26 research outputs found


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    Autorice u članku donose prikaz povijesnog i prostornog razvitka Trga Vatroslava Lisinskog u osječkoj Tvrđi, počevši od njegovog formiranja do danas. Na osnovi istraživanja kartografskih prikaza i ostalih dostupnih izvora, prezentirana je detaljna geneza razvoja prostora Trga te mijena njegovih funkcija i naziva. Članak se zaključuje vrednovanjem postojećeg stanja Trga Vatroslava Lisinskog te njegovih potencijala obnove i regeneracije.The paper describes historical and spatial development of Vatroslav Lisinski Square in Tvrđa, Osijek, from its formative beginning to nowadays. Researching historical maps and other available data, a detailed genesis of square’s functions and historical changes is presented. The article concludes with the evaluation of the present condition of Vatroslav Lisinski Square and its potentials for future reconstruction and regeneration


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    River landscapes are perceived and preferred as a particular phenomenon of nature. Planning and management of river areas anticipate conflicts of various interest groups that are most commonly identified in researches as experts and non- experts (the public). The article presents the results of the comparison of student attitudes and those of experts for regional, cross-border area of Slovenia, Hungary and the Croatian landscape transformations on the Drava and the Mura rivers. The questionnaire, which consisted of visual and written parts, explored attitudes on the dimensions of the landscape, linkage with river scenery, views on the transformation of river landscapes and trust in the authorities responsible for planning and management of the river area. The results suggest a common positive platform of trust in a paradigm of sustainable management, and international border rivers management, but also indicate different sensitivity of the observed groups considering the transformation of river landscapes and trust in the authorities.Riječne krajolike se doživljava i vrednuje kao poseban fenomen prirode. Planiranje i upravljanje riječnim prostorom anticipira konflikte različitih interesnih skupina koje se najčešće identificira i u istraživanjima promatra kao stručnjake i nestručnjake (javnost). U članku se iznose rezultati usporedbe stavova studenta i stručnjaka regionalnog, prekograničnog prostornog obuhvata Slovenije, Mađarske i Hrvatske o transformacijama krajolika Drave i Mure. Anketnim upitnikom koji se sastojao od vizualnog i pisanog dijela istraživali su se stavovi o dimenzijama krajolika, povezanost s riječnim krajolikom, stavovi o transformaciji riječnog krajolika i povjerenje u autoritete planiranja i upravljanja riječnim prostorom. Rezultati ukazuju na zajedničku pozitivnu platformu povjerenja u paradigmu održivog upravljanja i međunarodnog upravljanja pograničnim rijekama no ujedno i ukazuju na različitu senzibilnost promatranih grupa obzirom na transformaciju riječnog krajolika i povjerenje u autoritete


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    The article discusses revitalization potential of Baranya's planned settlements. Their revitalization potential is defined through spatial features, the hierarchy of social relations, function analysis and the specifics of individual settlements' locations. The survey covers the area of the Croatian part of Baranya, while the research time frame is determined by the origins of described economic and residential communities in the early 19th century, rapid depopulation of the settlements in the mid 20th century and the present situation. Historical and descriptive analysis shows the context of the emergence of these settlements as well as an example of a settlement that is currently going through a social and architectural revival.U članku se razmatra revitalizacijski potencijal planskih naselja – pustara na području Baranje. Revitalizacijski potencijal definiran je prostornim značajkama, hijerarhijom socijalnih odnosa, analizom funkcija i specifičnostima pojedinih lokaliteta pustara. Promatran je prostor hrvatskog dijela Baranje, a vremenski okvir istraživanja određen je postankom ekonomsko-stambenih zajednica na početku 19. stoljeća, rapidnom depopulacijom ovih naselja šezdesetih godina 20. stoljeća te osvrtom na današnju situaciju. Povijesnom i deskriptivnom analizom prikazan je kontekst nastajanja ovih naseobina kao i primjer pustare koja upravo doživljava revitalizaciju

    Future prospects and protection of spatial model of a traditional Slavonian house

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    Opisuju se načini izgradnje obiteljskih kuća u ruralnim naseljima istočne Slavonije i Baranje. Uz prikaz povijesnog razvitka modela tradicijske slavonske kuće i isticanje problema novije izgradnje obiteljskih kuća, predlažu se smjernice za zaštitu naslijeđenog prostornog modela. Primjenom rezultata ovog istraživanja, ostvario bi se očekivani doprinos u očuvanju tipologije i morfologije slavonskih naselja u skladu s funkcionalnim i oblikovnim zahtjevima suvremenog stanovanja.Methods used for building family houses in the rural communities of eastern Slavonia and Baranja are described. In addition to the review of historical development of traditional Slavonian houses, and the note on the problems encountered in the present-day construction of family houses, guidelines are also given for preservation of the inherited spatial arrangement model. The results gained in the course of this study can be used to make expected contribution to the preservation of typology and morphology of Slavonian communities, in accordance with the functional and form-based requirements of the modern day living


