208 research outputs found

    Utjecaj majčinih i fetalnih faktora na uspješnost medikamentozne indukcije poroda

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    Labour induction is the process in which labour is induced mechanically or pharmacologically. The percentage of induced labours is between 1.4% and 32% of the total number of births in the world. The aim of this research is to present the number of medically induced labours from 2012 to 2019 at the Clinic for Gynaecology and Obstetrics of the Clinical Hospital Center in Osijek and to present the success rate of medically induced labour and factors, both maternal and/or foetal which may affect it. Materials and methods: In the study 2361 subjects were included whose births were induced by medication regardless of the indication for medically induced labour, gestational age or mother’s age. χ2 test, Mann Whitney U test, Fisher’s exact test, Kruskal Wallis test (Pot Hoc Conover), and the univariate and multivariate logistic regression model were used. Results: The percentage of inductions was 13.8%. 81% of the child births was completed vaginally , while 19% was completed by the caesarean section. The univariate regression analysis found that meconium amniotic fluid increases the risk of the caesarean section after the labour has been induced. Factors decreasing the possibility of the caesarean section after induced labour include multiparity, women age between 25 and 35 years and women bearing female children. The multivariate statistical regression model found that women over the age of 36 are 1.58 times more likely to have the caesarean section. Women with meconium amniotic fluid are 1.47 times more likely to have the caesarean section. Multiparity in the mother and the female sex of the child reduce the probability of the caesarean section after induced labour (odds ratio (OR) 0.20, P=0.02 and OR 0.84, P=0.09, respectively). Conclusion: The study indicates that multiparity and female gender of child increase the probability of the vaginal birth after the induction, while the mother’s age over 36 and meconium amniotic fluid after the induction increase the risk of the caesarean section.Indukcija poroda postupak je kojim mehaničkim ili farmakološkim putem pokušavamo potaknuti porod. Postotak induciranih porođaja u svijetu mjeri se od 1,4 do čak 32 % od ukupnog broja poroda. Cilj je ovog preglednog rada prikazati broj medikamentozno induciranih poroda u razdoblju od 2012. do 2019. godine na Klinici za ginekologiju Kliničkog bolničkog centra u Osijeku, prikazati uspješnost medikamentozne indukcije poroda te koji od materničnih i/ili fetalnih faktora mogu utjecati na uspjeh indukcije poroda. Materijali i metode: Koristili smo podatke iz rađaonskog protokola Klinike za ginekologiju i porodništvo Kliničkog bolničkog centra u Osijeku. U istraživanje smo uključili 2361 ispitanicu čiji su porodi inducirani medikamentozno. Statistički smo obradili podatke o vrsti indukcije poroda, indikacijama za indukciju poroda te načinu poroda nakon indukcije. Koristili smo χ2 test, Mann Whitney U test, Fisherov egzaktni test, Kruskal Wallis test (Pot Hoc Conover) te model univarijantne i multivarijantne logističke regresije. Rezultati: Postotak indukcija bio je 13,8 %. U 81 % slučajeva porod je dovršen vaginalnim putem, dok je u 19 % slučajeva dovršen carskim rezom. Utvrdili smo da je čimbenik rizika za carski rez nakon indukcije poroda dijagnoza mekonijske plodove vode, dok su čimbenici koji smanjuju vjerojatnost carskog reza – dob majke od 25 do 35 godina, trudnice koje su rodile žensko dijete te trudnice koje su do sada već rađale. Modelom multivarijantne statističke regresije utvrdilo se da žene u dobi iznad 36 godina imaju 1,58 puta veću šansu za carski rez u odnosu na mlađe, a one s prisutnom dijagnozom mekonijske plodove vode 1,47 puta veću šansu za carski rez u odnosu na one koje nemaju navedenu dijagnozu. Multiparitet u majke te ženski spol djeteta smanjuju vjerojatnost carskog reza nakon indukcije poroda (redom OR 0.20, P = 0.02 te OR 0.84, P = 0.09). Zaključak: Studija je pokazala da su multiparitet i ženski spol djeteta protektivni faktori za vaginalni porod, dok su dob majke iznad 36 godina te zelena plodna voda nakon indukcije poroda rizični faktori za carski rez

    Tunnelled haemodialysis catheter and haemodialysis outcomes: a retrospective cohort study in Zagreb, Croatia

