233 research outputs found

    On a question of KĂŒlshammer for homomorphisms of algebraic groups

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    Some of the work in this paper was carried out by the first author during his PhD [15]. Both authors acknowledge the financial support of Marsden Grants UOC0501, UOC1009 and UOA1021. We are grateful to Dave Benson and GĂŒnter Steinke for helpful conversations. We also thank the referee for their careful reading of the paper.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Transforming bodywork in eldercare with wash-and-dry toilets

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    This paper addresses how the introduction of welfare technologies in Denmark makes the body- work of eldercare an object of public governance, and investigates how wash-and-dry toilets co-constitute professional care work. First, a theoretical frame is established for studying care, with an emphasis on bodywork as a sociomaterial and collective accomplishment. The paper then unfolds the great expectations tied to welfare technologies in general, and wash-and-dry toilets specifically. Turning to differentiated examples of situated uses of the toilets, the complexity of making the toilets work within the context of professional eldercare is illustrated. Some of the uses of the toilets in care work are in concordance with policy expectations. Other uses demonstrate difficulties in satisfying the great expectations and call for a more complex understanding of what it takes to achieve dignified, technologically assisted care without silencing the skills and profes- sionalism of care workers

    The Naturalization of Gender Segregation in a Danish Bank

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    Through a qualitative interview analysis of a document handling department in a Danish bank, this article seeks to illuminate central aspects of how some jobs come to be seen as naturally female. Taking gendered organizational theory and Joan Acker’s concept of an ideal employee as our point of departure, we ask whether women are seen as the ideal employees in this femaledominated job function or as a residual to men as the actual ideal employees. The numerical female dominance in the document handling department is articulated as a matter of competencies, job content, and family obligations – for example, by framing women as good at multitasking, as enjoying routine work, and as primary caregivers. The article argues that this construction both draws on and alters historically formed stereotypes in ways that reinforce the gender segregation of the organization and make it hard to change

    Indflydelse pÄ teknologi forudsÊtter kvalificeret fantasi

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    At teknologiske forandringer har betydning for arbejdet – dets betingelser og indhold samt de ansattes oplevelse af arbejdets formĂ„l og mening – er ikke til at komme udenom (se fx Badham, 2005; Grosen et al., 2021 under udgivelse). Samtidig er teknologi dog ret upolitiseret med hensyn til ansattes indfl ydelse pĂ„ arbejdspladsernes valg og anvendelse af teknologier. Hvis der for alvor skal gĂžres noget ved dĂ©t, er det dog ikke nok at krĂŠve, at de ansatte bliver hĂžrt. Det er ogsĂ„ nĂždvendigt at klĂŠde de ansatte pĂ„ til at kunne tage reel indflydelse, der kan gĂžre en forskel og som med inddragelse af de ansattes viden om arbejdets udfĂžrelse kan kvalificere valg og anvendelse af teknologi. Jeg vil i denne kronik diskutere, hvad det krĂŠver af de ansatte at tage en sĂ„dan indfl ydelse pĂ„ arbejdspladsernes teknologi. Det vil jeg gĂžre ved at argumentere for, at dĂ©t, man kan kalde kvalifi ceret fantasi, er en forudsĂŠtning for reel indflydelse. For at kunne forholde sig til hvilken teknologi og teknologianvendelse, der er hensigtsmĂŠssig, mĂ„ man nemlig vĂŠre i stand til at forestille sig fremtiden med en teknologi – forestille sig hvad teknologien vil betyde for mĂ„den, det daglige arbejder former sig, for hvordan teknologien vil gribe ind i den mĂ„de, man tĂŠnker og udfĂžrer arbejdet og for den mĂ„de, man relaterer til kolleger, ledelse, borgere, kunder, elever etc. Det drejer sig altsĂ„ ikke om hvilken som helst fantasifuld fabuleren, men om fantasi kvalificeret af erfaring med arbejdet

