84 research outputs found

    Archivística: fundamentación teórica y tradición formativa

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    [ENGLISH] The study of archivistics has become important in contemporary culture, but it is anteceded by a long evolutionary process in which it goes from practice to scientific discipline. This paper reflects on the object of study of archivistics, its theoretical evolution, its educational tradition, its differences and similarities with other disciplines, and the impact of information and communication technologies (ICT) on both its theoretical and methodological foundations and on the education of professionals. The analysis of the development of archivistics as a discipline in progress should contribute to replace the widely spread mechanical and functional explanations, which have hindered its academic recognition. The paper concludes stating that archivistics has maintained its theoretical principles, although affected by the incorporation of information and communication technologies. Also, it asserts that documentation managing -including classification, ordering, description and conservationis still guided by the principle of provenance in its two dimensions: the respect for the fonds and the respect for the original order. Besides, it is still concerned with the preservation of documentary patrimony

    Registro de la memoria colectiva del conflicto armado en Colombia: un estado de la cuestión

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    Objectives. To investigate the relationship between memory and archive records established by researchers of the Colombian armed conflict. Methodology. Taking a state-of-the-art perspective, this paper analyses the secondary information produced and disseminated in Colombia in the last decade related to the collective memory of the conflict. This study of the production of documents allows us to identify the characteristics present in the description, analysis and interpretation that researchers make. In other words, rather than a simple compilation and organisation of the respective studies, we formulate hypotheses and suggest future paths for studying the records. Results. This article is based on an assessment of the research undertaken in the last decade in Colombia that take expressions of collective memory as their focus in analysing the armed conflict. In the specific case of the archives, the studies analysed allow us to make a diagnosis of the current situation regarding the protection of human rights in the country. Three main themes emerge: first, the need to build an inventory of human rights records, which represent a very broad and disperse heritage, among which are included: the records of the government, those of organizations of victims and relatives and of human rights defence groups, of investigative commissions and law courts, as well as those held in private collections focused on individuals involved in the conflict or which address topics related to the conflict. Second, there is an obvious urgency to compile the materials and organize the heritage, among which are to be found the documents that report the ephemeral testimonies of the victims, which have served to support the researchers in their work. Third and finally, the importance of thinking from within the perspective provided by the archival sciences is more than apparent, given the fundamental role played by the records as the memory and testimony of society, especially in a country that has suffered such violence and where the victims more often than not have no documents that help them assert their rights

    Revisión sistemática del abordaje de la soledad en población anciana desde atención primaria

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    La soledad es un fenómeno social que está generando una preocupación creciente debido a su auge en los últimos años. Es un problema de salud pública debido al impacto multidimensional que tiene (físico, psicológico y económico). Se calcula que tiene un coste de 14millones solo en territorio español. A pesar de que la soledad es subjetiva, produce un incremento de la morbimortalidad, siendo más acuciante en las personas mayores de 65 años. Por ello, la búsqueda de estrategias en atención primaria mediante una revisión sistemática centrada en la población anciana, utilizando las bases de datos Dialnet Plus, PubMed, Google Scholar, Cochrane y CINAHL, puede servir como una fuente de información para llevar a cabo intervenciones comunitarias dirigidas a paliarla. Como objetivo, se pretende determinar la eficacia de las intervenciones comunitarias, midiendo la calidad de la información recogida mediante la herramienta CAT, poniendo el foco de atención en las características sociodemográficas de la población, el tipo de intervención realizada, el tiempo de duración o el tipo de estudio, que debe ser quasi-experimental. Es de suma importancia garantizar la sociabilidad de las personas y promover la autonomía de éstas, por lo que se busca información sobre aquellas intervenciones cuyo resultado sea la disminución de la soledad sentida o la necesidad de tomar fármacos, pudiendo llegar a servir en un futuro para la elaboración de estrategias de intervención y protocolos sanitarios.Loneliness is a social phenomenon that is generating growing concern due to its boom in recent years. It is a public health problem due to the multidimensional impact it has (physical, psychological and economic). It is estimated that it has a cost of 14 million only in Spanish territory. Despite the fact that loneliness is subjective, it produces an increase in morbidity and mortality, being more pressing in people over 65 years of age. Therefore, the search for strategies in primary care through a systematic review focused on the elderly population, using the Dialnet Plus, PubMed, Google Scholar, Cochrane and CINAHL databases, can serve as a source of information to carry out community interventions. aimed at alleviating it. As an objective, it is intended to determine the effectiveness of community interventions, measuring the quality of the information collected through the CAT tool, focusing on the sociodemographic characteristics of the population, the type of intervention carried out, the duration or the duration of the intervention. type of study, which should be quasi-experimental. It is extremely important to guarantee the sociability of people and promote their autonomy, so information is sought on those interventions whose result is the reduction of felt loneliness or the need to take drugs, which may be useful in the future for the development of intervention strategies and health protocols

    Archivos, derechos humanos y memoria.Una revisión de la literatura académica internacional

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    This article features a summary of studies produced over the last two decades that research the relationships between archives, human rights and collective memory. The analysis of the numerous works that address these three categories was classified into four approaches: 1) the concept of archives as evidence of human rights violations; 2) a critical evaluation of the role of documents, archives and archivists in building collective memory; 3) social justice as a guide of archival praxis; and 4) archives as places of memory and territories of dispute related to different senses of the past

