49 research outputs found


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    The article analyzed the problem of development of communicative competence of future doctors in the process of their professional training. The characteristic features of the physician communicative competent are distinguished. As a result of research, a peculiarity of communicators is highlighted. A slight percentage of the surveyed have quite significant personal problems that require long-term psychotherapeutic work, that should precede measures directly aimed to the development of their communicative competence. Models of communicative competence development are considered. It is presented a fairly a common feature, namely: competence in communication is understood as a result of quantitative accumulation of communication skills. It is assumed that at some point this number translates the person to a qualitatively new level of communicative behavior. Communicative skills are regarded as means of overcoming the drama of communication. The meaning of the training in the context of professional training of specialists are emphasized and substantiated. The basic training of communicative competence should be focused on developing the skills of active listening and regulation of emotional tension, since these skills allow to greatly solve the drama of communication. The logic scheme of the training is proposed based on the fact that the professional communication of a doctor is considered as a sequence of communication tasks of varying degrees of complexity. The task of the training was to correct the settings of participants regarding communication with people in general and patients in particular; development of abilities to action in unusual situations, forecasting the consequences of people's interaction. In accordance with these tasks, a meaningful group operation is highlighted. The implementation of the program included the use of various psychotechnical methods of work: exercises, rehearsal of behavior, situational and role-playing games, group discussions and discussions, bodily and motor techniques.У статті аналізується проблема розвитку комунікативної компетентності майбутніх лікарів у процесі їх професійної підготовки. Виділено характерні риси комунікативно компетентного лікаря. У результаті дослідження виділено особливість комунікаторів. Незначний відсоток досліджуваних має досить суттєві особистісні проблеми, які потребують тривалої психотерапевтичної роботи, що повинна передувати заходам, безпосередньо спрямованим на розвиток їхньої комунікативної компетентності. Розглянуті моделі розвитку комунікативної компетентності. Представлена досить поширена спільна риса, а саме: компетентність у спілкуванні розуміється як результат кількісного накопичення комунікативних навичок. Передбачається, що у якийсь момент ця кількість переводить особистість на якісно новий рівень комунікативної поведінки. Комунікативні вміння розглядаються як засоби подолання драми спілкування. Підкреслюється та обґрунтовується значення тренінгу у контексті завдань професійної підготовки фахівців. У базовому тренінгу комунікативної компетентності варто зосередитися на розвитку вмінь активного слухання та регуляції емоційної напруги, оскільки дані вміння дозволяють значною мірою вирішити драми спілкування. Запропонована структурно-логічна схема побудови тренінгової роботи ґрунтується на тому, що професійне спілкування лікаря розглядається як послідовність комунікативних завдань різного ступеня складності. Завданням тренінгу була корекція установок учасників стосовно спілкування з людьми взагалі та пацієнтами зокрема; розвиток здатностей до дій у нестандартних ситуаціях, прогнозування наслідків взаємодії людей. Відповідно до цих завдань виділені змістовні блоки групової роботи. Реалізація програми передбачала використання різноманітних психотехнічних прийомів роботи: вправ, репетиції поведінки, ситуаційно-рольових ігор, групових обговорень і дискусій, тілесно-рухових технік

