1,125 research outputs found

    Efeito de produtos alternativos utilizados no controle da Cochonilha-do-Carmim sobre o inimigo natural Cryptolaemus montrouzieri.

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    Conduziuse experimento no laboratório de Entomologia da Embrapa Semi-Árido sob condições controladas de temperatura 25±1oC) e fotofase (12 horas), utilizando-se insetos provenientes de criação do laboratório e as mesmas dosagens recomendadas para o controle da praga no campo

    Associação do concentrado emulsionável de nim com óleo da casca de laranja no manejo de Tetranychus urticae.

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o efeito da associação do concentrado emulsionável de nim e o óleo da casca de laranja na mortalidade de fêmeas de T. urticae

    Natural variation of arsenic fractions in soils of the Brazilian Amazon

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    Arsenic (As) in native soils of the Amazon rainforest is a concern due to its likely origin from the Andean rivers, which transport loads of sediments containing substantial amounts of trace elements coming from the cordilleras. Yet, unveiling soil As baseline concentrations in the Amazon basin is still a need because most studies in Brazil have been performed in areas with predominantly high concentrations and cannot express a real baseline value for the region. In this study, 414 soil samples (0–20, 20–40 and 40–60 cm layers) were collected from different sites throughout the Amazon basin - including native Amazon rainforest and minimally disturbed areas - and used to determine total and extractable (soluble + available) As concentrations along with relevant soil physicochemical properties. Descriptive statistics of the data was performed and Pearson correlation supported by a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) provided an improved understanding of where and how As concentrations are influenced by soil attributes. Total As concentration ranged from 0.98 to 41.71 mg kg−1 with values usually increasing from the topsoil (0–20 cm) to the deepest layer (40–60 cm) in all sites studied. Considering the proportional contribution given by each fraction (soluble and available) on extractable As concentration, it is noticeable that KH2PO4-extractable As represents the most important fraction, with >70% of the As extracted on average in all the sites studied. Still, the extractable fractions (soluble + available) correspond to ~0.24% of the total As, on average. Total, available, and soluble As fractions were strongly and positively correlated with soil Al3+. The PCA indicated that soil pH in combination with CEC might be the key factors controlling soil As concentrations and the occurrence of each arsenic fraction in the soil layers

    Diagnosis and treatment of acute myocarditis in Portugal. Data from the national multicenter registry on myocarditis

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    Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. © The Author 2017.Introduction: The diagnosis of acute myocarditis (aMyo) needs a high level of suspicion. Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) may contribute to the diagnosis; but endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) is considered the gold standard, although used infrequently worldwide. Short-term course, albeit unpredictable is usually benign and treatment is mainly supportive. Objectives: To assess the usual care attitudes regarding hospitalized patients (pts) with a diagnosis of aMyo in Portugal, report patient's clinical profiles and current therapeutic approaches, and assess the relevance of CMR to eventual changes in management and/or therapeutic decisions. Methods: Prospective nationwide survey of admitted aMyo pts during a 2-year period (25.04.13–15). Electronic CRFs were completed with admission/discharge data, diagnostic tests, treatments and open-ended questions to evaluate physician's opinions and conclusions. Results: 248 pts from 18 centers were included, 98% caucasian, 35±14 (18–84) years old, 83% male. A recent infectious disease was detected in 57.5% (upper respiratory tract in 71.2%) and 23% had been previously treated with antibiotics. On admission, presentation included angina-like thoracic pain (96%), non-CV symptoms- 58.4% (fever-71%, respiratory- 52.8%, GI- 28.1%), heart failure (HF)- 5.4% and cardiogenic shock- 0.8%; abnormal ECG - 82% (mostly ST elevation-78.5%); increased troponin levels in 95%; echo (in 94%pts) showed left ventricular dilatation (LVD) - 5.7%, segmental LV wall abnormalities (segmAbn) - 34%, reduced LV ejection fraction (RLVEF) - 21% and pericardial effusion (PE) - 11.7%. CMR (in 57%pts), didn't change the management in 70% of cases. Coronary angiography (in 40%) revealed significant CAD in 7.4%. EMB was diagnostic in the 2 pts in which was performed (due to severe progressive HF). Multiple viral serologies (in 32.4% pts) were conclusive in only 0.5%. Most pts were treated with NSAIDs, 39% received ACEi or ARB, 36% a beta-blocker (BB) and 8.4% diuretics; 3.4% needed inotropes. Only 1 death occurred (shock). At discharge, an abnormal ECG persisted in 64.4% of pts; echo (in 50.4%) showed LVD in 6%, segmAbn in 24.6%, RLVEF in 14.6% and PE in 10.2%. Most pts (88.2%) were discharged on NSAIDs, 37.6% on ACEi or ARB, 30.36% on BB, and 6.47% on diuretics. Final diagnosis was aMyo in 54.4% (probable/possible in 96.9% and definitive in only 3.1%) and myopericarditis in 45.6%. Diagnostic criteria were “clinical” in 96.4%, supported by lab results in 87.7% and ECG in 68.8%. Echo or CMR contribution in supporting “clinical diagnosis”, was 38.3% and 48.6% respectively. Disease course was in most cases “mild” (87%). Conclusions: Echo and CMR were performed in most pts with aMyo but diagnosis remained mostly “clinical” according to treating physicians. EMB was very rarely performed. Treatment was largely empirical but an “overuse” of CV drugs and NSAIDs was observed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cochonilhas-farinhentas associadas à formiga Dorymyrmex bicolor em agroecossistema de videira no Submédio São Francisco.

