70 research outputs found

    Dalla 'Musogonia' alle 'Grazie', allestimento di una nuova griglia simbolica per una poesia nazionale

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    Mentre si preparava a tenere le sue prime lezioni di eloquenza a Pavia, Foscolo era già profondamente coinvolto nelle letture preparatorie per l'allestimento di una coerente griglia simbolica, da impiegare in un poema sulle Grazie inteso a seguire la strada inizialmente segnata dalla Musogonia montiana. Nel nuovo progetto, tutto incentrato sul genere innodico, confluivano le suggestioni ricavate dai modelli della letteratura greca arcaica ed ellenistica (Pindaro, Fanocle, Longo Sofista) frequentati per l'allestimento del commento alla Chioma di Berenice; quelle provenienti dalle prove di traduzione lucreziana, ma anche dalla lettura di molta trattatistica neoclassica e di alcuni, fondamentali, romanzi settecenteschi di ispirazione erudito-antiquaria (Il Socrate delirante di Wieland). Proprio di qui – e, insieme, dall'esperienza stessa di insegnamento presso la cattedra pavese – emergeva quella nuova e sofisticata immagine pedagogico-civilizzatrice delle Grazie, nella quale il poeta avrebbe presto cercato di sintetizzare in chiave allusiva, la storia, la civiltà, le speranze della patria

    The Perfect Foscolite gaddiano

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    Bernard Shaw e Aubrey Beardsley delineando i torvi contorni del wagnerismo britannico avevano liberato Wagner dalla distorsione prodotta dalla sub cultura superomistica. Se del pari la lezione della celebre conversazione radiofonica gaddiana a tre voci sul verso immortale del Foscolo fosse stata ascoltata ed avesse liberato il Foscolo dalla retorica patriottarda del Foscolismo, ci saremmo accorti di come l’interesse foscoliano per un scena galante in cui Wieland sembra descrivere la celeberrima gimbelette, La ragazza che gioca col cane nel letto di Fragonard, così come la notizia del suo progetto di un romanzo su Olympia Morata siano indicativi di un impegno del poeta a cercare il significato della Grazia nell’alveo non solo della civiltà dei Lumi ma anche della coscienza protestante in una Europa che, dopo la distruzione napoleonica, deve trovare nuovi valori su cui fondare la propria ricostruzione dato l’irreparabile Dämmerung, crepuscolo del vecchio sistema valoriale.En traçant les sinistres contours du wagnérisme britannique, Bernard Shaw et Aubrey Beardsley ont libéré l’œuvre de Wagner des distorsions provoquées par la sous-culture du Troisième Reich. De manière analogue, si on avait pris en compte la leçon de Gadda dans la célèbre émission de radio en trois parties sur la poésie immortelle de Foscolo, sa poésie aurait été libérée de la rhétorique patriotique du foscolisme. Il aurait apparu évident que l’intérêt de Foscolo pour une scène d’amour de Wieland — une scène dans laquelle l’écrivain semble décrire la fameuse gimblette, la jeune fille jouant avec un chien, peinte par Fragonard — tout comme son projet d’écrire un roman sur Olympia Morata, sont la preuve qu’il cherchait la signification des Grâces non seulement dans la pensée des Lumières mais aussi dans la conscience protestante de l’Europe. Après les destructions réalisées par Napoléon, dans l’inévitable Dämmerung de l’ancien système de valeurs, il fallait trouver de nouvelles valeurs si l’on voulait initier la reconstruction de l’Europe.By outlining the sinister contours of British Wagnerism, Bernard Shaw and Aubrey Beardsley liberated Wagner’s work from the distortions caused by the sub-culture of the Third Reich. Likewise, if the lesson of Gadda’s famous three-part radio broadcast on the immortal poetry of Foscolo had been taken into account, his poetry would have been set free from the patriotic rhetoric of Foscolism. It would have also become evident that Foscolo’s interest in an amorous scene by Wieland—a scene in which the German writer seems to describe the famous gimbelette, a girl playing with a dog, painted by Fragonard—as well as Foscolo’s own project to write a novel on Olympia Morata, are evidence for his search for the meaning of The Graces not only in the Enlightenment but also in the protestant conscience of Europe. After the destructions brought about by Napoleon, in the inevitabile Dämmerung of the old system of values, new values were to be found if one wanted to start the reconstruction of Europe

    Self-ligating versus conventional metallic brackets on Streptococcus mutans retention:A systematic review

