160 research outputs found

    The specific subcellular localization of two isoforms of cytochrome b5 suggests novel targeting pathways.

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    Two forms of cytochrome b5 are present in rat tissues, with a sequence identity of approximately 60% in the cytoplasmically exposed, tryptic fragments (Lederer, F., Ghrir, R., Guiard, B., Cortial, S., and Ito, A. (1983) Eur. J. Biochem. 132, 95-102). It has been suggested that the two isoforms have partially overlapping subcellular distributions, with each form localized to some extent on both endoplasmic reticulum and outer mitochondrial membranes (Ito, A. (1980) J. Biochem. (Tokyo) 87, 73-80). To investigate the degree of specificity of the localization of cytochrome b5 isoforms, we studied their subcellular distributions with antipeptide antibodies, one specific for microsomal cytochrome b5, one specific for outer membrane cytochrome b, and one against a sequence common to the two cytochromes. We first identified outer membrane Cyt b as a tightly bound, Triton X-114-extractable, 23-kDa polypeptide. We then analyzed biochemically characterized rat liver subcellular fractions by Western blotting and found that outer mitochondrial membrane cytochrome b was not present on endoplasmic reticulum membranes. Conversely, microsomal cytochrome b5 was present on outer mitochondrial membranes in extremely low concentration, at a leve

    Coupling Tumor Necrosis Factor-α with αV Integrin Ligands Improves Its Antineoplastic Activity

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    Despite the impressive results obtained in animal models, the clinical use of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF) as an anticancer drug is limited by severe toxicity. We have shown previously that targeted delivery of TNF to aminopeptidase N (CD13), a marker of angiogenic vessels, improved the therapeutic index of this cytokine in tumor-bearing mice. To assess whether the vascular-targeting approach could be extended to other markers of tumor blood vessels, in this work, we have fused TNF with the ACDCRGDCFCG peptide, a ligand of αV integrins by recombinant DNA technology. We have found that subnanogram doses of this conjugate are sufficient to induce antitumor effects in tumor-bearing mice when combined with melphalan, a chemotherapeutic drug. Cell adhesion assays and competitive binding experiments with anti-integrin antibodies showed that the Arg-Gly-Asp moiety interacts with cell adhesion receptors, including αVβ3 integrin, as originally postulated. In addition, ACGDRGDCFCG-mouse TNF conjugate induced cytotoxic effects in standard cytolytic assays, implying that ACGDRGDCFCG-mouse TNF conjugate can also bind TNF receptors and trigger death signals. These results indicate that coupling TNF with αV integrin ligands improves its antineoplastic activity and supports the concept that vascular targeting is a strategy potentially applicable to different endothelial markers, not limited to CD13

    Conformational study of a collagen peptide by 1H NMR spectroscopy: observation of the 14N-1H spin-spin coupling of the Arg guanidinium moiety in the triple-helix structure

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    AbstractCB2, a CNBr peptide of 36 residues from type I collagen α1(I) chain has been studied by NMR spectroscopy as a function of temperature. At low temperature, the guanidinium protons of Arg9 showed sharp 1:1:1 NMR triplets around 6.95 ppm, characteristic of 14N coupled protons (1JNH=52 Hz) when the quadrupolar relaxation rate is drastically reduced. These spectral characteristics and the low temperature coefficient of the 1:1:1 triplets (Δδ/ΔT of −3.6 ppb/°C) suggest that the H atoms of the protonated guanidinium moiety of Arg9 in the triple helix are slowly exchanging with bulk water, most likely involved in hydrogen bonds. On the basis of conformational energy computations on a model segment of type I collagen (Vitagliano, L., Némethy, G., Zagari, A. and Scheraga, H.A. (1993) Biochemistry 32, 7354–7359), similar to CB2, our data could indicate that the guanidinium group of Arg9 form hydrogen bonds with a backbone carbonyl of an adjacent chain probably by using the Nϵ hydrogen, leaving the four Nη hydrogens bound to water molecules that must be in slow exchange with bulk water and that could therefore be considered structural elements of the trimeric α1(I) CB2 triple helix. The behaviour of Arg9 has been investigated also in terms of equilibrium between random monomer and helical trimer conformations controlled by temperature. The thermal unfolding process was found to be reversible and the melting point resulted to be 17°C

    MAB21L2, a vertebrate member of the Male-abnormal 21 family, modulates BMP signaling and interacts with SMAD1

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    BACKGROUND: Through in vivo loss-of-function studies, vertebrate members of the Male abnormal 21 (mab-21) gene family have been implicated in gastrulation, neural tube formation and eye morphogenesis. Despite mounting evidence of their considerable importance in development, the biochemical properties and nature of MAB-21 proteins have remained strikingly elusive. In addition, genetic studies conducted in C. elegans have established that in double mutants mab-21 is epistatic to genes encoding various members of a Transforming Growth Factor beta (TGF-beta) signaling pathway involved in the formation of male-specific sensory organs. RESULTS: Through a gain-of-function approach, we analyze the interaction of Mab21l2 with a TGF-beta signaling pathway in early vertebrate development. We show that the vertebrate mab-21 homolog Mab21l2 antagonizes the effects of Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4 (BMP4) overexpression in vivo, rescuing the dorsal axis and restoring wild-type distribution of Chordin and Xvent2 transcripts in Xenopus gastrulae. We show that MAB21L2 immunoprecipitates in vivo with the BMP4 effector SMAD1, whilst in vitro it binds SMAD1 and the SMAD1-SMAD4 complex. Finally, when targeted to an heterologous promoter, MAB21L2 acts as a transcriptional repressor. CONCLUSIONS: Our results provide the first biochemical and cellular foundation for future functional studies of mab-21 genes in normal neural development and its pathological disturbances