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    OBJECTIVES: Studies have reported that the tunnelled dialysis catheter (TDC) is associated with inferior haemodialysis (HD) patient survival, in comparison with arteriovenous fistula (AVF). Since many cofactors may also affect survival of HD patients, it is unclear whether the greater risk for survival arises from TDC per se, or from associated conditions. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine, in a multivariate analysis, the long-term outcome of HD patients, with respect to vascular access (VA). ----- DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study. ----- PARTICIPANTS: This retrospective cohort study included all 156 patients with a TDC admitted at University Hospital Merkur, from 2010 to 2012. The control group consisted of 97 patients dialysed via AVF. The groups were matched according to dialysis unit and time of VA placement. The site of choice for the placement of the TDC was the right jugular vein. Kaplan-Meier analysis with log-rank test was used to assess patient survival. Multivariate Cox regression analysis was used to determine independent variables associated with patient survival. ----- PRIMARY OUTCOME MEASURES: Patient survival with respect to VA. ----- RESULTS: The cumulative 1-year survival of patients who were dialysed exclusively via TDC was 86.4% and of those who were dialysed exclusively via AVF, survival was 97.1% (p=0.002). In multivariate Cox regression analysis, male sex and older age were independently negatively associated with the survival of HD patients, while shorter HD vintage before the creation of the observed VA, hypertensive renal disease and glomerulonephritis were positively associated with survival. TDC was an independent risk factor for survival of HD patients (HR 23.0, 95% CI 6.2 to 85.3). ----- CONCLUSION: TDC may be an independent negative risk factor for HD patient survival

    Yield and Quality Prediction of Winter Rapeseed—Artificial Neural Network and Random Forest Models

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    As one of the greatest agricultural challenges, yield prediction is an important issue for producers, stakeholders, and the global trade market. Most of the variation in yield is attributed to environmental factors such as climate conditions, soil type and cultivation practices. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) and random forest regression (RFR) are machine learning tools that are used unambiguously for crop yield prediction. There is limited research regarding the application of these mathematical models for the prediction of rapeseed yield and quality. A four-year study (2015–2018) was carried out in the Republic of Serbia with 40 winter rapeseed genotypes. The field trial was designed as a randomized complete block design in three replications. ANN, based on the Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno iterative algorithm, and RFR models were used for prediction of seed yield, oil and protein yield, oil and protein content, and 1000 seed weight, based on the year of production and genotype. The best production year for rapeseed cultivation was 2016, when the highest seed and oil yield were achieved, 2994 kg/ha and 1402 kg/ha, respectively. The RFR model showed better prediction capabilities compared to the ANN model (the r2 values for prediction of output variables were 0.944, 0.935, 0.912, 0.886, 0.936 and 0.900, for oil and protein content, seed yield, 1000 seed weight, oil and protein yield, respectively)

    Effect of Tff3 Deficiency and ER Stress in the Liver

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    Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, a cellular condition caused by the accumulation of unfolded proteins inside the ER, has been recognized as a major pathological mechanism in a variety of conditions, including cancer, metabolic and neurodegenerative diseases. Trefoil factor family (TFFs) peptides are present in different epithelial organs, blood supply, neural tissues, as well as in the liver, and their deficiency has been linked to the ER function. Complete ablation of Tff3 expression is observed in steatosis, and as the most prominent change in the early phase of diabetes in multigenic mouse models of diabesity. To elucidate the role of Tff3 deficiency on different pathologically relevant pathways, we have developed a new congenic mouse model Tff3-/-/C57BL6/N from a mixed background strain (C57BL6/N /SV129) by using a speed congenics approach. Acute ER stress was evoked by tunicamycin treatment, and mice were sacrificed after 24 h. Afterwards the effect of Tff3 deficiency was evaluated with regard to the expression of relevant oxidative and ER stress genes, relevant proinflammatory cytokines/chemokines, and the global protein content. The most dramatic change was noticed at the level of inflammation-related genes, while markers for unfolded protein response were not significantly affected. Ultrastructural analysis confirmed that the size of lipid vacuoles was affected as well. Since the liver acts as an important metabolic and immunological organ, the influence of Tff3 deficiency and physiological function possibly reflects on the whole organism

    Confinement of long-lived interlayer excitons in WS 2 /WSe 2 heterostructures

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    Abstract: Interlayer excitons in layered materials constitute a novel platform to study many-body phenomena arising from long-range interactions between quantum particles. Long-lived excitons are required to achieve high particle densities, to mediate thermalisation, and to allow for spatially and temporally correlated phases. Additionally, the ability to confine them in periodic arrays is key to building a solid-state analogue to atoms in optical lattices. Here, we demonstrate interlayer excitons with lifetime approaching 0.2 ms in a layered-material heterostructure made from WS2 and WSe2 monolayers. We show that interlayer excitons can be localised in an array using a nano-patterned substrate. These confined excitons exhibit microsecond-lifetime, enhanced emission rate, and optical selection rules inherited from the host material. The combination of a permanent dipole, deterministic spatial confinement and long lifetime places interlayer excitons in a regime that satisfies one of the requirements for simulating quantum Ising models in optically resolvable lattices