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    ABSTRACT Objective: The present study aimed to review the literature systematically and assess comparatively whether self-ligating metallic brackets accumulate less Streptococcus mutans biofilm than conventional metallic brackets. Material and methods: The systematic search was performed following PRISMA guidelines and registration in PROSPERO. Seven electronic databases (Google Scholar, LILACS, Open Grey, PubMed, SciELO, ScienceDirect, and Scopus) were consulted until April 2016, with no restriction of language and time of publication. Only randomized clinical studies verifying S. mutans colonization in metallic brackets (self-ligating and conventional) were included. All steps were performed independently by two operators. Results: The search resulted in 546 records obtained from the electronic databases. Additionally, 216 references obtained from the manual search of eligible articles were assessed. Finally, a total of 5 studies were included in the qualitative synthesis. In 1 study, the total bacterial count was not different among self-ligating and conventional brackets, whereas in 2 studies the amount was lower for self-ligating brackets. Regarding the specific count of S. mutans, 2 studies showed less accumulation in self-ligating than in conventional brackets. Conclusion: Based on the limited evidence, self-ligating metallic brackets accumulate less S. mutans than conventional ones. However, these findings must be interpreted in conjunction with particularities individual for each patient – such as hygiene and dietary habits, which are components of the multifactorial environment that enables S. Mutans to proliferate and keep retained in the oral cavity.</jats:p

    Co-Transplantation of endothelial progenitor cells and pancreatic islets to induce long-lasting normoglycemia in streptozotocin-treated diabetic rats

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    Graft vascularization is a crucial step to obtain stable normoglycemia in pancreatic islet transplantation. Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) contribute to neoangiogenesis and to the revascularization process during ischaemic events and play a key role in the response to pancreatic islet injury. In this work we co-transplanted EPCs and islets in the portal vein of chemically-induced diabetic rats to restore islet vascularization and to improve graft survival. Syngenic islets were transplanted, either alone or with EPCs derived from green fluorescent protein (GFP) transgenic rats, into the portal vein of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Blood glucose levels were monitored and intraperitoneal glucose tolerance tests were performed. Real time-PCR was carried out to evaluate the gene expression of angiogenic factors. Diabetic-induced rats showed long-lasting (6 months) normoglycemia upon co-transplantation of syngenic islets and EPCs. After 3–5 days from transplantation, hyperglycaemic levels dropped to normal values and lasted unmodified as long as they were checked. Further, glucose tolerance tests revealed the animals' ability to produce insulin on-demand as indexed by a prompt response in blood glucose clearance. Graft neovascularization was evaluated by immunohistochemistry: for the first time the measure of endothelial thickness revealed a donor-EPC-related neovascularization supporting viable islets up to six months after transplant. Our results highlight the importance of a newly formed viable vascular network together with pancreatic islets to provide de novo adequate supply in order to obtain enduring normoglycemia and prevent diabetes-related long-term health hazards

    Magnetic carbon nanotubes: a new tool for shepherding mesenchymal stem cells by magnetic fields

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    We investigated the interaction between magnetic carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), and their ability to guide these intravenously injected cells in living rats by using an external magnetic field. MATERIALS & METHODS: Multiwalled CNTs were used to treat MSCs derived from rat bone marrow. Cytotoxicity induced by nanotubes was studied using the WST-1 proliferation and Hoechest 33258 apoptosis assays. The effects of nanotubes on MSCs were evaluated by monitoring the effects on cellular growth rates, immunophenotyping and differentiation, and on the arrangement of cytoskeletal actin. MSCs loaded with nanotubes were injected in vivo in the portal vein of rats driving their localization in the liver by magnetic field. An histological analysis was performed on the liver, lungs and kidneys of all animals. RESULTS: CNTs did not affect cell viability and their ability to differentiate in osteocytes and adipocytes. Both the CNTs and the magnetic field did not alter the cell growth rate, phenotype and cytoskeletal conformation. CNTs, when exposed to magnetic fields, are able to shepherd MSCs towards the magnetic source in vitro. Moreover, the application of a magnetic field alters the biodistribution of CNT-labelled MSCs after intravenous injection into rats, increasing the accumulation of cells into the target organ (liver). CONCLUSION: Multiwalled CNTs hold the potential for use as nanodevices to improve therapeutic protocols for transplantation and homing of stem cells in vivo. This could pave the way for the development of new strategies for the manipulation/guidance of MSCs in regenerative medicine and cell transplantation

    Elderly patient-centered rehabilitation after cardiac surgery

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    The rate of over-70 year post-surgery patients referred to the Cardiac Rehabilitation Units is increasing. Strategies designed to encourage and facilitate participation in rehabilitation programs in the elderly should be developed. Aim of this paper is to present our elderly-centered program, specifically designed on patient’s needs and frailty, and its short- and medium-term results in 160 consecutive over-70 year patients, admitted in our Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit soon after cardiac surgery. The program was safe, well accepted by the patients, and effective in improving objective and subjective functional status

    Quantum dots labelling allows detection of the homing of mesenchymal stem cells administered as immunomodulatory therapy in an experimental model of pancreatic islets transplantation

