940 research outputs found

    The Planetary Nebulae Luminosity Function and distances to Virgo, Hydra I and Coma clusters

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    The luminosity function of planetary nebulae populations in galaxies within 10-15 Mpc distance has a cut-off at bright magnitudes and a functional form that is observed to be invariant in different galaxy morphological types. Thus it is used as a secondary distance indicator in both early and late-type galaxies. Recent deep surveys of planetary nebulae populations in brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) seem to indicate that their luminosity functions deviate from those observed in the nearby galaxies. We discuss the evidence for such deviations in Virgo, and indicate which physical mechanisms may alter the evolution of a planetary nebula envelope and its central star in the halo of BCGs. We then discuss preliminary results for distances for the Virgo, Hydra I and Coma clusters based on the observed planetary nebulae luminosity functions.Comment: 5 pages, one figure. To appear on the Proceedings of the IAU Symp. 289 "Advancing the physics of cosmic distances

    The planetary nebula population in the halo of M87

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    We investigate the diffuse light in the outer regions of the nearby elliptical galaxy M87 in the Virgo cluster, using planetary nebulas (PNs) as tracers. The surveyed areas (0.43 squared degrees) cover M87 up to a radial distance of 150 kpc, in the ransition region between galaxy halo and intracluster light (ICL). All PNs are identified through the on-off band technique using automatic selection criteria based on the distribution of the detected sources in the colour-magnitude diagram and the properties of their point-spread function. We extract a catalogue of 688 objects down to m_5007=28.4, with an estimated residual contamination from foreground stars and background Lyalpha galaxies, which amounts to ~35% of the sample. This is one of the largest extragalactic PN samples in number of candidates, magnitude depth, and radial extent, which allows us to carry out an unprecedented photometric study of the PN population in the outer regions of M87. We find that the logarithmic density profile of the PN distribution is shallower than the surface brightness profile at large radii. This behaviour is consistent with the superposition of two components associated with the halo of M87 and with the ICL, which have different luminosity specific PN numbers, the ICL contributing three times more PNs per unit light. Because of the depth of this survey we are also able to study the shape of the PN luminosity function (PNLF) in the outer regions of M87. We find a slope for the PNLF that is steeper at fainter magnitudes than the standard analytical PNLF formula and adopt a generalised model that treats the slope as a free parameter. Comparing the PNLF of M87 and the M31 bulge, both normalised by the sampled luminosity, the M87 PNLF contains fewer bright PNs and has a steeper slope towards fainter magnitudes.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    Structure of self-assembled Mn atom chains on Si(001)

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    Mn has been found to self-assemble into atomic chains running perpendicular to the surface dimer reconstruction on Si(001). They differ from other atomic chains by a striking asymmetric appearance in filled state scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) images. This has prompted complicated structural models involving up to three Mn atoms per chain unit. Combining STM, atomic force microscopy and density functional theory we find that a simple necklace-like chain of single Mn atoms reproduces all their prominent features, including their asymmetry not captured by current models. The upshot is a remarkably simpler structure for modelling the electronic and magnetic properties of Mn atom chains on Si(001).Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Electronic coupling between Bi nanolines and the Si(001) substrate: An experimental and theoretical study

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    Atomic nanolines are one dimensional systems realized by assembling many atoms on a substrate into long arrays. The electronic properties of the nanolines depend on those of the substrate. Here, we demonstrate that to fully understand the electronic properties of Bi nanolines on clean Si(001) several different contributions must be accounted for. Scanning tunneling microscopy reveals a variety of different patterns along the nanolines as the imaging bias is varied. We observe an electronic phase shift of the Bi dimers, associated with imaging atomic p-orbitals, and an electronic coupling between the Bi nanoline and neighbouring Si dimers, which influences the appearance of both. Understanding the interplay between the Bi nanolines and Si substrate could open a novel route to modifying the electronic properties of the nanolines.Comment: 6 pages (main), 2 pages (SI), accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Fossil group origins: VIII RXJ075243.6+455653 a transitionary fossil group