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    Opisuju se načini izgradnje obiteljskih kuća u ruralnim naseljima istočne Slavonije i Baranje. Uz prikaz povijesnog razvitka modela tradicijske slavonske kuće i isticanje problema novije izgradnje obiteljskih kuća, predlažu se smjernice za zaštitu naslijeđenog prostornog modela. Primjenom rezultata ovog istraživanja, ostvario bi se očekivani doprinos u očuvanju tipologije i morfologije slavonskih naselja u skladu s funkcionalnim i oblikovnim zahtjevima suvremenog stanovanja.Methods used for building family houses in the rural communities of eastern Slavonia and Baranja are described. In addition to the review of historical development of traditional Slavonian houses, and the note on the problems encountered in the present-day construction of family houses, guidelines are also given for preservation of the inherited spatial arrangement model. The results gained in the course of this study can be used to make expected contribution to the preservation of typology and morphology of Slavonian communities, in accordance with the functional and form-based requirements of the modern day living.Les méthodes utilisées dans la construction des maisons familiales dans les communautés rurales de Slavonie d'est et de Baranja sont décrites. En plus d'un aperçu du développement historique des maisons traditionnelles en Slavonie, et après la note sur les problèmes rencontrés dans la construction actuelle des maisons de famille, quelques conseils sont également donnés sur la préservation du modèle spatial hérité. Les résultats obtenus au cours de cette étude peuvent être utilisés pour faire une contribution attendue visant à préserver la typologie et la morphologie des communautés slavoniennes, en toute conformité avec les exigences fonctionnelles et plastiques des habitations modernes.Описываются способы строительства семейных домов в поселениях рурального типа в восточной Славонии и Баранье. Помимо обзора исторического развития модели традиционного славонского дома и акцента на проблемы современного строительства семейных домов, предлагаются действия, направленные на сохранение унаследованной пространственной модели. Применение результатов данного исследования внесет ожидаемый вклад в сохранение типологии и морфологии славноских поселений в соответствии с требованиями современного проживания к функциональности и формам.Man beschreibt die Bauarten der Familienhäuser in ruralen Siedlungen des östlichen Slawoniens und der Baranja. Neben der Darstellung der geschichlichen Entwicklung des Modells des slawonischen Traditionshauses und der Betonung der Probleme des neueren Bauens von Familienhäusern gibt man einen Vorschlag von Richtlinien für den Schutz des erebten räumlichen Modells. Durch Anwendung der Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung würde der erwartete Beitrag zur Aufbewahrung der Typologie und Morohologie slawonischer Siedlungen im Einklang mit den Funktional- und Gestalungsanforderungen des zeitgemässen Wohnensverwirklicht

    The Third Mission of the University: The Response of GRAFOS’ Students to the Consequences of Natural Disasters in Croatia 2020

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    The universities of the 21st century are dedicated to three missions - education, science and advancement of the community. The impact of two major earthquakes in Croatia in 2020 as well as the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic, led to the integration of these topics into the educational process at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Osijek (GRAFOS), Croatia. In this example, GRAFOS architecture students designed shelters for people left homeless following natural disasters. The paper presents the process of creating innovative and bold shelter proposals, simultaneously developing students\u27 skills like critical thinking, team work, communication and interpersonal skills


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    In this paper an effort was made to define the actual state of the distribution of social activities in the Croatian part of Baranja in regard to the social functions' development trends and current demo-geographic occurrences. First part of the text studies the relationship between the distribution of social activities and settlements' (administrative units) net in Baranja based on the idea of spatial reflections of legislative settings. The research includes ranking settlements according to their population and according to the provision of social activities, resulting in the density of social activities. The differentiation of ranks following the listed criteria detected problem spots in Baranja's space. In the second part of the text a basis for social activities' growth potential was researched based on natural and structural population migration. Using graphic and tabular descriptions of the administrative units' hierarchy one can transparently distinguish Baranja's two urban focal points (Osijek and Beli Manastir). Results of the research described in the paper present a strong argument for further scientific analysis of the settlement network in Croatian parts of Baranja with the aim of differentiating their specific potential and evaluation of urban and rural "locuses".U radu se analizira aktualno stanje prostornog rasporeda društvenih djelatnosti u hrvatskom dijelu Baranje u odnosu na trend razvoja tih djelatnosti i suvremena demogeografska kretanja. Prvi dio rada istražuje vezu distribucije društvenih djelatnosti i hijerarhije naselja na osnovi pretpostavke o relaciji zakonske definicije društvenih djelatnosti i promatranog prostora. Istraživanje je rangiralo administrativne jedinice Baranje prema populacijskom zaleđu i opremljenosti društvenim djelatnostima čiji odnos je izražen gustoćom društvenih djelatnosti. Diferencija rangova po ta dva kriterija dovela je do detektiranja problemskih točaka u baranjskom prostoru. U drugom dijelu rada istražena je podloga za projekciju daljnjeg razvoja društvenih djelatnosti temeljenih na pokazateljima prirodnog kretanja i promjena u strukturi stanovništva. Tabličnim i grafičkim prikazom ove hijerarhije općina definiraju se radijusi gravitacije dva urbana žarišta prostora Baranje (Osijek i Beli Manastir). Rezultati istraživanja sugeriraju potrebu daljnje znanstvene analize postojeće mreže naselja hrvatske Baranje s ciljem diferenciranja njihovih pojedinačnih potencijala i valorizaciju ruralnih i urbanih "locusa"