    Educational Policy of Kazakhstan in the Context of Youth Migration

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    Educational migration largely determines the dynamics and nature of the country’s economic development and is viewed as a factor in increasing the country’s competitiveness and building up human capital. In this context, an increasing problem for Kazakhstan is the regulation of educational migration in the context of fierce competition in the international market of educational services.A review of publications showed that the issues of regulating educational migration from Kazakhstan are not widely covered in scientific discourse. There are practically no scientific works on the political and legal aspects of youth migration. But even if there are such publications, then, as a rule, they are devoted to the analysis of youth migration in Central Asia in general. The relevance of the study is determined by the gradual expansion of educational contacts of Kazakhstan with other countries and the need to identify the competitive advantages of foreign educational systems over the national higher education system of Kazakhstan.The purpose of the article is to consider the main motives, causes and consequences of educational migration from Kazakhstan, to analyze the activities of the authorities and ways of regulating youth migration, develop new effective methods for regulating external migration processes and provide recommendations on minimizing the risks associated with the outflow of young people from the country.In order to identify the main trends and development of educational migration from Kazakhstan, the study was carried out on the basis of collecting information through a questionnaire, as well as its detailed processing and content analysis. Kazakhstani students studying in Russia took part in the survey. The sample consisted of 183 people.As a result of the study, the main reasons for the dynamic growth of educational migration from Kazakhstan were identified, such as the high quality of education abroad, the availability of education in Russian universities, comfortable learning and living conditions for Kazakhstanis, etc. Recommendations for authorities on regulating educational migration that can be used by other countries facing the problem of the outflow of youth abroad in order to receive education. The results of this work can be useful to scientists and teachers engaged in research on various aspects of educational migration in Kazakhstan

    The use of microarrays for the identification of the origin of genes of avian influenza viruses in wild birds

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    Forty-two strains of avian influenza viruses were isolated from the wild waterfowls’ feces in the city of Moscow. These viruses, as well as reference strains and some experimental reassortants, were analyzed by microarrays. The microarrays contained 176 probes to the different segments of influenza virus genome. The microarray helps to determine 1) the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase proteins subtype; 2) the primary structure of the C-terminal sequence of the viral NS1 protein, which serves as a ligand for the PDZ domain; 3) the presence of stop codons in the reading frame of PB1-F2 as well as the N66S substitution in the PB1-F2 viral protein; 4) the presence of the polybasic site for hemagglutinin cleavage. The viruses of the H3N1, H3N6, H3N8, H4N6, H1N1, H5N3, and H11N9 subtypes were identified from the group of wild birds’ isolates. All isolates contained the ESEV sequence at the C-terminus of the NS1 protein and the full-length reading frame for the PB1-F2 protein. The replacement of N66S in PB1-F2 was found in six strains. However, the presence of the ESEV sequence (ligand of PDZ domain) in the NS1 virus protein and the N66S substitution in PB1-F2 did not lead to the pathogenicity of these viruses for mice. All isolates demonstrated high yield growth in chicken embryos and were infectious and immunogenic for mice, but did not induce any clinical symptoms.Forty-two strains of avian influenza viruses were isolated from the wild waterfowls’ feces in the city of Moscow. These viruses, as well as reference strains and some experimental reassortants, were analyzed by microarrays. The microarrays contained 176 probes to the different segments of influenza virus genome. The microarray helps to determine 1) the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase proteins subtype; 2) the primary structure of the C-terminal sequence of the viral NS1 protein, which serves as a ligand for the PDZ domain; 3) the presence of stop codons in the reading frame of PB1-F2 as well as the N66S substitution in the PB1-F2 viral protein; 4) the presence of the polybasic site for hemagglutinin cleavage. The viruses of the H3N1, H3N6, H3N8, H4N6, H1N1, H5N3, and H11N9 subtypes were identified from the group of wild birds’ isolates. All isolates contained the ESEV sequence at the C-terminus of the NS1 protein and the full-length reading frame for the PB1-F2 protein. The replacement of N66S in PB1-F2 was found in six strains. However, the presence of the ESEV sequence (ligand of PDZ domain) in the NS1 virus protein and the N66S substitution in PB1-F2 did not lead to the pathogenicity of these viruses for mice. All isolates demonstrated high yield growth in chicken embryos and were infectious and immunogenic for mice, but did not induce any clinical symptoms

    Трудности диагностики детского мультисистемного воспалительного синдрома, ассоциированного с COVID-19, в сочетании с ранней стадией первичной инфекции, вызванной вирусом Эпштейна-Барр