    Design of chainsaw mill with automatic feeder

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    Bakalaureusetöö Tehnika ja tehnoloogia Ă”ppekavalAntud bakalaureusetöö eesmĂ€rgiks on koostada automaatse ettenihkega kettsaeraami eskiisprojekt. Projekteeritaval saeraamil on jaekaubanduses mĂŒĂŒdavatest kettsaeraamidest suurem keti joonkiirus, mis suurendab saeraami jĂ”udlust ja saeketi Ă”litus juhtplaadi mĂ”lemas otsas, et tagada keti piisav mÀÀrimine kaitsmaks ketti, juhtplaati ja veotĂ€hikut kulumise eest. Saeraami projekteerimisel kasutatakse standartooteid, lehtmetallist lĂ”igatud ja painutatud tooteid. Töö kĂ€igus teostati puidu lĂ”ikamise katse ristikiudu ja pikikiudu, et teha kindlaks ettenihke kiiruse erinevus sĂ”ltuvalt puidu kiudude suunast. Katsest jĂ€reldus, et pikikiudu lĂ”igates kulus sama ristlĂ”ikega katsekeha lĂ”ikamiseks 1,5 korda rohkem aega, kui ristikiudu lĂ”ikamisel. Antud katse aitas vĂ€lja selgitada saeraami ettenihke kiirust erinevate mootori vĂ”imsuste ja puidu laiuste korral, et mÀÀrata ettenihke mootori töötamise sagedus vajaliku ettenihke saavutamiseks.The aim of this bachelor thesis is to make design of chainsaw mill with automatic feeder. The projected sawmill has higher chain velocity than in retail sale products, which increases productivity and chainsaw chain has also lubrication in both ends of guide boards to provide sufficient chains oiling. That protects chain, guide board and drive-sprocket from premature wearing. Design of this chainsaw mill will use standard, cut sheet metal and bent products. Experiment was made cutting along the wood grain and crosswise during this work to determine feed velocity dependence on wood grain direction. Conclusion was made that cutting along the wood grain the same cross section took 1,5 times longer than cutting the same cross section crosswise. Given experiment helped to figure out chainsaw feed velocity dependence on different engine power and different wood widths to determine optimal feed velocity motor working frequency

    Revenue Management inom Hotellföretag - En studie av Revenue Management och sex Hotellföretag

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    TITLE: Revenue Management inom Hotellföretag - En studie av Revenue Management och sex olika hotellföretag COURSE: SMKK01, Degree Thesis, Undergraduate Level, 15 ECTS AUTHOR: Jack Duong SUPERVISORS: Eva Åström and Fredrik Nilsson KEY TERMS: Revenue Management, Hotel, Pricing, Marketing, Customer loyalty, Customer Relationship management PURPOSE: This thesis aims to describe and examine how different Hotel companies work with Revenue Management. Furthermore, this thesis also aims to examine potential conflicts between the use of RM and the creation of long-term customer relationship. METHODOLOGY: A qualitative study have been conducted to fulfill the purpose of the thesis. The primary data collection were based on nine interviews with hotel industry practitioners. The secondary data have been collected through various sources of literatur on Revenue management and customer relationship management. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK: The theoretical framework is made up by fundamental theories about Revenue management in which the method, process and Cross’ core concepts and articles from Journal of pricing and Revenue management been of particular importance. The theoretical framework is furthermore made up by theories regarding customer relationship management. EMPIRICAL: The empirical findings is based on nine conducted interviews with hotel industry practitioners. The empirical material shows how the actual Revenue Management work is being conducted at various hotels. The material also shows potential problems that arises between Revenue managements allegedly short-term focus and the creation of long- term customer relationship management. CONCLUSION: This study concludes that the original theoretical framework relatively well match the empirical foundings, However, some differences have been identified. The essay have also shown that Revenue management, if used wrongly could affect the creation of long- term customer relationship in a negative way
