16 research outputs found
Slovanský literární svět: kontexty a konfrontace III
Title in English: Slavonic Literary World: Contexts and Confrontations III: Motif of home in Slavonic literatures. Post-conference proceedings “Slavonic Literary World: Contexts and Confrontations III” with the subtitle “Motif of home in Slavonic literatures” consists of 15 papers of doctoral students from 5 European countries. In compliance with the thematic focus of the conference the authors deal with the motif of home in variety of connections, therefore their works bring the new impulses to present state of knowledge and their works illustrates the tendencies and directions of young generation of Slavists
Vladislav Vančura v literárním kontextu 20. století
Title in English: Vladislav Vančura in the Literary Context of the 20th Century On June 23, 2021, it was the 130th anniversary of Vladislav Vančura’s birth, and June 1, 2022, was the 80th anniversary of his death. These anniversaries became the impetus for a collective volume entitled Vladislav Vančura in the Literary Context of the 20th Century. The editor Jiří Poláček approached researchers from various disciplines from literary studies to linguistics and to theatre studies with an appeal to think and rethink the literary and general cultural legacy of this important figure. The book volume by the team of researchers from six Czech universities is an attempt to reflect on the oeuvre by Vančura from the perspective of the current state of knowledge in literary studies and the broader context of the 20th century. The image of Vladislav Vančura within the context of the previous century arises from 15 texts by 15 authors, organized into four thematic blocks
Several comments on the non/for malities of language communication in Czech
Text se zabývá problematikou tzv. formálnosti a neformálnosti v jazykové komunikaci v češtině; cílem je objasnit tento v lingvistice frekventovaný, avšak nikoli jednoznačný koncept. Jsou představeny jeho základní aspekty, např. souvislost s pragmatickou stránkou komunikace, jazykovými a mimojazykovými normami, resp. některými stylovými dichotomiemi. Část textu je věnována i trendu odklánění se od formálnosti (a také od spisovnosti) v situacích dříve či doposud zásadně formálních; poněkud podrobněji popisujeme tento trend v oblasti komunikace mediální.This article deals with the issue of so-called formality and informality in language communication in Czech; the aim is to clarify this frequent but not unambiguous concept. We comment some basic aspects of this concept, e. g. the connection with the pragmatic aspects of communication as well as with language and extra-lingual standards and other stylistic dichotomies. Part of the text follows up the current trend of deflection from formality (as well as from standard Czech) in situations previously or so far fundamentally formal; in more detail we describe this trend in media communication
Podoby a funkce hédonismu, obžerství a opilství v nejnovější české literatuře
The aim of this paper is to describe some of the most distinctive ways of displaying hedonism, gluttony and drunkenness in the Czech literature over the last approximately 15 years. Based on the analysis of the most significant books concerning these themes (e.g. texts by Petr Stančík, Jan Balabán, Emil Hakl, Václav Kahuda, Jáchym Topol and other authors), the author proposes a more detailed typology of the forms of these phenomena in the latest Czech literature, as well as of their specific functions in concrete texts
Several comments on the non/formalities of language communication in Czech
This article deals with the issue of so-called formality and informality in language communication in Czech; the aim is to clarify this frequent but not unambiguous concept. We comment some basic aspects of this concept, e. g. the connection with the pragmatic aspects of communication as well as with language and extra-lingual standards and other stylistic dichotomies. Part of the text follows up the current trend of deflection from formality (as well as from standard Czech) in situations previously or so far fundamentally formal; in more detail we describe this trend in media communication
The Forms and Functions of Hedonism, Gluttony and Drunkenness in the Latest Czech Literature
The aim of this paper is to describe some of the most distinctive ways of displaying hedonism, gluttony and drunkenness in the Czech literature over the last approximately 15 years. Based on the analysis of the most significant books concerning these themes (e.g. texts by Petr Stančík, Jan Balabán, Emil Hakl, Václav Kahuda, Jáchym Topol and other authors), the author proposes a more detailed typology of the forms of these phenomena in the latest Czech literature, as well as of their specific functions in concrete texts