130 research outputs found

    F18RS SGFB No. 7 (Lighting)

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    A FINANCE BILL To Appropriate A Maximum of Eighteen Thousand Dollars and zero cents (18,000.00)FromtheStudentSenateInitiativesAccountToAidLSUFacilityServicesInFundingTheThirtySixThousandDollar(18,000.00) From the Student Senate Initiatives Account To Aid LSU Facility Services In Funding The Thirty-Six Thousand Dollar (36,000) Installation Of Lighting Along The Walkway Between the Patrick F. Taylor and Energy, Coast & Environment Parking Lots Located On South Quad Dr


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    The modern world with linked and interpenetrating processes more and more often raises pressing issues of security and stability. However, in the past the term "security" was used in a broad strategic sense of the word (for example when describing country's border safety or territorial integrity, etc.), nowadays this term is infl uenced by economic factors such as an important issue of security of energy supply. This issue should not be underestimated, even though it does not seem to play an important role in the country's security. The oil crises of the late 20th and the early 21st centuries have proved how much the global economy depends on the price of energy resources, an increase in which might provoke a dramatic recession not only in any given country but throughout the world.The traditional view holds that Russia could not be aff ected or infl uenced by any energy issues, since it has some of the richest energy resources in the world, hence the rising issues of security of energy supply were mostly neglected. However, the last few years have revealed the fl aws and shortsightedness of this approach. Irregularities in energy supply, the increasing shortages of natural gas and problems related to its transit to Europe are the first signs of forthcoming problems. If these problems are persistently ignored, it might lead to a full-scale energy crisis within the next few years. All of the above highlights the relevancy of the present article.The purpose of this article is to determine Russia's strategic interests in the area of global security of energy supply.With this in view the following objectives have been accomplished: The term of "security of energy supply" was defined in relation to the Russian Federation; Russia's energy policy was examined and analyzed; Priority tasks and objectives for Russia in the field of security of energy supply were defined.В современном глобальном мире, где все процессы являются взаимосвязанными и взаимопроникающими, вопросы стабильности и безопасности всё чаще выходят на передний план. Но если ранее под безопасностью понималась, главным образом, больше её стратегическая составляющая (например, целостность страны, надёжность границ и т.д.), то сейчас в этом определении возрастает роль экономических факторов, в частности, крайнюю важность представляют вопросы энергетической без- опасности. Не стоит недооценивать этот фактор, который, на первый взгляд, имеет мало общего с вопросами безопасности страны. Нефтяные потрясения второй половины XX – начала XXI века наглядно продемонстрировали, насколько сильно мировая экономика зависит от цен на энергоносители, рост которых может спровоцировать сильнейший экономический спад не только в отдельной стране, но и по всему миру.Традиционно считалось, что России не грозят какие-либо существенные проблемы, связанные с энергетикой, поскольку Россия обладает богатейшими запасами энергоносителей, поэтому вопросы энергетической безопасности отходили на второй план. Но опыт последних лет показал, что этот путь ошибочен. Перебои с поставками электроэнергии, нарастающий дефицит природного газа и проблемы с его транзитом в Европу – все это лишь первые признаки будущих проблем. Если игнорировать имеющи- еся проблемы, то в ближайшие годы они могут найти отражение в полномасштабном энергетическом кризисе. Все отмеченное выше определяет актуальность данной статьи.Целью статьи является определение стратегических интересов России в сфере международной энергетической безопасности.Для достижения указанной цели в работе решены следующие задачи: сформулировано понятие «энергетической безопасности» применительно к Российской Федерации; исследованы стратегические направления энергетической политики России; определены первостепенные задачи для России в сфере энергетической безопасности


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    In the article the questions of modern situation of the development of oil and gas branch of Russian economy are arisen with the accent to the problems, difficulties and role of high technologies in their overcoming. The comparative analysis of investment volumes and their efficiency in oil and gas branch of different countries is made. There is an attempt to investigate the reasons of the modern situation of this branch of economy and to give some recommendations.В статье затронуты вопросы состояния развития нефтегазовой отрасли экономики России на современном этапе с акцентом на проблемы и трудности, показаны роль и место новых технологий в их преодолении. Проведено сравнение объемов инвестиций в нефтегазовый сектор и их эффективности по разным странам мира. Сделана попытка выявить причины современного состояния дел в отрасли и дать соответствующие рекомендации

