1,174 research outputs found

    Tuning Electronic Correlation with Pressure

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    Strongly correlated electron systems display some of the most exotic ground states in condensed matter. In this thesis high pressure is used to tune the degree of electron correlations in systems of current interest. Their electronic and structural properties were investigated at high pressure using x-ray spectroscopy and scattering as well as transport techniques in a diamond anvil cell. The interplay between short- and long-range structural order, one-dimensional charge ordering, and superconductivity was studied in La1.875Ba0.125CuO4. At ambient pressure, this material displays charge ordering at the onset of a low temperature structural phase transition, resulting in strong suppression of superconductivity. The electronic ordering is shown here to be tightly coupled to short-range, rather than long-range, structural order. It is argued that persistence of charge order on a very short length scale is responsible for the marginal enhancement of superconductivity under pressure, being evidence of competing electronic correlations. The lanthanides Gd and Tb display an atomic-like partially filled 4f level at ambient pressure. Here, extreme pressure was used in an attempt to delocalize these 4f states. Instability in Tb\u27s 4f8 level emerges through 4f-conduction band hybridization, triggering a Kondo effect in the Y(Tb) alloy. In contrast, the half-filled 4f7 level in Gd remains stable to at least 120 GPa. Tb appears to become a strongly correlated Kondo lattice at high pressure, the properties of which are of great interest. Alkali metals display unexpected properties at high pressure which are suggested to be due to enhanced electronic correlation of the once nearly-free conduction electrons. In this thesis, the mechanisms leading to the low symmetry phases observed at high pressure in K, Rb, and Cs were investigated. These phases are suggested to develop from the pressure-induced localization of the conduction band, which triggers a Peierls-like distortion. Furthermore, stripe-like charge ordering is theoretically observed in Cs at high pressure, in close resemblance to La1.875Ba0.125CuO4, including proximity of charge order to superconductivity

    Spaces sing, are you listening?

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    We present ​Soniferous Resonances​, an ongoing collection of electroacoustic composition pieces that intersect music, digital technologies and architecture. The creative impetus supporting this research is grounded in the interchange of the following two concepts: 1) the phenomenological exploration of the aural architecture [1], particularly the reverberation as a sonic effect [2] through music performance and 2) the real time sound analysis of both the performance and the reverberation (i.e. impulse responses) intervallic content — which ultimately leads to a generic control over consonance/dissonance (C/D). Their conceptual and morphological nature can be understood as sonic improvisations where the interaction of sound producing bodies (e.g. saxophone) with the real (e.g. performance space) and the imaginary (i.e. computer) acoustic response of a space results in formal elements mirroring their physical surroundings. Particular emphasis is given to spectromorphological manipulations by a large array of “contrasting” digital reverberations with extended control over the sound mass [3] and its musical interval content across a continuum between pitched and consonant to unpitched and dissonant sounds. Two digital applications developed by the authors are seminal in Soniferous Resonances​: Wallace [4] and MusikVerb [5]. The first is a navigable user-control surface that offers a fluid manipulation of audio signals to be convolved with several “contrasting” digital reverberations. The second offers refined (compositional) control over the interval content and/or C/D levels computed from the perceptually-inspired Tonal Interval Space [6] resulting in an automatically adaptation of harmonic content in real time. Soniferous Resonances​ aims at pushing the boundaries of musical performances that are formally tied to its surrounding space, as well as triggering new concepts and greater awareness about the sublime qualities of experiencing aural architecture.N/

    Santos Brasil Effects Of The Privatization Of The Port Of Santos Container Terminal (TECON1) - An Administrative Study Under The Logistics And Operations Approach

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    The objective is to investigate the results of the privatization of the Port of Santos container terminal (TECON1), under an administrative view focused on logistics and operational aspects. An analysis of TECON1's operational conditions which motivated the privatization, its performance prior to privatization, the conditions of the lease contract signed and the changes occurred following the change in management. The report presents the main managerial introductions made to TECON1, such as the development of the computer system CTIS (Container Terminal Information System) and the recovery of wharves services, which finally culminated in cost reduction of standard container moves

    Modelo de análise da participação em missões no âmbito das forças nacionais destacadas

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    O emprego do instrumento militar em missões e operações internacionais tem vindo a assumir-se como um dos eixos estratégicos da Política Externa portuguesa e um importante veículo de concretização dos interesses nacionais. A otimização do processo de participação nacional em missões e operações militares no âmbito das Forças Nacionais Destacadas (FND) no intuito de propor um modelo de análise dessa participação, traduz o Objetivo Geral deste Trabalho de Investigação Individual. A metodologia seguida, enquadrada na tipologia de investigação aplicada, com posicionamento ontológico construtivista e epistemológico interpretativista, foi sustentada num processo de raciocínio indutivo, adotando o Estudo de Caso como desenho de pesquisa. Esta investigação permitiu incrementar e elencar uma série de soluções (contributos) para assuntos omissos ou que careçam de melhoria, possibilitando otimizar o atual modelo de planeamento das FND, tornando-o mais eficaz e eficiente, a fim de proporcionar informação relevante para a tomada de decisão sobre missões e operações futuras, face a implementação de um processo de avaliação de operações aos vários níveis de decisão.The use of the military instrument in international missions and operations has become one of the strategic axes of Portuguese Foreign Policy and an important vehicle for achieving national interests. The optimization of the process of national participation in missions and military operations within the scope of the Deployed National Forces (FND), to propose a model for the analysis of this participation, translates the aim of this Individual Investigation. The methodology followed, framed in the typology of applied investigation, with constructivist ontological and interpretivist epistemological positioning, was supported by an inductive reasoning process, adopting the Case Study as a research design. This research allowed to increase the list of a series of solutions (contributions) for omitted issues or that need improvement, making it possible to optimize the current FND planning process model, more effective and efficient, to provide the relevant information for decision making on future missions and operations in view of the implementation of an operations assessment process at the various decision levels.N/

