13 research outputs found


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    We argue that managerial overconfidence bias affects working capital management. Overconfident SME managers overestimate their sales growth and underestimate the volatility of cash flow of their firms and thus overinvest in inventory for higher returns if they have enough personal capital or cheaper sources of external capital. An overconfident SME manager will overinvest because of the transactional motive, market signaling effect and market leadership motive. We describe SME managers as overconfident if the person claims to have superior financial ability, perfect industry knowledge and is optimistic in business and thus systematically fail to reduce their personal exposures (maximization wealth) to their firms’ specific risks. Thus, overconfidence can serve as useful framework for most SME managers who make working capital decisions, particularly inventory based on their personal characteristics

    History and development of Spanish-language initiatives in public libraries: a case study, The

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    2018 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.The purpose of this case study is to examine how overall services, programs, resources and collections offered in Spanish have developed over the course of the past century at a single library district in Colorado. The study uses the Hispanic history and current demographics of the regional context as a foundation, as well research supporting both multilingualism and the role that libraries play in creating community cohesion in multicultural and multilingual communities to evaluate the findings. The findings, based on archival research and interviews, include a narrative of the development of the Spanish-language initiatives developed over the course of the past century, and a summary of the challenges and obstacles encountered by the interviewees. Five recommendations are made in response to ongoing challenges and obstacles, ranging from increased promotion of the library to Hispanic families and communities, to increased representation and inclusion of Hispanic community members at all administrative levels and on the library board

    Valse gracieuse /

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    An Analysis of Wellness Programs Offered by Retirement Communities in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia.

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    The purpose of this study is to determine how the residency classifications (nursing home, assisted living, and independently living) of the members of the wellness center effect the way in which wellness services and programs are composed and arranged. Financial arrangements, supervision policies, educational requirements of the personnel who carry out and/or supervise the wellness center and programs, and the types of wellness programs and equipment offered by the wellness centers will be examined to compare the wellness programs provided to nursing home residents, assisted living residents, and independently living residents. The specific questions that will be analyzed to determine differences and similarities between the wellness programs and centers of nursing home residents, assisted living residents, and independently living residents are: 1. What are the policies regarding financial arrangements in conjunction with the services provided for by the wellness center and exercise programs? 2. Ascertain the number of pertinent staff to the wellness facility and define the educational requirements of the staff positions. 3. Explore the wellness programs offered by the wellness center. 4. Examine the fitness equipment offered by the wellness center


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    Abstrakt: Vi lever i ett samhÀlle dÀr informations- och kommunikationsteknik (IKT) förkommer bÄde i skolan och i vardagslivet. SamhÀllet krÀver av barn och ungdomar att de Àr förberedda inför hanteringen av IKT nÀr de kommer ut i yrkeslivet. Detta innebÀr att lÀrarna i dagens skola behöver tillgÄng till IKT för att anvÀnda den som ett pedagogiskt verktyg i sin undervisning. Men frÄgan Àr hur stor erfarenhet och möjligheter lÀraren har kring IKT i sin undervisning. Syftet med detta arbete har varit att undersöka hur lÀrare resonerar kring IKT i skolan för att strukturera undervisningen. Vi ville veta vilken syn lÀraren har pÄ IKT och dess anvÀndning och pÄverkan i undervisningen. Vi har valt att utgÄ frÄn den kvalitativa metoden, dÀr vi har observerat bÄde lÀrare och elever samt intervjuat lÀrarna och en personal frÄn Skoldatateket. Resultatet av undersökningen visade en positiv syn kring anvÀndningen av IKT i skolan. DÀremot förekommer det Àven osÀkerhet kring lÀrarens roll angÄende hur de skulle anpassa IKT till undervisning. Slutsatsen i vÄr studie pekar pÄ att lÀraren anvÀnder digitala verktyg i undervisningen trots att de saknar erfarenhet och kunskap

    Factura, 1912 mayo 30, Madrid, de E. Álvarez, Lonas y Cordelería a Ruiz de Velasco y Martín

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    Factura impresa manuscrita en tinta negraAlcance y contenido: Versa sobre el coste de la adquisición de granadina, indicando cantidad, precio y coste totalEn la parte superior aparece impreso el nombre y dirección del establecimiento: "E. Alvarez / Lonas y cordelería / 6, Botoneras, 6"Aparece el destinatario, sin dirección: "Ruiz de Velasco y Martin"Recibí firmado y rubricado por Enrique ÁlvarezEn el ångulo superior izquierdo: "Mayo 31 1912"Membrete formado por el nombre y la dirección con decoración lineal y vanguardista en tono azul al igual que los diferentes tipos de letras para los datos del establecimientoPapel en color crema con raya

    Factura, 1909 sept. 27, Madrid, de Lonas, Lonetas y otros Tejidos, P. Estapé y Cía. a Sres. Ruiz de Velasco y Martínez, Esparteros, 5

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    Factura impresa mecanografiada en tinta azulAlcance y contenido: Versa sobre el coste de la colocación de una cuerda de cåñamo a un pabellón de la propiedad del destinatario. Precio en pesetasEn el membrete: "Augusto Figueroa, 47 (esq. Barquillo, 13) Madrid"Recibimos firmado y rubricado por P. Estapé y Cía.Membrete en la parte superior con diversa tipografía, con un listado de las actividades realizadas por el establecimiento en rojo, a la izquierda de la cabecera, y un espacio en la parte inferior para indicar la fecha, el nombre del destinatario y el precio en pesetasPapel en color crema con rayas por las dos caras, al verso sin cumplimenta

    Advances in Artificial Intelligence for Infectious Disease Surveillance in Livestock in Zambia

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    The global livestock industry grapples with formidable challenges stemming from the escalation and dissemination of infectious diseases. Zambia, an agricultural cornerstone where livestock is pivotal for economic sustenance and food security, confronts the imperative task of effectually surveilling and managing infectious diseases. This study investigates into the possibilities of the application of artificial intelligence (AI) for infectious disease surveillance in the Zambian livestock sector. The study meticulously scrutinizes the prevailing state of infectious disease surveillance, evaluates the latent capabilities of AI technologies, and critically discusses the intricate landscape of challenges and opportunities entailed in their implementation. In the intricate tapestry of Zambia\u27s economy, livestock farming assumes a central and irreplaceable role, contributing substantially to the well-being and livelihoods of a significant portion of the populace. However, the omnipresent specter of infectious diseases perpetually menaces livestock health, casting a shadow on productivity and economic equilibrium. Conventional methodologies in disease surveillance exhibit inherent shortcomings, characterized by delays in reporting and inherent inaccuracies. This study is an exploration of possibilities of the AI applications designed to fortify infectious disease surveillance within Zambia\u27s livestock domain. The infusion of AI technologies holds the transformative potential to reshape disease monitoring paradigms, enabling early detection and facilitating swift response strategies in the face of emerging threats. The ensuing critical analysis navigates the intricate terrain of the application of AI in the Zambian livestock context, shedding light on its promising prospects, while pragmatically addressing the hurdles that may accompany its incorporation