3,960 research outputs found

    O sucesso/insucesso escolar na transição do 2º para o 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico

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    Dissertação de mest., Psicologia da Educação - Necessidades Educativas Especiais, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2007O presente trabalho de investigação centra-se um dos temas de maior actualidade do nosso sistema educativo: o insucesso escolar. Assente em concepções desenvolvimentistas, perspectivadas de acordo com uma abordagem ecológico-relacional, este estudo surgiu da necessidade de reflectir sobre a temática do insucesso associado a um dos momentos de transição escolar particularmente “esquecido” do campo investigativo: a transição do 2º para o 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. É, pois, seu objectivo caracterizar a situação de insucesso escolar neste momento de transição, bem como o de identificar as suas possíveis causas. Dada a natureza e o objecto de estudo, optámos por uma metodologia qualitativointerpretativa, configurando-se o estudo de caso como a estratégia mais adequada para o seu desenvolvimento, como forma de aceder ao conhecimento pretendido e de uma melhor interpretação da realidade estudada. Os dados foram recolhidos através do recurso a entrevistas semi-directivas, a professores e pais/encarregados de educação, e de um questionário aos alunos retidos no 7º ano. O tratamento dos dados obtidos possibilitou-nos a sistematização da informação, que, à luz do quadro teórico a que recorremos, nos conduziu ao alcançar dos objectivos definidos para a investigação e ao responder às questões de pesquisa formuladas. Os resultados alcançados permitiram compreender a importância da transição de Ciclo e a sua contribuição para o engrossar dos números do insucesso escolar no 7º ano de escolaridade, em alunos também eles sujeitos a profundas transições/mudanças (internas e externas) inerentes ao próprio período de vida em que se encontram: a adolescência.The present study is based on one of the major topics of timeliness of our education system: school failure. Within developmental conceptions, according to an ecological-relational perspective, this study arose from the need to reflect on the theme of school failure associated with one of the moments of transition school especially "forgotten" of the field research: the transition from the 2nd to the 3rd Cycle of Basic Education. It is their aim to characterize the situation of school failure at the moment of transition, as well as to identify its possible causes. Given the nature and object of the study, a qualitative interpretative methodology was chosen. A case study was also deemed more appropriate so as to provide a better interpretation of the studied reality. Data was collected through semi-conducted interviews, to the teachers and parents / tutors, and a questionnaire of those students who were retained in the 7th grade. Data analysis allowed us to systematize information, according to the theories that are used, and allowed us to reach the answer for the research questions. The results indicate that it is possible to understand the importance of the transition from Cycle and its contribution to increase the numbers of school failure of 7th grade, at students also undergoing profound, internal and external, transitions/changes inherent to the period of life in which they are: the adolescence

    Anselm Kiefer and the “Architecture of Memory"

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    UIDB/04666/2020 UIDP/04666/2020Anselm Kiefer was born in 1945, in Germany, and his father was an officer of the Wehrmacht. This circumstance naturally determined his essence and motivated a course, a frontier. Kiefer, the painter who first studied law, literature and linguistics, has been orienting himself since 1990’ for the study and plastic narration of antiquity and its most significant myths, namely in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Crossing borders - the essence of man, the secret of existence, history and art - Kiefer expresses, through his painting, his texts and his words, the confrontation with the collective memory.publishersversionpublishe

    identities, narratives and representations

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    UID/HIS/04666/2019In African antiquity, the long history of Egypt throughout more than 3 thousand years is important because it was subject of changes and constant innovations maintaining, however, its core identity. Even after the fall of its ancient civilization it continued to culturally influence the world.publishersversionpublishe

    Citizenship and Language Education. Picturebook: New Oppotunities for Young Teenagers