    Uloga odgojitelja u dječjem istraživanju zvuka kroz igru

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    Dijete se danas promatra kao cjelovito biće koje od rođenja uči putem iskustva i istraživanjem svijeta oko sebe. Ono od rane dobi proučava taj svijet te ga upoznaje u dodiru s njegovim elementima putem različitih osjetila: vida, sluha, okusa, opipa, njuha. U predškolskom odgoju, umjetničke i stvaralačke aktivnosti često se koriste s obzirom da je dječji interes za njih velik. Djeca tako postepeno upoznaju i svijet glazbene umjetnosti i vrijednosti same glazbe. Upoznaju je slušajući prvo pasivno, kao pratnju drugih aktivnosti, a zatim i aktivno. No od rođenja, djeca (i prije upoznavanja glazbe) upoznaju i istražuju zvuk. Svijet u kojem žive pruža im mnogo poticaja za istraživanje i upoznavanje zvuka od rane dobi: od majčinog glasa, zvukova životinja i prirode do drugih poticaja kojima su svakodnevno okruženi. Ti poticaji su za dijete velika motivacija za istraživanje no važnu ulogu u poticanju dječjeg istraživanja zvuka u predškolskom odgoju ima i odgojitelj koji raznolikim aktivnostima može potaknuti dječju motivaciju za istraživanje zvuka. Materijali koje odgojitelji pritom mogu koristiti su brojni, a o kreativnosti odgojitelja ovisi u velikoj mjeri i interes djece za ponuđene aktivnosti. Ovaj završni rad pokušava istražiti jesu li odgojitelji svjesni važnosti dječjeg istraživanja zvuka i istraživanja općenito te istražiti njihov stav o interesu djeteta prema glazbi i zvuku, ali i svojoj ulozi u procesu dječjeg istraživanja zvuka. Pokušava istražiti i materijale i načine kojima odgojitelji potiču djecu na aktivnosti i istraživanje zvuka. Prikazuju se rezultati dobiveni anketnim istraživanjem odgojitelja vezanim uz navedeno.Child is today seen an integral being who learns through experience and exploration. Since the early age, child explores the world through different senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell. In preschool, artistic and creative activities are used very often, regarding the fact that children's interest for those is very high. Children also gradually learn about the world of music, art and the value od the music itself. In the begining, children listen passively, to accompany other activities, and then actively. But before exploring music, children explore sound. The world in which they live provides them a lot of impulses to research and explore the sound: their mother's voice, sounds of animals and nature and other impulses which are surrounded by every day. These are often a great motivation for children, but important role in the promotion of children's exploration of sound has the preschool educator who can motivate children through variety of activities. Materials to be used are numerous, but interest of children in the activities depends also on preschool educators. This final thesis attempts to examine whether preschool educators are aware of the importance of children's exploring of the sound and exploring in general, and to investigate their views on the child's interest for music and sound, but also the role of preschool educators in the process of a child's sound exploring. Also, this final thesis is trying to manage materials and the ways in which teachers encourage children to explore activities and sound. In this final thesis, are also given results which are obtained by survey research, related to the above mentioned