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    Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) associated with COVID-19 is a rare life-threatening immunopathological complication of COVID-19 that develops 1-6 weeks after the acute coronavirus infection. MIS-C is characterized by fever and multiorgan inflammation.We present a clinical case of a 10-year-old boy with skin lesions at the onset of MIS-C (erythematous malar rash, lacelike rash on the trunk and extremities and petechiae) with macrophage activation syndrome development and the early stage of primary Epstein-Barr virus infection (EBV infection) which required the exclusion of X-linked lymphoproliferative disease.This clinical case demonstrates the complexity of diagnosis in MIS-C with skin manifestations at the onset of the disease, especially with concurrent activation of other infections, particularly EBV infection.Детский мультисистемный воспалительный синдром (ДМВС), ассоциированный с COVID-19 — это редкое жизнеугрожающее иммунопатологическое осложнение, развивающееся через 1-6 недель после перенесенной новой коронавирусной инфекции, протекающее с лихорадкой и мультиорганным воспалением.В статье представлено клиническое наблюдение мальчика в возрасте 10 лет с поражением кожи в дебюте ДМВС в виде полиморфной сыпи (эритема на щеках, сыпь в виде кружевного рисунка на туловище и конечностях, петехии), с одновременным обнаружением маркеров ранней стадии первичной инфекции, вызванной вирусом Эпштейна-Барр (ЭБВ), а также развитием гемофагоцитарного синдрома, что потребовало исключения Х-сцепленного лимфопролиферативного синдрома.Данное клиническое наблюдение демонстрирует сложность диагностического поиска при кожных проявлениях в дебюте ДМВС, а также возможность сочетания ДМВС с другими инфекциями, в частности с ЭБВ-инфекцией

    Применение микрочипов для идентификации происхождения генов вирусов гриппа диких птиц

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    Forty-two strains of avian influenza viruses were isolated from the wild waterfowl’s feces in the city of Moscow. These viruses as well as reference strains and some experimental reassortants were analyzed by microarrays. The used microarrays contained 176 probes to the different segments of influenza virus genome. The microarray allows to determine 1) the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase proteins subtype; 2) the primary structure of the C-terminal sequence of the viral NS1 protein, which serves as a ligand for the PDZ domain; 3) the presence of stop codons and substitution N66S in the reading frame of the viral protein PB1-F2; 4) the presence of the polybasic site for hemagglutinin cleavage. The viruses of H3N1, H3N6, H3N8, H4N6, H1N1, H5N3 and H11N9 subtypes were identified from the group of wild bird’s isolates. All isolates contained the ESEV sequence at the C-terminus of the NS1 protein and the full-length reading frame for the PB1-F2 protein. The replacement of N66S in PB1-F2 was found in six strains. However, the presence of ESEV sequence (ligand of PDZ domain) in the NS1 virus protein and the N66S substitution in PB1-F2 did not lead to the pathogenicity of these viruses for mice. All isolates demonstrated high yield growth in chicken embryos, were infectious and immunogenic for mice, but did not induce any clinical symptoms.В черте города Москвы из фекалий диких водоплавающих птиц изолировали 42 штамма вируса гриппа птиц и проанализировали их на микрочипах «Биогрипп», которые содержат 176 зондов к различным участкам генома вирусов гриппа. Микрочип позволяет определять: 1) субтип поверхностных белков гемагглютинина и нейраминидазы; 2) структуру С-концевой последовательности вирусного белка NS1, влияющую на степень ингибирования транскрипции клеточных хозяйских генов, в том числе ответственных за синтез интерферона; 3) наличие стоп-кодонов и мутацию N66S в рамке считывания вирусного белка PB1-F2, 4) наличие полиосновного сайта протеолитического расщепления гемагглютинина. Среди изолятов от диких птиц идентифицированы вирусы гриппа субтипов H3N1, H3N6, H3N8, H4N6, H1N1, H5N3 и H11N9. Все они содержали последовательность ESEV на С-конце белка NS1, полноразмерную рамку считывания для белка PB1-F2. Замена N66S в PB1-F2 обнаружена у шести штаммов. Однако такие маркеры патогенности, как последовательность ESEV (лиганд PDZ-домена) в вирусном белке NS1 и замена N66S PB1-F2 в контексте генома вирусов гриппа диких уток, не делали вирус патогенным для мышей. Все изоляты были высокоурожайны в куриных эмбрионах, инфекционны и иммуногенны для мышей, но не вызывали у этих животных клинических симптомов заболевания