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    Cell transplantation is considered a promising therapeutic approach in several pathologies but still needs innovative and non-invasive imaging technologies to be validated. The use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) attracts major interest in clinical transplantation thanks to their regenerative properties, low immunogenicity and ability to regulate immune responses. In several animal models, MSCs are used in co-transplantation with pancreatic islets (PIs) for the treatment of type I diabetes, supporting graft survival and prolonging normal glycaemia levels. In this study we investigated the homing of systemically administered MSCs in a rat model of pancreatic portal vein transplantation. MSCs labelled with quantum dots (Qdots) were systemically injected by tail vein and monitored by optical fluorescence imaging. The fluorescence signal of the liver in animals co-transplanted with MSCs and PIs was significantly higher than in control animals in which MSCs alone were transplanted. By using magnetic labelling of PIs, the homing of PIs into liver was independently confirmed. These results demonstrate that MSCs injected in peripheral blood vessels preferentially accumulate into liver when PIs are transplanted in the same organ. Moreover, we prove that bimodal MRI-fluorescence imaging allows specific monitoring of the fate of two types of cells

    Risk of Seizures in Children Receiving Busulphan-Containing Regimens for Stem Cell Transplantation

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    Busulphan (BU) is associated with neurotoxicity and risk of seizures. Hence, seizure prophylaxis is routinely utilized during BU administration for stem cell transplantation (SCT). We collected data on the incidence of seizures among children undergoing SCT in Italy. Fourteen pediatric transplantation centers agreed to report unselected data on children receiving BU as part of the conditioning regimen for SCT between 2005 and 2012. Data on 954 pediatric transplantation procedures were collected; of them, 66% of the patients received BU orally, and the remaining 34%, i.v. All the patients received prophylaxis of seizures, according to local protocols, consisting of different schedules and drugs. A total of 13 patients (1.3%) developed seizures; of them, 3 had a history of epilepsy (or other seizure-related pre-existing condition); 3 had documented brain lesions potentially causing seizures per se; 1 had febrile seizures, 1 severe hypo-osmolality. In the remaining 5 patients, seizures were considered not explained and, thus, potentially related to BU administration. The incidence of seizures in children receiving BU-containing regimen was very low (1.3%); furthermore, most of them had at least 1deither pre-existing or concurrentdassociated risk factor for seizures. 2014 American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

    Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Based Immunomodulation in Allogeneic Heterotopic Heart-Lung Transplantation

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    Mesenchymal stem cells are able to differentiate in various cell lineages and they have shown immunomodulatory properties in vitro, altering the cytokine secretion profile of T helper, T effector and dendritic cells and stimulating natural killer cells towards an anti-inflammatory and tolerant phenotype. In vivo they prolong skin allograft survival and may decrease graft-versus-host disease after hematopoietic stem cell transplants. In this work we studied the effects of mesenchymal stem cell treatment in an allogeneic heterotopic heart-lung transplant model. The following experimental groups were formed: A) Control B) Immunosuppressive therapy (Cyclosporine A) C) Mesenchymal stem-cell intravenous infusion D) Mesenchymal stem-cell infusion plus immunosuppressive treatment. The infusion of mesenchymal stem cells improved the mean graft survival up to 14.5±3.7 days with respect to the control group (3±0.6 days). Treatment with Cyclosporine A plus mesenchymal stem cells (group D) produced a mean survival time of 18.25±4.9 days, and was not significantly different to the results for group B (21.75±3.5 days). Furthermore, in the immunosuppressive treatment and the mesenchymal stem cell treatment, histological analysis revealed a reduction in the grade of rejection in heart and lung grafts. This decrease was most significant in group D. In conclusion, mesenchymal stem cells alone or in combination with Cyclosporine A were able to prolong graft survival time. These data suggest that, in vivo, mesenchymal stem cells retain their ability, already shown in vitro, to suppress lymphocyte activation and proliferation

    Foscolo critico

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    Il volume, primo della collana open access dei "Quaderni di Gargnano", ospita i contributi presentati al XV Convegno internazionale di Letteratura italiana "Gennaro Barbarisi", tenutosi a Gargnano del Garda dal 24 al 26 settembre 2012. Il "Quaderno", dedicato al Foscolo critico, accoglie contributi di Giovanni Biancardi, Arnaldo Bruni, Andrea Campana, Massimo Castellozzi, Gustavo Costa, Alfredo Cottignoli, Christian Del Vento, Sandro Gentili, Franco Longoni, Ilaria Mangiavacchi, Donatella Martinelli, Giuseppe Natale, Enzo Neppi, Matteo Palumbo, Elena Parrini Cantini, Chiara Piola Caselli. \uc8 aperto da una Prefazione di Claudia Berra, Paolo Borsa e Giulia Ravera.This volume on "Foscolo critico" is the first volume of the "Quaderni di Gargnano", an open access book series which publishes the Proceedings of the "Gennaro Barbarisi" International Conferences on Italian Literature, held in Gargnano del Garda. It contains contributions by Giovanni Biancardi, Arnaldo Bruni, Andrea Campana, Massimo Castellozzi, Gustavo Costa, Alfredo Cottignoli, Christian Del Vento, Sandro Gentili, Franco Longoni, Ilaria Mangiavacchi, Donatella Martinelli, Giuseppe Natale, Enzo Neppi, Matteo Palumbo, Elena Parrini Cantini, Chiara Piola Caselli, preceded by a Preface by the Editor: Claudia Berra, Paolo Borsa, Giulia Ravera
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