    Relação entre o Multivariate Enso Index (MEI) e a TSM das Regiões dos Niños com a Precipitação em Regiões Homogêneas do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul.

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    On Rio Grande do Sul the seasons of the year are well defined being felt, in its peculiar characteristics, in the winter,in the spring, in the summer and in the autumn. The pluviometric regime is quite regular and the precipitations are welldistributed during all the year on the State. The Multivariate Enso Index (MEI) lacks of a study about its relations withthe precipitation. It is a numeric index that integrates the action of different factors that characterize the phenomenon andthat oscilate between positive values for the warm phase, the El Niño, and negative values for the cold phase, the La Niña.It considers, in its composition, the following variables: sea level pressure, zonal and meridional wind components at thesurface, the Sea Surface Temperature (SST), the air temperature at the surface and a cloudiness indicator. This work hadthe objective to study the relations between the MEI and the SST of the Niño regions with the precipitations on Rio Grandedo Sul State. For this, it were utilized total monthly data of precipitation from 40 meteorological stations of Rio Grande doSul, bimonthly data of MEI and SST of the Niño regions for the period 1950 to 2002. The correlation coefficients betweenthe precipitation of the Rio Grande Do Sul with the MEI and the regions of the Niños showed low values due to the factof if using only the months of the beginning and end of the event. The MEI, although to be a more complex index of themethodologic point of view, it does not improve the coefficients of correlation with the precipitation of the State of the RioGrande do Sul, and it always presents lesser or equal values to obtained when using the TSM of the regions of the Niñosin the out/nov and nov/dez coupled of months. The MEI and the Niños regions 3 and 3.4 present the highest correlationcoefficient with the Rio Grande do Sul State precipitation for the bimonths oct/nov and nov/dec

    Do Bottom-up Effects Define The Structuring Of Ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Communities In A Restinga Remnant?

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    Restingas are lowland sandy ecosystems located between mountain ranges and the sea. For living organisms in this ecosystem, restingas can be seen as habitats formed by islands of vegetation separated by a sandy matrix. These organisms are highly influenced by the environmental conditions and physical characteristics of the landscape, including size, connectivity and environmental heterogeneity. Given the recognized effectiveness of ants as bioindicators, this study uses these organisms as a model to assess how vegetation complexity affects ant communities. The study was carried out in the Parque das Dunas, Salvador - Bahia. Within this park, four categories of vegetation islands (Small, Medium, Large and Continuous) were delimited, where the ant fauna was sampled and the forms of vegetal life were analyzed, using the Raunkiaer analysis. A total of 69 ant species were collected from 31 genera and six subfamilies. We found a positive relationship between the diversity of plant life forms (H') and ant richness. In general, there was a significant difference in the composition of ant species in each microhabitat and between the areas of continuous vegetation and the different vegetation islands. There is a bottom up effect mediating the ant community associated with dune vegetation, the local richness of ant species responds to vegetation heterogeneity

    Quando a escola é uma flecha: Educação Escolar Indígena e Territorialização na Amazônia

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    Apresentamos aqui um exame da escola diferenciada indígena nos processos de territorialização desses povos. Consideramos experiências escolares que envolvem a escola na ocupação, vigilância e posse do território e as analisamos a partir do conceito de Territorialização desenvolvido por Pacheco de Oliveira (1998) e Little (2002). Em seguida contrastamos os resultados da análise com o entendimento de Território expresso na normatização/legalização dessa modalidade escolar. Concluímos o trabalho argumentando que a inclusão de atividades escolares e sua efetivação ao longo do território, sobretudo em locais recuperados, fora do entorno do prédio escolar e da aldeia, é um modo encontrado por esses povos de voltar as atividades escolares para a manutenção territorial e identitária. Combinamos revisão bibliográrica e atividades de campo na coleta de dados recorrendo a questionários, entrevistas semi-estruturadas e diários de campo cuja análise envolveu recursos exploratórios, descritivos e interpretativos. A pesquisa se desenvolveu nos âmbitos dos Grupos de Pesquisa do CNPq “ISEAM - Indigenismo, Sociedade e Educação na Amazônia” e HISTEDBR-UFOPA e do Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação-PPGE-UFOPA.Palavras-chave: Territorialização.  Educação Escolar Indígena. Identidade Étnica