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    o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e registrar a ocorrência de Dorymyrmex bicolor associada a cochonilhas-farinhentas em cultivos de videira no Submédio São Francisco

    Natural variation of arsenic fractions in soils of the Brazilian Amazon

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    Arsenic (As) in native soils of the Amazon rainforest is a concern due to its likely origin from the Andean rivers, which transport loads of sediments containing substantial amounts of trace elements coming from the cordilleras. Yet, unveiling soil As baseline concentrations in the Amazon basin is still a need because most studies in Brazil have been performed in areas with predominantly high concentrations and cannot express a real baseline value for the region. In this study, 414 soil samples (0–20, 20–40 and 40–60 cm layers) were collected from different sites throughout the Amazon basin - including native Amazon rainforest and minimally disturbed areas - and used to determine total and extractable (soluble + available) As concentrations along with relevant soil physicochemical properties. Descriptive statistics of the data was performed and Pearson correlation supported by a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) provided an improved understanding of where and how As concentrations are influenced by soil attributes. Total As concentration ranged from 0.98 to 41.71 mg kg−1 with values usually increasing from the topsoil (0–20 cm) to the deepest layer (40–60 cm) in all sites studied. Considering the proportional contribution given by each fraction (soluble and available) on extractable As concentration, it is noticeable that KH2PO4-extractable As represents the most important fraction, with >70% of the As extracted on average in all the sites studied. Still, the extractable fractions (soluble + available) correspond to ~0.24% of the total As, on average. Total, available, and soluble As fractions were strongly and positively correlated with soil Al3+. The PCA indicated that soil pH in combination with CEC might be the key factors controlling soil As concentrations and the occurrence of each arsenic fraction in the soil layers

    Efeito do uso do hCG na resposta estral de cabras Repartida submetidas à sincronização do estro: resultados parciais.

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    Objetivando avaliar o efeito de eCG e hCG em diferentes momentos num protocolo de sincronização de estro e inseminação artificial, 39 cabras Repartida foram submetidas a um protocolo de sincronização estral, recebendo, durante 10 dias, uma esponja intravaginal, impregnada com 60 mg de MAP. As cabras foram distribuídas da seguinte forma: os grupos eCG (n = 20) e hCG (n = 19) receberam i.m. 200 UI de eCG e hCG, respectivamente. As cabras do grupo eCG foram tratadas com este fármaco, 48 h antes (grupo eCG48h; n = 10) e no momento da retirada da esponja (grupo eCG0h; n = 10). Já as cabras do grupo hCG foram tratadas com este hormônio, no início do estro (grupo hCG-IE; n = 9) e no momento da inseminação artificial (grupo hCG-IA; n = 10). A detecção do estro foi feita a cada 4 horas, a partir de 12 horas após a retirada da esponja. Para análise estatística, foi utilizada a Análise de Variância, seguida do teste de Tukey. Os dados em porcentagem foram submetidos ao Qui-quadrado. As diferenças foram consideradas significativas quando P < 0,05

    Inorganic and organic geochemical fingerprinting of sediment sources and ocean circulation on a complex continental margin (São Paulo Bight, Brazil)

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    In this study, we use inorganic (metal) and organic (bulk and molecular) markers in sediment samples of the south-eastern Brazilian margin to investigate the response of geochemical fingerprints to the complex hydrodynamic processes present in the area. Results indicate the potential of export of terrigenous siliciclastic and organic constituents to the upper slope, even in an area with limited fluvial supply. Metal contents and especially the ln(Ti = Al) and ln(Fe = K) ratios make it possible to recognise the extension of shelf sediments toward the upper slope. Potassium, here expressedas ln(K = Sc) and ln(K = Al) ratios used as proxies of illite–kaolinite variations, proved to be an important parameter, especially because it allowed us to decipher the imprint of the northward flow of the Intermediate Western Boundary Current (IWBC) in comparison to the southward flows of the Brazil Current (BC) and Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC). Using organic matter analyses, we were able to evaluate the extent of terrestrial contributions to the outer shelf and slope, even without the presence of significant fluvial input. In addition, molecular markers signify a slight increase in the input of C4-derived plants to the slope sediments, transported from distant areas by the main alongshore boundary currents, indicating that the terrestrial fraction of the organic matter deposited on the slope has a distinct origin when compared to shelf sediments