1,193 research outputs found

    Temperature as a third dimension in column-density mapping of dusty astrophysical structures associated with star formation

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    We present point process mapping (PPMAP), a Bayesian procedure that uses images of dust continuum emission at multiple wavelengths to produce resolution-enhanced image cubes of differential column density as a function of dust temperature and position. PPMAP is based on the generic ‘point process formalism, whereby the system of interest (in this case, a dusty astrophysical structure such as a filament or pre-stellar core) is represented by a collection of points in a suitably defined state space. It can be applied to a variety of observational data, such as Herschel images, provided only that the image intensity is delivered by optically thin dust in thermal equilibrium. PPMAP takes full account of the instrumental point-spread functions and does not require all images to be degraded to the same resolution. We present the results of testing using simulated data for a pre-stellar core and a fractal turbulent cloud, and demonstrate its performance with real data from the Herschel infrared Galactic Plane Survey (Hi-GAL). Specifically, we analyse observations of a large filamentary structure in the CMa OB1 giant molecular cloud. Histograms of differential column density indicate that the warm material (T ≳ 13 K) is distributed lognormally, consistent with turbulence, but the column densities of the cooler material are distributed as a high-density tail, consistent with the effects of self-gravity. The results illustrate the potential of PPMAP to aid in distinguishing between different physical components along the line of sight in star-forming clouds, and aid the interpretation of the associated Probability distribution functions (PDFs) of column density

    Optical Coronagraphic Spectroscopy of AU Mic: Evidence of Time Variable Colors?

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    We present coronagraphic long slit spectra of AU Mic's debris disk taken with the STIS instrument aboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Our spectra are the first spatially resolved, scattered light spectra of the system's disk, which we detect at projected distances between approximately 10 and 45 AU. Our spectra cover a wavelength range between 5200 and 10200 angstroms. We find that the color of AU Mic's debris disk is bluest at small (12-35 AU) projected separations. These results both confirm and quantify the findings qualitatively noted by Krist et al. (2005), and are different than IR observations that suggested a uniform blue or gray color as a function of projected separation in this region of the disk. Unlike previous literature that reported the color of AU Mic's disk became increasingly more blue as a function of projected separation beyond approximately 30 AU, we find the disk's optical color between 35-45 AU to be uniformly blue on the southeast side of the disk and decreasingly blue on the northwest side. We note that this apparent change in disk color at larger projected separations coincides with several fast, outward moving "features" that are passing through this region of the southeast side of the disk. We speculate that these phenomenon might be related, and that the fast moving features could be changing the localized distribution of sub-micron sized grains as they pass by, thereby reducing the blue color of the disk in the process. We encourage follow-up optical spectroscopic observations of the AU Mic to both confirm this result, and search for further modifications of the disk color caused by additional fast moving features propagating through the disk.Comment: Accepted by AJ, 13 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl


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    Micro-fabricated caesium vapour cell with 5mm optical path length

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    Micro-fabricated vapour cells have applications in a number of emerging quantum technology based devices including miniaturized atomic magnetometers, atomic clocks and frequency references for laser systems. Increasing the cell optical path length (OPL) and smallest cell dimension is normally desirable to increase the signal to noise ratio (SNR) and minimize the de-polarization rate due to collisions between atomic or molecular species and the cell walls. This paper presents a fully wafer-level scalable fabrication process to manufacture vapour cells with dimensions approaching those of glass-blown cells. The fabrication process is described and spectroscopic measurements (optical absorption and magnetic resonance) are reported. A magnetic resonance linewidth of 350 Hz is demonstrated, this is the smallest linewidth reported to date for a micro-fabricated vapour cell

    Acute cardiorespiratory responses to inspiratory pressure threshold loading

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    This is a non-final version of an article (under the working title "Acute cardiovascular and ventilatory responses to inspiratory pressure threshold loading") published in final form in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 42(9), 1696-1703, 2010 .Purpose: We tested the acute responses to differing pressure threshold inspiratory loading intensities in well-trained rowers. The purpose of this study was to evaluate 1) how the magnitude of inspiratory pressure threshold loading influences repetition maximum (RM), tidal volume (VT), and external work undertaken by the inspiratory muscle; and 2) whether the inspiratory muscle metaboreflex is activated during acute inspiratory pressure threshold loading. Methods: Eight males participated in seven trials. Baseline measurements of maximal inspiratory pressure (PImax), resting tidal volume (VT), and forced vital capacity (FVC) were made. During the remaining sessions, participants undertook a series of resistive inspiratory breathing tasks at loads corresponding to 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, and 90% of PImax using a pressure threshold inspiratory muscle trainer. The number of repetitions completed at each load, VT, heart rate (fc), and measures of arterial blood pressure was assessed continuously during each trial. Results: A standardized cutoff of 10% FVC was used to define the RM, which decreased as loading intensity increased (P < 0.05). This response was nonlinear, with an abrupt decrease in RM occurring at loads ≥70% of PImax. The most commonly used inspiratory muscle training regimen of 30RM corresponded to 62.5% ± 4.6% of PImax and also resulted in the highest external work output. Tidal volume (VT) decreased significantly over time at 60%, 70%, and 80% of PImax (P < 0.05), as did the amount of external work completed (P<0.05). Conclusions: Although all loads elicited a sustained increase in fc, only the 60% load elicited a sustained rise in mean arterial blood pressure (P = 0.016), diastolic blood pressure (P = 0.015), and systolic blood pressure (P = 0.002), providing evidence for a metaboreflex response at this load