    Valoración científica de la correspondencia de Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852-1934). Una mirada a la historia de la neurociencia

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    This article describes the results of research whose main objective was to determine how important scientifi c correspondence and what role he played in the scientifi c work of Santiago Ramón y Cajal, considered the fi rst neuroscientist of all time. Examined 360 letters exchanged between Cajal and other researchers of his time, we found that played an important role in the establishment of personal and scientific relations between researchers and supported, expanded and complemented the investigative work of Cajal, becoming the letters as part of his scientifi c Cajal’s Legacy consisting of about 4000 histological preparations, 2000 scientific drawings and over 300 publications.El presente artículo describe los resultados de la investigación “Estudio de la correspondencia científica de Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852-1934)”, cuyo objetivo central consistió en determinar la importancia que tiene la correspondencia científica de Santiago Ramón y Cajal y qué papel desempeñó en su quehacer científico, ya que este autor es considerado el primer neurocientífico de todos los tiempos. Se estudiaron 360 cartas de contenido científico, intercambiadas entre Cajal y otros investigadores de su tiempo; se concluye que tuvieron un papel importante en el establecimiento de las relaciones personales y científicas entre los investigadores y apoyaron, ampliaron y complementaron la labor investigativa de Cajal. De tal forma, estas cartas constituyen parte de su legado científico formado por cerca de 4000 preparaciones histológicas, 2000 dibujos y más de 300 publicaciones

    The Concept of Romanticism in Colombian Literary Historiography

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    RESUMEN: Este artículo presenta un análisis descriptivo del tratamiento del romanticismo en tres historias de la literatura colombiana: Evolución de la novela en Colombia (1952) de Antonio Curcio Altamar, Manual de literatura colombiana (1988) publicado por Procultura y Planeta, e Historia de la poesía colombiana (2001) editado por la Casa de Poesía Silva. El estudio de estas historias permite establecer la lógica según la cual cada uno de sus autores ha abordado el concepto de romanticismo y, a partir de ahí, evaluar en qué medida estos usos del concepto están justificados y son pertinentes para los estudios literarios. Parte de la idea de que toda historia es una construcción y que, por ende, supone una interpretación y la proposición de un modelo a través del cual se busca representar una realidad, en este caso la constituida por las obras literarias producidas durante un determinado periodo.ABSTARCT:This paper offers a descriptive analysis of the treatment of Romanticism in three works of Colombian literature history: Evolución de la novella en Colombia (1952) by Antonio Curcio Altamar, Manual de literatura colombiana (1988) published by Procultura and Planeta, and Historia de la poesía colombiana (2001), edited by Casa de Poesía Silva. The study of these works allows establishing the logic implied in the different points of view of the authors when they approach the concept of Romanticism. Based on those results, an evaluation is accomplished in order to define if these uses of the concept are pertinent for the literary studies. This analysis is based on the idea that every history is a construction and therefore, it supposes an interpretation and the proposal of a model to represent a reality, in this case a reality that exists in the literary works produced in a certain period of time

    Valoración científica de la correspondencia de Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852-1934). Una mirada a la historia de la neurociencia

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    This article describes the results of research whose main objective was to determine how important scientifi c correspondence and what role he played in the scientifi c work of Santiago Ramón y Cajal, considered the fi rst neuroscientist of all time. Examined 360 letters exchanged between Cajal and other researchers of his time, we found that played an important role in the establishment of personal and scientific relations between researchers and supported, expanded and complemented the investigative work of Cajal, becoming the letters as part of his scientifi c Cajal’s Legacy consisting of about 4000 histological preparations, 2000 scientific drawings and over 300 publications.El presente artículo describe los resultados de la investigación “Estudio de la correspondencia científica de Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852-1934)”, cuyo objetivo central consistió en determinar la importancia que tiene la correspondencia científica de Santiago Ramón y Cajal y qué papel desempeñó en su quehacer científico, ya que este autor es considerado el primer neurocientífico de todos los tiempos. Se estudiaron 360 cartas de contenido científico, intercambiadas entre Cajal y otros investigadores de su tiempo; se concluye que tuvieron un papel importante en el establecimiento de las relaciones personales y científicas entre los investigadores y apoyaron, ampliaron y complementaron la labor investigativa de Cajal. De tal forma, estas cartas constituyen parte de su legado científico formado por cerca de 4000 preparaciones histológicas, 2000 dibujos y más de 300 publicaciones

    Estudio del pensamiento funcional de estudiantes de educación primaria

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    El objetivo de esta investigación es identificar evidencias de pensamiento funcional en estudiantes de 3º curso de Primaria, en el marco de la propuesta de innovación curricular y línea de investigación conocida como Early-Algebra (Molina, 2009). Previo a la toma de datos se realizó un análisis de los antecedentes en el tema del álgebra en relación con el pensamiento funcional, concluyendo que este tipo de pensamiento incluye la relación entre cantidades que pueden expresarse en palabras, símbolos, tablas o gráficos, y el razonamiento con estas diversas representaciones para analizar el comportamiento de la función. El pensamiento funcional se trabaja, habitualmente, en etapas posteriores a la educación primaria, por lo que actualmente no existen suficientes estudios realizados sobre su introducción en cursos tempranos