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    It is thought that fossil systems are relics of structure formation in the primitive Universe. They are galaxy aggregations that have assembled their mass at high redshift with few or no subsequent accretion. Observationally these systems are selected by large magnitude gaps between their 1st and 2nd ranked galaxies. Nevertheless, there is still debate over whether or not this observational criterium selects dynamically evolved ancient systems. We have studied the properties of the nearby fossil group RXJ075243.6+455653 in order to understand the mass assembly of this system. Deep spectroscopic observations allow us to construct the galaxy luminosity function (LF) of RXJ075243.6+455653 down to M*+ 6. The analysis of the faint-end of the LF in groups and clusters provides valuable information about the mass assembly of the system. In addition, we have analyzed the nearby large-scale structure around this group. We identified 26 group members within r200=0.9 Mpc. The LF of the group shows a flat faint-end slope ( -1.08 +/- 0.33). This low density of dwarf galaxies is confirmed by the low value of the dwarf-to-giant ratio (DGR = 0.99 +/- 0.49) for this system. Both the lack of dwarf galaxies and the low luminosity of the BGG suggests that RXJ075243.6+455653 still has to accrete mass from its nearby environment. This mass accretion will be achieved because it is the dominant structure of a rich environment formed by several groups of galaxies (15) within 7 Mpc from the group center and with +/- 1000$ km/s. RXJ075243.6+455653 is a group of galaxies that has not yet completed the process of its mass assembly. This new mass accretion will change the fossil state of the group. This group is an example of a galaxy aggregation selected by a large magnitude gap but still in the process of the accretion of its mass (Abridged).Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, accepted in A&

    The influence of resilience and future orientation on academic achievement during the transition to high school: the mediating role of social support

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    This study applies Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological systems theory to analyse how social support impacts resilience, future outlook, and academic performance during high school transition. Self-report questionnaires were completed by 958 high school students (54.5% female) ages 13–1 (M = 13.72, SD = 0.47). After descriptive and correlational analyses, path analysis explored the mediating function of general social support and its specific manifestations (from family, friends, and significant others). The findings indicate a strong positive correlation among resilience, social support, and academic success, with resilience directly enhancing academic achievement. Both general social support and support from family, friends, and significant others are key in mediating the effects on achievement. This emphasizes the relevance of social networks in educational performance and the need for interventions to build social relationships to promote student resilience and future planning. Long-term consequences of these determinants on educational trajectories should be studied, taking cultural differences into account

    School climate and academic performance of Italian students: the role of disciplinary behaviour and parental involvement

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    Educational researchers have increasingly recognised the importance of school climate as a malleable factor for improving academic performance. In this perspective, we exploit the data collected by the Italian Institute for the Evaluation of the Education System (INVALSI) to assess the effect of some school climate related factors on academic performance of tenth-grade Italian students. A Multilevel Bayesian Structural Equation Model (MBSEM) is adopted to highlight the effect of some relevant dimensions of school climate (students’ disciplinary behaviour and parents’ involvement) on academic performance and their role on the relationships between student socioeconomic status and achievement. The main findings show that disciplinary behaviour, on the one hand, directly influences the level of competence of the students, and, on the other hand, it partly mediates the effect of socioeconomic background whereas parents’ involvement does not appear to exert any significant effect on students’ performance

    What School Factors are Associated with the Success of Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Students? An Empirical Investigation Using PISA Data

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    Many school-level policies, such as school funding formulae and teacher allocation mechanisms, aim at reducing the influence of students’ low socio-economic condition on academic achievement. Benchmarks and indicators based on large-scale international assessments can be used to measure academic success and identify if and when disadvantaged students are successful. We build on such work and develop a new method for identifying a cross-country comparable metric of the academic success of socio-economically disadvantaged students using data from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). We estimate the prevalence of successful disadvantaged students in 56 countries, as well as changes over time between 2006 and 2015. In addition, we focus on the PISA 2015 edition and explore school factors associated with the probability that disadvantaged students will be successful academically in a subsample of 18 countries. Findings reveal that successful disadvantaged students attend schools with a better disciplinary climate and that provide additional time for instruction in key subjects
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