
Future prospects and protection of spatial model of a traditional Slavonian house


Opisuju se načini izgradnje obiteljskih kuća u ruralnim naseljima istočne Slavonije i Baranje. Uz prikaz povijesnog razvitka modela tradicijske slavonske kuće i isticanje problema novije izgradnje obiteljskih kuća, predlažu se smjernice za zaštitu naslijeđenog prostornog modela. Primjenom rezultata ovog istraživanja, ostvario bi se očekivani doprinos u očuvanju tipologije i morfologije slavonskih naselja u skladu s funkcionalnim i oblikovnim zahtjevima suvremenog stanovanja.Methods used for building family houses in the rural communities of eastern Slavonia and Baranja are described. In addition to the review of historical development of traditional Slavonian houses, and the note on the problems encountered in the present-day construction of family houses, guidelines are also given for preservation of the inherited spatial arrangement model. The results gained in the course of this study can be used to make expected contribution to the preservation of typology and morphology of Slavonian communities, in accordance with the functional and form-based requirements of the modern day living

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