    Proučavanje rasporeda društvenih djelatnosti u Baranji - prilog prostornom planiranju

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    In this paper an effort was made to define the actual state of the distribution of social activities in the Croatian part of Baranja in regard to the social functions\u27 development trends and current demo-geographic occurrences. First part of the text studies the relationship between the distribution of social activities and settlements\u27 (administrative units) net in Baranja based on the idea of spatial reflections of legislative settings. The research includes ranking settlements according to their population and according to the provision of social activities, resulting in the density of social activities. The differentiation of ranks following the listed criteria detected problem spots in Baranja\u27s space. In the second part of the text a basis for social activities\u27 growth potential was researched based on natural and structural population migration. Using graphic and tabular descriptions of the administrative units\u27 hierarchy one can transparently distinguish Baranja\u27s two urban focal points (Osijek and Beli Manastir). Results of the research described in the paper present a strong argument for further scientific analysis of the settlement network in Croatian parts of Baranja with the aim of differentiating their specific potential and evaluation of urban and rural "locuses".U radu se analizira aktualno stanje prostornog rasporeda društvenih djelatnosti u hrvatskom dijelu Baranje u odnosu na trend razvoja tih djelatnosti i suvremena demogeografska kretanja. Prvi dio rada istražuje vezu distribucije društvenih djelatnosti i hijerarhije naselja na osnovi pretpostavke o relaciji zakonske definicije društvenih djelatnosti i promatranog prostora. Istraživanje je rangiralo administrativne jedinice Baranje prema populacijskom zaleđu i opremljenosti društvenim djelatnostima čiji odnos je izražen gustoćom društvenih djelatnosti. Diferencija rangova po ta dva kriterija dovela je do detektiranja problemskih točaka u baranjskom prostoru. U drugom dijelu rada istražena je podloga za projekciju daljnjeg razvoja društvenih djelatnosti temeljenih na pokazateljima prirodnog kretanja i promjena u strukturi stanovništva. Tabličnim i grafičkim prikazom ove hijerarhije općina definiraju se radijusi gravitacije dva urbana žarišta prostora Baranje (Osijek i Beli Manastir). Rezultati istraživanja sugeriraju potrebu daljnje znanstvene analize postojeće mreže naselja hrvatske Baranje s ciljem diferenciranja njihovih pojedinačnih potencijala i valorizaciju ruralnih i urbanih "locusa"

    Classrooms of Tomorrow in Facilities from the Past - Architects and Teachers Designing a New School

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    U radu se prikazuje pregled recentnih istraživanja učioničkih prostora kroz vizuru različitih čimbenika koji definiraju izgled i organizaciju prostora za učenje, uz fokus na pojačanu prisutnost informacijsko komunikacijskih tehnologija u nastavi. Pitanja kojih se autori dotiču u radu su znanja potrebna radniku budućnosti, aktivnosti koje se provode u školi kako bi učenik ostvario ta znanja te za to potrebni prostori i njihove interakcije koje podržavaju suvremeno učenje. Članak tematizira korelaciju važnih faktora formiranja učionice 21. stoljeća, od kojih je jedan velika količina i značaj informatičke opreme, a su drugi spoznaje i dostignuća razvoja pedagoške teorije i prakse. Prikazani su primjeri novih školskih prostora koji inkorporiraju opisane moderne koncepte nastave i podučavanja.This paper presents an overview of recent classroom space  studies regarding various factors that define the layout and organization of learning spaces, focusing on the increased presence of information communication technologies in teaching. The issues that the authors are concerned with are skills needed for the future labour market, the educational activities needed to enable learners to acquire those skills and the necessary spaces (and their interactions) that support contemporary learning. The article focuses on the correlation of important factors in the formation of the 21st century classroom, one of which is a large quantity and presence of information technology, and other findings and achievements in the development of pedagogical theory and practice. Examples of classrooms that incorporate the modern concepts of teaching in contemporary schools are illustrated