    Response of the ATLAS tile calorimeter prototype to muons

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    A study of high energy muons traversing the ATLAS hadron Tile calorimeter in the barrel region in the energy range between 10 and 300~GeV is presented. Both test beam experimental data and Monte Carlo simulations are given and show good agreement. The Tile calorimeter capability of detecting isolated muons over the above energy range is demonstrated. A signal to background ratio of about 10 is expected for the nominal LHC luminosity (1034cm2sec110^{34} cm^{-2} sec^{-1}). The photoelectron statistics effect in the muon shape response is shown. The e/mip ratio is found to be 0.81±0.03 0.81 \pm 0.03; the e/μ\mu ratio is in the range 0.91 - 0.97. The energy loss of a muon in the calorimeter, dominated by the energy lost in the absorber, can be correlated to the energy loss in the active material. This correlation allows one to correct on an event by event basis the muon energy loss in the calorimeter and therefore reduce the low energy tails in the muon momentum distribution

    A measurement of the energy loss spectrum of 150 GeV muons in iron

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    The energy loss spectrum of 150 GeV muons has been measured with a prototype of the ATLAS hadron calorimeter in the H8 beam of the CERN SPS.\\ The differential probability dP/dvdP/dv per radiation length of a fractional energy loss v=ΔEμ/Eμv = \Delta E_{\mu} / E_{\mu} has been measured in the range v=0.01÷0.95v = 0.01 \div 0.95 ; it is then compared with the theoretical predictions for energy losses due to bremsstrahlung and production of electron-positron pairs or of energetic knock-on electrons.\\ The integrated probability 0.010.95(dP/dv)dv\int_{0.01}^{0.95} (dP/dv) dv is (1.610±0.015stat.±0.105syst.)103(1.610\pm0.015_{stat.}\pm0.105_{syst.})\cdot10^{-3} in agreement with the theoretical predictions of 1.5561031.556\cdot10^{-3} and 1.6191031.619\cdot10^{-3}. %7.8.96 - start Agreement with theory is also found in two intervals of vv where production of electron-positron pairs and knock-on electrons dominates. In the region of bremsstrahlung dominance (v=0.12÷0.95v = 0.12\div0.95) the measured integrated probability (1.160±0.040stat±0.075syst)104(1.160\pm0.040_{stat}\pm0.075_{syst})\cdot 10^{-4} is in agreement with the theoretical value of 1.1851041.185 \cdot 10^{-4} , obtained using Petrukhin and Shestakov's \cite{PS} description of the bremsstrahlung process. The same result is about 3.6 standard deviations (defined as the quadratic sum of statistical and systematic errors) lower than the theoretical prediction of 1.472104 1.472\cdot 10^{-4}, obtained using Tsai's \cite{TS} description of bremsstrahlung

    Технология педагогического управления конфликтами в среде иностранных студентов

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    The article reveals procedure of interaction between the subjects of pedagogical technology, efficiency of pedagogical technology applying and ways to arrange anticonflict activity. The authors studied reasons and types of conflicts and their influence on international students ’ life by means of applyingpredictive methods, observation methods, methods of theoretical analysis and statistic data processing. The paper considers principles of pedagogical management in details. The authors suppose the nature of pedagogical conflict management to lie in correction of contradictions and formation of structurak skills aimed at controlling and managing conflicts.В статье представлен алгоритм взаимодействия субъектов педагогической технологии, условия эффективности ее реализации и способы организации антиконфликтной деятельности. Используя прогностические и обсервационные методы, методы теоретического анализа и статистической обработки данных, авторы изучили причины возникновения и основные виды конфликтов, а также их влияние на жизнедеятельность иностранных студентов. Детально рассматриваются принципы педагогического управления конфликтами. Авторы считают, что сущность педагогического управления конфликтами заключается в коррекции имеющихся противоречий и формировании конструктивных умений координировать и регулировать развитие конфликтной ситуации