restrictive pressure (TRP) of 100 mmHg for upper body and to a TRP determined by multiplying the systolic blood pressure by 1.44 for lower body. Tests were performed on a vibration platform set at 30 Hz at either a static pushup or squat position and held at an angle of 110˚ at the elbows and knees. Exercises consisted of eight 45-s sets with a 45-s rest between each set for upper body, and for ten 1-min sets with a 1-min rest between each set for lower body. LAC, SAC, and SVR were assessed post-exercise at 10-min, 20-min, and 40-min. RESULTS: A main time effect (pCONCLUSION: Since exercises with BFR are physiologically more demanding due to lower venous return, possible elevation in epinephrine levels may account for trend seen for decreased SAC when BFR was applied. Furthermore, since exercise was performed at a static position, mechanoreceptors of vessel walls may have not been sufficiently stimulated to significantly affect SAC and LAC. However, the decrease in SVR observed 10 min following exercise, suggests that vasodilation took place resulting in decreases in systemic resistance against blood flow. Additional research is needed to test how a dynamic exercise protocol or varying intensities combined with BFR affect AC

    Gender Comparisons of the Electromyographic Responses to Knee Extension Exercises with Different Initial Restriction Pressures

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    The effects of blood flow restriction training (BFR) may be impacted by the several physiological and biological differences found between genders. Since the pattern of regional body composition may be different between males and females, the impact of tightness of the restrictive cuffs (initial restrictive pressure; IRP) might be different for females causing variation in the level of muscle activation; therefore research on a female population is needed to have a complete understanding of BFR. PURPOSE: To compare changes in electromyography (EMG) amplitude (RMS) and median frequency (MDF) in males and females during application of different IRPs of 40-45 mmHg and 60-65 mmHg on knee extension exercises. METHODS: Subjects consisted of 10 males and10 females (age=24.4 ± 4.6), who visited the lab on three separate occasions. The first session consisted of measurement of skin thickness using ultrasound. In the sessions thereafter, the EMG electrode was placed on the VL to the mark made at one-third the distance from the lateral femoral epicondyle to the greater trochanter. A BFR cuff was then placed over the inguinal region of the subjects’ right leg. Subjects performed a pre-exercise maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) during first visit and the values from MVC test were used to determine the load lifted for both first and second visits. Each session consisted of a set of 30 repetitions and three sets of 15 repetitions performed at 20% MVC, with one minute rest between sets. RESULTS: Thigh skin thickness was significantly less in males (p CONCLUSION:Both conditions were determined to increase RMS throughout the exercise, which suggests a shift and increase in muscle fiber recruitment. However, lower values in EMG activity for the female subjects indicate that a higher IRP may be required to mirror the effects of BFR on males. Greater skin thickness in females may be acting as a barrier between the BFR cuff and circulatory pathways, producing lower neuromuscular activation

    Régimen de percepciones y su incidencia en la liquidez de la empresa importadora BJR Selva S.A.C, Pucallpa 2021.

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    La presente investigación denominada “Régimen de percepciones y su incidencia en la liquidez de la empresa BJR Selva S.A.C, Pucallpa 2021” se realizó con la finalidad de identificar la incidencia del régimen de percepciones en la liquidez. Para poder llevar a cabo la presente, se utilizó una metodología de tipo básica no experimental y como muestra se realizó 15 encuestas a los trabajadores de la empresa asociados al tema. Es así que se llegó a los resultados, donde se puede evidenciar que el régimen de percepciones sí incide en la capacidad de pago, pero esta puede ser una situación que se puede lograr revertir. Por otro lado, se encontró que el régimen de percepciones sí tiene influencia en la cumplimiento de obligaciones a corto plazo ya que esta es una dimensión que posee indicadores más precisos como el pago de los tributos, la cual brinda información acerca de cuanto de liquidez en caja y banco se posee para poder cubrir con las obligaciones de a corto plazo y finalmente se pudo evidenciar que el régimen de percepciones no incide en la dimensión conversión de activo en efectivo, pues esto se debe cuando se lleva una buena administración de los recursos de la empresa que circulan durante el ciclo de caja. Llegando a la conclusión, que el régimen de percepciones sí puede lograr afectar la liquidez de una empresa

