494 research outputs found

    An Agent-Based Representation of the Garbage Can Model of Organizational Choice

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    Cohen, March and Olsen\'s Garbage Can Model (GCM) of organizational choice represent perhaps the first – and remains by far the most influential –agent-based representation of organizational decision processes. According to the GCM organizations are conceptualized as crossroads of time-dependent flows of four distinct classes of objects: \'participants,\' \'opportunities,\' \'solutions\' and \'problems.\' Collisions among the different objects generate events called \'decisions.\' In this paper we use NetLogo to build an explicit agent-based representation of the original GCM. We conduct a series of simulation experiments to validate and extend some of the most interesting conclusions of the GCM. We show that our representation is able to reproduce a number of properties of the original model. Yet, unlike the original model, in our representation these properties are not encoded explicitly, but emerge from general principles of the Garbage Can decision processes.Organization Theory, Garbage Can Model, Agent-Based Modelling

    Different trajectories of industrial evolution : demographical turnover in the European motorcycle industry, 1885-1993

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    Technological innovation is widely considered as one of the most influential determinants of industry evolution. Along this line of inquiry, the seminal work of Tushman and Anderson (1986) presents one of the most compelling theoretical argumentations. Yet, the empirical support for their theory has been relatively weak, and an academic agreement is still lacking about the long-term consequences of technological innovation for the demographic composition of industries. This paper uses the information collected on 1,906 manufacturers during the period 1895 and 1993, to investigate the influence of technological innovation on the evolution of four different organizational populations - i.e. Great Britain, Germany, France and Italy. The findings of this research only partially agree with the theory. Our results show that, while innovations promoted entries, incumbent firms survived to environmental changes. The implications of this work are related to the literatures of strategic management and population ecology.

    Ox-Bezoars and the Materiality of Heian-period Therapeutics

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    Karakteristik Kimia Sosis Broiler yang Diproses Menggunakan Ragam Tepung Sebagai Substitusi Tapioka

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efek ragam tepung sebagai substitusi tapioka terhadap kualitas sosis broiler. Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri atas 4 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan diterapkan dalam penelitian ini. Perlakuan tersebut adalah P1= tapioka 100%, P2= tapioka 75% + tepung talas 25%, P3 = tapioka 75% + tepung ubi jalar ungu 25%, dan P4 = tapioka 75%+ tepung sorgum putih 25%. Variabel yang diteliti adalah kadar amilosa, kadar amilopektin, antioksidan, dan oksidasi lemak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan berpengaruh sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap aktivitas antioksidan dan oksidasi lemak, berpengaruh nyata (<0,05) terhadap amilosa tetapi berpengaruh tidak nyata (P>0,05) terhadap kadar amilopektin. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan ragam tepung sebagai substitusi tapioka 25% menghasilkan sosis broiler dengan karakteristik kimia yang cukup baik. Penggunaan tepung sorgum putih menghasilkan kadar amilosa yang sama dengan tapioka sementara penggunaan tepung ubi jalar ungu menghasilkan sosis dengan aktivias antioksidan yang tinggi dengan oksidasi lemak terendah dan amilopektin yang sama dengan tapioka

    The analysis of multilevel networks in organizations: models and empirical tests

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this recordStudies of social networks in organizations confront analytical challenges posed by the multilevel effects of hierarchical relations between organizational subunits on the presence or absence of informal network relations among organizational members. Conventional multilevel models may be usefully adopted to control for generic forms of non-independence between tie variables defined at multiple levels of analysis. Such models, however, are unable to identify the specific multilevel dependence mechanisms generating the observed network data. This is the basic difference between multilevel analysis of networks and the analysis of multilevel networks. The aim of this article is to show how recently derived multilevel exponential random graph models (MERGMs) may be specified and estimated to address the problems posed by the analysis of multilevel networks in organizations. We illustrate our methodological proposal using data on hierarchical subordination and informal communication relations between top managers in a multiunit industrial group. We discuss the implications of our results in the broader context of current theories of organizations as connected multilevel systems.Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF


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    Latar Belakang : Angka kematian ibu (AKI) dikota kupang mengalami penurunan pada tahun 2016 bila di bandingkan dengan angka kematian pada tahun 2015. Untuk tahun 2016 angka kematian ibu dari data yang dikumpulkan Bidang Kesehatan keluarga terdapat 4 kasus dari 8304 kelahiran hidup dengan angka kematian ibu 2016 yang dilaporkan sebesar 48 kematian per 100.000 kelahiran hidup dibandingkan dengan tahun-tahun sebelumnya yaitu tahun 2015 dilaporkan sebesar 61 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. Jumlah absolute kematian pada tahun 2016 berjumlah 4 kasus dengan rincian penyebab kematian ibu 3 kasus disebabkan oleh perdarahan 1 kasus kematian karena pre-eklamsia Sedangkan angka kematian bayi dikota kupang tahun 2016 sebesar 2.05 per 1.000 kelahiran hidup (DinKes Kota Kupang 2017). Melalui asuhan komprehensif factor resiko yang terdeteksi saat awal pemeriksaan kehamilan dapat segera ditangani sehingga mengurangi factor resiko pada saat persalinan, nifas, dan pada bayi baru lahir. Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan asuhan kebidanan komprehensif dengan menerapkan manejemen kebidanan pada Ny. S.L diwilayah Puskesmas Pembantu Tenau. Metode Penilitian :Laporan Tugas Akhir ini mengunakan metode penelaan kasus, dengan menggunakan format asuhan kebidanan ibu hamil, bersalin, BBL, Nifas dan KB dengan pendokumetasian menggunakan 7 Langkah Varney dan SOAP, dan populasi yaitu ibu trimester III di puskesmas pembantu tenau pada Ny. S.L umur 21 periode 29 juni sampai dengan 30 juni 2018. Hasil : Asuhan kebidanan secara Komprehensif yang diberikan selama masa kehamilannya dalam keadaan sehat dan tidak terdapat tanda-tanda patologi, proses persalinan dari kala I sampai Kala IV berjalan normal, bayi baru lahir dalam keadaan sehat dan tindak menunjuhkan tanda-tanda Patologi, pada masa nifas berjalan normal, konseling ber-KB ibu memilih kotrasepsi Kondom. Kesimpulan : Penulis telah menerapkan asuhan kebidanan secara komprehensif pada Ny. S.L yaitu kehamilan, Persalinan, BBL, Nifas dan Keluarga berecana berjalan dengan norma

    Knowledge sharing in organizations: A Bayesian analysis of the role of reciprocity and formal structure

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this recordWe examine the conditions under which knowledge embedded in advice relations is likely to reach across intraorganizational boundaries and be shared between distant organizational members. We emphasize boundary-crossing relations because activities of knowledge transfer and sharing across subunit boundaries are systematically related to desirable organizational outcomes. Our main objective is to understand how organizational and social processes interact to sustain the transfer of knowledge carried by advice relations. Using original fieldwork and data that we have collected on members of the top management team in a multiunit industrial group, we show that knowledge embedded in task advice relations is unlikely to crosscut intraorganizational boundaries, unless advice relations are reciprocated, and supported by the presence of hierarchical relations linking managers in different subunits. The results we report are based on a novel Bayesian Exponential Random Graph Models (BERGMs) framework that allows us to test and assess the empirical value of our hypotheses while at the same time accounting for structural characteristics of the intraorganizational network of advice relations. We rely on computational and simulation methods to establish the consistency of the network implied by the model we propose with the structure of the intraorganizational network that we actually observed
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