23 research outputs found

    Main characteristics and prognosis of development of HIV epidemic in Dnipropetrovsk region.

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    The epidemiological situation on HIV infection in Ukraine remains complicated due to high morbidity and mortality, which requires a comprehensive study of this problem. Purpose of work: to clarify the main patterns and characteristics of prevalence of HIV infection in Dnipropetrovsk region and develop a forecast for changes in the main epidemic indicators. The study was based on reports from the Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and Dnipropetrovsk Regional Center for AIDS Prevention and Control. (2005-2017). To determine the main trends of development and forecasting the epidemiological situation, methods of analysis of time series with the calculation of chain growth rates and regression analysis were used. Analysis of the number of newly registered cases of HIV infection and AIDS over a 13-year period (2005-2017) showed an increase in figures for HIV by 1.5 times,  for AIDS - by 2.4 times in Ukraine and in Dnipropetrovsk region – by 1.9 times and 3.0 times, respectively. A significant prevalence of HIV/AIDS incidence rate in Dnipropetrovsk region as compared with national indicators in some years of the study and on average over the entire observation period was determined – 92.8±4.2 cases of HIV infection per 100 thousand and 45.2±5.2 cases of AIDS per 100 thousand in the region versus 41.0±1.4 and 16.1±1.6 per 100 thousand of the population in Ukraine (p<0.001). According to prognostic algorithms, in Dnipropetrovsk region until 2020, the annual AIDS incidence rate is expected to increase to 80.7±2.56 cases per 100 thousand people; AIDS mortality to 33.7±0.99 per 100 thousand people, which also predicts an increase in the incidence and mortality associated with opportunistic infections. A calculated forecast of HIV incidence rates and newly registered AIDS cases in Ukraine and the region for the coming years may be useful for predicting the number of opportunistic infections and calculating the needs for hospitalization and treatment of HIV/AIDS patients


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    Early diagnosis of negative mental states, post-stress states allows detecting early and severe manifestations of combat mental trauma and its consequences in wounded servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and also allows developing individual tactics and methods of prevention and recovery of each examined serviceman. The lack of a unified, scientifically sound comprehensive approach to the organization of effective measures of medical, psychological and social rehabilitation, the urgent need to improve the quality of life, medical care, social protection and medical and psychological assistance to servicemen, led to the urgency of the study. Disorders among servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine – participants in hostilities. In the course of work it is revealed that participation in the armed conflict, the received wound is a powerful stress factor leading to various functional disturbances of the body, including psychological. When studying such changes in servicemen who were injured, a significant part of them showed signs of post-traumatic stress response. Accordingly, this category of patients needs both medical and psychological rehabilitation.Рання діагностика негативних психічних і постстресових станів дозволяє на ранніх етапах виявити у поранених військовослужбовців Збройних сил України ранні та тяжкі прояви бойової психічної травми та її наслідки, а також розробити індивідуальну тактику і способи профілактики та відновлення кожного обстеженого військовослужбовця. Відсутність у державі єдиного, науково обґрунтованого комплексного підходу до організації проведення ефективних заходів медичної, психологічної та соціальної реабілітації, гостра потреба у підвищенні якості життя, медичного обслуговування, соціального захисту та медико-психологічної допомоги військовослужбовцям зумовили актуальність дослідження, метою якого стало вивчення особливостей проявів бойових стресових розладів серед військовослужбовців Збройних сил України – учасників бойових дій. У процесі роботи виявлено, що участь у збройному конфлікті, отримане поранення є потужним стресовим фактором, що призводить до різнопланових функціональних порушень організму, в тому числі й психологічних. При вивченні таких змін у значної частини військовослужбовців, які отримали поранення, виявлено ознаки посттравматичної стресової реакції. Відповідно дана категорія пацієнтів потребує як медичної, так і психологічної реабілітації

    A cross-sectional survey exploring HIV and HCV prevalence among men who purchase sex in Dnipro, Ukraine

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    BACKGROUND: HIV programming in Ukraine largely targets "key population" groups. Men who purchase sex are not directly reached. The aim of our study was to explore the prevalence of sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs) among men who purchase sex from female sex workers. METHODS: Following geographic mapping and population size estimation at each "hotspot", we conducted a cross-sectional bio-behavioural survey with men who purchase sex between September 2017 and March 2018 in Dnipro, Ukraine. Eligibility criteria included purchasing sex services at a "hotspot" and being ≥ 18 years. Participants completed a structured questionnaire, followed by HIV/HCV rapid testing and a dried blood spot (DBS) sample collection for confirmatory serology. RESULTS: The study enrolled 370 participants. The median age was 32 (interquartile range [IQR] = 27-38) and the median age of first purchase of sexual services was 22 (IQR = 19-27). Over half (56%) of participants reported ever testing for HIV; four participants (2%, N = 206) reported having tested positive for HIV, with three out of the four reporting being on ART. Forty percent of participants had ever tested for HCV, with three (2%, N = 142) having ever tested positive for HCV. In DBS testing, nine participants (2.4%) tested positive for HIV and 24 (6.5%) tested positive for ever having an HCV infection. CONCLUSION: Prevalence of HIV and HCV in this population was high. Given high rates of study enrolment and testing, efforts should be made to reach men who purchase sex with expanded STBBI programming

    Data Science and Big Data in eCommerce and Retail

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    In this presentation we will describe a role Data Science plays in eCommerce and Retail. Problems such as Inventory management, search/navigation/personalization, best price prediction, customer acquisition and others will be described and formalized in Data Science terms. Algorithms typically used to solve these problems will be presented

    Natural language processing for ecommerce

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    Understanding users' queries and documents describing merchandise are crucial for building eCommerce applications such as shopping search engines and recommendations systems. Entity extraction, attribute extraction, semantic understanding and tagging, query expansion improves search quality, and help to improve conversationand revenue per session. In this presentation key NLP technologies will be presented as they used in building eCommerce application

    Natural language processing for ecommerce

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    Understanding users' queries and documents describing merchandise are crucial for building eCommerce applications such as shopping search engines and recommendations systems. Entity extraction, attribute extraction, semantic understanding and tagging, query expansion improves search quality, and help to improve conversationand revenue per session. In this presentation key NLP technologies will be presented as they used in building eCommerce application

    Data Science and Big Data in eCommerce and Retail

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    In this presentation we will describe a role Data Science plays in eCommerce and Retail. Problems such as Inventory management, search/navigation/personalization, best price prediction, customer acquisition and others will be described and formalized in Data Science terms. Algorithms typically used to solve these problems will be presented