    Potential of the TikTok to Promote the Festival Ural Music Night

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    В условиях перехода общества в онлайн-среду продвижение в социальных сетях становится необходимым элементом стратегии каждой организации. За последний год пользователи и компании резко увеличили интерес к онлайн-платформе TikTok, так что она постепенно перестает быть местом для подростков и наполняется состоятельной аудиторией, основными потребителями большинства продуктов. Однако категория контента, связанная с культурными мероприятиями, в этой социальной сети остается практически не заполненной. В статье будут рассмотрены возможности продвижения фестиваля в TikTok на примере Ural Music Night.The context of the transition of society to an online environment, promotion in social networks becomes a necessary element of the strategy of each organization. Over the past year, users and businesses have increased their interest in the online platform TikTok. It gradually ceases to be a place for teenagers and is filled with a wealthy audience, the main consumers of most products. However, the category of content related to cultural events in this social network remains almost empty. The article will consider the possibilities of promoting the festival in TikTok on the example of Ural Music Night


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    This paper analyzes the past and current situation of geological exploration drilling on the Arctic region continental shelf. Along with climate conditions, the strategy of drilling is greatly infl uenced by technical accessibility of licensed sites, the latter depending on achieved level of equipment and technologies. Since 2014 the USA, the European Union countries and a number of other states have imposed sanctions against Russia. Sectoral sanctions, prohibiting access to technologies employed in the Arctic region shelf projects, have become an important part of these sanctions. This research is aimed at assessing the infl uence of sectoral anti-Russian sanctions on geological exploration drilling in the Arctic seas. The choice of geological exploration drilling is not accidental as the majority of Russian Arctic projects are at this particular stage now.Over the recent forty years, the country has accumulated considerable practical experience of conducting geological exploration drilling and the Arctic region field development. Our analysis demonstrates that modern Russia has necessary technologies for exploration and field development in the Arctic region. In fact, Russia is the only country, which actually continues its operations in the Arctic region amid a sharp decline of oil prices. Imposing sectoral sanctions related to equipment and technologies of developing the Russian Arctic shelf is inefficient.It is forecasted that in the coming decade, the continuing global warming process will make the majority of regions of the Barents Sea and the Kara Sea – where a number of large and gigantic fields have already been discovered – more accessible for conducting geological exploration drilling. It is possible to use here the traditional types of off shore drilling units with a low ice rate. This will totally eliminate any technical and technological problems of drilling. The USA are expected to enter the market of arctic hydrocarbons from new fields by the middle of the 30s of the 21 century. One can forecast a substantial output from exploiting Russian fields to be achieved by the same time. Hence, imposed sanctions are mainly aimed at delaying the implementation of Russian Arctic region projects and synchronizing them with American projects in order to create extra competition for Russian oil industry and for selling its products on the global market.Low global price for hydrocarbons and financial sanctions can exert more infl uence on the development of Russian Arctic fields than restricted access to equipment and technologies.В работе проанализирован опыт и текущее состояние геолого-разведочного бурения на арктическом континентальном шельфе. На стратегию бурения, наряду с природно-климатическими условиями, существенно влияет техническая доступность лицензионных участков, которая определяется достигнутым уровнем техники и технологий.С 2014 г. США, странами Евросоюза и рядом других государств были введены санкции против России. Их важным элементом стали секторальные санкции, касающиеся запрета на доступ к технологиям, используемым в проектах на арктическом шельфе. Цель работы состояла в оценке степени влияния секторальных антироссийских санкций на геолого-разведочное бурение в арктических морях. Геолого-разведочное бурение объектом исследования было выбрано не случайно, так как именно на этом этапе находится большинство российских арктических проектов. За последние сорок лет в стране был накоплен значительный практический опыт проведения геолого-разведочных работ и разработки арктических месторождений. Анализ показал, что в современной России имеются необходимые технологии для разведки и освоения месторождений Арктике. По факту Россия является единственной страной, реально продолжающей работы в Арктике в условиях резкого падения цен на нефть. Введенные секторальные санкции, касающиеся техники и технологии освоения арктического шельфа России, являются мифическими.Прогнозируется, что продолжающийся процесс глобального потепления сделает в ближайшие десятилетие еще более доступными для проведения геолого-разведочного бурения большинство районов Баренцева и Карского морей, в которых уже открыт ряд крупных и гигантских месторождений. Здесь будет возможно использование традиционных типов морских буровых установок с низким ледовым классом. Тем самым технические и технологические проблемы бурения будут сняты полностью.В США выход на рынок арктических углеводородов с новых месторождений ожидается к середине 30-х годов XXI века. К этому же времени можно прогнозировать существенную отдачу от введения в разработку российских месторождений. Т. е. введение санкций, в основном, направлено на задержку реализации российских арктических проектов и их синхронизацию с американскими, чтобы гарантированно создать дополнительную конкуренцию для российской нефтяной промышленности и сбыту ее продукции на мировом рынке.Более значимое влияние на освоение арктических месторождений России, нежели ограничения в технике и технологии, могут оказать низкая мировая цена на углеводороды и финансовые санкции