    The Labour Market in Times of Economic Crises - The Example of EU Countries

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    Tržište rada smatra se jednim od najkompleksnijih i najosjetljivijih tržišta. Pojava krize, kao neželjenog i neplaniranog događaja ugrožava sve segmente nekog gospodarstva, pa tako utječe i na tržište rada. Kakvo će biti tržište rada na određenom području ovisi o značajkama stanovništva, odnosno uključuje njihov obrazovni sustav, dobno-spolnu piramidu i ostale elemente bitne kod formiranja ponude i potražnje za radom. Svrha analiziranja tržišta rada je formiranje politika koje će djelovati u korist građana i poboljšanja njihovih životnih standarda. Ono je važno mjerilo strukturnih promjena koje se događaju u nekom gospodarstvu, pomaže uvidjeti greške i odstupanja koja se dešavaju, pravovremeno vršiti korekcije i ključne poteze kako bi se gospodarstvo vratilo u ravnotežu. U ovom radu analizirat će se kako se mijenja tržište rada za vrijeme gospodarskih kriza, kakav utjecaj imaju krize na njega i koje su najčešće posljedice. Velika pažnja posvetit će se kretanjima stopa nezaposlenosti i zaposlenosti po raznim karakteristikama te će se obuhvatiti sve zemlje članice Europske unije i stanje u njihovim zemljama za vrijeme kriza. Analizirat će se dvije krize, a u sklopu krize COVID-19 iznijet će se mjere koje su države donijele sa ciljem stabiliziranja uvjeta na tržištu rada.Labor market is considered to be one of the most complex and sensitive markets. The appearance of a crisis, as an unwanted and unplanned event, endangers all segments od an economy, and thus affects the labor market. What the labor market will look like in a particular area depends on the features of the population, this includes their education system, age and gender pyramid and other elements important in the formation of supply and demand for labord. The purpose od analyzing the labor market is to form a policy that will work for the benefit of citizens and improve their living standards. It is an important measure of the structural changes that are happening in an economy, it helps to see the mistakes and deviations, to make timely corrections and key moves to get the economy back into equilibrium. This research work will analyze movement of a labor market during economic crises, what impact crises have on it and what are the most common consequences. The attention will be paid to the movement of the unemplyment and employment rate according to various characteristics, which will include all EU member states and the situation in their countries during crises. Two crises will be analyzed, and as part od the COVID-19 crisis, the measures adopted by the states with the aim of stabilizing labor market conditions will be presented

    Analysis of the relationship between corporate social responsibility and the quality of corporate governance: a case study of Podravka d.d.

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    U ovom diplomskog radu obradit će se tema korporativnog upravljanja, a glavni predmet istraživanja je povezanost društveno odgovornog poslovanja, mjerenog kroz ekonomsku održivost, uključenost društveno odgovornog poslovanja u poslovnu strategiju organizacije i zaštitu okoliša, i kvalitete korporativnog upravljanja mjerenog putem indeksa SEECGAN na primjeru poduzeća Podravka d.d. Korporativno upravljanje definira se kao „metamenadžment“ ili drugačije „menadžment menadžmenta“ s obzirom da uključuje različite veze i interakcije između odbora, uprave, dioničara i svih relevantnih interesnih strana. Važnost korporativnog upravljanja leži u tome što ono donosi stvarne koristi kompanijama te utvrđuje jasan okvir za definiranje i postizanje korporativnih ciljeva. Dobro korporativno upravljanje ključ je koji otvara vrata novim institucionalnim investitorima, što opet vodi daljnjem rastu i razvoju kompanije. Društveno odgovorno poslovanje i kvaliteta korporativnog upravljanja su ključni aspekti suvremenog poslovnog okruženja. Društveno odgovorno poslovanje obuhvaća prakse usmjerene prema društvenoj dobrobiti i ekološkoj održivosti, čime tvrtke prepoznaju svoju ulogu u zajednici. S druge strane, kvalitetno korporativno upravljanje osigurava transparentnost, odgovornost i učinkovito donošenje odluka unutar organizacije. Ovi koncepti sve više privlače pažnju investitora koji prepoznaju da društveno odgovorno poslovanje pridonosi dugoročnoj uspješnosti, dok kvalitetno upravljanje donosi stabilnost i povjerenje. Integracija oba aspekta doprinosi održivom rastu i pozitivnom utjecaju na društvo, okoliš i poslovnu reputaciju.This thesis will deal with the topic of corporate governance, and the main subject of research is the connection between socially responsible business, measured through economic sustainability, the inclusion of socially responsible business in the organization's business strategy and environmental protection, and the quality of corporate governance measured through the SEECGAN index on the example of the company Podravka d.d. Corporate governance is defined as "meta-management" or otherwise "management of management" as it includes various connections and interactions between the board, management, shareholders and all relevant stakeholders. The importance of corporate governance lies in the fact that it brings real benefits to companies and establishes a clear framework for defining and achieving corporate goals. Good corporate governance is the key that opens the door to new institutional investors, which in turn leads to further growth and development of the company. Socially responsible business and the quality of corporate management are key aspects of the modern business environment. Socially responsible business includes practices aimed at social well-being and environmental sustainability, whereby companies recognize their role in the community. On the other hand, quality corporate governance ensures transparency, accountability and effective decision-making within the organization. These concepts are increasingly attracting the attention of investors who recognize that socially responsible business contributes to long-term success, while quality management brings stability and trust. The integration of both aspects contributes to sustainable growth and a positive impact on society, the environment and business reputation