    Spontaneous Formation of L-Isoaspartate and Gain of Function in Fibronectin

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    Isoaspartate formation in extracellular matrix proteins, by aspartate isomerization or asparagine deamidation, is generally viewed as a degradation reaction occurring in vivo during tissue aging. For instance, non-enzymatic isoaspartate formation at RGD-integrin binding sites causes loss of cell adhesion sites, which in turn can be enzymatically "repaired" to RGD by protein-L-isoAsp-O- methyltransferase. We show here that isoaspartate formation is also a mechanism for extracellular matrix activation. In particular, we show that deamidation of Asn(263) at the Asn-Gly-Arg (NGR) site in fibronectin N-terminal region generates an alpha(v)beta(3)-integrin binding site containing the L-isoDGR sequence, which is enzymatically "deactivated" to DGR by protein-L-isoAsp-O-methyltransferase. Furthermore, rapid NGR-to-isoDGR sequence transition in fibronectin fragments generates alpha(v)beta(3) antagonists ( named "isonectins") that competitively bind RGD binding sites and inhibit endothelial cell adhesion, proliferation, and tumor growth. Time-dependent generation of isoDGR may represent a sort of molecular clock for activating latent integrin binding sites in proteins

    The last giant Araucaria trees in southern Brazil

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    Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze is a native tree species of major importance in southern Brazil. It is a regional symbol due to its iconic shape and stature in the landscape; its wood was once economically important and its seeds are an important source of food for the fauna and are presently used in regional cuisine. Despite its importance and apparent abundance, the species is facing extinction mainly as a result of unregulated exploitation and deforestation. This study catalogued the remaining individuals in order to add to the body of knowledge available on A. angustifolia, a species that has become rare across its historic range. The circumference at breast height (1.30 m), the total height, and the tree volume were measured (3,529 araucarias). We catalogued trees with a large diameter measuring them in loco over three years involving a journey of more than 6,800 km. The volumes of these old trees are very large, ranging from 38.2 m3 to 106.6 m3. The largest A. angustifolia individual is located in the state of Santa Catarina and measures 3.25 m in diameter. The giant araucarias with > 2.00 m in diameter are rare and only 13 individuals could be found in southern Brazil; a priority action at the governmental level is to recognize and preserve these monumental trees and together with a need for a public policy of drawing up specific inventories of large trees

    Chromogranin A fragments modulate cell adhesion. Identification and characterization of a pro-adhesive domain.

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    Although several functions have been suggested for chromogranin A, a glycoprotein secreted by many neuroendocrine cells, the physiological role of this protein and of its proteolytic fragments has not been established. We have found that mixtures of chromogranin A fragments can inhibit fibroblast adhesion. The anti-adhesive activity was converted into pro-adhesive activity by limited trypsin treatment. Pro-adhesive effects were observed also with recombinant N-terminal fragments corresponding to residues 1–78 and 1–115 and with a synthetic peptide encompassing the residues 7–57. These fragments induced adhesion and spreading of fibroblasts on plates coated with collagen I or IV, laminin, fetal calf serum (FCS) but not on bovine serum albumin. The long incubation time required for adhesion assays (4 h) and the FCS requirements for optimal adhesion suggest that the adhesive activity is likely indirect and requires other proteins present in the FCS or made by the cells. These findings suggest that chromogranin A and its fragments could play a role in the regulation of cell adhesion. Since chromogranin A is concentrated and stored within granules and rapidly released by neuroendocrine cells and neurons after an appropriate stimulus, this protein could be important for the local control of cell adhesion by stimulated cells

    N-myristoylation determines dual targeting of mammalian NADH-cytochrome b(5) reductase to ER and mitochondrial outer membranes by a mechanism of kinetic partitioning

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    Mammalian NADH-cytochrome b(5) reductase (b5R) is an N-myristoylated protein that is dually targeted to ER and mitochondrial outer membranes. The N-linked myristate is not required for anchorage to membranes because a stretch of hydrophobic amino acids close to the NH2 terminus guarantees a tight interaction of the protein with the phospholipid bilayer. Instead, the fatty acid is required for targeting of b5R to mitochondria because a nonmyristoylated mutant is exclusively localized to the ER. Here, we have investigated the mechanism by which N-linked myristate affects b5R targeting. We find that myristoylation interferes with interaction of the nascent chain with signal recognition particle, so that a portion of the nascent chains escapes from cotranslational integration into the ER and can be post-translationally targeted to the mitochondrial outer membrane. Thus, competition between two cotranslational events, binding of signal recognition particle and modification by N-myristoylation, determines the site of translation and the localization of b5R
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