    Educational Policy of Kazakhstan in the Context of Youth Migration

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    Educational migration largely determines the dynamics and nature of the country’s economic development and is viewed as a factor in increasing the country’s competitiveness and building up human capital. In this context, an increasing problem for Kazakhstan is the regulation of educational migration in the context of fierce competition in the international market of educational services.A review of publications showed that the issues of regulating educational migration from Kazakhstan are not widely covered in scientific discourse. There are practically no scientific works on the political and legal aspects of youth migration. But even if there are such publications, then, as a rule, they are devoted to the analysis of youth migration in Central Asia in general. The relevance of the study is determined by the gradual expansion of educational contacts of Kazakhstan with other countries and the need to identify the competitive advantages of foreign educational systems over the national higher education system of Kazakhstan.The purpose of the article is to consider the main motives, causes and consequences of educational migration from Kazakhstan, to analyze the activities of the authorities and ways of regulating youth migration, develop new effective methods for regulating external migration processes and provide recommendations on minimizing the risks associated with the outflow of young people from the country.In order to identify the main trends and development of educational migration from Kazakhstan, the study was carried out on the basis of collecting information through a questionnaire, as well as its detailed processing and content analysis. Kazakhstani students studying in Russia took part in the survey. The sample consisted of 183 people.As a result of the study, the main reasons for the dynamic growth of educational migration from Kazakhstan were identified, such as the high quality of education abroad, the availability of education in Russian universities, comfortable learning and living conditions for Kazakhstanis, etc. Recommendations for authorities on regulating educational migration that can be used by other countries facing the problem of the outflow of youth abroad in order to receive education. The results of this work can be useful to scientists and teachers engaged in research on various aspects of educational migration in Kazakhstan

    Inferring on the intentions of others by hierarchical Bayesian learning

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    Inferring on others' (potentially time-varying) intentions is a fundamental problem during many social transactions. To investigate the underlying mechanisms, we applied computational modeling to behavioral data from an economic game in which 16 pairs of volunteers (randomly assigned to "player" or "adviser" roles) interacted. The player performed a probabilistic reinforcement learning task, receiving information about a binary lottery from a visual pie chart. The adviser, who received more predictive information, issued an additional recommendation. Critically, the game was structured such that the adviser's incentives to provide helpful or misleading information varied in time. Using a meta-Bayesian modeling framework, we found that the players' behavior was best explained by the deployment of hierarchical learning: they inferred upon the volatility of the advisers' intentions in order to optimize their predictions about the validity of their advice. Beyond learning, volatility estimates also affected the trial-by-trial variability of decisions: participants were more likely to rely on their estimates of advice accuracy for making choices when they believed that the adviser's intentions were presently stable. Finally, our model of the players' inference predicted the players' interpersonal reactivity index (IRI) scores, explicit ratings of the advisers' helpfulness and the advisers' self-reports on their chosen strategy. Overall, our results suggest that humans (i) employ hierarchical generative models to infer on the changing intentions of others, (ii) use volatility estimates to inform decision-making in social interactions, and (iii) integrate estimates of advice accuracy with non-social sources of information. The Bayesian framework presented here can quantify individual differences in these mechanisms from simple behavioral readouts and may prove useful in future clinical studies of maladaptive social cognition

    Religious and Theological Concepts of Islam in Bashkir, Uzbek and Tajik Proverbs: A Perspective from the Theory of Cultural and Linguistic Transfer

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    Introduction. The article shows how Bashkir, Uzbek and Tajik proverbs reflect religious ideas of the Islamic peoples. Goals. The study examines a certain thematic group of Bashkir, Tajik and Uzbek proverbs containing religious and theological concepts to illustrate how the Muslim profession of faith yielded somewhat linguistic and cultural transfer. Materials and methods. The paper analyzes patterns contained in the authors’ proverbial database compiled via continuous sampling from a variety of dictionaries (75 publications) and survey results of different aged Bashkir, Tajik and Uzbek native speakers (20 individuals). The employed techniques rest on value criteria when it comes to select value constants, highlight some semantic condensate, and conduct comparative analyses. Results. The contrastive insights into proverbial collections of the three languages that form a sort of a triangle of interconnections (Bashkir and Uzbek — cognate languages, Tajik and Uzbek — contacting ones) are indicative of which religious and theological ideas of Islam did prove most required by the latter’s speakers, stable in relation to external influences, and would receive further axiological comprehension as ‘their own’. Conclusions. The identification of semantic dominants shows a commonality of the languages under consideration. The partial coincidence of the three paremiological clusters is explained by the cultural and linguistic transfer, when Muslim ideas penetrated into the Turkic language environment through Iran and its cultural mediation, while it is through Central Asia that the former arrived in the South Urals. All this attests to a complicated and multi-stage cultural and linguistic transfer ignited by Islam