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    A educação para a cidadania é cada vez mais uma preocupação dos decisores europeus e nacionais, o que justifica a sua inserção nos currículos das escolas. Deste modo, o ensino de línguas deve envolver-se igualmente na formação de cidadãos críticos e socialmente conscientes. Assim, o presente estudo incide sobre a educação para a cidadania no sistema educativo português, analisando-se a forma como a mesma pode integrar-se na sala de aula, em especial, no ensino de Inglês como língua estrangeira. Esta investigação aborda valores, atitudes e comportamentos como parte integrante do programa de Inglês para o 3º ciclo do ensino básico, focando-se, em particular, na educação para a cidadania global e na forma como a mesma é reproduzida no currículo nacional. Apresentam-se três propostas de didatização de álbuns narrativos (picture books) como oportunidades para promover a educação para a cidadania através do diálogo e de tarefas de escrita que incentivam a criatividade. Este trabalho parte do pressuposto de que os álbuns narrativos são adequados não apenas para crianças, mas também para outros públicos, como jovens adolescentes. O estudo de caso aqui apresentado inclui exemplos de trabalhos de jovens adolescentes, aprendentes de Inglês como língua estrangeira, resultantes das leituras feitas e do diálogo sobre questões de cidadania. Esta tese contribui para trazer de volta o texto literário para a sala de aula, redirecionando o propósito de “ler por prazer” para “ler por prazer e para discutir cidadania”. Nesta ligação entre a aprendizagem das línguas e a educação para a cidadania reside a importância e a relevância deste estudo, centrado em jovens adolescentes.Considering the European concerns over issues of citizenship education, it becomes more and more important to deal with these matters in the national curricula. Therefore, it is expected that language education becomes involved in the shaping of critical and socially aware citizens. In this study, we approach citizenship within the Portuguese education system and how it can be integrated in a foreign language classroom, specifically of English as a Foreign Language. This research explores values, attitudes and behaviours as part of the English syllabus for the 3rd cycle of the basic education system, particularly addressing the framework for global citizenship education and how it is reproduced in national curricula. It puts forward three picture books as reading suggestions that offer opportunities to promote citizenship education through book discussions and writing tasks that encourage criticality and creativity. This work is based on the assumption that picture books are suitable not only for children or young learners, up to 11 years old, but also for other audiences, such as young teenagers. The case study includes examples of work done by teenage language learners reading picture books and discussing citizenship issues. To sum up, we hope to contribute to bringing the literary text back into the classroom, redirecting the purpose of reading for pleasure to reading for pleasure and reading to discuss and learn about citizenship. We believe it is in the connection of language learning through picture books and citizenship education that resides the added significance and relevance of this research, targeted at young teenagers

    An hybrid approach based on neural networks and regression Tree Models for fast dynamic security assessment

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    This paper presents a new hybrid automatic learningapproach, which combines artificial neural networks (ANN) andregression trees (RT), to perform on-line dynamic securityassessment of power systems. In the proposed method, the RT isfirstly used to split the vast amount of knowledge data that describesa security problem into several less spread and disjoint problems.Then, an ANN is trained for each of these new smaller problems,resulting in a tree structure with an ANN predicting functionassociated to each leaf. Moreover, the capability of the RT to performfeature subset selection before ANN training is also tested. With thisnew method, the advantages of the two techniques are exploited inorder to obtained a more accurate model without compromisingprediction time. The quality of the approach is illustrated through itsapplication to a major security problem of the power system ofMadeira Island (Portugal)

    Images, Perceptions and Productions in and of Antiquity

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    UIDB/04666/2020 UIDP/04666/2020authorsversionpublishe

    Mergulho em águas rasas e lesão medular: uma abordagem educativa e preventiva = Diving in shallow waters and spinal cord injury: a preventive and educational approach

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    Objetivo: Este artigo tem como objetivo revisar estudos envolvendo acidentes por mergulho e lesão medular. A existência de poucos dados na literatura brasileira sobre este assunto motivaram a pesquisa Métodos: Revisão bibliográfica (MEDLINE, LILACS), selecionando aspectos sobre prevenção de lesão medular e mergulho, educação, e medidas preventivas Conclusão: A lesão medular causada por mergulho em águas rasas tem uma incidência elevada no mundo principalmente no período do verão. Ocorre em indivíduos jovens, sadios, geralmente do sexo masculino apresentando uma forte associação com uso de álcool. Medidas preventivas, educativas são primordiais para a diminuição de novos caso

    Are One Factor Logarithmic Volatility Models Useful to Fit the Features of Financial Data? An Application to Microsoft Data.

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    This paper provides empirical evidence that continuous time models with one factor of volatility, in some conditions, are able to fit the main characteristics of financial data. It also reports the importance of the feedback factor in capturing the strong volatility clustering of data, caused by a possible change in the pattern of volatility in the last part of the sample. We use the Efficient Method of Moments (EMM) by Gallant and Tauchen (1996) to estimate logarithmic models with one and two stochastic volatility factors (with and without feedback) and to select among them.Efficient Method of Moments, One (Two) Factor Volatility Logarithmic Model, Mean-Reversion, Persistent Volatility, Feedback, Projection, Seminonparametric (SNP), Reprojection.

    Comparison of humic acids production by Trichoderma viride and Trichoderma reesei using the submerged fermentation of oil palm empty fruit bunch

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    The remarkable properties of humic acids have generated a broad spectrum of applications in pharmaceutical, cosmetic and agricultural fields, and encouraged fermentation studies focusing on humic acids production. This work compares the humic acids production of Trichoderma (viride and reesei) species using empty fruit bunch as the substrate during submerged fermentation. The performance of each species was compared by examining spore production in oat medium, and the significant medium components and fermentation conditions were identified using Plackett and Burman statistical design. For both Trichoderma species, the results indicate that humic acids production can be enhanced by increasing the temperature, empty fruit bunch and peptone concentrations and by decreasing the (NH4)2SO4 concentration. T. reesei performed better than T. viride, generating 3-fold more of humic acids.Keywords: Humic acids, Trichoderma reesei, Trichoderm aviride, submerged fermentation, empty fruit bunchAfrican Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 13(9), pp. 1067-1074, 26 February, 201