91 research outputs found

    On twisted exterior and symmetric square γ\gamma-factors

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    We establish the existence and uniqueness of twisted exterior and symmetric square γ\gamma-factors in positive characteristic by studying the Siegel Levi case of generalized spinor groups. The corresponding theory in characteristic zero is due to Shahidi. In addition, in characteristic pp we prove that these twisted local factors are compatible with the local Langlands correspondence. As a consequence, still in characteristic pp, we obtain a proof of the stability property of γ\gamma-factors under twists by highly ramified characters. Next we use the results on the compatibility of the Langlands-Shahidi local coefficients with the Deligne-Kazhdan theory over close local fields to show that the twisted symmetric and exterior square γ\gamma-factors, LL-functions and ε\varepsilon-factors are preserved over close local fields. Furthermore, we obtain a formula for Plancherel measures in terms of local factors and we also show that they also preserved over close local fields

    Crisis, armamentismo y la cuestión de la paz

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    La carrera armamentista, la militarización del espacio y el auspicio de guerra no sólo significan enormes gastos que desvían cuantiosos recursos, sino que, demás, inciden de manera directa en las economías latinoamericanas en crisis que agravan los problemas estructurales como la deuda, el desempleo, la producción, la miseria, desnutrición y el analfabetismo. Los esfuerzos realizados contra la guerra y el armamentismo y la lucha por la paz deben ser apoyados, ampliados y fortalecidos

    Artisti in ascesa, caduta e rinascita del pulque nella cultura e nell’identità messicana

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    El pulque, una bebida alcohólica centenaria elaborada con savia de agave, ha sido un componente importante de las culturas e identidades “mexicanas” desde antes de la invasión europea. El autor, a partir de consideraciones sobre su etnobotánica, analiza, en a construcción de una identidad nacional, la relación ambivalente de los artistas mexicanos con la bebida, desde antes de la independencia hasta la actualidad.Pulque, a centuries-old alcoholic beverage made from agave sap, has been an important component of “Mexican” cultures and identities since before the European invasion. The author, starting from considerations on its ethnobotany, analyses, in the construction of a national identity, the ambivalent relationship of Mexican artists with the drink, from before independence to the present day.Il pulque, una bevanda alcolica secolare a base di linfa di agave, è stato una comp o- nente importante delle culture e delle identità “messicane” sin da prima dell’invasione europea. L’autore, partendo da considerazioni sulla sua etnobotanica, artisti messicani con la bevanda, da prima dell’indipendenza fino ai giorni nostri

    Naturaleza: coerción vs.conseso

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    Tesis doctoral inédita de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Departamento de Lingüística. Fecha de lectura: 16-10-200

    How Much to Invest and What Degree to Get? Education As a Strategy on the Labour Market Scale

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    When workers hear about a possible promotion, it is common for them to get training, and they can do so through education. However, there is the possibility that the worker needs to receive a salary according to the knowledge acquired in such training. In this study, considering a population of employed workers with incomplete secondary school, we apply game theory concepts to explore whether workers can train through study. If so, the model shows the percentage of the salary the worker is willing to invest in his education. Furthermore, the cost of studying implicitly involves an opportunity cost, deduced quantitatively in the model. In conclusion, our article defines specific thresholds to decide if the worker should study, the economic investment, and the time he would spend on it, depending on how strict the company is in auditing. The analysis does not define a Nash equilibrium since the company’s reaction is not considered