    Lactate Concentration Response to Knee Extension Exercise with Various Initial Restrictive Pressures in Females

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    Literature remains lacking in regards to the role that initial restrictive pressure (IRP) coupled with resistance training as it pertains to the production and accumulation of metabolic byproducts such as lactate, more specifically in women. Purpose: The present study investigates the importance of the IRP as a variable on lactate concentrations during knee extension exercise in combination with blood flow restriction in female subjects. Methods: Thirteen female volunteers (age 21± 1.35) served as the test sample for this study. Initial health screening, PAR-Q, signing of the informed consent, procedural and dynamometer setting familiarization were completed on the first meeting. Prior to exercise, the participants’ maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) torque of right leg extensors was measured using an isokinetic dynamometer. Participants performed knee extension exercise with IRP set randomly at either 40-45 mmHg or 60-65 mmHg on two subsequent visits separated by a minimum of 48 hours. On each visit, participants performed 4 sets (1×30 reps and 3×15 reps) of dynamic knee extension exercises with the load set at 20% of their respective MVC. The load lifted for both visits was same and determined using pre-MVC values from the first visit. A lactate analyzer was employed to measure lactate concentration within blood sample from finger pricks. Participants washed their hands before testing started and isopropyl alcohol wipes were used to clean the puncture site before the collection of blood. Levels of lactate concentration were measured prior to exercise, between the second and third sets, and at immediately post exercise. Results: A significant main effects for time (p0.05) between the conditions (40-45 mmHg vs. 60-65 mmHg) over the course of dynamic knee extension exercise. Conclusion: Given that females may store more adipose tissue accumulated around their hip and thighs, magnitude of the effect of IRPs may vary within and across genders, resulting in changes in the type of muscle fibers (type I vs. type IIx) recruited, the total number of muscle fibers recruited, and the level of fatigue. More research is required to determine the impact of various IRPs on the level of byproducts production and accumulation

    Diseño conceptual de una microturbina hidráulica savonius tipo vertical para canal hidráulico de 80x25x15 cm

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    El objetivo general del presente trabajo de investigaciÛn es diseÒar una microturbina hidr·ulica Savonius tipo vertical, validando diversos diseÒos mediante una matriz de decisiÛn basada en par·metros crÌticos, asegurando una construcciÛn robusta. Se utilizaron c·lculos precisos y modelado 3D en software CAD para diseÒar una microturbina con un rotor de 0.06 m de di·metro y 0.115 m de altura, y simulado dentro de un canal de 80x25x15 cm que dirige eficientemente el flujo de agua. Se realizÛ una simulaciÛn CFD con una velocidad del fluido de 1.5 m/s, evaluando la distribuciÛn de presiÛn y velocidad alrededor del rotor. Los resultados mostraron un coeficiente de arrastre de 0.70, un coeficiente de sustentaciÛn de 0.469 y un coeficiente de potencia teÛrica de 0.369, resultando en una potencia mec·nica de 1.26 W. Los an·lisis estructurales con PLA revelaron que el diseÒo soporta las condiciones de carga operativa, con un esfuerzo axial de 4581.15 Pa y un esfuerzo de flexiÛn alto de 4.66 x 10^11 Pa. La fuerza de arrastre fue de 11.296 N y el an·lisis est·tico mostrÛ una tensiÛn m·xima de 2.970x10^7 Pa. En conclusiÛn, el diseÒo integral de la microturbina Savonius no solo cumple con los requisitos teÛricos y preliminares, sino que tambiÈn representa un avance significativo en la implementaciÛn de soluciones de energÌa renovable a pequeÒa escalaTrabajo de investigaciónTecnología e innovación en el desarrollo de la construcción y la industria en un contexto de sostenibilidadInnovación y tecnificación en ciencia de los materiales, diseño e infraestructura