6,525 research outputs found

    Cryogenic Pressure Control Modeling for Ellipsoidal Space Tanks

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    A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model is developed to simulate pressure control of an ellipsoidal-shaped liquid hydrogen tank under external heating in normal gravity. Pressure control is provided by an axial jet thermodynamic vent system (TVS) centered within the vessel that injects cooler liquid into the tank, mixing the contents and reducing tank pressure. The two-phase cryogenic tank model considers liquid hydrogen in its own vapor with liquid density varying with temperature only and a fully compressible ullage. The axisymmetric model is developed using a custom version of the commercially available FLOW-31) software. Quantitative model validation is ,provided by engineering checkout tests performed at Marshall Space Flight Center in 1999 in support of the Solar Thermal Upper Stage_ Technology Demonstrator (STUSTD) program. The engineering checkout tests provide cryogenic tank self-pressurization test data at various heat leaks and tank fill levels. The predicted self-pressurization rates, ullage and liquid temperatures at discrete locations within the STUSTD tank are in good agreement with test data. The work presented here advances current CFD modeling capabilities for cryogenic pressure control and helps develop a low cost CFD-based design process for space hardware

    Cryogenic Pressure Control Modeling for Ellipsoidal Space Tanks in Reduced Gravity

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    A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model is developed to simulate pressure control of an ellipsoidal-shaped liquid hydrogen tank under external heating in low gravity. Pressure control is provided by an axial jet thermodynamic vent system (TVS) centered within the vessel that injects cooler liquid into the tank, mixing the contents and reducing tank pressure. The two-phase cryogenic tank model considers liquid hydrogen in its own vapor with liquid density varying with temperature only and a fully compressible ullage. The axisymmetric model is developed using a custom version of the commercially available FLOW-3D software and simulates low gravity extrapolations of engineering checkout tests performed at Marshall Space Flight Center in 1999 in support of the Solar Thermal Upper Stage Technology Demonstrator (STUSTD) program. Model results illustrate that stable low gravity liquid-gas interfaces are maintained during all phases of the pressure control cycle. Steady and relatively smooth ullage pressurization rates are predicted. This work advances current low gravity CFD modeling capabilities for cryogenic pressure control and aids the development of a low cost CFD-based design process for space hardware

    A Compact X-ray Source and Possible X-ray Jets within the Planetary Nebula Menzel 3

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    We report the discovery, by the Chandra X-ray Observatory, of X-ray emission from the bipolar planetary nebula Menzel 3. In Chandra CCD imaging, Mz 3 displays hot (3-6x10^6 K) gas within its twin, coaxial bubbles of optical nebulosity, as well as a compact X-ray source at the position of its central star(s). The brightest diffuse X-ray emission lies along the polar axis of the optical nebula, suggesting a jet-like configuration. The observed combination of an X-ray-emitting point source and possible X-ray jet(s) is consistent with models in which accretion disks and, potentially, magnetic fields shape bipolar planetary nebulae via the generation of fast, collimated outflows.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures; to appear in Astrophysical Journal (Letters

    Jet Deflection via Cross winds: Laboratory Astrophysical Studies

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    We present new data from High Energy Density (HED) laboratory experiments designed to explore the interaction of a heavy hypersonic radiative jet with a cross wind. The jets are generated with the MAGPIE pulsed power machine where converging conical plasma flows are produced from a cylindrically symmetric array of inclined wires. Radiative hypersonic jets emerge from the convergence point. The cross wind is generated by ablation of a plastic foil via soft-X-rays from the plasma convergence region. Our experiments show that the jets are deflected by the action of the cross wind with the angle of deflection dependent on the proximity of the foil. Shocks within the jet beam are apparent in the data. Analysis of the data shows that the interaction of the jet and cross wind is collisional and therefore in the hydro-dynamic regime. MHD plasma code simulations of the experiments are able to recover the deflection behaviour seen in the experiments. We consider the astrophysical relevance of these experiments applying published models of jet deflection developed for AGN and YSOs. Fitting the observed jet deflections to quadratic trajectories predicted by these models allows us to recover a set of plasma parameters consistent with the data. We also present results of 3-D numerical simulations of jet deflection using a new astrophysical Adaptive Mesh Refinement code. These simulations show highly structured shocks occurring within the beam similar to what was observed in the experimentsComment: Submitted to ApJ. For a version with figures go to http://web.pas.rochester.edu/~afrank/labastro/CW/Jet-Wind-Frank.pd

    Cryogenic Tank Modeling for the Saturn AS-203 Experiment

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    A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model is developed for the Saturn S-IVB liquid hydrogen (LH2) tank to simulate the 1966 AS-203 flight experiment. This significant experiment is the only known, adequately-instrumented, low-gravity, cryogenic self pressurization test that is well suited for CFD model validation. A 4000-cell, axisymmetric model predicts motion of the LH2 surface including boil-off and thermal stratification in the liquid and gas phases. The model is based on a modified version of the commercially available FLOW3D software. During the experiment, heat enters the LH2 tank through the tank forward dome, side wall, aft dome, and common bulkhead. In both model and test the liquid and gases thermally stratify in the low-gravity natural convection environment. LH2 boils at the free surface which in turn increases the pressure within the tank during the 5360 second experiment. The Saturn S-IVB tank model is shown to accurately simulate the self pressurization and thermal stratification in the 1966 AS-203 test. The average predicted pressurization rate is within 4% of the pressure rise rate suggested by test data. Ullage temperature results are also in good agreement with the test where the model predicts an ullage temperature rise rate within 6% of the measured data. The model is based on first principles only and includes no adjustments to bring the predictions closer to the test data. Although quantitative model validation is achieved or one specific case, a significant step is taken towards demonstrating general use of CFD for low-gravity cryogenic fluid modeling