    Improving Refrigerant Flammability Limit Test Methods Based on ASTM E681

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    An improved test method for refrigerant flammability limit measurements is presented. Such measurements are essential for determining the lower flammability limits of refrigerants, and thus their safety classifications. Predicated on expert interviews and experiments, several changes to ASTM E681 and related standards are recommended, as follows. The 12 L glass vessel should be replaced with transparent polycarbonate (or other transparent plastic) to eliminate etching by HF and to facilitate vessel penetrations. The orientation of the electrode supports and the temperature probe should be changed from vertical to horizontal to prevent flame quenching. Venting should not occur before the flame stops propagating near the vessel wall. All penetrations should be removed from the rubber stopper, it should be weighted for a total mass of 2.5 kg, and the initial pressure should be 90 kPa absolute. The flame angle should be plotted versus refrigerant concentration, whereby a least-squares line determines the flammability limit at a flame angle of 90°. Finally, the vessel pressure should be measured during each test to evaluate the pressure rise during flame propagation and to help identify the onset of venting. These changes are relatively easy to implement and they improve the test precision and reproducibility without significantly changing previously established flammability limits

    A Coordinated X-ray and Optical Campaign of the Nearby Massive Binary δ\delta Orionis Aa: II. X-ray Variability

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    We present time-resolved and phase-resolved variability studies of an extensive X-ray high-resolution spectral dataset of the δ\delta Orionis Aa binary system. The four observations, obtained with Chandra ACIS HETGS, have a total exposure time of ~479 ks and provide nearly complete binary phase coverage. Variability of the total X-ray flux in the range 5-25 A˚\AA is confirmed, with maximum amplitude of about +/-15% within a single ~125 ks observation. Periods of 4.76d and 2.04d are found in the total X-ray flux, as well as an apparent overall increase in flux level throughout the 9-day observational campaign. Using 40 ks contiguous spectra derived from the original observations, we investigate variability of emission line parameters and ratios. Several emission lines are shown to be variable, including S XV, Si XIII, and Ne IX. For the first time, variations of the X-ray emission line widths as a function of the binary phase are found in a binary system, with the smallest widths at phase=0.0 when the secondary δ\delta Orionis Aa2 is at inferior conjunction. Using 3D hydrodynamic modeling of the interacting winds, we relate the emission line width variability to the presence of a wind cavity created by a wind-wind collision, which is effectively void of embedded wind shocks and is carved out of the X-ray-producing primary wind, thus producing phase-locked X-ray variability.Comment: 36 pages, 14 Tables, 19 Figures, accepted by ApJ, one of 4 related papers to be published togethe

    A Coordinated X-ray and Optical Campaign on the Nearest Massive Eclipsing Binary, Delta Ori Aa: I. Overview of the X-ray Spectrum

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    We present an overview of four phase-constrained Chandra HETGS X-ray observations of Delta Ori A. Delta Ori A is actually a triple system which includes the nearest massive eclipsing spectroscopic binary, Delta Ori Aa, the only such object which can be observed with little phase-smearing with the Chandra gratings. Since the fainter star, Delta Ori Aa2, has a much lower X-ray luminosity than the brighter primary, Delta Ori A provides a unique system with which to test the spatial distribution of the X-ray emitting gas around Delta Ori Aa1 via occultation by the photosphere of and wind cavity around the X-ray dark secondary. Here we discuss the X-ray spectrum and X-ray line profiles for the combined observation, having an exposure time of nearly 500 ksec and covering nearly the entire binary orbit. Companion papers discuss the X-ray variability seen in the Chandra spectra, present new space-based photometry and ground-based radial velocities simultaneous with the X-ray data to better constrain the system parameters, and model the effects of X-rays on the optical and UV spectrum. We find that the X-ray emission is dominated by embedded wind shock emission from star Aa1, with little contribution from the tertiary star Ab or the shocked gas produced by the collision of the wind of Aa1 against the surface of Aa2. We find a similar temperature distribution to previous X-ray spectrum analyses. We also show that the line half-widths are about 0.3−0.5×0.3-0.5\times the terminal velocity of the wind of star Aa1. We find a strong anti-correlation between line widths and the line excitation energy, which suggests that longer-wavelength, lower-temperature lines form farther out in the wind. Our analysis also indicates that the ratio of the intensities of the strong and weak lines of \ion{Fe}{17} and \ion{Ne}{10} are inconsistent with model predictions, which may be an effect of resonance scatteringComment: accepted by ApJ; revised according to ApJ proo
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