    Educação indígena: considerações acerca da implantação de escolas indígenas

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar os resultados de uma pesquisa realizada junto a Escola Indígena Munduruku de Belterra-PA procurando dimensionar em que medida sua implantação reflete  um  tipo  de  escola  para  as  massas,  conforme  delineado  por  Enguita  (1989)  e, consequentemente, se opera enquanto instrumento de dominação ideológico (ALTHUSSER, 1970). Para tanto, apresentamos as considerações de Enguita (1989) acerca do surgimento da escola para as massas segundo o qual após a revolução industrial as escolas foram usadas como instrumento de formação de mão de obra para a indústria através da inculcação de hábitos e condicionamentos requeridas para o trabalho industrial-assalariado. Em seguida apresentamos as considerações de Althusser (1985) sobre o uso político-ideológico da Escola enquanto o principal Aparelho Ideológico de Estado de que se utiliza a burguesia para manter o modo de produção capitalista e, consequentemente, manter sua dominância. Por fim apresentamos os dados coletados junto a escola objeto da pesquisa e uma análise crítica dos mesmos tendo em vista os objetivos propostos. Palavras-chave: Alienação. Trabalho. Escola. Estado. Ideologia

    Contribuição ao estudo do nó sinu-atrial, em suínos (Sus scrofa domestica). I. Topografia; II Histologia. III Irrigação arterial

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    This study was based upon the exam of 68 hearts of underbred adult swine — 36 male and 32 female. I t allowed the following conclusions:1 — the sinus node tissue is located at the sulcus terminalis and half the dihedron caval atrial angle near it ; 2 — the morphological characteristics of the specialized cells of the node, as well as the different types of fibers that compose the vascular conjunctive stroma are stressed; glycogenis abundant in the cytoplasm of the specialized cells of the node.3 — the sinu-atrial node is supplied by the arteria coronaria dextra in 55 pieces (91.7% ± 3.6) — 35 times (58.3% ± 6.Jt) through the ramus proximalis atrii dextri plus the ramus intermedius atrii dextri 22 times, and the ramus distalis atrii dextri 13 times; 18 times by the ramus proximalis atriidextri (30.0% ± 5 .9 ) ; and twice by the ramus intermedius atrii dextri(3.3 ± 2.3) 4 — the nodal tissue region depends partly (3 times — 5.0% ±2.8) or exclusively (twice — 3.3% ± 2.3) on the ramus proximalis atrii sinistri; in the first case there appear also the ramus intermedius atriidextri (twice — 3.3% ± 2 .3 ) ; and the ramus distalis atrii dextri (once —1.7% ± 1.7); 5 — there were nine anastomoses between the vessels supplying the sinu-atrial node in 8 of the hearts (26.7% ± 8 .1 ) ; 6 — there were no significant differences between male and. female concerning the different types of arterial supply.Nossas conclusões, baseadas no estudo de 68 corações de suínos adultos, sem raça definida, retirados de 36 machos e 32 fêmeas, permitem-nos estabelecer que: 1 — o tecido nodal situa-se na região do sulco terminal e metade do ângulo diedro cavo-atrial, a ele contígua; 2 — as células desse tecido mostram núcleo oval ou arredondado, com cromatina frouxa, nucléolo nítido e citoplasma acidófilo, visto a conter, comparativamente ao miocárdio atrial, maior quantidade de glicogênio e a exibir miofibrilas sinuosas em menor número, mais delgadas e menos estriadas; tais células povoam tecido conjuntivo, onde predominam fibras colagênicas e elásticas; vasos arteriais de pequeno e médio calibres, veias e nervos, integram a estrutura nodal; 3 — a região do nó sinu-atrial acha-se servida, em 55 preparações (91,7% ± 3,6), pela artéria coronária dextra, melhor especificando,35 vezes (58,3% ± 6,4), por intermédio do ramus proximalis atrii dextri, associado. 22 vezes (36,7% ± 6,2), ao ramus intermedius atrii dextrie 13 vezes (21,7% ±5,3), ao ramus distalis atrii dextri; o ramus proximals atrii dextri e o ramus intermedius atrii dextri, isolados, respectivamente, 18 vezes (30,0% ± 5,9) e 2 vezes (3,3% ± 2,3), irrigam o território do aludido nó; 4 — do ramus proximalis atrii sinistri, em parte, 3 vezes (5,0% +± 2,8) ou, exclusivamente, 2 vezes (3,3% ± 2,3), depende a zona ocupada pelo tecido nodal; no primeiro caso participam, também o ramus intermedius atrii dextri, 2 vezes (3,3% ± 2,3) e o ramus distalis atrii dextri, 1 vez(17% ± 1,7); 5 — em 8 dos 30 corações diafanizados (26,7% ± 8,1) evidenciamos nove anastomoses a envolver vasos responsáveis pela irrigação do nó  sinu-atrial; 6 — a análise estatística não revelou diferenças significantes(nível de 5%), entre machos e fêmeas, no concernente às várias modalidades de suprimento arterial