    Supersymmetric QCD flavor changing top quark decay

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    We present a detailed and complete calculation of the gluino and scalar quarks contribution to the flavour-changing top quark decay into a charm quark and a photon, gluon, or a Z boson within the minimal supersymmetric standard model including flavour changing gluino-quarks-scalar quarks couplings in the right-handed sector. We compare the results with the ones presented in an earlier paper where we considered flavour changing couplings only in the left-handed sector. We show that these new couplings have important consequences leading to a large enhancement when the mixing of the scalar partners of the left- and right-handed top quark is included. Furthermore CP violation in the flavour changing top quark decay will occur when a SUSY phase is taken into account.Comment: 14 pages, latex, 3 figure

    The Chandra X-ray Survey of Planetary Nebulae (ChanPlaNS): Probing Binarity, Magnetic Fields, and Wind Collisions

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    We present an overview of the initial results from the Chandra Planetary Nebula Survey (ChanPlaNS), the first systematic (volume-limited) Chandra X-ray Observatory survey of planetary nebulae (PNe) in the solar neighborhood. The first phase of ChanPlaNS targeted 21 mostly high-excitation PNe within ~1.5 kpc of Earth, yielding 4 detections of diffuse X-ray emission and 9 detections of X-ray-luminous point sources at the central stars (CSPNe) of these objects. Combining these results with those obtained from Chandra archival data for all (14) other PNe within ~1.5 kpc that have been observed to date, we find an overall X-ray detection rate of ~70%. Roughly 50% of the PNe observed by Chandra harbor X-ray-luminous CSPNe, while soft, diffuse X-ray emission tracing shocks formed by energetic wind collisions is detected in ~30%; five objects display both diffuse and point-like emission components. The presence of X-ray sources appears correlated with PN density structure, in that molecule-poor, elliptical nebulae are more likely to display X-ray emission (either point-like or diffuse) than molecule-rich, bipolar or Ring-like nebulae. All but one of the X-ray point sources detected at CSPNe display X-ray spectra that are harder than expected from hot (~100 kK) central star photospheres, possibly indicating a high frequency of binary companions to CSPNe. Other potential explanations include self-shocking winds or PN mass fallback. Most PNe detected as diffuse X-ray sources are elliptical nebulae that display a nested shell/halo structure and bright ansae; the diffuse X-ray emission regions are confined within inner, sharp-rimmed shells. All sample PNe that display diffuse X-ray emission have inner shell dynamical ages <~5x10^3 yr, placing firm constraints on the timescale for strong shocks due to wind interactions in PNe.Comment: 41 pages, 6 figures; submitted to the Astronomical Journa

    "Large (g2)μ(g-2)_\mu in SU(5)xU(1) supergravity models"

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    We compute the supersymmetric contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon within the context of SU(5)×U(1)SU(5)\times U(1) supergravity models. The largest possible contributions to aμsusya^{susy}_\mu occur for the largest allowed values of tanβ\tan\beta and can easily exceed the present experimentally allowed range, even after the LEP lower bounds on the sparticle masses are imposed. Such tanβ\tan\beta enhancement implies that aμsusya^{susy}_\mu can greatly exceed both the electroweak contribution (1.95×109\approx1.95\times10^{-9}) and the present hadronic uncertainty (±1.75×109\approx\pm1.75\times10^{-9}). Therefore, the new E821 Brookhaven experiment (with an expected accuracy of 0.4×1090.4\times10^{-9}) should explore a large fraction (if not all) of the parameter space of these models, corresponding to slepton, chargino, and squarks masses as high as 200, 300, and 1000 GeV respectively. Moreover, contrary to popular belief, the aμsusya^{susy}_\mu contribution can have either sign, depending on the sign of the Higgs mixing parameter μ\mu: aμsusy>0(0a^{susy}_\mu>0\,(0 (μ<0\mu<0). The present aμa_\mu constraint excludes chargino masses in the range 45-120\GeV depending on the value of tanβ\tan\beta, although there are no constraints for \tan\beta\lsim8. We also compute aτsusya^{susy}_\tau and find |a^{susy}_\tau|\approx(m_\tau/m_\mu)^2\,|a^{susy}_\mu|\lsim10^{-5} and briefly comment on its possible observability.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures (not included), Latex. Figures available from [email protected] as ps files (total 0.985MB) or uuencoded file (0.463MB). CERN-TH.6986/93, CTP-TAMU-44/9

    Remarcs on the shape transition from spherical to deformed gamma unstable nuclei

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    Energies and transition probabilities for low lying states in 134^{134}Ba and ^{104Ru were calculated within a hybrid model.The ground and the first 2+2^+ states are described alternatively as a harmonic and anharmonic vibrator states while the remaining states as states with E(5) symmetry. One concludes that a gradual setting of the 'critical' potential yields a better agreement with the experimental data. Very good agreement with the data is obtained for 104^{104}Ru. Comparing the present results with those of E(5) symmetry, it is conspicuous that the present formalism add corrections to the E(5) formalism by bringing the predictions closer to the experimental data. Analytical relationship between the states with U(5) symmetry and those given by the E(5) description is established.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures, submitted for publicatio